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So lets get into this...

so this church uses their nativity figurines being locked up to depict the American handling of the border immigration issue... first off at the nativity they were in Bethlehem,  Josephs home town,  where he traveled to legally to be counted as legal resident as part of a census that was ordered by the govt of the time.   They were not incarcerated or detained,  they were in a stable... (well you all know this part)  Secondly  as the pastor tries to justify his imagery,  Jesus was taken to Egypt because of a real threat to seek asylum.  these people are trying to sneak into our country and are not seeking asylum (political term with a legal process)  they are illegally entering out country and as such are treated as criminals.  its not like they are being tortured,  they are being treated as criminals as they should.

however if they are actually leaving atrocities that endanger their lives in mass... then perhaps its time for military interventions in Mexico as in a humanitarian mission to fix their living conditions in their own country.
Why isn't Chuck Foreman in the Hall of Fame?

Why don't these people fix the problems in their own country as our founding fathers did 240+ years ago. Are we to take in all people from around the globe who are living in poor conditions? I can feel for these people but we simply can't take them all in. 

To those who believe we should have a completely open border I would say that first "YOU" take them into your home and give them a debit card tied to your bank account. Because that's what you're asking of the US of A.

Here a little piece of my family history.
Enlarged Homestead Act of 1909Edit(Because by the early 1900s much of the prime low-lying alluvial land along rivers had been homesteaded, the Enlarged Homestead Act was passed in 1909. To enable dryland farming, it increased the number of acres for a homestead to 320 acres (130 ha) given to farmers who accepted more marginal lands (especially in the Great Plains), which could not be easily irrigated.[14]
A massive influx of these new farmers, combined with inappropriate cultivation techniques and misunderstanding of the ecology, led to immense land erosion and eventually the Dust Bowl of the 1930s)

My great grandfather came to the US of A around 1916 with his wife and children. Including  my grandfather who was about 10 at the time. Eastern Europeans. He was asked what did you do in your country. Great granddad was an uneducated farmer,  more like a serf really. So they gave him land in North Dakota. They cut the sod built their house from it.  Really hard to believe still in the 1900s. Cleared the fields planted. Life was good till they lost it during the depression. The family then settled in Iowa where they served as uneducated factory and meat packing plant workers. Times have changed. So half my lineage can be traced back only a couple generations to when this was the land of opportunity for uneducated outsiders. Right place at the right time I guess. Oh there was hate back then to. They were called communist. What the haters didn't understand was the family risked everything, mostly their lives because that was about all they had, to escape the oncoming revolution and war ravaged poverty. Communist they were not.
I get it. We can't turn back time. We can't afford to be as open and generous as before. Doesn't mean we have to be dicks about it either. Yes there is a reason people still try to get here. Probably not alot different then my great grandfather. They will risk everything. The risk is greater now because we are accepting fewer, per capita. So yes some will risk doing it illegally. 
Just a little ramblings about how great it is to be an American. Happy 4th of July.

 Smile  B)


Quote: @Purplemachine said:
Why don't these people fix the problems in their own country as our founding fathers did 240+ years ago. Are we to take in all people from around the globe who are living in poor conditions? I can feel for these people but we simply can't take them all in. 

To those who believe we should have a completely open border I would say that first "YOU" take them into your home and give them a debit card tied to your bank account. Because that's what you're asking of the US of A.
im ok with wide open boarders as long as we take the goodies away from the illegals and everyone else thats already here. 

Quote: @suncoastvike said:
Here a little piece of my family history.
Enlarged Homestead Act of 1909Edit(Because by the early 1900s much of the prime low-lying alluvial land along rivers had been homesteaded, the Enlarged Homestead Act was passed in 1909. To enable dryland farming, it increased the number of acres for a homestead to 320 acres (130 ha) given to farmers who accepted more marginal lands (especially in the Great Plains), which could not be easily irrigated.[14]
A massive influx of these new farmers, combined with inappropriate cultivation techniques and misunderstanding of the ecology, led to immense land erosion and eventually the Dust Bowl of the 1930s)

