Quote: @greediron said:
@ KingBash said:
@ greediron said:
@ KingBash said:
@ greediron said:
@ pumpf said:
@ KingBash said:
Easy: Trump said today his father was born in Germany. "A very wonderful place in Germany."
He was born in the Bronx.
Earlier today he tweeted Puerto Rico received $91 billion... that was the amount of damage done. They've actually received closer to $1-1.5 billion.
This is how stupid this man is.
Dig that. Donald Trump is mentally ill and an embarrassment and supporting him is shameful.
Serious question: can people support a politician's policies, without supporting the person? I think so. In hindsight, I don't think Clinton was such a bad president. But he was certainly a bad person. On the other hand, I think that Bush was a great guy... but I'm not sure about some of his policies.
I have to laugh. I was a huge Trump detractor during the primaries. He was so ill prepared, didn't know the proper functions of government, made so many stupid comments.
But as he got serious about winning, he changed. He still makes the stupid comments, but that is what twitter is for. Hell twitter even talks about editing peoples tweets. And after their recent fiascos, I say to hell with twitter. They are worthless.
But Trump still makes idiotic comments. But he governs well. The things he has accomplished are better than any pres for 30 years. So yes, he isn't a great guy, spouts off on twitter. But what he actually gets done, I approve. Other than Cavanaugh, that guy is a joke.
He hasn't changed. He's a compulsive liar. Now, if you support throwing 180 million people off healthcare, the tax plan for the super rich, declaring a national emergency over a problem that doesn't exist and never existed, contributing negatively toward a racial divide, demonizing the media for simply doing their jobs and calling him on his bullshit..........
so when Obama, Clinton and other dems stated the border issues was an national emergency they were lying as well? Or are they lying now? And the rest is simply bullshit democrat talking points. Hell, they aren't even talking points, they are pablum fed to keep their base worked up.
Stay on focus, Fox News. We're talking about Donald Trump. Stop with the "but the Democrats..." Is that your standard? If the Democrats acted like pieces of shit, Republicans can too?
They're not talking points, it's the media reporting facts that are happening. Stop with your "fake news" chants and grow up. Seriously. Grow up. If the Democrats have acted like children in the past supporting their shitty politicians, you're doing the exact same.
nope, just calling out your bull. read something other than MSNBC or CNN. I am not excusing anything. If you have trouble following along, I have called out Trump's behavior. his tweets. His lying.
But I like some of the actions he has done.
You're excusing literally 95% of his mental illness because you're an uninformed voter. That's what Fox News does to people. I RARELY have CNN on (or any TV show). I get my news from reputable journalists and political pundits on Twitter whom I trust.
You can like some of the actions he's done. I can't possibly imagine what they'd be, but they pale in comparison to the tons of awful lies he's told to further his mental illness.
(Just now today: says he's still under audit so we can't see his taxes. That's not how it works, you orange embarrassment. You can show them at any time, you're just hiding your entire, shady lie of a life.)
Quote: @pumpf said:
@ KingBash said:
Stay on focus, Fox News. We're talking about Donald Trump. Stop with the "but the Democrats..." Is that your standard? If the Democrats acted like pieces of shit, Republicans can too?
They're not talking points, it's the media reporting facts that are happening. Stop with your "fake news" chants and grow up. Seriously. Grow up. If the Democrats have acted like children in the past supporting their shitty politicians, you're doing the exact same.
I don't think that it's always a case of "what-about-ism". Sometimes it's a matter of people saying that a particular thing really offends them... or that something is terribly wrong... when it turns out that they only feel that way when "certain people" do it. It's not a matter of justifying the act, itself, as much as it is questioning really said action really is wrong- because, if it is, then it ought to be wrong in every case. So, if it's only wrong when "certain people" do it, there's really no point in discussing it, since the accuser doesn't really think it's wrong in the first place. Boy, that was vague.
