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8/3 was an awful day in this country....
This is not meant to make light of the events. Just an observation:  The Usa homicide rate has been in a steady decline since it peaked in the early 90s while the mass killings has been in a steady increased. 

I dont have an answer to all this.  Without a constitutional amendment youre not going to gain ground on gun ownership. So with that as a known commodity what else could be done to keep guns out of the hands of the crazies?  

Quote: @purplefaithful said:
@suncoastvike said:
I've made it clear. I'm no fan of Trumps often inflammatory rhetoric. Right from the time he started running up till now. However I'm not going to say that his rhetoric is the root cause. These men had sick minds. If it wasn't now with Trump it would be someone else. Maybe lash out at what they viewed as weak and deserving government. My point is the obvious mental illness needed to act on this is the root. What set it off could have been anything.  If not now some other time. 
I think the current regime in Washington has absolutely fertilized the soil for the alt-right, racists (insert more here) and Trump has done nothing to unite - he likes conflict and unease. 

Mental Health care woes & gun control problems in this country? They've been around a long time before this Looney Tune took office. I should have been enjoying John Lennon writing and performing the last 35-40 years too. 

no more so than the previous president emboldened the radical factions on the other side of the issue.  bad shit is coming and it wont be avoided as long as those on either side of the issue continue to point fingers instead of working to fix their own back yard.  you pointing at the right and blaming Trump does what exactly?   The same nothing that me pointing at the left and blaming Obama.   like i posted earlier,  racial problems, gun problems, immigration problems... they have been around for decades,  blaming Trump is about the weakest argument imaginable when we have had ample opportunity by both parties to fix these issues over the last 30 years and all we have accomplished it to allow the machine and the media to drive the general public further and further apart.

Trump is proposing tying stricter gun laws to stricter border control on immigration.   I would do this deal as a conservative.   How about the libs,  would expanded back ground checks to cover all gun transactions (including private and guns shows) be enough of a move to get the left to get on board with stronger border control including a wall?


The El Paso shooter may have been a Trump supporter.  But you know what else he was?  The product of a broken family.  Like the vast majority (26/27 in 2018) of mass shooters, his parents got divorced when he was young.  Over 90% of inmates come from broken homes... as well as 75% of rapists.  There are other stats I could post, but I'm too lazy to do it now.  

Divorce is the one, single thing that the vast majority of shooters have in common.  The Ohio shooter was a staunch Democrat... and an atheist / Satan worshiper.  But- strangely- that didn't get mentioned.  (By the way, his parents were still married, making him the exception to the rule).  But he did commit various "crimes" while in HS that should've not only warned his parents to do something... but also precluded him from being able to buy a gun.

As usual, it APPEARS that the only reason some people care about shooting victims... is to further their political ideology (i.e. "win" a fight).  That is REALLY sad.

Suncoast is correct: it is a mental health issue.  Obviously divorce has a terribly profound- and negative- impact on children.  Not every child who comes out of a divorced family is going to go on a shooting rampage... just as not every Sunday School student (from an intact family) grows up to be a saint.  But clearly there is a correlation here... one that no one wants to confront, because it would mean that our choices- as adults- matter... and can negatively impact our future children.  Acknowledging that would mean that we have- perhaps unintentionally- contributed to these terrible events.  And since no one wants that on their conscience, it is much easier to blame the big, bad orange man.  

I want to know if either of these asshats is on antidepressants and/or other psychopharmacology elements.  There has been something of a pattern.... 

Quote: @JimmyinSD said:
Trump is proposing tying stricter gun laws to stricter border control on immigration.   I would do this deal as a conservative.   How about the libs,  would expanded back ground checks to cover all gun transactions (including private and guns shows) be enough of a move to get the left to get on board with stronger border control including a wall?
If they thought it was an even trade. I doubt it though. Chances are they counter offer. Magazine limits and assault style bans. Which the right would consider just as lopsided. So nothing happens. By the way I feel the expanded background checks should be done already. Including guns shows. I'm sure those even more liberal then me would find your trade offering insulting.

Quote: @JimmyinSD said:
@KingBash said:
"Thoughts and prayers" needs to go away. It solves nothing. 

Here's one of the major problems:

"We cannot allow all of these people to invade our Country [sic - because he's an idiot]. When somebody comes in, we must immediately, with no Judge [sic] or Court Cases [sic], bring them back from where they came. Our system is a mockery to good immigration policy and Law and Order[sic - this isn't the TV show, no need to capitalize, dummy]. Most children come without parents..." - President Baby

THIS guy is a major part of the problem. We have a gun control problem, a mental health problem, but the latest catalyst is a mentally ill narcissistic dick head riling up easily-influenced stupid people. Impeach this fucking guy now. It's only going to get worse. 

