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Trump's racism no longer in question
Quote: @AGRforever said:
@KingBash said:
@AGRforever said:
@KingBash said:
@AGRforever said:
@KingBash said:
@JimmyinSD said:
@KingBash said:
@AGRforever said:
@KingBash said:
@savannahskol said:
@pumpf said:

3. Conservatives support / vote for ALOT of women and "people of color" (assuming that that is the PC way of describing them).  You'd think that if "we" were racists and sexists, we wouldn't think so highly of people like Candace Owens, Condi Rice, Clarence Thomas, Colin Powell (who only fell out of favor when his ideologies tilted liberal), Herman Cain, Thomas Sowell, Sarah Palin (who was a woman that many conservatives supported- even if she was off her rocker sometimes)... to name just a few.  Seems like "we" couldn't care less about skin color.  What matters to us- spoiler alert- is the content of their character (i.e. whether or not their values align with our own). 
& Yeezy!  Don't forget about Yeezy!  

[Image: giphy.gif]

You're using the term "racist" the way people in the 20s did. Racism isn't just dropping an N-word or legitimately arguing that blacks are less than whites. I doubt a single one of you thinks that way on this board. Racism is supporting archaic drug laws that favor imprisoning blacks/Hispanics. It's telling non-whites to go back to their original countries. (Yes, it is. No argument.) It's manipulating the census by adding a citizenship question so Republicans can steal votes by gerrymandering.

And I'll tell you what else. Finding a GIF of a mentally-ill conman who loves his ego stroked pointing to a mentally-ill black guy doesn't prove how accepting Republicans are. As for pump above, there was a term for the people he listed way back when. It starts with "house." And I'm NOT saying that because of how they act (their positions are their's, I won't pretend to question their beliefs), but it's because of how white Republicans view them: pawns. "I can't be racist, look at my black friends!" 

I think the racism angle does get overplayed quite a bit. I think it was some White House correspondent (woman, can't think of her name) and Trump called her stupid. Nothing more. People screamed racism, and all I could think was, "this idiot acts like a total child to everybody. Let's not overplay this."
How is asking if youre a citizen going to allow gerrymandering?  
I won't link to anything since the Trump crowd will just scream "FAKE NEWS", but just simply Google "gerrymandering census"... those two words. And you can select a source for yourself.

What do you think this whole fight has been about? 
its only an issue if you are for allowing voter fraud because the only way its an issue is if the voter is not a citizen.  anybody here legally should have no issue with saying they are a legal citizen.  the ones that are gerrymandering with this issue are those that dont want their illegal voter base and population numbers deported,  which they should be regardless of how a census turns out.  no need to google common sense.  how many congress people would be eliminated from Cali and other states if all the illegals were taken out of the population equation for establishing the numbers of congressional districts?   also how would that affect district lines if illegals werent taking into the matter?  why would we want more politicians if their reason for being is to represent non Americans interest?   

The dems are all up in arms about a potential foreign involvement in our electoral process when it comes to russia meddling,  I think its a bigger issue if we have huge numbers of people living here illegally that are affecting not only the election process,  but also the law making of our country?

I have zero problem with foreigners working in the US legally,  but they should have limited rights and certainly not be able to affect our electoral process or be a major factor in our how our laws are written.

As I expected... just towing the company line. Zero critical thinking. Zero perspective.
Explain it then please. I’m obviously to stupid. Non citizens should or shouldnt get a vote in our election and representative process?  Should house seats get to count non citizens?

Link above. You won't listen. And yes, you probably are *too stupid.
You want me to listen to a 25min podcast from the NY times explaining your position and Im the stupid one?  Lol I bet Sean Hannity and Rush did a show on the topic. Will you invest 1/2 an hour from the oposition?
Yes. Listen to it. Turn off those two retards and listen to serious investigative journalism. 
I dont listen to those 2 “retards”.m I was pointing out that there are plenty of podcasts out there that would most certainly say differently. 

By the way the use of retard certainly puts you right up there with the scum of the earth that you supposedly oppose. 

let him go,  its beneficial to step back once in a while IMO.  He will be back I am sure.

Quote: @JimmyinSD said:
@SFVikeFan said:
@A1Janitor said:
Why come to a country with a globally-known loudmouth that is all for ICE raids and deportations? 

Because normally it’s a problem.  When you add Soros money and Dem strategy to send caravans (to MAKE Trump look like a racist and to use the immigration issue for their own power) it turns into a crisis.  

Just like abortion.  Racism.  Cop shootings.  Guns.  