When Democrats didn't want Kavanaugh on the SCOTUS, they said "believe every woman". Republicans countered by saying, "Listen to all women, but verify the facts." Now that various Democrats have been accused of sexual malfeasance, they are saying, "We should believe every woman... but isn't it fair to ask if they might have some ulterior motives in making the unverified accusation?" So... the question is (in this case): Do Democrats REALLY care about protecting women from sexual attacks... or not? Seems to me that- in this example- they care more about using the accusation to harm a political opponent- not to help a (potential) victim.
When you say Democrats - since I'm a part of this here - let's not include myself in this. I was much more Republican in your scenario above. I've long argued that the whole "believe all women" movement is AWFUL messaging for many reasons, and I loathe the apology culture the Democrats foster. We've willingly erased the line between sexual assault, sexual misconduct, and sexual... I dunno... goofiness. Now thanks to the SJW culture, ANY time a woman feels uncomfortable, it's almost a sin to ask a question.
My issue with the Kavanaugh situation was that I thought he was a sanctimonious, two-faced twat, a liar, and an absolute ass as far as just owning up to some bad behavior AS A TEEN. Furthermore, I did believe her account of what happened. But instead, that dope decided to parade around his yearbook and ramble on about beer. The guy is a spoiled loser who should've been shoved aside not necessarily from something that happened when he was a rowdy teen (we all were) but because of how he acted today.
And, yes: both sides are guilty of saying that something is "wrong" (when the other side does it)... and then looking to excuse it when "their side" does it. The difference is that the media are more than willing to provide cover for Democrats... and equally willing to go to the mattresses to attack Republicans. That's why public pressure forces *some* Republicans to resign, even though they've been accused of far less that the governor (and other high ranking officials) of Virginia.
I don't know what world you're living in. The Democrats are eating their own AS WELL AS the Republicans. They'd crucify Obama, their golden boy, if a staffer came forward with a story about him flirting with her. That'd be it for him and his legacy.
I've never argued the Democrats weren't spineless, embarrassing wimps. I'm arguing that what we've seen the past two and a half years, what so many on this board desperately wanted as an antidote to Obama/Hillary/Democrats, is disgusting.
Quote: @AGRforever said:
@ KingBash said:
@ greediron said:
@ KingBash said:
@ greediron said:
@ pumpf said:
@ KingBash said:
Easy: Trump said today his father was born in Germany. "A very wonderful place in Germany."
He was born in the Bronx.
Earlier today he tweeted Puerto Rico received $91 billion... that was the amount of damage done. They've actually received closer to $1-1.5 billion.
This is how stupid this man is.
Dig that. Donald Trump is mentally ill and an embarrassment and supporting him is shameful.
Serious question: can people support a politician's policies, without supporting the person? I think so. In hindsight, I don't think Clinton was such a bad president. But he was certainly a bad person. On the other hand, I think that Bush was a great guy... but I'm not sure about some of his policies.
I have to laugh. I was a huge Trump detractor during the primaries. He was so ill prepared, didn't know the proper functions of government, made so many stupid comments.
But as he got serious about winning, he changed. He still makes the stupid comments, but that is what twitter is for. Hell twitter even talks about editing peoples tweets. And after their recent fiascos, I say to hell with twitter. They are worthless.
But Trump still makes idiotic comments. But he governs well. The things he has accomplished are better than any pres for 30 years. So yes, he isn't a great guy, spouts off on twitter. But what he actually gets done, I approve. Other than Cavanaugh, that guy is a joke.
He hasn't changed. He's a compulsive liar. Now, if you support throwing 180 million people off healthcare, the tax plan for the super rich, declaring a national emergency over a problem that doesn't exist and never existed, contributing negatively toward a racial divide, demonizing the media for simply doing their jobs and calling him on his bullshit..........
so when Obama, Clinton and other dems stated the border issues was an national emergency they were lying as well? Or are they lying now? And the rest is simply bullshit democrat talking points. Hell, they aren't even talking points, they are pablum fed to keep their base worked up.
