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BLM: "Black Lives Matter", right?
Quote: @IDVikingfan said:
I've read the allegation of treason but what has he done?  It was a sham impeachment.
Obstruction of justice for starters.  Asked foreign countries to give him help to win elections, both Russia and Ukraine.  Has fired FOUR Inspector Generals without giving any reason because they were trying to perform oversight on his administration, and he just fired a US District Attorney from SDNY who was investigating him and Rudy G.  His blatant disregard for oversight and checks and balances coupled with a complicit GOP Congress and a rogue Attorney General in William Barr has only emboldened his corruption.

John Bolton’s recent interview and book just verified all of this.  Mueller Report even said they all suspected Trump’s written answers were full of lies and that evidence had been buried and destroyed.

The reql sham was the Senate refusing to hear any evidence, hear any witnesses testify or issue any subpoenas.  They didn’t even attempt to honor their oath and had made up their minds before impeachment ever started.


Obstruction of justice was not proven nor is it treasonous.

The House in complete fairness (sarc) allowed no defense and selectively chose which questions they allowed from GOP.  Kept some testimony under wraps which refutes some of the testimony before the senate.

The house presented their case before the senate for how many days adnaseum?  The house needed to develop their case before presenting to the senate, not expect the senate to do their work for them.

I'll admit after these proceedings, I was embarrassed to have ever voted for a democrat.


Quote: @Zanary said:
@MaroonBells said:
@Zanary said:
@MaroonBells said:
Of course one of their goals is to remove Trump. It should be the goal of every thinking person in America. 
As should be the removal of the "main" parties, which have been treasonous trash for generations...but hey, we still let 'em waste our money and kill our kids.

Obama was treasonous? Bush 1, 2? Clinton? Reagan? No, of course not. There is nothing equivalent to Trumpism in American history. It will be studied for centuries 

Seriously, kids...when they decided not to run the "immigrant cage" pics under Obama (when the pics were taken) but did so under Trump...any functional person could see just what clickbait s**t the modern media and the modern left had become.

If that's what one wants to see. But then there's always the "truth," which Trump supporters don't seem to have the time for.

No one "decided not to run" the 2014 photos. They appeared in AP. But there's a huge difference here that you're ignoring. The Obama cages were for children being held until their parents could be found and reunited with them. The Trump cages were for children being held specifically in order to separate them from their parents. Separation was their admitted policy of deterrence. 

Pretty significant difference in how one views a picture of a child in a cage, wouldn't you say? 

Quote: @SFVikeFan said:
@IDVikingfan said:
I've read the allegation of treason but what has he done?  It was a sham impeachment.
Obstruction of justice for starters.  Asked foreign countries to give him help to win elections, both Russia and Ukraine.  Has fired FOUR Inspector Generals without giving any reason because they were trying to perform oversight on his administration, and he just fired a US District Attorney from SDNY who was investigating him and Rudy G.  His blatant disregard for oversight and checks and balances coupled with a complicit GOP Congress and a rogue Attorney General in William Barr has only emboldened his corruption.

John Bolton’s recent interview and book just verified all of this.  Mueller Report even said they all suspected Trump’s written answers were full of lies and that evidence had been buried and destroyed.

The reql sham was the Senate refusing to hear any evidence, hear any witnesses testify or issue any subpoenas.  They didn’t even attempt to honor their oath and had made up their minds before impeachment ever started.

So, just so we're clear: John Bolton is your source for validating your view of things?

As for the other comments regarding Mueller report, the Senate, etc... I won't comment because I'm fairly certain that your mind isn't going to change, no matter what facts are presented.  I'm just curious if you think that Bolton is a reliable source.

Quote: @MaroonBells said:
@Zanary said:
@MaroonBells said:
@Zanary said:
@MaroonBells said:
Of course one of their goals is to remove Trump. It should be the goal of every thinking person in America. 
As should be the removal of the "main" parties, which have been treasonous trash for generations...but hey, we still let 'em waste our money and kill our kids.