We should strive for libertarian values ... less government.  Let people be free. 
Hard to take anyone seriously who thinks George Soros and the Democrats are funding caravans of illegals.

But then again, your affinity for looney tunes conspiracy theories is well documented at this point so not surprised you couldn't make it more than a few posts before you went back to the well for more.
hard to believe that those people are making their way from central america on their own.  somebody is feeding them and carrying for them along the way.   if there wasnt an organized support effort there is no way that they could have made that journey with that many people without horrible consequences from crime, starvation, and disease.   If it wasnt Soros who was it?  pretty sure it wasnt Trump.  we saw the videos, those people were traveling with nothing to sustain them.
 Now you grasp their desperation. 

Who is funding them?  My money's on BillaryO'bamaPelosiCortezSorossaurus.

A majestic but dangerous creature, known to strike fear in the hearts of conservatives for starting every problem known to man.

I guess one simple question is whether there's any actual, y'know, proof of the Soros/immigrant payoffs....

Why do these batshit conspiracy theories always find a home among conservatives? Especially Soros. It's like heroin for you guys. Who knows, maybe you're right. Maybe George Soros really is a Jewish Nazi who funds border attacks, Comet Ping Pongs, and the Deep State. Maybe he's the one who paid the Sandy Hook crisis actors, Vince Foster's killer and the environmentalists who sabotaged the Deepwater Horizon...just...maybe...

[Image: tenor.gif]

Quote: @MaroonBells said:
Why do these batshit conspiracy theories always find a home among conservatives? Especially Soros. It's like heroin for you guys. Who knows, maybe you're right. Maybe George Soros really is a Jewish Nazi who funds border attacks, Comet Ping Pongs, and the Deep State. Maybe he's the one who paid the Sandy Hook crisis actors, Vince Foster's killer and the environmentalists who sabotaged the Deepwater Horizon...just...maybe...

[Image: tenor.gif]
Tell ya what...if you answer why lefties insist on correlating everything even slightly right of center as "nazi" behavior (which I've seen and heard for over 30 years), and spent the entire time surrounding our previous prez with snarls of "racism" on any questions on his policies (which I fielded at 3 different sites, plus in constant conversations), and the insistence that all conservatives are confederate-battle-flag-waving toothless rednecks...

...your question will be next in line.

Quote: @JimmyinSD said:
@AGRforever said:
@KingBash said:
@AGRforever said:
@KingBash said:
@AGRforever said:
@KingBash said:
@JimmyinSD said:
@KingBash said:
@AGRforever said:
@KingBash said:
@savannahskol said:
@pumpf said:

3. Conservatives support / vote for ALOT of women and "people of color" (assuming that that is the PC way of describing them).  You'd think that if "we" were racists and sexists, we wouldn't think so highly of people like Candace Owens, Condi Rice, Clarence Thomas, Colin Powell (who only fell out of favor when his ideologies tilted liberal), Herman Cain, Thomas Sowell, Sarah Palin (who was a woman that many conservatives supported- even if she was off her rocker sometimes)... to name just a few.  Seems like "we" couldn't care less about skin color.  What matters to us- spoiler alert- is the content of their character (i.e. whether or not their values align with our own). 
& Yeezy!  Don't forget about Yeezy!  

[Image: giphy.gif]

You're using the term "racist" the way people in the 20s did. Racism isn't just dropping an N-word or legitimately arguing that blacks are less than whites. I doubt a single one of you thinks that way on this board. Racism is supporting archaic drug laws that favor imprisoning blacks/Hispanics. It's telling non-whites to go back to their original countries. (Yes, it is. No argument.) It's manipulating the census by adding a citizenship question so Republicans can steal votes by gerrymandering.

And I'll tell you what else. Finding a GIF of a mentally-ill conman who loves his ego stroked pointing to a mentally-ill black guy doesn't prove how accepting Republicans are. As for pump above, there was a term for the people he listed way back when. It starts with "house." And I'm NOT saying that because of how they act (their positions are their's, I won't pretend to question their beliefs), but it's because of how white Republicans view them: pawns. "I can't be racist, look at my black friends!" 

I think the racism angle does get overplayed quite a bit. I think it was some White House correspondent (woman, can't think of her name) and Trump called her stupid. Nothing more. People screamed racism, and all I could think was, "this idiot acts like a total child to everybody. Let's not overplay this."
How is asking if youre a citizen going to allow gerrymandering?  
I won't link to anything since the Trump crowd will just scream "FAKE NEWS", but just simply Google "gerrymandering census"... those two words. And you can select a source for yourself.

