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The Start of the Russian Hoax

Did SF take his 6 months off?  He doesn’t have to.  We never shook. 

President Obama, we would like you to come to our offices.  We have a few questions for you.  

still waiting for the Bombshells from the left

Quote: @A1Janitor said:
Must watch.  The new IG report destroys this.  

I don’t know how to get links to work here - so i will put spaces in so you can get the address if the link doesn’t show. It is twitter.

https:// twitter .com/lizrnc/status/1205286321742323713?s=21
what part of the IG report destroys what she said?

Are you suggesting Russians didn’t try to meddle in our elections in favor  of Trump?

What did I miss?  

I saw that Rudy got thrown under the bus by Trump today, and his boy Parnas just admitted to taking a million from a Ukrainian oligarch.

I thought Rudy said he was working for Trump.  Trump changed his story today and said Rudy was working “for the love of the country”

LMAO!   Look out Rudy Colludy!

Worst thing about liars they can never get their story straight.

Quote: @A1Janitor said:
@Vanguard83 said:
Maybe Ill try finding a politics forum so we can talk football.

Christ Almighty people...
Wow.  This forum is hidden and only people who want to read it can.  

Our President is being impeached as we speak. The IG report just came out and said the Obama DOJ and FBI created a fake hoax to take down the president.  Spygate was true. 

And you think this one of the only threads I have ever created hurts your sensibilities?  Get real. 

Ignore it. 
What is the bombshell here?

It’s the FISA app for ONE guy, Carter Page.  According to Trump himself he was a nobody.

Carter Page has nothing to do with crimes committed by Gates, Manafort, Flynn and Stone all getting frog marched off to prison.  Carter Page was also not the reason the investigation started - that is also part of the IG report that you either didn’t read nor understand.  Typical.  

I am not seeing the reason for your victory dance, maybe you should read your own articles before posting them.  Whooo-hooo Page exonerated therefore everyone must be innocent and Obama did it



I told you patience.  

Indictments are coming.  When the FISA applications come out it is over.  

Carter Page in Mueller report and on FISA applications was working with Russians.  

Yup.  He was with the CIA.  Spying on Russians for USA.  And they knew he was CIA but pretended he wasn’t.  

It is all a hoax.  A coup.  

To cover up the real interference in the election ... Ukraine.  Bought and paid for by FBI and DNC and Hillary.  

Motive:  Biden, Kerry, Pelosi, Romney, Schiff, Clinton, Obama et al were stealing millions from the foreign aid to Ukraine.  

Keep watching.  

She deleted those emails for a reason.  And they made up the Russian hoax for a reason - Snowden and Assange have the evidence of the corruption.  

Quote: @A1Janitor said:
I told you patience.  

Indictments are coming.  When the FISA applications come out it is over.  

Carter Page in Mueller report and on FISA applications was working with Russians.  

Yup.  He was with the CIA.  Spying on Russians for USA.  And they knew he was CIA but pretended he wasn’t.  

It is all a hoax.  A coup.  

To cover up the real interference in the election ... Ukraine.  Bought and paid for by FBI and DNC and Hillary.  

Motive:  Biden, Kerry, Pelosi, Romney, Schiff, Clinton, Obama et al were stealing millions from the foreign aid to Ukraine.  

Keep watching.  

She deleted those emails for a reason.  And they made up the Russian hoax for a reason - Snowden and Assange have the evidence of the corruption.  
And then you blame the election interference on the Ukraine ... which literally means you have been brainwashed by Russian propaganda.



Look.  I am talking about EVIDENCE.  Hillary and the FBI paid for the FAKE DOSSIER.  To first use at the debate to paint Trump as compromised or bought by Russia.  The video is in the OP.  

We know she paid Fusion GPS ... who paid Christopher Steele (as did the FBI) to create the fake dossier ... and Steele used UKRAINIAN assets to create the dossier.  

THESE ARE FACTS.  Not spin from the media. 

And the FBI used it to create the Russian hoax.  And the special counsel.  The SC failed.  So now impeachment is based on phone call.

Guess what.  The evidence of the deep state taking money is there.  That is why the did this shot against Trump.

Why does he act like he does.  Because he knows the truth.  He had all the evidence.  

The media was complicit. 

Quote: @A1Janitor said:
Look.  I am talking about EVIDENCE.  Hillary and the FBI paid for the FAKE DOSSIER.  To first use at the debate to paint Trump as compromised or bought by Russia.  The video is in the OP.  

We know she paid Fusion GPS ... who paid Christopher Steele (as did the FBI) to create the fake dossier ... and Steele used UKRAINIAN assets to create the dossier.  

THESE ARE FACTS.  Not spin from the media. 

And the FBI used it to create the Russian hoax.  And the special counsel.  The SC failed.  So now impeachment is based on phone call.

Guess what.  The evidence of the deep state taking money is there.  That is why the did this shot against Trump.

Why does he act like he does.  Because he knows the truth.  He had all the evidence.  

The media was complicit. 
There was Russian interference in our election, not Ukrainian.  Those are the facts, and they have NOTHING to do with the Steele dossier.  It is all right there in both the Mueller report, IG report and our intelligence community.

If you believe anything else you are drawing your own misguided conclusions from fringe sources and Russian propaganda.

Gullible beyond all hope, christ almighty

I would be interested if you would tell me exactly what the “russians” did to interfere with the election.  

Name the Russian actors, their actions, dates, and supporting evidence.  

Don’t link to MSM or dems claiming vague Russian interference. Don’t call me names.  Don’t list propaganda that happened for the last 50 years that the US also does to other countries.  

And if you come up with anything ... tell me how Trump was involved.  

And what Obama did to stop it. It was on his watch.  


"It is unprecedented, but it's also alarming because these are judges that are accustomed to not really being known or identified. Let alone coming out publicly and bracing an agency that they are not approving of their conduct," said Tolman, who served as U.S. attorney in Utah from 2006 to 2009. "This was something, for those of us that have been around the FISA court. Isent chills up and down our spine as we realize how serious and the gravity and the intensity with which this is being approached on the inside. This is really the story right now in Washington, D.C."

"The FBI's handling of the Carter Page applications, as portrayed in the [Office of Inspector General] report, was antithetical to the heightened duty of candor described above," Collyer wrote in her four-page order. "The frequency with which representations made by FBI personnel turned out to be unsupported or contradicted by information in their possession, and with which they withheld information detrimental to their case, calls into question whether information contained in other FBI applications is reliable."
Tolman, formerly a clerk for a FISA court judge, said the Horowitz report and Collyer's order makes him doubt whether the investigation, which was eventually handed over to Special Counsel Robert Mueller, should have been pursued.
"They shouldn't have launched it. And keep in mind, [James] Comey is the one who drives to get Mueller appointed as a special prosecutor. It's not just outrageous, it's a violation of the integrity of the greatest and most powerful system we have in this country and I'm offended by what occurred," he added.
Tolman said former FBI Director James Comey and his top deputy, Andrew McCabe, should stop blaming the failures on lower-level agents.
"It's not sloppiness. This is misrepresentations that were driven by hatred of a target you're investigating at the highest level of the FBI," he said.

I wonder why the FISA Court and former US attorneys don’t know what SFVikeFan knows.  


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