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So...Trumplestilskin is Skipping the Debate. SHOCKER!
Quote: @"BigAl99" said:
@"savannahskol" said:
@"VikingOracle" said:
Give him a break, he has bone spurs.
Whilst you're throwing bon-mots.....Have you worn our country's uniform, VO?  Stood a post?
(and that goes also for your fellow chucklers, Zanary & BigAl?)

Pardon me, if you have. 

You see, I don't mind criticism from those who served....criticism, earned. 

I have.  Took the USN officer oath of my free volition, AFTER earning a doctorate, of which I owed nothing to Uncle Sam. 
My older brother drove an M-1 Abrams tank, in harms way, in Iraq. (way more, than I did).  Highly decorated. 
My father stood a post as a CPO USN, during Vietnam & Korean conflicts.  His father died during WWII.  

So...VO....whilst your casting stones....your military CV? 

Thanks for your service... and free rent! 
Free rent.  Good one?  

Where did you not serve, BigAss?

Quote: @"savannahskol" said:
@"VikingOracle" said:

You know I am trying to add a little humor to this discussion, right?  And what right do you the compunction to critique my humor if you have never done stand-up.  (I would have done stand-up but my bone spurs prevent me from standing for long periods of time).

No, you're not trying to add humor, your being derisive.  And you know it.  Confirmed by your "humorous" steam-bath comments, subsequent.  

Frankly, by your analysis, what gives Trump the right to criticize those who served, let alone lead them? 

Who has Trump criticized?  Other than McCain/"gold star families" (actually only one, Kzir Khan) 

To use your words, "what gives TRUMP any compunction to opine on others who did serve such as McCain, Gold Star families and those who died during WW2?"

Trump's criticism of Democrat John McCain, was out of bounds.  Said so, at the time. 

"Gold Star families"?  LOL, give me a break.  You're talking about Khzer Khan, Gold Star father that drew 'first blood' at the DNC convention.  
Even the middle of the road "the Hill" agreed:

Who has Trump criticized, I guess you lissed the article I posted above:

I just find it very hypocritical that you would take so much offense at my jokes about bone spurs and you clearly support someone who actively avoided military service and has criticized POWs and men who gave their life defending this country.   He also called General Mattis "overrated."

As for your citation to The Hill -- two words in your link: "pundits-blog" ("Hurt writes the “Nuclear Option” column for The Washington Times.")   So, don't try to pass that off as from the "middle of the road" The Hill.  If you want to cite an article from The Hill, start here:  "President Trump lashed out at top military brass in a contentious Pentagon meeting in 2017, slamming them as “dopes” and “babies,”  

Now, I know you say that I am disqualified from criticizing Trump's draft dodging because I never served (people often may a similar remark about my football IQ as I never played college or pro football), so I will leave you with this clip by someone with a lot more military service than you (which I am guessing makes him more qualified than you to opine as to Trump's bone spurs):

Or McCain: "One aspect of the conflict, by the way, that I will never ever countenance is that we drafted the lowest income level of America and the highest income level found a doctor that would say that they had a bone spur," McCain said during an interview with C-SPAN that aired Sunday."

Or Tammy Duckworth: "Duckworth, in a speech on Saturday, called Trump a “five deferment draft-dodger” and “Cadet Bone Spurs” — a reference to the medical diagnosis the president received in 1968 that allowed him to be exempted from military service."

Or Bob Kerrey: “While John McCain was flying combat operations in Vietnam, you were, I think, falsifying that you had bone spurs in order not to go to Vietnam,” Kerrey said. “Now, I know lots of people who avoided the draft, but this isn’t what he’s saying. He said ‘I physically couldn’t go.’ Well, Mr. President, get your feet X-rayed and let’s see those bone spurs. I don’t think he has them.”

Or Chuck Hagel: Democratic and Republican opponents alike over the weekend seized on the reports - which said that Trump had called U.S. soldiers buried in Europe “losers” - to attack his record on the military on news shows and in political ads.  Former Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel, a Republican, told ABC’s “This Week” that the remarks, if true, were “despicable.”  Hagel said the reports were "credible" because they were consistent with previous public remarks Trump had made denigrating military personnel, including former U.S. Defense Secretary James Mattis here, as well as the late U.S. Senator John McCain here.

So there you have it.  You get all sanctimonious because I, someone who never served in the military, made a joke about another person who never served in the military.  It is the height of irony that you fully embrace for president a draft dodger, who, frankly considers you to be a sucker or loser for enlisting.  ("Jennifer Griffin, a national security correspondent for Fox News, confirmed the president’s remarks Friday.  “According to one former senior Trump administration official: ’When the President spoke about the Vietnam War, he said, ‘It was a stupid war. Anyone who went was a sucker,’” Griffin said.). 