Stay on focus, Fox News. We're talking about Donald Trump. Stop with the "but the Democrats..." Is that your standard? If the Democrats acted like pieces of shit, Republicans can too?
They're not talking points, it's the media reporting facts that are happening. Stop with your "fake news" chants and grow up. Seriously. Grow up. If the Democrats have acted like children in the past supporting their shitty politicians, you're doing the exact same.
Oh come on!!! CNN has been caught repeatedly lying through their teeth about the right lately. Covington kids, kids in cages at the boarder, trump feeding/killing the fish in japan, hands up dont shoot and 17 intelligency agencies all agree on collution off the top of my head. Theres scores more if you want to google it.
Theyve gotten to the point that they no longer should be taken seriously as a “news” station...along with msnbc fox and several others.
The Covington kids was a rush to judgment, sure. But why put that on CNN? The entire media rushed into it because that smug little bastard was caught on camera. As for the other ones, I have no idea what "scandal" the right wing noise outlets have put together...
Quote: @KingBash said:
@ AGRforever said:
@ KingBash said:
@ greediron said:
@ KingBash said:
@ greediron said:
@ pumpf said:
@ KingBash said:
Easy: Trump said today his father was born in Germany. "A very wonderful place in Germany."
He was born in the Bronx.
Earlier today he tweeted Puerto Rico received $91 billion... that was the amount of damage done. They've actually received closer to $1-1.5 billion.
This is how stupid this man is.
Dig that. Donald Trump is mentally ill and an embarrassment and supporting him is shameful.
Serious question: can people support a politician's policies, without supporting the person? I think so. In hindsight, I don't think Clinton was such a bad president. But he was certainly a bad person. On the other hand, I think that Bush was a great guy... but I'm not sure about some of his policies.
I have to laugh. I was a huge Trump detractor during the primaries. He was so ill prepared, didn't know the proper functions of government, made so many stupid comments.
But as he got serious about winning, he changed. He still makes the stupid comments, but that is what twitter is for. Hell twitter even talks about editing peoples tweets. And after their recent fiascos, I say to hell with twitter. They are worthless.
But Trump still makes idiotic comments. But he governs well. The things he has accomplished are better than any pres for 30 years. So yes, he isn't a great guy, spouts off on twitter. But what he actually gets done, I approve. Other than Cavanaugh, that guy is a joke.
He hasn't changed. He's a compulsive liar. Now, if you support throwing 180 million people off healthcare, the tax plan for the super rich, declaring a national emergency over a problem that doesn't exist and never existed, contributing negatively toward a racial divide, demonizing the media for simply doing their jobs and calling him on his bullshit..........
so when Obama, Clinton and other dems stated the border issues was an national emergency they were lying as well? Or are they lying now? And the rest is simply bullshit democrat talking points. Hell, they aren't even talking points, they are pablum fed to keep their base worked up.
Stay on focus, Fox News. We're talking about Donald Trump. Stop with the "but the Democrats..." Is that your standard? If the Democrats acted like pieces of shit, Republicans can too?
They're not talking points, it's the media reporting facts that are happening. Stop with your "fake news" chants and grow up. Seriously. Grow up. If the Democrats have acted like children in the past supporting their shitty politicians, you're doing the exact same.
Oh come on!!! CNN has been caught repeatedly lying through their teeth about the right lately. Covington kids, kids in cages at the boarder, trump feeding/killing the fish in japan, hands up dont shoot and 17 intelligency agencies all agree on collution off the top of my head. Theres scores more if you want to google it.
Theyve gotten to the point that they no longer should be taken seriously as a “news” station...along with msnbc fox and several others.
The Covington kids was a rush to judgment, sure. But why put that on CNN? The entire media rushed into it because that smug little bastard was caught on camera. As for the other ones, I have no idea what "scandal" the right wing noise outlets have put together...
CNN broke it and pushed it to the front. Thats why theyre getting sued for $250m. That smug little bastard had the “smug look” for a couple 10s seconds. The other 10 minutes he didnt have that look on his face. That shot was cherry picked by CNN to write the narative. They had fotage of the whole thing.
