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I really don't want Biden vs Trump in 24...
Quote: @Zanary said:
This article was before they'd lost another 200+ police.

Seattle council tries to blame police management for manpower woes ( 

The lack of support from the city council, again from optics games, has them leaving in huge numbers.
Obviously I do know that Seattle and Portland are extremely liberal. Just like anything extreme, it just doesn't work. San Francisco is a great example. 

Quote: @StickyBun said:
@Zanary said:
This article was before they'd lost another 200+ police.

Seattle council tries to blame police management for manpower woes ( 

The lack of support from the city council, again from optics games, has them leaving in huge numbers.
Obviously I do know that Seattle and Portland are extremely liberal. Just like anything extreme, it just doesn't work. San Francisco is a great example. 
Actually, I don't agree.  The term "liberal" is completely misused, because it is defined as much more "live and let live" than "legislate everything and tax the s**t out of everyone".

The modern left is NOT liberal, not whatsoever.  It's just horrible.  I'm fine with liberals, as long as they're real ones.  The current left is power-mongering s**t of undeniable evil, and whether it's sacrificing its populace to junkies and murderers to look more "accepting", marginalizing its own police to join recent trends, or proving its own hypocrisy in demanding masks/restrictions that its own elected filth violates with seeming impunity, there is no excuse for support of that junk.  None.

I get that many people voted that way because they were voting against that babbling lunatic, Trumplestilskin, whose own pile of selected judges and others are admitting his BS was precisely that...but, folks, if you can drive and you can should be able to count higher than two.

Wiping the country down with one pile of fecund feces just because you prefer its flies to another pile doesn't make it less of a massive s**tstain.

Quote: @Skodin said:
@Zanary said:
@AGRforever said:
Do you people constantly live in fear?  Jesus, "to be working to murder Americans, nationwide"?  What is your evidence of this?  What has happened to "CHAZ"?   Who controls the area now?  US Marshals have arrested the CHAZ murder, justice will be served.

Stop fear mongering, it's not a debate position nor is anyone except your own echo chamber ever going to take you seriously.  5 blocks in Seattle for how long and somehow this is sweeping the country!  

And then you have the police accountability report that came out stating the police used misinformation to spark a violence utilizing the "Proud Boys" as a tool.  Ahh seems that it's not that simple and that most people, on both sides of this bullshit were complicit in their dishonesty and stupidity.

You people need to get a fucking grip

I screwed up on Portland earlier.  It was in Seattle.  You can't think CHAZ was ok but Jan 6th was an atrocity without looking through some very very shaded political lenses. 

Given that Portland has years of horrible riots and a downtown that's been a disaster were understating things.  But hey, it's been under democrat mayors for almost 3 solid decades...what leadership!
Yeah, 3 decades of leadership of growth for one of the fastest growing cities in America.  how terrible

democrats run the city of Portland for 3 decades for 30 years, and it grows as one of the fastest and if not thee fastest for many years, yet because of the last 3-4, "democrats can't run shit".

Crime is such a cheap card to play and more fear mongering.  It's a complex issue of poverty (GOP doesn't care about), lack of infrastructure (GOP doesn't want to invest in), the opioid crisis (GOP keeps the war on drugs), poor leadership (absolutely both sides) and external influences like climate change and globalism.  

But if we want to play that game, highest murder rates by state:
  • 8 of the top 10 states with the highest murder rate, voted for GOP every election in the 2000s.  The two who voted Dem (Illinois and New York . . . nah it's Georgia and New Mexico)
  • Trump won states had a 40% higher murder rate that Biden won states
  • Jacksonville has 3x the murder rate of NYC.  Tulsa and Oklahoma City (GOP  mayors in a GOP state) 3x and 2x LA's murder rate.
Murder rates, violent crimes are up every where, on par with the G W Bush era America.  How do you say, facts don't give a fuck about your "feelings"

Quote: @badgervike said:
@Skodin said:
@Zanary said:
@AGRforever said:
Do you people constantly live in fear?  Jesus, "to be working to murder Americans, nationwide"?  What is your evidence of this?  What has happened to "CHAZ"?   Who controls the area now?  US Marshals have arrested the CHAZ murder, justice will be served.

