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trump Supporters Think Like Five Year Olds
Quote: @A1Janitor said:

@SFVikeFan said:
@A1Janitor said:
@MaroonBells said:
@A1Janitor said:
@MaroonBells said:

He's just a bad human who is celebrated by the worst of us: bigots, racists, sexists...and disdained by folks who try to teach their children to be honest, trustworthy, tolerant, kind and compassionate. 

Or we could have a lefty from hollywood.  

Harvey Weinstein?  Hillary Clinton?  Aunt Becky?  Kevin Spacey?  Al Franken?  Bill Cosby?
There are only two politicians on this list. And I'd take both of them over the toddler-in-chief. Oh wait...I forgot about the child sex ring run by Hillary Clinton you told us so much about. Gotta hand it to ya, janitor, you were in early on that one. Curious if there's a conspiracy you haven't fallen for? What about Sandy Hook? You in on the whole crisis actor stuff? 
Ah the libtard left takes a jab.

Speaking about conspiracies ... how about that Russian hoax for the last three years.  You motherfuckers fell for that.  And can’t seem to let go.
Exactly which part of it is a hoax in your alternative universe?

I could use a good laugh, entertain us.
Bless you.

Just watch the upcoming IG reports and prosecutions.  
In other words, you've STILL got nothing.

Oh yes I've heard the wait for it, wait for it.... line for months.  On some topics, years.  

I liken you to the village idiot, running to his mailbox everyday to see if that Publisher's Clearing House check arrived. 

Nope, not today, but by God any day now .... 


Quote: @savannahskol said:
@SFVikeFan said:

Exactly which part of it is a hoax in your alternative universe?

I could use a good laugh, entertain us.
The hoax was pointed out on page 2-3 of our 30 pager on another thread.   You clearly don't pay any attention. 

Yet, I'll review:  

1st of all... your leftist sources in the press, should just quit. 
So says a left-wing reporter , from a left-wing site (RollingStone)

^^ I'm a right-winger.  That (left-wing MSM) analysis, was the best I've read, Barr none.  
& that hurts to admit... as I have many bloggers in my right-wing stable I admire.  
But that offering by Matt Taibbe, was prolly the best blog-analysis, I've ever read. 

The hoax?  
For Trump's first 2 & 1/2 yrs, Trumps gotten an ANAL EXAM  from the NSA, CIA, & FBI.  
No indictments.  (and combine that, wit Taibbe's posts, above) 

"We've" argued for a long time.... Trump has been victim to a weaponized upper-echelon intelligence community "hoax/witch hunt". 

Laugh at us, all you want.  "we" have multiple grand juries still investigating.  You... have......0.  


Please tell me you're not this uninformed.  Multiple criminal referrals are under sealed indictment from Mueller that have yet to be revealed.  Multiple investigations are already underway by multiple agencies investigating Trump Foundation, Trump Inauguration and a few of Trump's businesses.  

You basically responded with a big fat nothing.  No indictments for Trump, due to Mueller saying it is against DOJ policy to indict a sitting President  - did you not read a damn thing in the Mueller report?  And just because there wasn't enough evidence to bring CRIMINAL charges for collusion, doesn't mean there was NO evidence.  More than enough evidence to justify an investigation, and in no way did you prove anything about a hoax. 

The hoax was Hillary's investigations that spanned years and netted 0 charges, 0 indictments and yet Republicans STILL want to re-open another investigation into her.  In Year 2050 they'll still be crying about Hillary.  Hypocrisy thy name is GOP.

Answer me one simple question:  if all this was such a hoax, why the fuck are several of Trump's people sitting in jail for lying about their contacts with Russians?  Why did Trump lie about it?  Why not just say "sure we did, but it was legal and no big deal"??  

C'mon I thought you were the supposed to be the smart one ... LOL 


Quote: @A1Janitor said:
Take care Mr. Bash.

I hope you come back and view the truth about the Russian hoax, the lies by Mueller, and indictments of Obama officials. 

Stop in and say hello sometime.

We will miss you, cowboy. 

What "lies" by Mueller? 

But I thought Mueller exonerated Trump.  I thought he  proved no collusion.  Now you're saying he lied?  Kind of a catch-22 there, dumbass.  

You're such an idiot you can't even help contradicting yourself.  Your tinfoil hat is more like a helmet for retards. 

Or maybe you're one of those fake Christians, you know you pick and choose what parts of the Bible/Mueller report to follow?


Quote: @SFVikeFan said:
@savannahskol said:
@SFVikeFan said:

Exactly which part of it is a hoax in your alternative universe?

I could use a good laugh, entertain us.
The hoax was pointed out on page 2-3 of our 30 pager on another thread.   You clearly don't pay any attention. 

Yet, I'll review:  

1st of all... your leftist sources in the press, should just quit. 
So says a left-wing reporter , from a left-wing site (RollingStone)

^^ I'm a right-winger.  That (left-wing MSM) analysis, was the best I've read, Barr none.  
& that hurts to admit... as I have many bloggers in my right-wing stable I admire.  
But that offering by Matt Taibbe, was prolly the best blog-analysis, I've ever read. 

