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trump Supporters Think Like Five Year Olds

Might be an insult to five year olds.



Ahhh, another liberal reaching across the aisle with an olive branch....  Political discourse in this country is totally in the crapper!  I can't see anyone that I would be proud to vote for in 2020.

It deserves to be in the crapper. Trump supporters defend a guy whose fragile little ego couldn't handle the USS John McCain being seen, so they hid it.

His supporters are pathetic. They love his business acumen, yet it turns out that was all a lie (lost more than any American over a 10 year period).  They love his religion (that Franklin Graham con artist wants to have a prayer day for him), but he's the antithesis of what Jesus preached. They love that he "drained the swamp", but Mueller had to come out and basically declare, "Holy shit, read my fucking report instead of listening to Bill Barr!"

There shouldn't be any polite discourse anymore. Fuck Trump, and fuck those who vigorously defend him by citing bullshit. They're anti-American at this part, party first.

EDIT: My favorite part of that is the first 5 year old yelling having an apostrophe in "SUCKS" on his shirt.


Quote: @IDVikingfan said:
Ahhh, another liberal reaching across the aisle with an olive branch....  Political discourse in this country is totally in the crapper!  I can't see anyone that I would be proud to vote for in 2020.
The last olive branch I received from the right was to be murdered and buried in a communal grave with others of my political  leanings. 

Quote: @"BarrNone55" said:
@IDVikingfan said:
Ahhh, another liberal reaching across the aisle with an olive branch....  Political discourse in this country is totally in the crapper!  I can't see anyone that I would be proud to vote for in 2020.
The last olive branch I received from the right was to be murdered and buried in a communal grave with others of my political  leanings. 
I will say, in fairness, the VAST majority of them are assholes. But I know a handful who support him in my personal life and are the absolute best. And they're almost sheepish supporters. Anytime it gets brought up, they're willing to have a discussion that doesn't get nasty, and one guy isn't even sold on him in 2020 anymore after all the McCain stuff over the past 18 months. So there's hope some of these people can say, "Shit... I wanted to shake the system up too, but this is NOT what I was hoping for."

It's the people who love him that are hopeless. They're just simple people that ought to be dismissed. 

That diagnosis is spot on.  Forget the reference to 5 year olds, the rest of the analysis is spot on.

These people do feel powerless.  They are watching rural America evaporate.  The younger generations with brains and educations have fled the farms and ranches to pursue better careers in urban areas.  Factories are being outsourced to cheaper labor sources overseas, embracing Republican philosophies of capitalism - finding methods of reducing costs.  The family owned farm can't survive and is being bought out by larger corporations.  These people fear change and fear that as our country and as technology evolves they are being left behind.

And they're absolutely correct. 

Because they don't want to see change and progress.  They want to see that dusty old factory re-open with good paying jobs.  They don't understand all those corporations left decades ago to pursue cheaper labor sources abroad and they're never coming back.  They're too ignorant to even realize why that stupid fucking red hat is made in China instead of here in USA.  

Nothing about the cult makes sense to us in any logical way.  The lying asshole who invented the debunked birther conspiracy is someone they trust.  They think some rich globalist elitist from NYC is somehow not part of the rest of the rich globalist elitists that they claim to despise.  They have George Soros as a boogeyman.  Soros has a $300 million dollar loan to Trump, literally owns Donald.  One is their savior, the other is the devil.  Explain that to me.

Meanwhile Trump has successfully undermined the press, so they no longer trust the news.  They listen to him because he projects power and authority and winning because that's how they view America'splace in the world.  They don't even pretend to care about compassion, empathy, kindness or intelligence, while tricking themselves into thinking they still embrace family values.

These people no longer judge candidates based on facts or logic.  It's all about emotion. That's why the lying doesn't bother them.  He appeals to their emotions.  Most are too uneducated and too lazy to fact check so they take all of his bullshit as truth and gospel. And Fox News amplifies that bullshit, so if they hear the same message from those two "trusted sources" it's automatically true.

This what makes them so dangerous.   Completely brainwashed.  Disregard for facts and science.  They know he lies profusely, yet they accept it and embrace it, but they go apeshit if the other side was ever dishonest about something.  They pretend to have morals, but they cheer at immoral behavior and statements by their own party while throwing shit fits if the other party did or said the same.  Media is the enemy and can't be trusted because it's full of lies, unless it's some rightwing propaganda or Fox News muppet that reinforces their existing prejudices, and their version of "alternative facts" is always the real truth.

Look at the amount of conspiracy theories A1 has peddled on that other thread that I had to debunk.  There's millions just as bad if not worse that are completely brainwashed by this new Cult of Trump.  And make no mistake, this is not a political party or philosophy - it's a sick, dishonest, immoral, disturbing cult that nobody in the rest of the world other than white nationalists can understand. 


Right off the bat...this thread is a stupid, shitty idea.

Just delete it, or don't pretend to claim any so-called high ground again on this site.

If you're going to generalize strangers like that, then you don't care about their reasons, their thoughts, their takes, or any concept of reason with them...and put it right in the thread just want to talk shit and have a shit-throwing thread.

That's it, you're actively choosing to aid the division of the country.  Congrats on being, undeniably, part of the problem.

Yes, Trumplestilskin's most rabid followers frankly clog YouTube with examples of moronic, mindless behaviors...and they can be answered by more videos of similarly vapid lefty moments.  Whoopee, you found video evidence of idiocy on the internet.  Golly, first ever!!


Just delete this thread, and try NOT to be part of the problem going forward.  There's more than enough snarling and sniping on threads centered around actual news, this type of shameless bait thread is purely choosing to roll in the very fecal matter you're complaining about.

Set the bar a bit higher.

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