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Could Someone Explain This To Me
Pumpf I'm speechless, seriously. You claim Trump is acting like the adult in the room?  I pray you have no children. His childish name calling and degrading of women doesn't faze you obviously.  His relentless attacks on the media and freedom of the press do not matter to you. You don't care that anyone else not inside the bubble of his cult matter.  Our allies, Canada, Germany, do not matter.  You think they respect us?  Laughing in Trump's face at the UN is a sign of respect?  And liberals, Democrats and other Americans do not matter. Yeah that's real leadership alright, ranting and raving like a petulant child shows real courage and leadership.  You talk of immorality, meanwhile Republicans vote in a POTUS who cheated on all 3 wives, brags about assaulting women and grabbing them by the pussy, calls his own daughter a hot piece of ass that he would date if she wasnt his child, endorses pedophiles like Roy Moore, calls Neo-Nazis "good people", throws kids in cages, but you dare call the side that opposes that behavior immoral?

You need to take a long, hard look at what Jesus would think about what you stand for.  You and the Evangelicals have strayed so far from God and the teachings of Christ you can no longer discern right from wrong on very black and white moral issues, like treating other people with compassion and empathy, because you're too worried about gays, who uses what bathrooms and owning the libs.  I pray you and your CINO's can find your way back to the light again.

As for the economy I find it hilarious since Trump started his tariff and trade war back in January, the Dow Jones has flatlined.  Congrats on taking Obama's hot economy and smothering it with 19th century economic policies that have done nothing to help average Americans, destroyed the soybean market, caused steel and timber for construction to skyrocket, and a stable genius SOCIALISM bailout of $12 billion to farmers caused by his own failed economic policies.  So much winning.

Quote: @pumpf said:
@"BarrNone55" said:
@SFVikeFan said:
Not sure who saw the 80 minute (!) "press conference" the other day from Trump.  Basically it was a completely off the rails shitshow of a rambling, run-on, babbling, Me-Fest.  He wouldn't take questions, told one lady reporter to "sit down" so he could continue his rambling.  If you thought the phone interview on Fox News was bad - and it was so bad they literally hung up on him - this was on another level.  Clearly he is not mentally well.  

And now we know why they only let him do a press conference a few times a year and why he prefers Twitter, he simply can't speak without straying off-topic.  He was all over the place, I have never seen anything like it in my life.

At some point Trump supporters are going to need to come around and face the reality that we have a complete fucking lunatic running the country.  Between his incessant lying, detachment from reality, and having the entire UN laugh in his face while claiming he was expecting them to laugh (except his comment "oh that's not the reaction I was expecting"), this man is a clear and present danger to our national security.  We are well past time to invoke the 25th Amendment and throw his crazy ass out of office before he does any more permanent damage to our country and reputation.
Brother, if they haven't by now they're not going to. They drank the coolaid, ate the shit sammich, and asked for seconds. The only hope the country has now is the 100+ million who sat on the sidelines and didn't vote. 
The only hope?  For what?  That our country will continue to become an immoral socialist regime?  I mean, really: what are folks so worried about?  Trump's been president for 2 years now- and other than a booming economy- what has he done to negatively (and tangibly) impact your life?
Fortunately I'm straight white male. Do you think trump will somehow make this country more moral?! 

What the actual fuck. The guy with 5 kids with 3 different women is going to change the direction of the morality of the country?  The guy who has cheated on every single woman he's been married to?  Please, enlighten me.

Quote: @MaroonBells said:
@pumpf said:
@"BarrNone55" said:
@SFVikeFan said:
Not sure who saw the 80 minute (!) "press conference" the other day from Trump.  Basically it was a completely off the rails shitshow of a rambling, run-on, babbling, Me-Fest.  He wouldn't take questions, told one lady reporter to "sit down" so he could continue his rambling.  If you thought the phone interview on Fox News was bad - and it was so bad they literally hung up on him - this was on another level.  Clearly he is not mentally well.  

And now we know why they only let him do a press conference a few times a year and why he prefers Twitter, he simply can't speak without straying off-topic.  He was all over the place, I have never seen anything like it in my life.

At some point Trump supporters are going to need to come around and face the reality that we have a complete fucking lunatic running the country.  Between his incessant lying, detachment from reality, and having the entire UN laugh in his face while claiming he was expecting them to laugh (except his comment "oh that's not the reaction I was expecting"), this man is a clear and present danger to our national security.  We are well past time to invoke the 25th Amendment and throw his crazy ass out of office before he does any more permanent damage to our country and reputation.
Brother, if they haven't by now they're not going to. They drank the coolaid, ate the shit sammich, and asked for seconds. The only hope the country has now is the 100+ million who sat on the sidelines and didn't vote. 
The only hope?  For what?  That our country will continue to become an immoral socialist regime?  I mean, really: what are folks so worried about?  Trump's been president for 2 years now- and other than a booming economy- what has he done to negatively (and tangibly) impact your life?
Some of us do consider the interests of others. 
Apparently only those who agree with you.  I've never seen "you" defend the reputation or well-being of anyone with whom you disagreed.  And "you" OBVIOUSLY don't consider the "interests" of unborn children.