The hoax?  
For Trump's first 2 & 1/2 yrs, Trumps gotten an ANAL EXAM  from the NSA, CIA, & FBI.  
No indictments.  (and combine that, wit Taibbe's posts, above) 

"We've" argued for a long time.... Trump has been victim to a weaponized upper-echelon intelligence community "hoax/witch hunt". 

Laugh at us, all you want.  "we" have multiple grand juries still investigating.  You... have......0.  


Please tell me you're not this uninformed.  Multiple criminal referrals are under sealed indictment from Mueller that have yet to be revealed.  Multiple investigations are already underway by multiple agencies investigating Trump Foundation, Trump Inauguration and a few of Trump's businesses.  

C'mon, man!  Sealed indictments?   You telling me, that any of those worth the ink they're written on?  If they were, they'd have made MUELLER'S  Javert's report.  
I'll admit this much... they MAY get the Trump campaign on campaign finance irregularities.  Hell...even Obama had those.
Campaign/inauguration finance violations are the jay-walking-equivalent violations of violations.  THERE MAY BE MONETARY FINES, lol. 

You basically responded with a big fat nothing.  No indictments for Trump, due to Mueller saying it is against DOJ policy to indict a sitting President  - did you not read a damn thing in the Mueller report?  And just because there wasn't enough evidence to bring CRIMINAL charges for collusion, doesn't mean there was NO evidence.  More than enough evidence to justify an investigation, and in no way did you prove anything about a hoax. 

The "big fat nothing" is the yoke you wear, not me.  The onus of "collusion" & "conspiracy" was upon YOU/Mueller/coup participants.  
 You came at "the King" (said euphemistically)....and you missed.  Spectacularly.  
The suspect origin(s) of the Mueller investigation is now being investigated by 3 grand juries.  Good luck, with that.  You might want to refrain from watching the news, for the next few months. 
**Hear that?**  That's the sound of grand juries weighing indictments.  

The hoax was Hillary's investigations that spanned years and netted 0 charges, 0 indictments and yet Republicans STILL want to re-open another investigation into her.  In Year 2050 they'll still be crying about Hillary.  Hypocrisy thy name is GOP.

I've not mentioned Hillary, in all my posts.  

Answer me one simple question:  if all this was such a hoax, why the fuck are several of Trump's people sitting in jail for lying about their contacts with Russians?  Why did Trump lie about it?  Why not just say "sure we did, but it was legal and no big deal"??  

Answer:  Why did Mueller point out NOT ONE SINGLE AMERICAN COLLUDED WITH RUSSIA?   Sure... about 13 Russians were indicted for interfering.  Supposedly spent about 46K (that's a lot, isn't it?)  on social media.   Good luck extraditing them for trial. 

With regard to Facebook ads and Twitter posts from the Russia-based Internet Research Agency, for example, Mueller could not have been more blunt: “The investigation did not identify evidence that any U.S. persons knowingly or intentionally coordinated with the IRA’s interference operation” (emphasis added). Note that this exoneration includes not only Trump campaign officials but all Americans:
[Image: ira11-1555617882.jpg?auto=compress%2Cfor...1024&h=154]
Flynn, Manafort, Papadopolous and Stone were all indicted for "process crimes"....meaning they were NOT indicted for "collusion" with Russians, but indicted for reasons solely the result
of the "Mueller investigation", itself.  
(Logan Act (lmao), tax evasion, 'lying to investigators' (not about Russian collusion -- sentence, 1 week) and  trying to contact Julian Assange)


Quote: @SFVikeFan said:

C'mon I thought you were the supposed to be the smart one ... LOL 
C'mon I thought you were the supposed to be the smart one ... LOL 

I've NEVER stated I was 'smart'.  (conversely, I've humbly admitted I may be wrong...but I doubt it.  With each passing day, I'm more convinced I'm right Wink ). 
Interesting... that you've now conferred "smart" upon me.   Maybe I'm making progress, after all.  Smile  

YOU said I was "an un-educated hillbilly".   I simply pointed out, that altho I may be a hillbilly, I'm not un-educated.  So I corrected you. 

Likewise, KingBash called me a traitor.  Which I also that's an odd charge for a honorably discharged Naval Officer/veteran.  
I've ignored many other invectives hurled by you... as I realize you/KB et al were simply lashing out in rage.  

SFVF, I've contested your points with mostly left-wing sources... on a 30 page pig earlier, and now 2-3 pages on a different (this) one.  
I've given you kudos, on a couple posts, where we've found "agreement".  
You've afforded me 0 likewise 'kudos', nor have you  acknowledged any effort I've made in 'arguing' with left-wing sources. 

I am self-aware, tho.  I noticed the last 15 pages of the last 30 page pig was mainly amongst about 4 posters. 
So I bow out of this thread.    But you keep being you.  


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