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Trump's racism no longer in question
Quote: @SFVikeFan said:
@MaroonBells said:
Why do these batshit conspiracy theories always find a home among conservatives? Especially Soros. It's like heroin for you guys. Who knows, maybe you're right. Maybe George Soros really is a Jewish Nazi who funds border attacks, Comet Ping Pongs, and the Deep State. Maybe he's the one who paid the Sandy Hook crisis actors, Vince Foster's killer and the environmentalists who sabotaged the Deepwater Horizon...just...maybe...

[Image: tenor.gif]
You know why but boy am I going to piss people off saying it ...

For some it's lack of education, but the scary part are those who are actually educated and somewhat intelligent.

It's this sick obsession to trick their brains to desperately validate  their beliefs that their team is noble and just and the other side is doing shady, nefarious stuff.

And while one can make the argument how that last part can apply to both sides, the right is 1000x worse with conspiracy theories.

But why??

They're gullible as fuck.  But why are they so gullible and so easily conned with the ridiculously silly, easily debunked shit ... it's going to be a case study by psychologists for centuries.
Honestly, I think it's a competition of fear. Who can scare you more? And the winner gets the highest ratings. Conspiracy theories fit right into this: Obama is a secret Muslim. Black Lives Matter wants to kill your family. Black Panthers. Creeping Sharia. The War on Christmas. It plays into good folks' biggest fears and prejudices. Trump is telling you the truth; the MEDIA is lying to you. It's fascism 101.    

I could go on and on for pages on this subject, but just watch Carlos Maza's take on youtube. He explains it much better than I could. 


Quote: @MaroonBells said:
@SFVikeFan said:
@MaroonBells said:
Why do these batshit conspiracy theories always find a home among conservatives? Especially Soros. It's like heroin for you guys. Who knows, maybe you're right. Maybe George Soros really is a Jewish Nazi who funds border attacks, Comet Ping Pongs, and the Deep State. Maybe he's the one who paid the Sandy Hook crisis actors, Vince Foster's killer and the environmentalists who sabotaged the Deepwater Horizon...just...maybe...

[Image: tenor.gif]
You know why but boy am I going to piss people off saying it ...

For some it's lack of education, but the scary part are those who are actually educated and somewhat intelligent.

It's this sick obsession to trick their brains to desperately validate  their beliefs that their team is noble and just and the other side is doing shady, nefarious stuff.

And while one can make the argument how that last part can apply to both sides, the right is 1000x worse with conspiracy theories.

But why??

They're gullible as fuck.  But why are they so gullible and so easily conned with the ridiculously silly, easily debunked shit ... it's going to be a case study by psychologists for centuries.
Honestly, I think it's a competition of fear. Who can scare you more? And the winner gets the highest ratings. Conspiracy theories fit right into this: Obama is a secret Muslim. Black Lives Matter wants to kill your family. Black Panthers. Creeping Sharia. The War on Christmas. It plays into good folks' biggest fears and prejudices. Trump is telling you the truth; the MEDIA is lying to you. It's fascism 101.    

I could go on and on for pages on this subject, but just watch Carlos Maza's take on youtube. He explains it much better than I could.


Quote: @KingBash said:
@JimmyinSD said:
@KingBash said:
@JimmyinSD said:
@KingBash said:
@AGRforever said:
@KingBash said:
@savannahskol said:
@pumpf said:

3. Conservatives support / vote for ALOT of women and "people of color" (assuming that that is the PC way of describing them).  You'd think that if "we" were racists and sexists, we wouldn't think so highly of people like Candace Owens, Condi Rice, Clarence Thomas, Colin Powell (who only fell out of favor when his ideologies tilted liberal), Herman Cain, Thomas Sowell, Sarah Palin (who was a woman that many conservatives supported- even if she was off her rocker sometimes)... to name just a few.  Seems like "we" couldn't care less about skin color.  What matters to us- spoiler alert- is the content of their character (i.e. whether or not their values align with our own). 
& Yeezy!  Don't forget about Yeezy!  

