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Good Ol Joe and the DOJ
Quote: @Zanary said:
@JimmyinSD said:
If you can't be civil in this,   than dont be in this,  your shit talking doesn't help your position.

You may not get this, but constantly lying in a debate, assigning BS to others and trying to hijack their position with fiction, is utterly disrespectful as well as spineless.

I don't know why so many defenders of the orange messiah use those same tactics, but it's cowardice and dishonesty...over debates on a sports board.

Seriously, that's just sad.  Truly pathetic, really.

So, if someone is going to be both dishonest and gutless, I think it's important to treat them with similar, but honest, disrespect.  Society used to do this, but it falls to the individual, now.....
i have absolutely no idea what youre trying to write at this point. 

Quote: @Waterboy said:
@Zanary said:
@JimmyinSD said:
If you can't be civil in this,   than dont be in this,  your shit talking doesn't help your position.

You may not get this, but constantly lying in a debate, assigning BS to others and trying to hijack their position with fiction, is utterly disrespectful as well as spineless.

I don't know why so many defenders of the orange messiah use those same tactics, but it's cowardice and dishonesty...over debates on a sports board.

Seriously, that's just sad.  Truly pathetic, really.

So, if someone is going to be both dishonest and gutless, I think it's important to treat them with similar, but honest, disrespect.  Society used to do this, but it falls to the individual, now.....
i have absolutely no idea what youre trying to write at this point. 
Oh, I'm certain of this.

Quote: @Zanary said:
@JimmyinSD said:
If you can't be civil in this,   than dont be in this,  your shit talking doesn't help your position.

You may not get this, but constantly lying in a debate, assigning BS to others and trying to hijack their position with fiction, is utterly disrespectful as well as spineless.

I don't know why so many defenders of the orange messiah use those same tactics, but it's cowardice and dishonesty...over debates on a sports board.

Seriously, that's just sad.  Truly pathetic, really.

So, if someone is going to be both dishonest and gutless, I think it's important to treat them with similar, but honest, disrespect.  Society used to do this, but it falls to the individual, now.....
its pretty simple keep up with the name calling and you are out of here.  If you can't make your point without belittling others,  you won't be making anymore points in here.

At this point you two need to agree to disagree and walk away from each other for a while,  you obviously aren't even trying to find meaning in what the others are writing so just end it now.

Quote: @Zanary said:
@Waterboy said:
@Zanary said:
@JimmyinSD said:
If you can't be civil in this,   than dont be in this,  your shit talking doesn't help your position.

You may not get this, but constantly lying in a debate, assigning BS to others and trying to hijack their position with fiction, is utterly disrespectful as well as spineless.

I don't know why so many defenders of the orange messiah use those same tactics, but it's cowardice and dishonesty...over debates on a sports board.

Seriously, that's just sad.  Truly pathetic, really.

So, if someone is going to be both dishonest and gutless, I think it's important to treat them with similar, but honest, disrespect.  Society used to do this, but it falls to the individual, now.....
i have absolutely no idea what youre trying to write at this point. 
Oh, I'm certain of this.


Quote: @VikingOracle said:
Zerohedge really is a rabbit hole.  Really funny that Waterboy has create a long thread based on Russian propaganda (and I, embarrassingly, fed into it).
  • From the Globe and Mail:  "The montage, on American news site ZeroHedge, depicted Hitler, with a purple streak in his hair, as a gay-rights activist. He appears with a rainbow-coloured slogan “California Uber Alles” in Gothic script familiar in the Third Reich, against a map of Europe including “gay Britain.”  Newsguard, a New York-based group that tracks misinformation, warns that Zerohedge “has a pro-Russia perspective” and has published false information and conspiracy theories."
  • "A new study by Douglas Wilbur, a visiting scholar in the UTSA Department of Communication, examines the claims made by the fact-checking website Prop or Not that Russian propaganda targets the American public. He found evidence that popular sites such as Zero Hedge, a Wall Street focused site, echoes Russian propaganda in line with the claims leveraged by Prop of Not. Wilbur analyzed over 600 articles and found a strong, positive correlation between Sputnik, Russia’s state-owned media, and popular alternative media sites that are thought to provide favorable coverage in the U.S. of Russia and its allies." 
  • "ZeroHedge and pro-Kremlin Russian media outlet Komsomolyskaya Pravda incorrectly cited the testimony of Sakri, whose interview appeared in a controversial documentary produced by allegedly independent journalists Max van der Werff and Yana Yerlashova (formerly of Kremlin outlet RT). .... In particular, the article claimed without any supporting evidence that the United States was using the MH17 crash as a pretext to organize a NATO invasion of eastern Ukraine."  
Not a special pleader for ZeroHedge. 
A site no one heard of, until they (ZH) went after the Biden/Ukraine/Money orthodoxy. 
(I'm with Zanary on this-Russia.  Bomb the fuckers (Russia) to the StoneAge.)

