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25th Amendment
Quote: @SFVikeFan said:
Well folks there you have it.  The lowest of the low for the bar to be set at:  Trump spouting conspiracy theories that led to encouraging an attempted coup that killed 4.

You boys finally did it!  Rock bottom for the rightwing has now been reached.   Would you like to denounce this anti-American violent bullshit, or are you going to see if you can slink under that bar and just stay silent?

24 hours later and no Savannah, Greed, Jimmy or anyone from the right to condemn this fucking treason.  It just shows where their morals and alliances were all along .... 
At the bold...
Pick your excuse from below:
1. Too busy they have not had a moment to stop by.
2. Waiting for all the "facts" to come out. How do we know what we are seeing on the mainstream media is true?
3. Waiting for the conspiracy theory to be formed so they can have material to back their reasons for denial. You know... it was Fascist ANTIFA (or should I say Fascist Anti Fascists) that did the invasion not Trump supporters.
4. The Democrats have made this place toxic for any "meaningful" discourse
5. Trump did nothing wrong and there is nothing to see here so there is nothing to say.

Calling out posters wont get us anywhere positive...  <3

I'm at the front of the Trump is a POS line, but I'm more inclined to lean towards Biden and Collin Powell on this whole issue of Amendment 25 & Impeachment.

There is just 13 days left, it aint going to do the country any good at this point. 

Insert "shrug" emoji. 

Awwww there’s Jimmy with a cutesy laughing emoji, because it’s such a humorous topic.  Way to contribute Jimmy!  

I guess our expectations that some of you would come here to condemn what happened, fell short.  

This is honestly the microcosm of why this country will forever be permanently scarred by Donald Trump and his sad, treasonous legacy that resulted in him encouraging a failed coup attempt that killed 5 people.    

I don’t know if it’s pride or stubborness but I refuse to believe you guys all fell down the Trumpy rabbit holes that deep .... AGR made it out alive, what’s the deal?


Quote: @mblack said:
@SFVikeFan said:
Well folks there you have it.  The lowest of the low for the bar to be set at:  Trump spouting conspiracy theories that led to encouraging an attempted coup that killed 4.

You boys finally did it!  Rock bottom for the rightwing has now been reached.   Would you like to denounce this anti-American violent bullshit, or are you going to see if you can slink under that bar and just stay silent?

24 hours later and no Savannah, Greed, Jimmy or anyone from the right to condemn this fucking treason.  It just shows where their morals and alliances were all along .... 
At the bold...
Pick your excuse from below:
1. Too busy they have not had a moment to stop by.
2. Waiting for all the "facts" to come out. How do we know what we are seeing on the mainstream media is true?
3. Waiting for the conspiracy theory to be formed so they can have material to back their reasons for denial. You know... it was Fascist ANTIFA (or should I say Fascist Anti Fascists) that did the invasion not Trump supporters.
4. The Democrats have made this place toxic for any "meaningful" discourse
5. Trump did nothing wrong and there is nothing to see here so there is nothing to say.
How about complaining about current events on a sports blog accomplishes exactly nothing?  I condemned riots this summer/fall and condemn yesterday's activity.  I am fine with a peaceful demonstrations.  Not a Trump fan and never have been.   He has made way too many bad moves in the last four years. He did win a legit election in 2016 so I accepted him as the POTUS.  I will do the same for Biden even though I'm not a big fan of his either...

Quote: @SFVikeFan said:
Awwww there’s Jimmy with a cutesy laughing emoji, because it’s such a humorous topic.  Way to contribute Jimmy!  

I guess our expectations that some of you would come here to condemn what happened, fell short.  

This is honestly the microcosm of why this country will forever be permanently scarred by Donald Trump and his sad, treasonous legacy that resulted in him encouraging a failed coup attempt that killed 5 people.    

I don’t know if it’s pride or stubborness but I refuse to believe you guys all fell down the Trumpy rabbit holes that deep .... AGR made it out alive, what’s the deal?
If people can't condemn Trump over this, they are lost, hopeless causes. Brain-washed and small minded. Zero use for any of them if they don't see it.

Quote: @purplefaithful said:
Calling out posters wont get us anywhere positive...  <3

I'm at the front of the Trump is a POS line, but I'm more inclined to lean towards Biden and Collin Powell on this whole issue of Amendment 25 & Impeachment.