Stop fear mongering, it's not a debate position nor is anyone except your own echo chamber ever going to take you seriously.  5 blocks in Seattle for how long and somehow this is sweeping the country!  

And then you have the police accountability report that came out stating the police used misinformation to spark a violence utilizing the "Proud Boys" as a tool.  Ahh seems that it's not that simple and that most people, on both sides of this bullshit were complicit in their dishonesty and stupidity.

You people need to get a fucking grip

I screwed up on Portland earlier.  It was in Seattle.  You can't think CHAZ was ok but Jan 6th was an atrocity without looking through some very very shaded political lenses. 

Given that Portland has years of horrible riots and a downtown that's been a disaster were understating things.  But hey, it's been under democrat mayors for almost 3 solid decades...what leadership!
Yeah, 3 decades of leadership of growth for one of the fastest growing cities in America.  how terrible
wow, you got me and my point of the decades of leadership and growth.  They lost 11,000 people, wow, must feel like a ghost town.  

During that period that I was referencing which no one is debating, it gained 1.1 million people

1.1 million and extraordinary economic growth during that period, but sure let's just focus on your 11,000 strawmen

Quote: @Zanary said:
This search, on Bing (if it matters) took literally a few seconds...and this was the top result:

Does Portland Oregon have a lot of crime?

With a crime rate of 59 per one thousand residents, Portland has one of the highest crime rates in America compared to all communities of all sizes - from the smallest towns to the very largest cities. One's chance of becoming a victim of either violent or property crime here is one in 17.
Crime rates per 1,000 people via FBI statistics, not Bing.  Portland comes in . . . 

62# overall while being the 18th largest MSA in America

Behind liberal bastions like Tulsa, Wichita, Tucson, OK City, Dallas, Corpus Cristi, San Antonio, Omaha, Arlington, and Des Moines.

Again, the facts and your anecdotal world view don't match up to reality.  

Sure Dems are shitty leaders and do a terrible job at times, but stop bringing a knife to a gun fight

Quote: @Skodin said:
@Zanary said:
This search, on Bing (if it matters) took literally a few seconds...and this was the top result:

Does Portland Oregon have a lot of crime?

With a crime rate of 59 per one thousand residents, Portland has one of the highest crime rates in America compared to all communities of all sizes - from the smallest towns to the very largest cities. One's chance of becoming a victim of either violent or property crime here is one in 17.
Crime rates per 1,000 people via FBI statistics, not Bing.  Portland comes in . . . 

62# overall while being the 18th largest MSA in America

Behind liberal bastions like Tulsa, Wichita, Tucson, OK City, Dallas, Corpus Cristi, San Antonio, Omaha, Arlington, and Des Moines.

Again, the facts and your anecdotal world view don't match up to reality.  

Sure Dems are shitty leaders and do a terrible job at times, but stop bringing a knife to a gun fight
If I wanted to bring up "gun fights", I'd just leave Chicago, Baltimore, Detroit, and the like as my points...and wander away.

Those were bastions of truly broken dnc policies before the current "let the junkies s**t in your doorways" and "chase off the cops" stupidity took hold.

I'm very aware of the junk leadership in the tornado belt and the panhandle Texas, in general.  That's why I don't live in that area any longer.  That said, the modern left seems to achieve new lows in attempts to outdo the old ones, and outdoing the idiots in the gop at the same time.  Hence, I can't fathom why anyone backs either shitshow, whatsoever.

Quote: @Skodin said:
@badgervike said:
@Skodin said:
@Zanary said:
@AGRforever said:
Do you people constantly live in fear?  Jesus, "to be working to murder Americans, nationwide"?  What is your evidence of this?  What has happened to "CHAZ"?   Who controls the area now?  US Marshals have arrested the CHAZ murder, justice will be served.