However, there should be allowed differing opinions....which was all ZH was doing, before incurring the wrath of the AP, two years ago:

To wit: 

McCarthyism has gone back to the future, with the federal intelligence community accusing the website Zero Hedge of — wait for it, wait for it — collaborating with the Russians.
Naturally, the misinformation media, this time in the form of the far-left Associated Press, is playing stenographer. Get a load of this:
Quote:U.S. intelligence officials on Tuesday accused a conservative financial news website with a significant American readership of amplifying Kremlin propaganda and alleged five media outlets targeting Ukrainians have taken direction from Russian spies.
The officials said Zero Hedge, which has 1.2 million Twitter followers, published articles created by Moscow-controlled media that were then shared by outlets and people unaware of their nexus to Russian intelligence. The officials did not say whether they thought Zero Hedge knew of any links to spy agencies and did not allege direct links between the website and Russia.
I’d like to stop for a moment and repeat that last sentence…
Quote:The officials did not say whether they thought Zero Hedge knew of any links to spy agencies and did not allege direct links between the website and Russia.
You know what? That last sentence is so important I’d like to repeat it once more…
Quote:The officials did not say whether they thought Zero Hedge knew of any links to spy agencies and did not allege direct links between the website and Russia.
Hey, I’m no Capital “J” journalist or anything, but isn’t the correct response to this something along the lines of, Call me back when you do have some evidence? But instead, the AP took dictation. Such good dogs.
So the Deep State War Machine has no evidence of Zero Hedge collaborating with the Russians, did not even allege there were links between the two, and still, these fascists are smearing Zero Hedge, and the A.P. is happy to run wild with the following headline: “U.S. accuses financial website of spreading Russian propaganda.”
The sub-headline is even worse: “U.S. intelligence officials allege a conservative financial website with a significant American readership is amplifying Kremlin propaganda.”
Before we get to Zero Hedge’s perfect reply, can I tell you what I think is happening here… And I swear my thoughts are my own. I swear Vladimir Putin and I never discuss geopolitics. In fact, the last time Vlad and I spoke, it was mainly about Ben Affleck hooking up again with J-Lo.
Anyway, this is what I think is happening…
The War Machine — you know, the War Machine that convinces Americans to spend trillions of dollars liberating foreign people when all we do is kill a bunch of them and then abandon the rest — that War Machine is furious Americans didn’t bite on this Ukraine narrative, furious that the ole gotta-liberate-the oppressed-peoples ploy flopped. You see, we’re just not buying their shit anymore, especially when the president of Ukraine is all: I don’t know what y’all are talking about. We’re fine. 
From where I sit, the overall public reaction to the Ukraine war drums generated by the War Machine, the corporate media, and the Biden administration fell into two categories: indifference and disbelief. Come on, we all knew it was B.S. coming from a War Machine desperate for profits, a corrupt media desperate for ratings, and a president desperate to boost his approval numbers and distract from his radioactive pile of domestic failures.
And even if Russia did or does invade, what the hell are we going to do about it — I mean, other than kill a bunch of innocent people and then abandon the rest?
After WMD, the Deep State conspiracy to fabricate the Russia Collusion Hoax, Military Drag Shows, and all those lost wars, does the Deep State War Machine honestly believe we are going to do anything other than point and laugh at them?