There is just 13 days left, it aint going to do the country any good at this point. 

Insert "shrug" emoji. 
I absolutely disagree. For the past four years,, they have been ready to jump in defense of Trump and offer all sorts of far fetched explanations and excuses in support of Trump. They can't conveniently disappear today when things boil over. They found time and energy to fight for Trump here so I M sorry to disagree with you. They should either
1. Come out and defend Trump as they have done vigorously the past four years 
2. Call him out and try to change history that they never liked him
3. Call him out and admit they were wrong

Staying quiet or hiding behind like emojis is a display of cowardice... 

Their behavior is very similar to politicians (in this case Republicans) we call out who today pretend they did not see this coming or did not think it would go this least the politicians have said something even though they lied. We atleast know what they are - serial liars who would lie at any cost to protect themselves.


Quote: @IDVikingfan said:
@mblack said:
@SFVikeFan said:
Well folks there you have it.  The lowest of the low for the bar to be set at:  Trump spouting conspiracy theories that led to encouraging an attempted coup that killed 4.

You boys finally did it!  Rock bottom for the rightwing has now been reached.   Would you like to denounce this anti-American violent bullshit, or are you going to see if you can slink under that bar and just stay silent?

24 hours later and no Savannah, Greed, Jimmy or anyone from the right to condemn this fucking treason.  It just shows where their morals and alliances were all along .... 
At the bold...
Pick your excuse from below:
1. Too busy they have not had a moment to stop by.
2. Waiting for all the "facts" to come out. How do we know what we are seeing on the mainstream media is true?
3. Waiting for the conspiracy theory to be formed so they can have material to back their reasons for denial. You know... it was Fascist ANTIFA (or should I say Fascist Anti Fascists) that did the invasion not Trump supporters.
4. The Democrats have made this place toxic for any "meaningful" discourse
5. Trump did nothing wrong and there is nothing to see here so there is nothing to say.
How about complaining about current events on a sports blog accomplishes exactly nothing?  I condemned riots this summer/fall and condemn yesterday's activity.  I am fine with a peaceful demonstrations.  Not a Trump fan and never have been.   He has made way too many bad moves in the last four years. He did win a legit election in 2016 so I accepted him as the POTUS.  I will do the same for Biden even though I'm not a big fan of his either...
At the bold...

I wonder why they did not think of that for the past years they have been supporting or enabling Trump.
Also why did you complain about current events or condemn riots in the past on a sports blog when it would accomplish nothing? You did not have a problem doing that before right?
How convenient your "enlightening" take only manifests itself when their backs are against the wall.
The bold part is just as irrelevant as the recent cabinet "resignations". 

Quote: @IDVikingfan said:
@mblack said:
@SFVikeFan said:
Well folks there you have it.  The lowest of the low for the bar to be set at:  Trump spouting conspiracy theories that led to encouraging an attempted coup that killed 4.

You boys finally did it!  Rock bottom for the rightwing has now been reached.   Would you like to denounce this anti-American violent bullshit, or are you going to see if you can slink under that bar and just stay silent?

24 hours later and no Savannah, Greed, Jimmy or anyone from the right to condemn this fucking treason.  It just shows where their morals and alliances were all along .... 
At the bold...
Pick your excuse from below:
1. Too busy they have not had a moment to stop by.
2. Waiting for all the "facts" to come out. How do we know what we are seeing on the mainstream media is true?
3. Waiting for the conspiracy theory to be formed so they can have material to back their reasons for denial. You know... it was Fascist ANTIFA (or should I say Fascist Anti Fascists) that did the invasion not Trump supporters.
4. The Democrats have made this place toxic for any "meaningful" discourse
5. Trump did nothing wrong and there is nothing to see here so there is nothing to say.
How about complaining about current events on a sports blog accomplishes exactly nothing?  I condemned riots this summer/fall and condemn yesterday's activity.  I am fine with a peaceful demonstrations.  Not a Trump fan and never have been.   He has made way too many bad moves in the last four years. He did win a legit election in 2016 so I accepted him as the POTUS.  I will do the same for Biden even though I'm not a big fan of his either...
At the bold...
I will summarize this for you so you don't paint your inaccurate uninformed opinion with a broad brush next time...