Stop fear mongering, it's not a debate position nor is anyone except your own echo chamber ever going to take you seriously.  5 blocks in Seattle for how long and somehow this is sweeping the country!  

And then you have the police accountability report that came out stating the police used misinformation to spark a violence utilizing the "Proud Boys" as a tool.  Ahh seems that it's not that simple and that most people, on both sides of this bullshit were complicit in their dishonesty and stupidity.

You people need to get a fucking grip

I screwed up on Portland earlier.  It was in Seattle.  You can't think CHAZ was ok but Jan 6th was an atrocity without looking through some very very shaded political lenses. 

Given that Portland has years of horrible riots and a downtown that's been a disaster were understating things.  But hey, it's been under democrat mayors for almost 3 solid decades...what leadership!
Yeah, 3 decades of leadership of growth for one of the fastest growing cities in America.  how terrible
wow, you got me and my point of the decades of leadership and growth.  They lost 11,000 people, wow, must feel like a ghost town.  

During that period that I was referencing which no one is debating, it gained 1.1 million people

1.1 million and extraordinary economic growth during that period, but sure let's just focus on your 11,000 strawmen
We grew 17.5% between 2010-2020. Please keep you 11,000 we’re full. 


Quote: @AGRforever said:
@Skodin said:
@AGRforever said:
@Skodin said:
@Zanary said:
@AGRforever said:
@StickyBun said:
@JimmyinSD said:

I screwed up on Portland earlier.  It was in Seattle.  You can't think CHAZ was ok but Jan 6th was an atrocity without looking through some very very shaded political lenses. 

Never said CHAZ is acceptable. I don't support the fringe idiots on either side.  

Defund the Police is fucking stupid, always has been, always will be.  Reform the Police makes sense, especially for communities and PDs that need and want to work together.  PDs have a long way to go in building trust in broken communities.  We have seen how well they are working across this country with responses like Uvalde.   It's so fucking complex that fringe arguments, straw men, won't be the answer to get these things done.

Also, CHAZ, was not being supported by the President of the United States of America either.  These two things are not the same and I don't know a rational person who would equate them.  Both are ridiculous in this country, but also shows how far this country has rotted.

I'm not engaging with the fringes who like pointing at the opposite fringe to justify their fear (Chaz, White Nationalist shooters), conspiracies (denied by their own party) and bullshit.

I guess I'm not in fear of either.  You had a bunch of shitheads who actually took over several blocks for several weeks.  You had a bunch of douchebags smash some windows and doors on the 6th. 

If we're talking about sheer success.  The idiots in Seattle actually took part of the country over for a period of time.  The morons on the 6th never even got remotely close to that level of success. 
There actually is one big difference; POTUS supported and was causal for one. All to keep himself in power, give the middle finger to our Constitution and transfer of power laws.

I'm sure he could give a s hit about Portland


Quote: @Skodin said:
@JimmyinSD said:
@Skodin said:
@StickyBun said:
@JimmyinSD said:
@purplefaithful said:
I see Jan 6th itself as some dumb asses storming the capital and they should be appropriately tried and potentially convicted. 