Quote: @SFVikeFan said:
Pumpf I'm speechless, seriously. You claim Trump is acting like the adult in the room?  I pray you have no children. His childish name calling and degrading of women doesn't faze you obviously.  His relentless attacks on the media and freedom of the press do not matter to you. You don't care that anyone else not inside the bubble of his cult matter.  Our allies, Canada, Germany, do not matter.  You think they respect us?  Laughing in Trump's face at the UN is a sign of respect?  And liberals, Democrats and other Americans do not matter. Yeah that's real leadership alright, ranting and raving like a petulant child shows real courage and leadership.  You talk of immorality, meanwhile Republicans vote in a POTUS who cheated on all 3 wives, brags about assaulting women and grabbing them by the pussy, calls his own daughter a hot piece of ass that he would date if she wasnt his child, endorses pedophiles like Roy Moore, calls Neo-Nazis "good people", throws kids in cages, but you dare call the side that opposes that behavior immoral?

You need to take a long, hard look at what Jesus would think about what you stand for.  You and the Evangelicals have strayed so far from God and the teachings of Christ you can no longer discern right from wrong on very black and white moral issues, like treating other people with compassion and empathy, because you're too worried about gays, who uses what bathrooms and owning the libs.  I pray you and your CINO's can find your way back to the light again.

As for the economy I find it hilarious since Trump started his tariff and trade war back in January, the Dow Jones has flatlined.  Congrats on taking Obama's hot economy and smothering it with 19th century economic policies that have done nothing to help average Americans, destroyed the soybean market, caused steel and timber for construction to skyrocket, and a stable genius SOCIALISM bailout of $12 billion to farmers caused by his own failed economic policies.  So much winning.
If you read for comprehension, you'd see that I never said that Trump was the "adult in the room".  In fact, I indicated that he's not very "mature" at all.  BUT... the idiocy of the Democrats has been so over the top ridiculous (and vile) that THEY make him SEEM like the adult in the room.  Compared to them, he is.  But, compared to my 6 year old son, I'm tall.  That doesn't mean that I actually am tall.  As for you praying that I have no children???  You apparently don't like the things that Trump says... and then you say something like that?  Wow.  But, to be honest, you're just proving my point.  So: good job.

His attacks against the media don't bother me- because they deserve it.  You wouldn't think so, because you agree with them.  And the fact that you do ought to prove to you that they ARE biased.  How can you agree with an unbiased comment or position?  You can't.  

I don't know what you're whining about when it comes to "others don't matter".  It's YOUR side that has been advocating for actual (not imagined) violence against conservatives.  

I won't defend the POTUS election... but I'll tell you this: I didn't vote for him last time.  In fact, for the first time in my life, I actually voted for a Democrat (although not for president).  And I had contacted my local Republican party "office" to tell them to remove me from their list.  But guess what?  YOUR side has behaved so badly (worse than anything you're accusing Trump of), that I've made up my mind to vote Republican for every office.  And I don't even like the party!  But the Dems are so much worse.

PLEASE don't lecture me about compassion when YOUR side refuses to support a law that would require that babies born alive (yes, actually being alive outside of the womb) after a failed abortion would require medical attention.  Not only does YOUR side support the murder of unborn children, now YOUR side is advocating for letting even born children die.  And how compassionate is it to allow a 6 year old girls to be assaulted in a "girls" bathroom by a boy who identified as a girl?  How compassionate was it to practice the politics of personal destruction vs. an innocent man (and his family) because he happens to hold a different ideological viewpoint than YOUR judges (who prefer to use their bench to make laws, rather than interpret them)? 

And, once again, you accuse me of being a "Christian in Name Only"... because I don't believe the same things that you do.  Let me tell you: I fear for the eternal soul of anyone who thinks abortion is OK.  How in the world a "Christian" can think it's OK to kill unborn children when God, Himself, considered unborn children to be living children... and when the Lord, Himself, said, "Let the little children come to me"... and "whatsoever you have done to the least of these my brothers, you've done it to Me."  

Quote: @"BarrNone55" said:
@pumpf said:
@"BarrNone55" said:
@SFVikeFan said:
Not sure who saw the 80 minute (!) "press conference" the other day from Trump.  Basically it was a completely off the rails shitshow of a rambling, run-on, babbling, Me-Fest.  He wouldn't take questions, told one lady reporter to "sit down" so he could continue his rambling.  If you thought the phone interview on Fox News was bad - and it was so bad they literally hung up on him - this was on another level.  Clearly he is not mentally well.  