Obama was treasonous? Bush 1, 2? Clinton? Reagan? No, of course not. There is nothing equivalent to Trumpism in American history. It will be studied for centuries 

Seriously, kids...when they decided not to run the "immigrant cage" pics under Obama (when the pics were taken) but did so under Trump...any functional person could see just what clickbait s**t the modern media and the modern left had become.

If that's what one wants to see. But then there's always the "truth," which Trump supporters don't seem to have the time for.

No one "decided not to run" the 2014 photos. They appeared in AP. But there's a huge difference here that you're ignoring. The Obama cages were for children being held until their parents could be found and reunited with them. The Trump cages were for children being held specifically in order to separate them from their parents. Separation was their admitted policy of deterrence. 

Pretty significant difference in how one views a picture of a child in a cage, wouldn't you say? 
Your ability to "spin" things is amazing.  I'm just curious if you actually believe the things you post... or are you just being oppositional for the fun of it?

Quote: @pumpf said:
@SFVikeFan said:
@IDVikingfan said:
I've read the allegation of treason but what has he done?  It was a sham impeachment.
Obstruction of justice for starters.  Asked foreign countries to give him help to win elections, both Russia and Ukraine.  Has fired FOUR Inspector Generals without giving any reason because they were trying to perform oversight on his administration, and he just fired a US District Attorney from SDNY who was investigating him and Rudy G.  His blatant disregard for oversight and checks and balances coupled with a complicit GOP Congress and a rogue Attorney General in William Barr has only emboldened his corruption.

John Bolton’s recent interview and book just verified all of this.  Mueller Report even said they all suspected Trump’s written answers were full of lies and that evidence had been buried and destroyed.

The reql sham was the Senate refusing to hear any evidence, hear any witnesses testify or issue any subpoenas.  They didn’t even attempt to honor their oath and had made up their minds before impeachment ever started.

So, just so we're clear: John Bolton is your source for validating your view of things?

As for the other comments regarding Mueller report, the Senate, etc... I won't comment because I'm fairly certain that your mind isn't going to change, no matter what facts are presented.  I'm just curious if you think that Bolton is a reliable source.
You think Bolton is the ONLY source?

General Mattis?  Gen. John Kelly?  Marie Yovanovitch?  Col. Vindman?  Kurt Volker?  Fiona Hill?

There’s a fuckload of witnesses who testified UNDER OATH.  

And what do you have?  The administration’s trained lemmings who wouldn’t testify under oath? 

I find it fucking hysterical you trust these liars in office to be a more reliable source than career civil servants and military personnel who don’t have a track record of lying like Trump and his staff.

So tell me Pumpf, don’t you find it an awful big coincidence that dozens of people who once served under Trump before quitting or being fired ALL say the same thing?  

That he is “unqualified, erratic, ignorant of history and facts, makes national security and policy decisions that serve HIM and his re-election chances and not the best interest of the country?”  

Literally everyone else EXCEPT Trump is lying??  The guy who accused Obama of being born in Kenya?  That he forged his birth certificate?  This guy is your beacon of truth?  

It’s insane to me and the rest of the non-brainwashed faction of America how you can be so naive and oblivious to actual facts and reality and have the balls to accuse others of believing falsehoods by those who quit the circus “when facts are presented”.

By all means, present your “facts”.   What makes Trump a reliable source but the dozens of others in addition to Bolton are all liars?


Quote: @pumpf said:

Your ability to "spin" things is amazing.  I'm just curious if you actually believe the things you post... or are you just being oppositional for the fun of it?
It is why arguing here is useless.  Hysterical or irrational responses dominate from the left

Quote: @SFVikeFan said:
@pumpf said:
@SFVikeFan said:
@IDVikingfan said:
I've read the allegation of treason but what has he done?  It was a sham impeachment.
Obstruction of justice for starters.  Asked foreign countries to give him help to win elections, both Russia and Ukraine.  Has fired FOUR Inspector Generals without giving any reason because they were trying to perform oversight on his administration, and he just fired a US District Attorney from SDNY who was investigating him and Rudy G.  His blatant disregard for oversight and checks and balances coupled with a complicit GOP Congress and a rogue Attorney General in William Barr has only emboldened his corruption.

