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DOJ watchdog: No Obama spying on Trump

In a huge blow to Trump, DOJ watchdog found no evidence to support the claim that the FBI spied on his 2016 campaign
  • The Justice Department's inspector general found no evidence to support President Donald Trump's claim that the FBI inserted spies in his 2016 presidential campaign, The New York Times reported
  • Trump has repeatedly and baselessly alleged that the FBI inserted covert operators in his campaign.
  • He also alleged, without evidence, that former President Barack Obama had intelligence officials tap his phones, a claim the IG's report is also expected to undercut.
  • While the IG report undermines Trump's most extreme claims, sources told The Times, it also faults the FBI for making bureaucratic mistakes when applying for a warrant to surveil Carter Page, a former Trump campaign aide.

Too bad A1 was too chicken to take my bet  ... in the meantime I'll take a victory lap.

Another conspiracy theory debunked, someone might need to be put on suicide watch 

Just watch!  Pay attention!  And a Happy Thanksgiving ... 


The CIA did.

I bet the FBI is going to claim they thought Russia was real based on Brennan’s horseshit.  

Let’s see the report ... and the subsequent testimony on the 11th. 

Halper and Dodd and Mifsud were CIA assets not FBI. 

I bet it was the neighbors spying on him.

Nah.  The NY Times cherry picked their reporting.

And it’s not until you get to the 14th paragraph where The New York Times admits the FBI had a spy targeting and meeting with Trump campaign official George Papadopoulos.This completely contradicts their headline!?!
Others are saying there are two examples of Obama illegally spying in the report. 

We should wait for the report.  

Quote: @SFVikeFan said:

In a huge blow to Trump, DOJ watchdog found no evidence to support the claim that the FBI spied on his 2016 campaign
  • The Justice Department's inspector general found no evidence to support President Donald Trump's claim that the FBI inserted spies in his 2016 presidential campaign, The New York Times reported
  • Trump has repeatedly and baselessly alleged that the FBI inserted covert operators in his campaign.
  • He also alleged, without evidence, that former President Barack Obama had intelligence officials tap his phones, a claim the IG's report is also expected to undercut.
  • While the IG report undermines Trump's most extreme claims, sources told The Times, it also faults the FBI for making bureaucratic mistakes when applying for a warrant to surveil Carter Page, a former Trump campaign aide.

Too bad A1 was too chicken to take my bet  ... in the meantime I'll take a victory lap.

Another conspiracy theory debunked, someone might need to be put on suicide watch 

Just watch!  Pay attention!  And a Happy Thanksgiving ... 
yahoonews!  even Katie Couric, global news anchor jumped ship, lol.

But the original source was the venerable Grey Lady, the NYT's.    Punch Sulzberger's rag.  
And the source story is from anonymous sources, leaked to the NYT's.  (Just like EVERY "bombshell" report during the ill-fated Mueller reportage).  

Well....if an anonymously-sourced story is leaked (illegally) to the NYT's......TAKE IT TO THE BANK!  << As we learned during the Mueller probe, lol.  
(And we Trumpsters are the gullible ones!)

Funny, SFVF neglected to include a couple key (OMINOUS-- for the deep-state) quotes:  
  1. Without seeing the report — which finally has a due date of December 9 — it’s hard to gauge exactly how significant this alleged alteration is, but Horowitz has reportedly referred this evidence to John Durham, the prosecutor appointed by Attorney General William Barr to separately review the 2016 Russia investigation. Durham’s inquiry has since expanded to become a criminal probe.
        So non-subpoenably powered OIG Horowitz kicked info the the subpoenably-empowered US Attorney Durham,....... and SFVF thinks that's "good news"

   2.   The New York Times also reported that, overall, Horowitz criticized the FBI’s handling of the application and renewals for Page, suggesting instances of sloppiness or negligence. 

^^ Those characterizations (by friendly-anonymously-sourced sources) are the best-spin scenarios.  

BTW, released on a Thursday/major holiday whilst very little of the population is paying attention.  