And now we know why they only let him do a press conference a few times a year and why he prefers Twitter, he simply can't speak without straying off-topic.  He was all over the place, I have never seen anything like it in my life.

At some point Trump supporters are going to need to come around and face the reality that we have a complete fucking lunatic running the country.  Between his incessant lying, detachment from reality, and having the entire UN laugh in his face while claiming he was expecting them to laugh (except his comment "oh that's not the reaction I was expecting"), this man is a clear and present danger to our national security.  We are well past time to invoke the 25th Amendment and throw his crazy ass out of office before he does any more permanent damage to our country and reputation.
Brother, if they haven't by now they're not going to. They drank the coolaid, ate the shit sammich, and asked for seconds. The only hope the country has now is the 100+ million who sat on the sidelines and didn't vote. 
The only hope?  For what?  That our country will continue to become an immoral socialist regime?  I mean, really: what are folks so worried about?  Trump's been president for 2 years now- and other than a booming economy- what has he done to negatively (and tangibly) impact your life?
Fortunately I'm straight white male. Do you think trump will somehow make this country more moral?! 
No, I don't. 

"His attacks against the media don't bother me, because they deserve it".

And there you have it.  You defend Trump constantly, the man who claimed Obama was born in Kenya, who claimed his birth certificate was fake, the man who created "fake news" and coined the term "alternative facts" when he was proven to be lying ... is the one who is telling the truth and it's the media who is lying?  Because the media dared to call him out on his blatant lying starting on Day 1 with his crowd sizes comment, and has since spewed a record-breaking steady stream of despicable lies on a daily basis since then, they DESERVE it?  And every media source is guilty of it?   BBC, PBS, NPR - literally the entire fucking WORLD that's not Republican propaganda deserves this treatment?   You accuse the left of calling for violence, my God the term "push back" is so offensive to you but you have zero problem with Trump telling supporters to beat up protesters and he will pay their legal fees, to label the media that dares to call out his blatant lying "the enemy of the people" and encouraging violence against them, and you have no problem with his support of Neo-Nazis running people over in cars, marching the streets with torches chanting "Jews will not replace us" ... but anyone who says this isn't acceptable behavior and we should "push back" is somehow offensive to you???  It's like a cult where you live in this alternative world of the upside-down of what's actually moral vs. immoral, "truth is not truth" and you have flip-flopped facts for fiction from a con man and his propaganda-spewing TV channel of Fox News, and you can't grasp how the entire world is aghast and appalled at you ... because WE are the biased ones? 

Gone is the Republican party platform of "family values", now your morals bend to your political beliefs.  As long as it's your team beating up the other guy and screwing over the other side it's totally acceptable, because the other guy deserved it or did something worse in your eyes.  No empathy, no compassion, no love thy neighbor because apparently that's not what Christ meant - it was supposed to have strings attached that we don't offer that if you're gay, brown, a different faith, liberal, or an immigrant, then all of those teachings are null and void.  Oh no, you teach your kids the real Evangelical Bible-version of Christian beliefs: it's ok to ridicule and fuck over your neighbor if he's an immoral socialist lib, mocking disabled people is funny and cool, it's okay to cheat on your taxes because that's what smart people do, cheat on your wife all you want since women don't deserve any respect anyway, women should never have any control over their bodies or access to birth control because those sluts should know better and keep their legs closed until marriage, we refuse to teach sex education in schools because our policy of abstinence-only is super effective with horny teenagers in high school - just ask our spokesperson Bristol Palin, we are strictly anti-abortion yet we will refuse to cover the cost of women's birth control as part of company insurance plans to prevent the possibility of an unwanted pregnancy and avoid abortions, but we damn well better include the cost of Viagra in our healthcare plan because that's God's will that I am entitled to have a boner anytime, and while we preach that abortion should be illegal there's a clause that unless they're a mistress of a married Republican then they better damn well get one and sign this NDA and keep their mouths shut, we will treat people like animals and throw kids in cages if they're not born here or have a different faith cuz this 'Merica goddammit and we support jailtime for brown children committing misdemeanors.

Jesus would be so proud of how you've interpreted his teachings of love, compassion and acceptance, and it's all because you've got that icky bathroom issue and abortion nailed down.  I'm sure Jesus is so proud of the GOP that he would don a MAGA hat and a red tie around his white robes, and make sure Trump's angelic soul and his 5 kids from 3 wives all get to skip the entire line to make sure he sees St. Peter first ... because we all know it was God's will that landed him the POTUS job to begin with to replace that commie-loving brown Muslim.


[Image: Have-A-Great-Columbus-Day-Animated-Picture.gif]

SS, try to at least give the illusion of staying on topic rather than chumming the water. 

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