[Image: giphy.gif]

You're using the term "racist" the way people in the 20s did. Racism isn't just dropping an N-word or legitimately arguing that blacks are less than whites. I doubt a single one of you thinks that way on this board. Racism is supporting archaic drug laws that favor imprisoning blacks/Hispanics. It's telling non-whites to go back to their original countries. (Yes, it is. No argument.) It's manipulating the census by adding a citizenship question so Republicans can steal votes by gerrymandering.

And I'll tell you what else. Finding a GIF of a mentally-ill conman who loves his ego stroked pointing to a mentally-ill black guy doesn't prove how accepting Republicans are. As for pump above, there was a term for the people he listed way back when. It starts with "house." And I'm NOT saying that because of how they act (their positions are their's, I won't pretend to question their beliefs), but it's because of how white Republicans view them: pawns. "I can't be racist, look at my black friends!" 

I think the racism angle does get overplayed quite a bit. I think it was some White House correspondent (woman, can't think of her name) and Trump called her stupid. Nothing more. People screamed racism, and all I could think was, "this idiot acts like a total child to everybody. Let's not overplay this."
How is asking if youre a citizen going to allow gerrymandering?  
I won't link to anything since the Trump crowd will just scream "FAKE NEWS", but just simply Google "gerrymandering census"... those two words. And you can select a source for yourself.

What do you think this whole fight has been about? 
its only an issue if you are for allowing voter fraud because the only way its an issue is if the voter is not a citizen.  anybody here legally should have no issue with saying they are a legal citizen.  the ones that are gerrymandering with this issue are those that dont want their illegal voter base and population numbers deported,  which they should be regardless of how a census turns out.  no need to google common sense.  how many congress people would be eliminated from Cali and other states if all the illegals were taken out of the population equation for establishing the numbers of congressional districts?   also how would that affect district lines if illegals werent taking into the matter?  why would we want more politicians if their reason for being is to represent non Americans interest?   

The dems are all up in arms about a potential foreign involvement in our electoral process when it comes to russia meddling,  I think its a bigger issue if we have huge numbers of people living here illegally that are affecting not only the election process,  but also the law making of our country?

I have zero problem with foreigners working in the US legally,  but they should have limited rights and certainly not be able to affect our electoral process or be a major factor in our how our laws are written.

As I expected... just towing the company line. Zero critical thinking. Zero perspective.
again from the laughable one.  i am willing to try and explain a position,  you on the other hand arent willing to do anything but belittle the opposing view point.  you are a fraud,  really nothing more than a troll.   I can respect the hell out of an opposing view and as I have told Mike on many occassions that although I dont agree with him,  i do appreciate him explaining his position as it is often better explained than the hate and rage from others,  but you,  you are just here to stir shit up and really havent provided anything of substance just like a troll would do.

name calling and one liners add nothing to the conversation.

Will you even listen? Or just continue to repeat the same tired shit Republicans want you to parrot.

I now understand how Nazi Germany began. I never could comprehend how so many people could be so evil... they weren't. They're just rank and file simpletons like the Trump supporters on this board. 
So I actually listened to this.  You're not going to like my answers but I actually did what you asked and spent a 1/2 hour of my time listening to your point of view. 

1.  It sure sounds like had Trump gotten decent lawyers and presented it in a legal way he could have included the citizenship question.  Its been included before.  It will be included again. 

2.  I don't give a rats bare behind about illegal people not being represented by our government.  We should redraw the districts to however CITIZENS line up.  If that means that parts of California or large cities in general are under represented thats perfectly fine by me.  They should do a better job of finding and removing illegals as their recourse. 

3.  If people are actually afraid to answer the census so be it.  If you're an illegal and you dodge the census takers like the plague so be it.  Again we should not be doling out legitimate tax dollars to illegal immigrants.  If you want to exit the country and apply for citizenship legally then mission accomplished. 