I literally have no idea what exactly Trump has accomplished.
* Stock market destabilized within days of announcing his tariffs and has flatlined since January 2018
* Increased trade deficit by 19%
* Promised "better cheaper healthcare ON DAY 1" in 2016, now says wait til 2020 as GOP attempts to knock people off ACA in meantime
* Has skyrocketed national debt with over $1.2 trillion a year and accelerated deficit level despite inheiriting strong economy
* Construction and steel prices up 15%, new construction slowing down, car factories moving jobs overseas
* Cost of goods everywhere increasing sharply in last 2 years alone
* GOP Budget calls for cuts to education, Medicare, Medicaid, now the GOP wants at our social security too
*Gutting of the EPA
* Grants his kids and cronies security clearances despite major red flags and national security risks - but Hillary's emails!
* All of his military generals have quit in protest of his policies - McMaster, Mattis, Kelly all gone, 3 Chiefs of Staff already
* Creates his own problems: China tariffs destroyed soybean market for farmers, then has to spend billions to bail them out; shuts down government when he doesn't get support for his wall costing the economy billions, now he wants to shut border down while costing our economy over a billion dollars a day
* Sticks his nose in private businesses hoping to tank their stock prices and tarnish their image out of pettiness (Amazon, GM, NFL, etc)
* Is rude, narcissistic, and a complete failure on the world stage: North Korea disarmament? Lets Saudis off hook for Khashoggi killing? Brags about his achievements at the UN in front of world leaders and gets LAUGHED AT.
The entire fucking world outside of red-America thinks he is a complete joke and dumbass and yet for some reason his base absolutely adores him ... just because he is a fucking pig and attacks the same common scapegoat that they have: Democrats, liberals, Muslims, Mexicans, and anyone who doesn't support his agenda. It's the most divisive. disturbing era in modern history of our country and I can't imagine what the fuck anyone sees in this madman con artist or what good he is doing for the average American.
And this America, is your babbling idiot of a President - direct quotes from his most recent speech:
"I hope they now go and take a look at the oranges, the oranges of the investigation, the beginnings of that investigation,” Mr Trump said. “You look at the origin of the investigation, where it started, how it started, who started it, whether it’s McCabe or Comey or a lot of them."
Origins. You fucking stable genius, that huge word is ORIGINS and you keep saying oranges, because you're a fucking idiot with the vocabulary of a 6th grade teenage girl.
"The Mueller report I wished covered the oranges, how it started, the beginnings of the investigation, how it started. It didn’t cover that, and for some reason none of that was discussed.”
Christ he keeps trying and still can't pronounce it! I know illegals that speak better English than our moron President. Oh but hold on, it gets better:
In a freewheeling press conference, Mr Trump also railed against immigration across the southern border, said he had “to get rid of judges” who deal with asylum cases, and falsely claimed only two per cent of immigrants detained by border agents under so-called “catch and release” attend court for their application hearing".
The true figure is at least 60 per cent, according to Justice Department figures.
Our law and order party at work ... throw out those judges that don't bend to your wishes because you use fake facts.
But wait, let's let loose another whopper because that's just Trump telling it like it is:
“My father is German, right? Was German, and born in a very wonderful place in Germany, so I have a great feeling for Germany,” he said. His father was in fact born in the US.
Hey just go ahead and lie about where your Dad was born you nutjob... might be time to check Donald's birth certificate if he can't remember where his own Dad was born, there's a good chance he doesn't remember where he was born either. Illegitimate president!
But let's keep moving on to the next ridiculous lie from Trump:
"If you have a windmill anywhere near your house, congratulations, your house just went down 75 per cent in value,” Mr Trump told his audience. “And they say the noise causes cancer. You tell me that one, OK? Rerrrr rerrrr!”
Wind turbines produce a noise that causes cancer?!? This is your President, Republicans. Rerrrr rerrrr!