There will ALWAYS be stupid people, but we need to collectively work together to stop emboldening them. He's doing it for his ego (and votes). 
good thing once hes out of office it will go back to the way it was before him when there were no gun problems,  no racial issues, no immigration problems,  mental health was dealt with... 

oh wait.  we had all those things before he was elected.
We did, thanks to Republican agendas. And he's made them way worse.

You're not gonna win this one. I'm right and you know it.

Quote: @pumpf said:

The El Paso shooter may have been a Trump supporter.  But you know what else he was?  The product of a broken family.  Like the vast majority (26/27 in 2018) of mass shooters, his parents got divorced when he was young.  Over 90% of inmates come from broken homes... as well as 75% of rapists.  There are other stats I could post, but I'm too lazy to do it now.  

Divorce is the one, single thing that the vast majority of shooters have in common.  The Ohio shooter was a staunch Democrat... and an atheist / Satan worshiper.  But- strangely- that didn't get mentioned.  (By the way, his parents were still married, making him the exception to the rule).  But he did commit various "crimes" while in HS that should've not only warned his parents to do something... but also precluded him from being able to buy a gun.

As usual, it APPEARS that the only reason some people care about shooting victims... is to further their political ideology (i.e. "win" a fight).  That is REALLY sad.

Suncoast is correct: it is a mental health issue.  Obviously divorce has a terribly profound- and negative- impact on children.  Not every child who comes out of a divorced family is going to go on a shooting rampage... just as not every Sunday School student (from an intact family) grows up to be a saint.  But clearly there is a correlation here... one that no one wants to confront, because it would mean that our choices- as adults- matter... and can negatively impact our future children.  Acknowledging that would mean that we have- perhaps unintentionally- contributed to these terrible events.  And since no one wants that on their conscience, it is much easier to blame the big, bad orange man.  
Unbelievable. So you just LEAVE OUT the part where he talks about the hispanic invasion of Texas, building the wall, defending Trump...and blame it on...divorce? Man, you are a piece of work. 


Quote: @pumpf said:

The El Paso shooter may have been a Trump supporter.  But you know what else he was?  The product of a broken family.  Like the vast majority (26/27 in 2018) of mass shooters, his parents got divorced when he was young.  Over 90% of inmates come from broken homes... as well as 75% of rapists.  There are other stats I could post, but I'm too lazy to do it now.  

Divorce is the one, single thing that the vast majority of shooters have in common.  The Ohio shooter was a staunch Democrat... and an atheist / Satan worshiper.  But- strangely- that didn't get mentioned.  (By the way, his parents were still married, making him the exception to the rule).  But he did commit various "crimes" while in HS that should've not only warned his parents to do something... but also precluded him from being able to buy a gun.

As usual, it APPEARS that the only reason some people care about shooting victims... is to further their political ideology (i.e. "win" a fight).  That is REALLY sad.

Suncoast is correct: it is a mental health issue.  Obviously divorce has a terribly profound- and negative- impact on children.  Not every child who comes out of a divorced family is going to go on a shooting rampage... just as not every Sunday School student (from an intact family) grows up to be a saint.  But clearly there is a correlation here... one that no one wants to confront, because it would mean that our choices- as adults- matter... and can negatively impact our future children.  Acknowledging that would mean that we have- perhaps unintentionally- contributed to these terrible events.  And since no one wants that on their conscience, it is much easier to blame the big, bad orange man.  
You're such a fake Christian. You'll support separating children from their parents at the border because, as you said, laws are laws. But when a right-wing fuck shoots up a public place, you find out he's a Trump supporter and go on the defensive.

Fuck you, man.

Quote: @suncoastvike said:
@JimmyinSD said:
Trump is proposing tying stricter gun laws to stricter border control on immigration.   I would do this deal as a conservative.   How about the libs,  would expanded back ground checks to cover all gun transactions (including private and guns shows) be enough of a move to get the left to get on board with stronger border control including a wall?
If they thought it was an even trade. I doubt it though. Chances are they counter offer. Magazine limits and assault style bans. Which the right would consider just as lopsided. So nothing happens. By the way I feel the expanded background checks should be done already. Including guns shows. I'm sure those even more liberal then me would find your trade offering insulting.
I agree on the back ground checks,  but I also think our southern border situation should have been dealt with decades ago as well.

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