Quote: @AGRforever said:
@KingBash said:
@JimmyinSD said:
@KingBash said:
@JimmyinSD said:
@KingBash said:
@AGRforever said:
@KingBash said:
@savannahskol said:
@pumpf said:

3. Conservatives support / vote for ALOT of women and "people of color" (assuming that that is the PC way of describing them).  You'd think that if "we" were racists and sexists, we wouldn't think so highly of people like Candace Owens, Condi Rice, Clarence Thomas, Colin Powell (who only fell out of favor when his ideologies tilted liberal), Herman Cain, Thomas Sowell, Sarah Palin (who was a woman that many conservatives supported- even if she was off her rocker sometimes)... to name just a few.  Seems like "we" couldn't care less about skin color.  What matters to us- spoiler alert- is the content of their character (i.e. whether or not their values align with our own). 
& Yeezy!  Don't forget about Yeezy!  

[Image: giphy.gif]

You're using the term "racist" the way people in the 20s did. Racism isn't just dropping an N-word or legitimately arguing that blacks are less than whites. I doubt a single one of you thinks that way on this board. Racism is supporting archaic drug laws that favor imprisoning blacks/Hispanics. It's telling non-whites to go back to their original countries. (Yes, it is. No argument.) It's manipulating the census by adding a citizenship question so Republicans can steal votes by gerrymandering.

And I'll tell you what else. Finding a GIF of a mentally-ill conman who loves his ego stroked pointing to a mentally-ill black guy doesn't prove how accepting Republicans are. As for pump above, there was a term for the people he listed way back when. It starts with "house." And I'm NOT saying that because of how they act (their positions are their's, I won't pretend to question their beliefs), but it's because of how white Republicans view them: pawns. "I can't be racist, look at my black friends!" 

I think the racism angle does get overplayed quite a bit. I think it was some White House correspondent (woman, can't think of her name) and Trump called her stupid. Nothing more. People screamed racism, and all I could think was, "this idiot acts like a total child to everybody. Let's not overplay this."
How is asking if youre a citizen going to allow gerrymandering?  
I won't link to anything since the Trump crowd will just scream "FAKE NEWS", but just simply Google "gerrymandering census"... those two words. And you can select a source for yourself.

What do you think this whole fight has been about? 
its only an issue if you are for allowing voter fraud because the only way its an issue is if the voter is not a citizen.  anybody here legally should have no issue with saying they are a legal citizen.  the ones that are gerrymandering with this issue are those that dont want their illegal voter base and population numbers deported,  which they should be regardless of how a census turns out.  no need to google common sense.  how many congress people would be eliminated from Cali and other states if all the illegals were taken out of the population equation for establishing the numbers of congressional districts?   also how would that affect district lines if illegals werent taking into the matter?  why would we want more politicians if their reason for being is to represent non Americans interest?   

The dems are all up in arms about a potential foreign involvement in our electoral process when it comes to russia meddling,  I think its a bigger issue if we have huge numbers of people living here illegally that are affecting not only the election process,  but also the law making of our country?

I have zero problem with foreigners working in the US legally,  but they should have limited rights and certainly not be able to affect our electoral process or be a major factor in our how our laws are written.

As I expected... just towing the company line. Zero critical thinking. Zero perspective.
again from the laughable one.  i am willing to try and explain a position,  you on the other hand arent willing to do anything but belittle the opposing view point.  you are a fraud,  really nothing more than a troll.   I can respect the hell out of an opposing view and as I have told Mike on many occassions that although I dont agree with him,  i do appreciate him explaining his position as it is often better explained than the hate and rage from others,  but you,  you are just here to stir shit up and really havent provided anything of substance just like a troll would do.

name calling and one liners add nothing to the conversation.

Will you even listen? Or just continue to repeat the same tired shit Republicans want you to parrot.

I now understand how Nazi Germany began. I never could comprehend how so many people could be so evil... they weren't. They're just rank and file simpletons like the Trump supporters on this board. 
So I actually listened to this.  You're not going to like my answers but I actually did what you asked and spent a 1/2 hour of my time listening to your point of view. 