Trump is certified fucking batshit crazy like 99 yr old Great-grandpa with dementia at Thanksgiving and none of you want to admit it because he's family.
God help us.
Quote: @AGRforever said:
@ KingBash said:
@ AGRforever said:
@ KingBash said:
@ greediron said:
@ KingBash said:
@ greediron said:
@ pumpf said:
@ KingBash said:
Easy: Trump said today his father was born in Germany. "A very wonderful place in Germany."
He was born in the Bronx.
Earlier today he tweeted Puerto Rico received $91 billion... that was the amount of damage done. They've actually received closer to $1-1.5 billion.
This is how stupid this man is.
Dig that. Donald Trump is mentally ill and an embarrassment and supporting him is shameful.
Serious question: can people support a politician's policies, without supporting the person? I think so. In hindsight, I don't think Clinton was such a bad president. But he was certainly a bad person. On the other hand, I think that Bush was a great guy... but I'm not sure about some of his policies.
I have to laugh. I was a huge Trump detractor during the primaries. He was so ill prepared, didn't know the proper functions of government, made so many stupid comments.
But as he got serious about winning, he changed. He still makes the stupid comments, but that is what twitter is for. Hell twitter even talks about editing peoples tweets. And after their recent fiascos, I say to hell with twitter. They are worthless.
But Trump still makes idiotic comments. But he governs well. The things he has accomplished are better than any pres for 30 years. So yes, he isn't a great guy, spouts off on twitter. But what he actually gets done, I approve. Other than Cavanaugh, that guy is a joke.
He hasn't changed. He's a compulsive liar. Now, if you support throwing 180 million people off healthcare, the tax plan for the super rich, declaring a national emergency over a problem that doesn't exist and never existed, contributing negatively toward a racial divide, demonizing the media for simply doing their jobs and calling him on his bullshit..........
so when Obama, Clinton and other dems stated the border issues was an national emergency they were lying as well? Or are they lying now? And the rest is simply bullshit democrat talking points. Hell, they aren't even talking points, they are pablum fed to keep their base worked up.
Stay on focus, Fox News. We're talking about Donald Trump. Stop with the "but the Democrats..." Is that your standard? If the Democrats acted like pieces of shit, Republicans can too?
They're not talking points, it's the media reporting facts that are happening. Stop with your "fake news" chants and grow up. Seriously. Grow up. If the Democrats have acted like children in the past supporting their shitty politicians, you're doing the exact same.
Oh come on!!! CNN has been caught repeatedly lying through their teeth about the right lately. Covington kids, kids in cages at the boarder, trump feeding/killing the fish in japan, hands up dont shoot and 17 intelligency agencies all agree on collution off the top of my head. Theres scores more if you want to google it.
Theyve gotten to the point that they no longer should be taken seriously as a “news” station...along with msnbc fox and several others.
The Covington kids was a rush to judgment, sure. But why put that on CNN? The entire media rushed into it because that smug little bastard was caught on camera. As for the other ones, I have no idea what "scandal" the right wing noise outlets have put together...
CNN broke it and pushed it to the front. Thats why theyre getting sued for $250m. That smug little bastard had the “smug look” for a couple 10s seconds. The other 10 minutes he didnt have that look on his face. That shot was cherry picked by CNN to write the narative. They had fotage of the whole thing.
Now compare how terrible that is to what SFVikeFan posted above.
I'm hesitant to go too hard on this kids because - again - they're like 16 and everybody is a dick at 16 but they're probably gonna grow up into little MAGA hat wearing dummies.
Quote: @KingBash said:
You dont say? The NY times is still pushing a narative just like NBC, MSNBC, CNN etc? Could it be that some reporters have serious egg on tgeir face? All they need is something...anything to hang their hat on and it gives them clearance to run tge story so all the lefties give them some clicks.
It is a valid point. It took Barr less then 48 hours to determine there's nothing in a document that will take him a month to scrubb clean before releasing. Yes lefties are such a suspicious lot.