Quote: @SFVikeFan said:

In a huge blow to Trump, DOJ watchdog found no evidence to support the claim that the FBI spied on his 2016 campaign
In a yuge atta-boy to Trump, NYT's has already admitted Obama spied on Trump, months ago.  (hat-tip, purple machine)

"It is unclear whether Mr. Horowitz will find fault with the F.B.I.’s decision to have Ms. Turk, whose real name is not publicly known, meet with Mr. Papadopoulos. Mr. Horowitz has focused among other things on the activities of Mr. Halper, who accompanied Ms. Turk in one of her meetings with Mr. Papadopoulos and also met with him and other campaign aides separately. The bureau might also have seen Ms. Turk’s role as essential for protecting Mr. Halper’s identity as an informant if prosecutors ever needed court testimony about their activities."


The people who have the report are the ones who broke the law.  Comey, McCabe, Strzok, Page, etc.

Nunes said they are the ones leaking.  One of the NYT workers contributing to the story is close friends with Comey.  

It isn’t a conspiracy theory.  They spied on Trump illegally.  And planted CIA assets in to make it look like Trump colluded with Russia ... plan failed. Mueller was an insurance policy ... failed.  So now impeachment bullshit.  

There was collusion with foreign government to influence 2016.  Bought and paid for by Hillary and DNC and FBI.

There was no Russian hacking.  Seth Rich ... a Bernie fan mad about DNC
rigging primary ... downloaded it and gave it to Assange.  

30k emails were pay to play scams for CF and Clintons.  

The Bidens, Clintons, Obamas, Kerry, Pelosi, Romney, Bushes made huge sums of tax payer money illegally.  

Obama was spying on journalists, Congress, Trump illegally.  Weaponized FBI and CIA against political opponents. 

MSM is complicit.  Brennan, McCabe, Weissman ... work for MSM now. 

Drain the swamp.  Republicans and democrats. All of them.  Why are these lifetime public servants earning 150k a year worth hundreds of millions of dollars?

Quote: @A1Janitor said:

It isn’t a conspiracy theory.  They spied on Trump illegally.  And planted CIA assets in to make it look like Trump colluded with Russia ... plan failed. Mueller was an insurance policy ... failed.  So now impeachment bullshit.  

There was collusion with foreign government to influence 2016.  Bought and paid for by Hillary and DNC and FBI.

There was no Russian hacking.  Seth Rich ... a Bernie fan mad about DNC
rigging primary ... downloaded it and gave it to Assange.  

30k emails were pay to play scams for CF and Clintons.  

Obama was spying on journalists, Congress, Trump illegally.  Weaponized FBI and CIA against political opponents. 
How many debunked conspiracy theories can you jam into one post?

I counted 6.


What happens when the IG report comes out and calls bullshit on everything you wrote?  Serious question.   Would Horowitz be part of the deep state?

So A1, how about a bet?  If IG teport concludes Obama had illegally asked for spying in Trump I'll stop posting here until NFL Week 1 2020.  

If that turns out to be bullshit and you're wrong, you do the same.

If you're convinced of your information why not place the bet and shut me up?

LOL debunked conspiracy theories.  

Name them.  And show proof of debunking.  


I have neither the time nor the crayons to explain reality to a crazy person. 

1)  "CIA spied illegally"  = false, IG report says legal methods used 
2)  "Mueller was an insurance policy" = false, Mueller was appointed by Republicans, not Dems.  Jedi mind tricks not a valid argument in court.
3)  "There was no Russian hacking" = seriously?  LOL christ you need help, read the Mueller report
4)  "Seth Rich blah blah" = even Fox news had to retract that story, are you kidding?  Debunked years ago unless you're a tinfoil hat nutjob
5)  30k emails had pay to play schemes for Clintons = false, the last investigation under Trump concluded a few months ago and said the same thing  the previous 10 did.   Let it goooooo
6)  Obama spied on Trump illegally,  ditto Congress, and weapoinzed CIA and FBI against political opponents (the irony of what Trump and Barr are doing now vs Bidens is lost on you obviously).  

You seriously believe some of the most fucking looney tunes conspiracy theories.   

And stop pivoting and deflecting.   If what you say is true and you know you're right, why not take the bet?


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