so now, because they have nothing left, the feds and the misinformation media are pulling out the McCarthyism card to accuse a respected alternative media outlet of doing Russia's bidding, without a shred of evidence. 
Here’s part of Zero Hedge’s response:
Quote:Well, now we’ve done it – we’ve angered the CIA, and for what? For publishing views that challenge the conventional narrative, such as disputing that an invasion of Ukraine is actually “imminent” as the US State Department and its mainstream media conduits repeat day after day, or that the Covid virus was actually created in a Chinese lab, a view which has gained substantial prominence in recent months after it emerged that none other than the UK’s Jeremy Farrar (also known as the UK’s Doctor Fauci) played a pivotal role in stifling suggestions that this new virus might have come from a laboratory rather than emerged through natural zoonotic transmission from animals.
Of course, there is no actual accusation that Zero Hedge works directly with anyone tied to Russia or its intelligence apparatus – as the AP admits “officials did not say whether they thought Zero Hedge knew of any links to spy agencies and did not allege direct links between the website and Russia”, which is correct because – and we will repeat this once again for the record and for all future similar hit piece attempts to smear us –  this website has never worked, collaborated or cooperated with Russianor are there any links to spy (or any other) agencies; instead all the AP notes, citing some unnamed “intelligence official”, is that the US intelligence apparatus is unhappy that among our hundreds of guest publishing contributors is a website called Strategic Culture Foundation which US intel officials “allege” take direction from the SVR, the Russian foreign intelligence service. [emphasis original]
This War Machine flail at Zero Hedge is especially hilarious when we know for a fact — a fact — that China “paid more than $1.6 million for advertising campaigns in Time magazine, the Los Angeles TimesFinancial Times, and Foreign Policy magazine, according to disclosures filed with the Justice Department.”
But nobody cares about China because that’s the “correct” foreign propaganda profiting the “correct” news outlets.
Allow me to close with this…
Dear Deep State War Machine:
After whoring out your credibility for decades, I am truly sorry that you are now in such a desperate position you’ve returned to the old canard of McCarthyism, and by “truly sorry,” what I really mean is fuck you.

Quote: @VikingOracle said:
Two conservative law professors, William Baude of the University of Chicago and Michael Stokes Paulsen of the University of St. Thomas, argue that Donald Trump is ineligible to serve as president again due to a section of the Constitution that prohibits anyone who has engaged in insurrection from holding office.

"Section Three of the Fourteenth Amendment forbids holding office by former office holders who then participate in insurrection or rebellion. Because of a range of misperceptions and mistaken assumptions, Section Three’s full legal consequences have not been appreciated or enforced. This article corrects those mistakes by setting forth the full sweep and force of Section Three.  It covers a broad range of former offices, including the Presidency. And in particular, it disqualifies former President Donald Trump, and potentially many others, because of their participation in the attempted overthrow of the 2020 presidential election."
I see your Never-Trump pair of Baude and Paulsen, and raise a Dershowitz.  

Harvard Law School professor emeritus Alan Dershowitz said Monday that District Attorney Fani Willis had indicted former President Donald Trump and 18 others for a “conspiracy” that was exactly what Democrats did in challenging the 2000 election.
The tactics of the Trump team, including claims of fraud, were neither more nor less than what Democrats had done in claiming that the election had been stolen from then-Vice President Al Gore by Republicans pushing for then-Governor George W. Bush.
Fox News reported:
Quote:Harvard professor Alan Dershowitz, speaking to Fox News Digital, criticized the pending indictment, calling Trump’s actions  “very similar” to that of Al Gore’s legal strategy in the Bush v. Gore case that decided the 2000 presidential election.
Quote:“We challenged the election, and we did much of the things that are being done today and people praised us. I wrote a bestselling book called ‘Supreme Injustice. Now they’re making it a crime,” Dershowitz said.

“You cannot start making crimes out of things that the Democrats did — Tilden Hayes, John Kennedy election 2000 election 2016 election, Jamie Raskin gets up and does some of the same things. These are political actions that the Constitution prefers us to take rather than going out on the streets and rioting. We’re supposed to go to court. We’re supposed to go to Congress. You can’t make those things crimes. And you can’t expand the RICO statute to now include political objections,” he said.
Dershowitz added that the indictments against Trump, both federal and state, were the “weakest” he had ever seen against any candidate, and that they opened the door to Republicans doing the same to Democrats — what Alexander Hamilton had feared would be the politicization of prosecution.
The indictment against Trump and others claims that acts as mundane as tweeting to turn on the TV, reserving a meeting room, and asking for a phone number were part of the overall criminal conspiracy.