1.  It sure sounds like had Trump gotten decent lawyers and presented it in a legal way he could have included the citizenship question.  Its been included before.  It will be included again. 

2.  I don't give a rats bare behind about illegal people not being represented by our government.  We should redraw the districts to however CITIZENS line up.  If that means that parts of California or large cities in general are under represented thats perfectly fine by me.  They should do a better job of finding and removing illegals as their recourse. 

3.  If people are actually afraid to answer the census so be it.  If you're an illegal and you dodge the census takers like the plague so be it.  Again we should not be doling out legitimate tax dollars to illegal immigrants.  If you want to exit the country and apply for citizenship legally then mission accomplished. 
KB has removed himself from the forum.

Quote: @JimmyinSD said:

KB has removed himself from the forum.
That's too bad.  
KB has called me a retard(ed), but I never let it bother me.  I'm married, I've been called worse. Wink

Meh, KB prolly clearing a room in his flat in Santa Monica, for Trump. 
Since Trump already lives rent-free in KB's head; Trump just as well have a pillow just off Montana Ave. 

(^^That's the best "ode" I can conjure, KB.  I'd just as soon you stick-around)

Happy Trails!


Quote: @A1Janitor said:
@Caactorvike said:
Tonight—dozens of congressmen were asked if they had ever been told to “go back to their country”. Virtually every minority Congressman said yes—and every white congressman said no.  I am baffled why posters on this board will torture logic just to defend this petty, stupid bully.  He’s not a Republican or a Conservative (if thats what you call yourself) He’s an amoral, vicious little grifter. You have two choices: admit he is not the man you hoped he would be and disavow him, or continue to support this lying cheat and embrace his racism and mendacity as your own. 
Before you tell Trump supporters what our two options are, when most of us are cheering his real accomplishments ...

Why not let’s talk about the fucking pedophiles in Hollywood.  Take your moral high ground and stick up your fucking hypocritical ass.  

You and Hollywood are a bigger problem than Donald Trump.  
And if/when trump is tied to Epstein? What will you say then. Personally I can't wait to see the right STILL defend this miscreant. Don't think you will? He's already stated he'd 'date' his daughter. Is being a pedophile such a stretch from incest? 

Quote: @"BarrNone55" said:
@A1Janitor said:
@Caactorvike said:
Tonight—dozens of congressmen were asked if they had ever been told to “go back to their country”. Virtually every minority Congressman said yes—and every white congressman said no.  I am baffled why posters on this board will torture logic just to defend this petty, stupid bully.  He’s not a Republican or a Conservative (if thats what you call yourself) He’s an amoral, vicious little grifter. You have two choices: admit he is not the man you hoped he would be and disavow him, or continue to support this lying cheat and embrace his racism and mendacity as your own. 
Before you tell Trump supporters what our two options are, when most of us are cheering his real accomplishments ...

Why not let’s talk about the fucking pedophiles in Hollywood.  Take your moral high ground and stick up your fucking hypocritical ass.  

You and Hollywood are a bigger problem than Donald Trump.  
And if/when trump is tied to Epstein? What will you say then. Personally I can't wait to see the right STILL defend this miscreant. Don't think you will? He's already stated he'd 'date' his daughter. Is being a pedophile such a stretch from incest? 
Tying anyone to Epstein isn’t a problem.  Everyone is innocent until proven guilty.  

Tying anyone to pedophilia is a problem.  Everyone guilty of that, no matter the party, should pay the price.  

He said he would date her if she wasn’t his daughter.  To claim he is a pedophile based on that is stupid and not worthy of discussion.

NBC was all over Trump talking to him at a party with the Bills and Dolphins cheerleaders.  Is he a cad?  Yup.  

i am no Omar supporter, but this is absolutely shameful...What the hell is wrong with people?


Guess Omar and Tlaib are racist then too?  Not that that is shocking. 

Quote: @greediron said:
Guess Omar and Tlaib are racist then too?  Not that that is shocking. 
Easy for a hererosexual white male of privilege to mansplain his shit like this.  Maybe you ought to become woke.  


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