John Bolton’s recent interview and book just verified all of this.  Mueller Report even said they all suspected Trump’s written answers were full of lies and that evidence had been buried and destroyed.

The reql sham was the Senate refusing to hear any evidence, hear any witnesses testify or issue any subpoenas.  They didn’t even attempt to honor their oath and had made up their minds before impeachment ever started.

So, just so we're clear: John Bolton is your source for validating your view of things?

As for the other comments regarding Mueller report, the Senate, etc... I won't comment because I'm fairly certain that your mind isn't going to change, no matter what facts are presented.  I'm just curious if you think that Bolton is a reliable source.
You think Bolton is the ONLY source?

General Mattis?  Gen. John Kelly?  Marie Yovanovitch?  Col. Vindman?  Kurt Volker?  Fiona Hill?

There’s a fuckload of witnesses who testified UNDER OATH.  

"Frickload".  Is that a lot? 

Did Gen's Mattis & Kelly testify under oath?  ( I agree they don't like Trump, now.  And that's not good.  Especially Kelly. )  
So...minus them, that leaves 4 Obama appointee hold-overs? 
(Honestly forgive me, if Mattis & Kelly have kvetched under may have happened & I missed it....I try to keep up)

Bolton is getting raked over the coals, by both sides.  Lambasted by Trumper's for being a greedy opportunist. 
Lambasted by liberals, as being a life-long neo-con, and not testifying during impeachment. 
The 'lambasters' I identify with, are those that lambaste Bolton for puking  classified information regarding a sitting POTUS. 

I will admit, it's a bit embarrassing, as Trump (at one time) trusted him.  

This is what Bolton's Chief of Staff (fellow witness to history) had to say:

"But the turning point according to Fleitz (Bolton Chief of Staff) was when Trump decided not to bomb Iran as Bolton wanted.
Quote:Recalling when Trump decided not to attack Iran after a U.S. drone was shot down because “we would have killed 100-200 people,” Fleitz called it a “principled decision.”
“This was not to win votes,” he said. “This wasn’t to promote the president domestically. It reflected the presidents’s principle not to get America into additional wars. And it was an act of leadership, because he bucked all of his national security advisors, Pompeo, the Secretary of Defense, so when we hear that the president does not have principles, he’s not qualified to lead, this incident that Bolton puts forward as the turning point for his relationship with President Trump in my mind it disproves the whole book.”
He said Bolton couldn’t figure out to work with the president and that the job of an adviser is to implement the president’s policies, not his own policies.
It’s all about sensationalism for his book. It’s long since time that people stop being played."

^^ Imagine that.  Trump took a 'stand' on (not) bombing Iran (civilian collaterals) ...contrary (nuke 'em!)  to Bolton & Pompeo & many others.... and the liberal MSM is taking Bolton's side.  
Interesting times. 


Quote: @greediron said:
@pumpf said:

Your ability to "spin" things is amazing.  I'm just curious if you actually believe the things you post... or are you just being oppositional for the fun of it?
It is why arguing here is useless.  Hysterical or irrational responses dominate from the left
What did I say that was hysterical, irrational, or factually incorrect?

Propping up a man who has lied more than any politician in history and accusing everyone else of being liars is pretty fucking irrational but for some reason it makes sense to you.



Quote: @savannahskol said:
@SFVikeFan said:
@pumpf said:
@SFVikeFan said:
@IDVikingfan said:
I've read the allegation of treason but what has he done?  It was a sham impeachment.
Obstruction of justice for starters.  Asked foreign countries to give him help to win elections, both Russia and Ukraine.  Has fired FOUR Inspector Generals without giving any reason because they were trying to perform oversight on his administration, and he just fired a US District Attorney from SDNY who was investigating him and Rudy G.  His blatant disregard for oversight and checks and balances coupled with a complicit GOP Congress and a rogue Attorney General in William Barr has only emboldened his corruption.