^^ (that's me, unregistered guest)

It's rare that the SCOTUS would weigh in, on a Vikefans discussion. ^^ above.

But they did. Vote?: 9-0
Wah, wah, wah.

Remember the hopium inhaled by the libs, highlighted by VikingOracle, to keep Trump off the ballot?
“Can the 14th Amendment be used to block Trump from 2024 ballots?” asked NPR, knowing full well it couldn’t.

“Could the 14th Amendment keep Trump off the ballot in 2024?” asked the far-left Washington Post, knowing full well it couldn’t.

“Can Trump be disqualified from the presidency over Jan. 6?” asked Reuters, knowing full well he couldn’t.

“Two conservative law professors contend Donald Trump is ineligible to run for president due to the 14th amendment,” CNN blared.

“Former judge J. Michael Luttig and constitutional scholar Laurence Tribe tell CNN…Donald Trump is ineligible to be president under the 14th Amendment,” CNN blared again.

“Prominent conservative legal scholars are increasingly raising a constitutional argument that 2024 Republican candidate Donald Trump should be barred from the presidency because of his actions to overturn the previous presidential election result,” CNN can’t stop, won’t stop.

“Why the 14th Amendment could boot Trump from ballots,” blared MSNBC.

“Why this new effort to bar Trump from office has a better shot,” MSNBC again.

“Conservative Case Emerges to Disqualify Trump for Role on Jan. 6,” reported the New York Times.

That’s a literal drop in the ocean. With a little effort, you can find hundreds of hours of cable news taking this seriously, hundreds of editorials from “prestigious” law professors…Pure madness sold to suckers.

My old friend KingBash used to announce he'd take a "victory lap".
I'm classier. Wink

BTW, the California bar (of which, VikingOracle is -- I think-- a member) is recommending a California attorney, John Eastman, esq, be disbarred.

What was Mr Eastman's "offense"?
He gave sitting (at the time) former President Trump legal advice.
Mr Eastman gave Pres. Trump legal advice, similar to that given by Alan Dershowitz to Al Gore, years before. (noted, above)

The California State Bar, (of which, again, VikingOracle is a member), had a lower court judge rule Mr Eastman be disbarred.

"John Eastman, a former lawyer for then-President Donald Trump, could lose his law license because of legal advice he gave during the fight over the 2020 presidential election results, after bar complaints by Democratic activists.

A judge in California recommended Wednesday that Eastman be disbarred, arguing that in giving advice on how to challenge the Electoral College vote, “his position would likely be unanimously rejected by the Supreme Court.”

IOW, a private atty's advice to the POTUS is "actionable". What? Even if it mirrors advice given years earlier, to Democrat POTUSes.

Review: Trump attorney advises Trump re: post-election strategy. That atty's advice leads to disbarment, cuz SCOTUS. SCOTUS rules 9-0, for Trump.
Gore attorney advises Gore re: post-election strategy. That atty's (Dershowitz!) advice leads to no penalties.

If it is wrong to try arguments that have little to no chance of success at the Supreme Court, then all of the Democrats who tried to throw Trump off the 2024 ballot, and the lawyers who represented them, must also be disbarred.

And what about the Colorado Secretary of State, who tried to throw Trump off the ballot?
Maybe I'm sensitive to this in Georgia....remember the hue/cry....that Stacey Abrams made? That Georgia re-enacted Jim Crow laws, 2 yrs ago? Only to have voter participation increase, across the board
in the next election?

Why is there no Colorado conservative suing the Colorado SOS for trying to disenfranchise approx. 1/2 of the electorate for civil rights violations, under that (California) criteria?

Would love to hear from VikingOracle on these developments.

Keep in mind that the Colorado house just voted to outlaw semi-automatic firearms, so...yeah...I guess they really want to be the bluest of Rocky Mountain states....

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