Quote: @"VikingOracle" said:
@"savannahskol" said:
@"VikingOracle" said:

You know I am trying to add a little humor to this discussion, right?  And what right do you the compunction to critique my humor if you have never done stand-up.  (I would have done stand-up but my bone spurs prevent me from standing for long periods of time).

No, you're not trying to add humor, your being derisive.  And you know it.  Confirmed by your "humorous" steam-bath comments, subsequent.  

Frankly, by your analysis, what gives Trump the right to criticize those who served, let alone lead them? 

Who has Trump criticized?  Other than McCain/"gold star families" (actually only one, Kzir Khan) 

To use your words, "what gives TRUMP any compunction to opine on others who did serve such as McCain, Gold Star families and those who died during WW2?"

Trump's criticism of Democrat John McCain, was out of bounds.  Said so, at the time. 

"Gold Star families"?  LOL, give me a break.  You're talking about Khzer Khan, Gold Star father that drew 'first blood' at the DNC convention.  
Even the middle of the road "the Hill" agreed:

Who has Trump criticized, I guess you lissed the article I posted above:

I just find it very hypocritical that you would take so much offense at my jokes about bone spurs and you clearly support someone who actively avoided military service and has criticized POWs and men who gave their life defending this country.   He also called General Mattis "overrated."

As for your citation to The Hill -- two words in your link: "pundits-blog" ("Hurt writes the “Nuclear Option” column for The Washington Times.")   So, don't try to pass that off as from the "middle of the road" The Hill.  If you want to cite an article from The Hill, start here:  "President Trump lashed out at top military brass in a contentious Pentagon meeting in 2017, slamming them as “dopes” and “babies,”  

Now, I know you say that I am disqualified from criticizing Trump's draft dodging because I never served (people often may a similar remark about my football IQ as I never played college or pro football), so I will leave you with this clip by someone with a lot more military service than you (which I am guessing makes him more qualified than you to opine as to Trump's bone spurs):

Or McCain: "One aspect of the conflict, by the way, that I will never ever countenance is that we drafted the lowest income level of America and the highest income level found a doctor that would say that they had a bone spur," McCain said during an interview with C-SPAN that aired Sunday."

Or Tammy Duckworth: "Duckworth, in a speech on Saturday, called Trump a “five deferment draft-dodger” and “Cadet Bone Spurs” — a reference to the medical diagnosis the president received in 1968 that allowed him to be exempted from military service."

Or Bob Kerrey: “While John McCain was flying combat operations in Vietnam, you were, I think, falsifying that you had bone spurs in order not to go to Vietnam,” Kerrey said. “Now, I know lots of people who avoided the draft, but this isn’t what he’s saying. He said ‘I physically couldn’t go.’ Well, Mr. President, get your feet X-rayed and let’s see those bone spurs. I don’t think he has them.”

Or Chuck Hagel: Democratic and Republican opponents alike over the weekend seized on the reports - which said that Trump had called U.S. soldiers buried in Europe “losers” - to attack his record on the military on news shows and in political ads.  Former Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel, a Republican, told ABC’s “This Week” that the remarks, if true, were “despicable.”  Hagel said the reports were "credible" because they were consistent with previous public remarks Trump had made denigrating military personnel, including former U.S. Defense Secretary James Mattis here, as well as the late U.S. Senator John McCain here.

So there you have it.  You get all sanctimonious because I, someone who never served in the military, made a joke about another person who never served in the military.  It is the height of irony that you fully embrace for president a draft dodger, who, frankly considers you to be a sucker or loser for enlisting.  ("Jennifer Griffin, a national security correspondent for Fox News, confirmed the president’s remarks Friday.  “According to one former senior Trump administration official: ’When the President spoke about the Vietnam War, he said, ‘It was a stupid war. Anyone who went was a sucker,’” Griffin said.). 
Oracle, your patience with these cult members is truly amazing. 

Quote: @"StickyBun" said:

Oracle, your patience with these cult members is truly amazing. 
They are Viking fans, so they are my brother (in pain -- a lifetime of clunked field goals).  I just hope that one day (soon), they will come to their senses.

SSkol posted some polls, I think this one is important: "In the CBS News/YouGov survey, Trump voters were asked to pick who they feel tells them the truth. Trump gathered 71 percent of the vote, friends and family gathered 63 percent, conservative media figures had 56 percent, and religious leaders gathered 42 percent. The poll was conducted between August 16-18 and interviewed 2,061 U.S. adult residents. The margin of error is plus or minus 3 points for the sample overall."  So, SSkol and his ilk truly believe Trump is 6'3" and 215 pounds despite what their eyes tell them.

Can you imagine believing a politician with so many documented lies over your parents, friends and pastor?

I think we all wish SSkol and others who live in the path of the hurricane the best today.