John Bolton’s recent interview and book just verified all of this.  Mueller Report even said they all suspected Trump’s written answers were full of lies and that evidence had been buried and destroyed.

The reql sham was the Senate refusing to hear any evidence, hear any witnesses testify or issue any subpoenas.  They didn’t even attempt to honor their oath and had made up their minds before impeachment ever started.

So, just so we're clear: John Bolton is your source for validating your view of things?

As for the other comments regarding Mueller report, the Senate, etc... I won't comment because I'm fairly certain that your mind isn't going to change, no matter what facts are presented.  I'm just curious if you think that Bolton is a reliable source.
You think Bolton is the ONLY source?

General Mattis?  Gen. John Kelly?  Marie Yovanovitch?  Col. Vindman?  Kurt Volker?  Fiona Hill?

There’s a fuckload of witnesses who testified UNDER OATH.  

"Frickload".  Is that a lot? 

Did Gen's Mattis & Kelly testify under oath?  ( I agree they don't like Trump, now.  And that's not good.  Especially Kelly. )  
So...minus them, that leaves 4 Obama appointee hold-overs? 
(Honestly forgive me, if Mattis & Kelly have kvetched under may have happened & I missed it....I try to keep up)

Bolton is getting raked over the coals, by both sides.  Lambasted by Trumper's for being a greedy opportunist. 
Lambasted by liberals, as being a life-long neo-con, and not testifying during impeachment. 
The 'lambasters' I identify with, are those that lambaste Bolton for puking  classified information regarding a sitting POTUS. 

I will admit, it's a bit embarrassing, as Trump (at one time) trusted him.  

This is what Bolton's Chief of Staff (fellow witness to history) had to say:

"But the turning point according to Fleitz (Bolton Chief of Staff) was when Trump decided not to bomb Iran as Bolton wanted.
Quote:Recalling when Trump decided not to attack Iran after a U.S. drone was shot down because “we would have killed 100-200 people,” Fleitz called it a “principled decision.”
“This was not to win votes,” he said. “This wasn’t to promote the president domestically. It reflected the presidents’s principle not to get America into additional wars. And it was an act of leadership, because he bucked all of his national security advisors, Pompeo, the Secretary of Defense, so when we hear that the president does not have principles, he’s not qualified to lead, this incident that Bolton puts forward as the turning point for his relationship with President Trump in my mind it disproves the whole book.”
He said Bolton couldn’t figure out to work with the president and that the job of an adviser is to implement the president’s policies, not his own policies.
It’s all about sensationalism for his book. It’s long since time that people stop being played."

^^ Imagine that.  Trump took a 'stand' on (not) bombing Iran (civilian collaterals) ...contrary (nuke 'em!)  to Bolton & Pompeo & many others.... and the liberal MSM is taking Bolton's side.  
Interesting times. 

So Bolton’s foreign policy goals differed from Trump ....

So how again does that negate everything in his book?  

Bolton’s statement in the Ukraine fiasco was lock step with the witnesses who testified under oath.  Trump wanted dirt on Biden and withheld aid until Ukraine agreed to investigate.  Everyone knew:  Pence, Barr and the rest of the chicken shits who refused to testify under oath - surpise.

Just remember the GOP official stance on Ukraine:

1). First there was no quid pro quo

2.) Ok there was a quid pro quo but it’s okay if Trump asked for it because he just wanted to root out corruption LMAO

Who are the real liars again?  Let’s see:

We never met any Russians, no collusion!
Ok we met Russians but only to discuss adoptions
Ok we met Russians not for adoptions but to get dirt on Hillary
Ok we tried to get dirt on Hillary but collusion is not illegal

You have to be either high or fucking retarded to not see Trump and his lackeys constantly changing their story when evidence and facts come out ... it’s called LYING

“But Bolton made up stories to sell a book blah blah blah”

Let’s see how many of these stories will be verified from other witnesses.  Do I think all of them are 100% true?  Of course not.

But do you seriously think 100% of them are all false?   Of course you do!  That’s what makes you boys a case study for psychologists for the next few centuries.


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