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OT: Cosby gonna do time (3-10 years)

Not nearly enough.

He'll get plenty of sex in prison.
(Too soon?)

As expected the sentence was way too light, I am not at all surprised by that. Some people were saying that he shouldn't do time because he is old and frail. Fuck that noise, there isn't a long enough sentence for all the pain and suffering he caused.

He should never see the light of day again.  I can't believe how light this sentence is.

The judge denied bail also, so he went directly to jail from the sentencing. The POS destroyed his legacy, which before this was a comic pioneer and legend really. Now he'll be remembered as a sexual deviant and felon. He was cracking jokes apparently afterwards, so he's either in some kind of weird denial or he has some dementia. Couldn't care less, he's garbage. 

I was told convicted by 3 womens basically he gets a year per rape even though we all know it was many more.  Just sickening that rape convictions in this country are very light.  My goodness weed smokers get tougher sentencing.  

Yeah I thought this was a super light sentence.  He is a sick pervert. 

I don't understand sentencing. 3 - 10 years how does that work? He'll be eligible for parole in 3 years but they can deny him for up to 10? Seems way light. I would of hoped it would have started at 10 and went up from there. Minny65 is right. Some guys got 10 year mandatory sentences for selling weed. That's messed up priorities there?

Of course his lawyer said it was racially motivated, the conviction, and then went on to compare Cosby to Jesus Christ. Unreal. Lawyers are such shitbags. 

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