Quote: @"VikingOracle" said:
@"StickyBun" said:

Oracle, your patience with these cult members is truly amazing. 
They are Viking fans, so they are my brother (in pain -- a lifetime of clunked field goals).  I just hope that one day (soon), they will come to their senses.

SSkol posted some polls, I think this one is important: "In the CBS News/YouGov survey, Trump voters were asked to pick who they feel tells them the truth. Trump gathered 71 percent of the vote, friends and family gathered 63 percent, conservative media figures had 56 percent, and religious leaders gathered 42 percent. The poll was conducted between August 16-18 and interviewed 2,061 U.S. adult residents. The margin of error is plus or minus 3 points for the sample overall."  So, SSkol and his ilk truly believe Trump is 6'3" and 215 pounds despite what their eyes tell them.

Can you imagine believing a politician with so many documented lies over your parents, friends and pastor?

I think we all wish SSkol and others who live in the path of the hurricane the best today.
not disputing the findings,  but does anybody really trust any polls done by news agencies that have been proven time and again to twist things to fit their agendas?   just like "scientific studies" ,  they are about as honest as the corporations funding them for the sole purpose of defending their positions for profit.  I am sure I could target very specific segments of the population to get about any result you would like me to get from a poll or survey. ( since we are all sub classified by big-tech into the easiest to define groups for purposes like this,  so crazy that we all have gone along with being sorted like livestock in the name of convenience of information )

Sticky likes his pet phrase,  but arent the real cult members the ones that believe the loud constant droning coming from the media and other proven to be biased sources?  honestly I dont think any of us can know with any certainty right now who the hell is telling the truth and who is full of shit,  but based on covid,  those that were deemed loonies,  ended up being closest to the truth,  IMO that should have everybody with an open mind looking at resetting their bull shit meters.

I'm feeling sorry for this guy now, obviously something is very wrong:


Quote: @"StickyBun" said:
I'm feeling sorry for this guy now, obviously something is very wrong:
Lol problem for house and senate.... the Whitehouse is no better and the supreme court has seen the same shit.  Both fucking parties need to be power washed.

Quote: @"StickyBun" said:
I'm feeling sorry for this guy now, obviously something is very wrong:
Yeah.  Probably gonna mark that as a NO.

Sad thing is, the handler just lets him continue.

Quote: @"JimmyinSD" said:
@"VikingOracle" said:
@"StickyBun" said:

Oracle, your patience with these cult members is truly amazing. 
They are Viking fans, so they are my brother (in pain -- a lifetime of clunked field goals).  I just hope that one day (soon), they will come to their senses.

SSkol posted some polls, I think this one is important: "In the CBS News/YouGov survey, Trump voters were asked to pick who they feel tells them the truth. Trump gathered 71 percent of the vote, friends and family gathered 63 percent, conservative media figures had 56 percent, and religious leaders gathered 42 percent. The poll was conducted between August 16-18 and interviewed 2,061 U.S. adult residents. The margin of error is plus or minus 3 points for the sample overall."  So, SSkol and his ilk truly believe Trump is 6'3" and 215 pounds despite what their eyes tell them.

Can you imagine believing a politician with so many documented lies over your parents, friends and pastor?

I think we all wish SSkol and others who live in the path of the hurricane the best today.
not disputing the findings,  but does anybody really trust any polls done by news agencies that have been proven time and again to twist things to fit their agendas?   just like "scientific studies" ,  they are about as honest as the corporations funding them for the sole purpose of defending their positions for profit.  I am sure I could target very specific segments of the population to get about any result you would like me to get from a poll or survey. ( since we are all sub classified by big-tech into the easiest to define groups for purposes like this,  so crazy that we all have gone along with being sorted like livestock in the name of convenience of information )

Sticky likes his pet phrase,  but arent the real cult members the ones that believe the loud constant droning coming from the media and other proven to be biased sources?  honestly I dont think any of us can know with any certainty right now who the hell is telling the truth and who is full of shit,  but based on covid,  those that were deemed loonies,  ended up being closest to the truth,  IMO that should have everybody with an open mind looking at resetting their bull shit meters.
What's complicated about following leads to the actual data as much as possible?

I'm at least as cynical and distrusting as anyone on this site...probably in the, I look for data, context, and anything that separates information from biased presenters.

It just takes some time and a bit of effort, most of the time.  If you actually want the truth, it's just part of the process.

If you like being "led"...CNN, FOX, MSNBC, Newsmax, and others are happy to program you.

Quote: @"StickyBun" said:
I'm feeling sorry for this guy now, obviously something is very wrong:
I did not vote for Dianne Feinstein this last election.  I thought it was a huge mistake and I think I have been proven right on that point.  Everyone talks about term limits but we shouldn't need rules for everything -- be responsible and think critically.


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