1. No Trump did not. Every agency (including those he appointed his supporters to lead) said there was interference.
2. The Trump campaign was found to have been in contact with foreign powers influencing the elections, aware of foreign interference and never reported it, and engaged in unethical and questionable dealings during the run up to the elections.
3. Courts (some led by Trump appointed judges) found people guilty for election law violations and other malpractices regarding the 2016 elections
4. Trump claimed there was widespread fraud against him. No evidence was found

1. No official body has said there was any interference/fraud (including agencies he appointed his supporters to lead). 
2. Biden campaign has not been entangled in any malicious activities about the elections let alone in contact with foreign adversaries. The biggest claim is from PA about election laws that were enacted by guess who? The Republicans
3. No court (some led by Trump appointed judges) found any proof of irregularities in the election in over 60 cases filed.
4. Trump claimed there was wide spread fraud against him. No evidence has yet been found 

The only thing similar between 2016 and 2020 are the lies being told by Trump that there was fraud. There was none (at least till date as I am trying to keep an open mind to be convinced differently).

So please don't use Biden to justify your support for Trump's "win" in 2016.  Your bold statement above is a lies so please stop with the falsehoods. 


Day 2 of radio silence.

And they wonder why they were called deplorables.  Whatever values, morals and standards they had just got sucked out the window of the Trump Train when it went off the rails and crashed.  

You’re no longer “conservatives”
You’re no longer a platform for family values
You’re no longer the party of law and order
You no longer care about the Constitution
You’re no longer embracing Christian values or teachings
You no longer have any interest in truth or facts, just whitewashed propaganda from your masters

I hope your blind, undying allegiance to the carnival barker con man was worth it.  History will not be kind to Trump or his supporters, and his legacy is now fixed as the modern Benedict Arnold, the President who encouraged an assault on the capitol that led to multiple deaths all because of his ego.

You want to own that, help yourselves.  I still can’t believe you guys refuse to speak up.

Whether you like it or not, this country is moving on without you.  Adios.

Quote: @mblack said:
@IDVikingfan said:
@mblack said:
@SFVikeFan said:
Well folks there you have it.  The lowest of the low for the bar to be set at:  Trump spouting conspiracy theories that led to encouraging an attempted coup that killed 4.

You boys finally did it!  Rock bottom for the rightwing has now been reached.   Would you like to denounce this anti-American violent bullshit, or are you going to see if you can slink under that bar and just stay silent?

24 hours later and no Savannah, Greed, Jimmy or anyone from the right to condemn this fucking treason.  It just shows where their morals and alliances were all along .... 
At the bold...
Pick your excuse from below:
1. Too busy they have not had a moment to stop by.
2. Waiting for all the "facts" to come out. How do we know what we are seeing on the mainstream media is true?
3. Waiting for the conspiracy theory to be formed so they can have material to back their reasons for denial. You know... it was Fascist ANTIFA (or should I say Fascist Anti Fascists) that did the invasion not Trump supporters.
4. The Democrats have made this place toxic for any "meaningful" discourse
5. Trump did nothing wrong and there is nothing to see here so there is nothing to say.
How about complaining about current events on a sports blog accomplishes exactly nothing?  I condemned riots this summer/fall and condemn yesterday's activity.  I am fine with a peaceful demonstrations.  Not a Trump fan and never have been.   He has made way too many bad moves in the last four years. He did win a legit election in 2016 so I accepted him as the POTUS.  I will do the same for Biden even though I'm not a big fan of his either...
At the bold...

I wonder why they did not think of that for the past years they have been supporting or enabling Trump.
Also why did you complain about current events or condemn riots in the past on a sports blog when it would accomplish nothing? You did not have a problem doing that before right?
How convenient your "enlightening" take only manifests itself when their backs are against the wall.
The bold part is just as irrelevant as the recent cabinet "resignations". 
And of course, complaining about current events on a sports board accomplishes nothing, even when I did it!  

I think there is plenty of condemnation going on in all the media forms, no real need to add my voice.  Conservatives were being called out on this forum for not condemning the actions of the President and the riot in DC.  I do and have in my personal world of influence and did condemn on this forum.  Sorry if I did not do it well enough or complete enough for you or others.  I'm sure you will survive.

My son is very liberal and I'm conservative.  We have long conversations about all manner of issues while being respectful of opinions and persons.  Frankly, I'd much rather discuss issues with my son over beers than expend effort to participate heavily in a political forum.  With that, I'm out as I never intended to become involved in a long discussion.

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