The bigger crime is a big lie from ex POTUS and his attempts to circumvent the system our forefathers put in place - for his own drive to stay in power. That s hit dont happen here too often. 
But when the last group of dumb asses "stormed" the capital there was no outrage,   no concerns,   etc.  Jan 6th was so overblown its not even funny.   The words used to describe Jan 6th are ridiculous.   The antics after it are worse.
Don't agree with this at all. Not even a little.
Agreed.  If you are open minded to the truth, these hearings have been fascinating and showing the depth of the nightmare that was taking place.  
  • Numerous officials including the AG knew the election was not stolen and shared this with the president
  • The Trump White House knew that protesters were armed and wanted them to have full access to the rally.  Telling the White House team to remove the metal detectors.
  • Domestic terrorist groups (Oath Keepers and Proud Boys) were in dialogue with the White House regarding coordination
  • Top officials and congressional members (Gaetz, a real PEDO btw, Greene, Rudy, Perry, Meadows) asked for a pardon for their involvement
  • Congressional members (Sen Johnson's team) were looking to persuade the VP with fake electors
  • Trump believed they should hang Mike Pence
  • The White House including Meadows knew that Jan 6 was going to be a shitshow (warning his own aid on Jan 2nd) and did nothing to stop it
  • Secret Service members deleted all texts (now uncovered and to be presented) on January 6th
  • Trump team is reaching out to potential witnesses to "speak" to them regarding their potential testimony
Americans died on January 6th in a coordinated attempt to stop the election results.  If Pence gets in that secret service vehicle, who knows what happens.  Oh that's right, we know what would have happened, Chuck Grassley would have presided over the results, why, because he implied it publicly on January 5th that he didn't "expect the VP to be there"

So either, all of those highly qualified, "the best" people, insiders and outsiders, that Trump hired are either crooks and liars or Trump is.

To say that this if overblown or a charade is a fucking joke
the fucking joke is the charade of a "hearing" or that those that have been detained have been denied due process.  the use of the word "insurrection" being put on those that most ardently support the 2nd amendment,  yet 99.95% of those there werent armed,  they were supposedly going to try and over throw the govt and they didnt bother to take their guns or ammo?  4 months from mid term elections and they are just now conveniently getting around to holding hearings on this matter,  meanwhile people that did real damage during the summer of 2020 riots go unpunished and some old people that peacfully followed a largely peaceful crowd are arrested and held without their due rights.... yes,  this is a fucking joke.

Its sad that a few acted criminally,  but the over statements made of the day by the media and ever since is ridiculous.  There was no attempt to over throw the govt,  if anything the evidence that it was partially orchestrated by nancy and the criminal left is what should be considered the fucking joke.

right or wrong there was enough smoke leading up to that day that something was amiss with the election results,  we still hear of shit being uncovered or unexplained all the time,  and those people wanted answers.  some polls suggest that as much as 40% or more Americans question that results of that election... the one sided efforts the left are going to with the charade hearing will not change those peoples minds,  and those from the swamp saying that the election was on the up are not reassuring anybody.  think about it if the shoe was on the other foot,  would you believe the results in light of all the irregularities?
Sure, because the President was saying the election was rigged months before it even happened (starting in August).  What do you expect his people to think?  If he never started that shit, it would have gone off like any other election.  Without question.

Fuck what the media says, watch the hearings and the accounts of the people who were involved.  Those same oath keepers, proud boys, and regular trump supporters all believed they were going to take back the capitol because Trump said to.  They presented this as evidence, they admitted to it.  His own team was pushing back on the White House lawyers to pursue this.  The media is garbage to make it seem that all of the people who attended were storming the capitol.  Not all, but some did with plans that look to be coordinated by the president based on zero fucking evidence.

His AG said there was zero fraud, who is as fucking GOP as it gets (Reagan, Bush, Unitary Executive Theory), still said no fraud, no bullshit.  Why do you believe anything different?  Because the guy who knew he might lose said it was rigged.  Sounds like you are stuck listening to the media.

So if Pence gets in the car, Grassley doesn't certify the election and the people who came armed were allowed in, is that not a fucking coup?  The only thing that stopped that from happening were sane republicans/moderates who said no, the VP is going to certify and we should have this event use metal detectors.  That's all before all hell was to break loose.  His own Chief of Staff warned his own people about this days before.  

The president wanted his supporters armed, why because "they aren't coming after me".  Let me guess you don't believe the words of his own staff who was there?
You and your kind are EXACTLY why this country has turned into what it is. You shouldn't even be allowed to vote. Are you an adult? Or some 17 year old in your mom's basement eating cheetos and watching porn all day while living off the tax payers dime? I think the latter.

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