What do you think this whole fight has been about? 
its only an issue if you are for allowing voter fraud because the only way its an issue is if the voter is not a citizen.  anybody here legally should have no issue with saying they are a legal citizen.  the ones that are gerrymandering with this issue are those that dont want their illegal voter base and population numbers deported,  which they should be regardless of how a census turns out.  no need to google common sense.  how many congress people would be eliminated from Cali and other states if all the illegals were taken out of the population equation for establishing the numbers of congressional districts?   also how would that affect district lines if illegals werent taking into the matter?  why would we want more politicians if their reason for being is to represent non Americans interest?   

The dems are all up in arms about a potential foreign involvement in our electoral process when it comes to russia meddling,  I think its a bigger issue if we have huge numbers of people living here illegally that are affecting not only the election process,  but also the law making of our country?

I have zero problem with foreigners working in the US legally,  but they should have limited rights and certainly not be able to affect our electoral process or be a major factor in our how our laws are written.

As I expected... just towing the company line. Zero critical thinking. Zero perspective.
Explain it then please. I’m obviously to stupid. Non citizens should or shouldnt get a vote in our election and representative process?  Should house seats get to count non citizens?

Link above. You won't listen. And yes, you probably are *too stupid.
You want me to listen to a 25min podcast from the NY times explaining your position and Im the stupid one?  Lol I bet Sean Hannity and Rush did a show on the topic. Will you invest 1/2 an hour from the oposition?
Yes. Listen to it. Turn off those two retards and listen to serious investigative journalism. 
I dont listen to those 2 “retards”.m I was pointing out that there are plenty of podcasts out there that would most certainly say differently. 

By the way the use of retard certainly puts you right up there with the scum of the earth that you supposedly oppose. 

let him go,  its beneficial to step back once in a while IMO.  He will be back I am sure.
This time I bet he doesn’t. Wink


Quote: @MaroonBells said:
Why do these batshit conspiracy theories always find a home among conservatives? Especially Soros. It's like heroin for you guys. Who knows, maybe you're right. Maybe George Soros really is a Jewish Nazi who funds border attacks, Comet Ping Pongs, and the Deep State. Maybe he's the one who paid the Sandy Hook crisis actors, Vince Foster's killer and the environmentalists who sabotaged the Deepwater Horizon...just...maybe...

[Image: tenor.gif]
You know why but boy am I going to piss people off saying it ...

For some it's lack of education, but the scary part are those who are actually educated and somewhat intelligent.

It's this sick obsession to trick their brains to desperately validate  their beliefs that their team is noble and just and the other side is doing shady, nefarious stuff.

And while one can make the argument how that last part can apply to both sides, the right is 1000x worse with conspiracy theories.

But why??

They're gullible as fuck.  But why are they so gullible and so easily conned with the ridiculously silly, easily debunked shit ... it's going to be a case study by psychologists for centuries.

I don’t know all about that crazy stuff ...

1.  Seth Rich gave the shit to wikileaks. 

2.  Epstein blackmailed famous people after recording shit ... keep your eyes on Billy boy. 

3. Trump did not collude with Russia.

4.  Clinton did delete illegally emails that will demonstrae pay to play scams to make the Clintons wealthy. 

5.  Obama illegally spied.  

6.  Mueller was part of the hoax.  

Quote: @A1Janitor said:
I don’t know all about that crazy stuff ...

1.  Seth Rich gave the shit to wikileaks. 

2.  Epstein blackmailed famous people after recording shit ... keep your eyes on Billy boy. 

3. Trump did not collude with Russia.

4.  Clinton did delete illegally emails that will demonstrae pay to play scams to make the Clintons wealthy. 

5.  Obama legally spied.  

6.  Mueller was part of the hoax.  
What proof?  You talk more shit than anyone I've ever seen.  It's disturbing the amount of wackjob shit you believe in.

Pay attention!  It's all coming out soon!!!  


Why do we even bother?   You should be locked up in a padded cell.


Quote: @SFVikeFan said:
@A1Janitor said:
I don’t know all about that crazy stuff ...

1.  Seth Rich gave the shit to wikileaks. 

2.  Epstein blackmailed famous people after recording shit ... keep your eyes on Billy boy. 

3. Trump did not collude with Russia.

4.  Clinton did delete illegally emails that will demonstrae pay to play scams to make the Clintons wealthy. 

5.  Obama legally spied.  

6.  Mueller was part of the hoax.  
What proof?  You talk more shit than anyone I've ever seen.  It's disturbing the amount of wackjob shit you believe in.

Pay attention!  It's all coming out soon!!!  


Why do we even bother?   You should be locked up in a padded cell.

I corrected my post ... illegal spying by obama. 

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