My great grandfather came to the US of A around 1916 with his wife and children. Including  my grandfather who was about 10 at the time. Eastern Europeans. He was asked what did you do in your country. Great granddad was an uneducated farmer,  more like a serf really. So they gave him land in North Dakota. They cut the sod built their house from it.  Really hard to believe still in the 1900s. Cleared the fields planted. Life was good till they lost it during the depression. The family then settled in Iowa where they served as uneducated factory and meat packing plant workers. Times have changed. So half my lineage can be traced back only a couple generations to when this was the land of opportunity for uneducated outsiders. Right place at the right time I guess. Oh there was hate back then to. They were called communist. What the haters didn't understand was the family risked everything, mostly their lives because that was about all they had, to escape the oncoming revolution and war ravaged poverty. Communist they were not.
I get it. We can't turn back time. We can't afford to be as open and generous as before. Doesn't mean we have to be dicks about it either. Yes there is a reason people still try to get here. Probably not alot different then my great grandfather. They will risk everything. The risk is greater now because we are accepting fewer, per capita. So yes some will risk doing it illegally. 
Just a little ramblings about how great it is to be an American. Happy 4th of July.

 Smile  B)

I appreciate the stories and the history of our ancestors and our country,  but times have changed,  there is no more free land,  there are only over taxed, under managed social programs and unfortunately we can't afford as a nation  to just let anybody come in anymore.  The cartels are using these immigrant waves to clog the border security while they are hauling shit loads of meth and opioids across the border,  now if they are doing that do we honestly believe that those who intend to do real damage to our country aren't able to do the same thing...or are even not already working with them?

I believe that we need to have a better path for bringing foreign people to our country as workers to continue the American dream,  but an unchecked border is not part of that and it's time to fix that problem.

Safe and Happy 4th to all as well.

Quote: @JimmyinSD said:
@suncoastvike said:
Here a little piece of my family history.
Enlarged Homestead Act of 1909Edit(Because by the early 1900s much of the prime low-lying alluvial land along rivers had been homesteaded, the Enlarged Homestead Act was passed in 1909. To enable dryland farming, it increased the number of acres for a homestead to 320 acres (130 ha) given to farmers who accepted more marginal lands (especially in the Great Plains), which could not be easily irrigated.[14]
A massive influx of these new farmers, combined with inappropriate cultivation techniques and misunderstanding of the ecology, led to immense land erosion and eventually the Dust Bowl of the 1930s)

My great grandfather came to the US of A around 1916 with his wife and children. Including  my grandfather who was about 10 at the time. Eastern Europeans. He was asked what did you do in your country. Great granddad was an uneducated farmer,  more like a serf really. So they gave him land in North Dakota. They cut the sod built their house from it.  Really hard to believe still in the 1900s. Cleared the fields planted. Life was good till they lost it during the depression. The family then settled in Iowa where they served as uneducated factory and meat packing plant workers. Times have changed. So half my lineage can be traced back only a couple generations to when this was the land of opportunity for uneducated outsiders. Right place at the right time I guess. Oh there was hate back then to. They were called communist. What the haters didn't understand was the family risked everything, mostly their lives because that was about all they had, to escape the oncoming revolution and war ravaged poverty. Communist they were not.
I get it. We can't turn back time. We can't afford to be as open and generous as before. Doesn't mean we have to be dicks about it either. Yes there is a reason people still try to get here. Probably not alot different then my great grandfather. They will risk everything. The risk is greater now because we are accepting fewer, per capita. So yes some will risk doing it illegally. 
Just a little ramblings about how great it is to be an American. Happy 4th of July.

 Smile  B)

I appreciate the stories and the history of our ancestors and our country,  but times have changed,  there is no more free land,  there are only over taxed, under managed social programs and unfortunately we can't afford as a nation  to just let anybody come in anymore.  The cartels are using these immigrant waves to clog the border security while they are hauling shit loads of meth and opioids across the border,  now if they are doing that do we honestly believe that those who intend to do real damage to our country aren't able to do the same thing...or are even not already working with them?

I believe that we need to have a better path for bringing foreign people to our country as workers to continue the American dream,  but an unchecked border is not part of that and it's time to fix that problem.

Safe and Happy 4th to all as well.
The unfortunate thing for this generation of hopefuls is far more need then demand. We don't demand 100s of thousands of uneducated strong backs like we did 100 years ago. Just the way it is. There's still plenty of ways scumbags can exploit these people. Inside and outside this country. Most these hopefuls I would say are innocent and just trying to survive or better themselves. Sorry we can't help you. 

Quote: @suncoastvike said:
@JimmyinSD said:
@suncoastvike said:
Here a little piece of my family history.
Enlarged Homestead Act of 1909Edit(Because by the early 1900s much of the prime low-lying alluvial land along rivers had been homesteaded, the Enlarged Homestead Act was passed in 1909. To enable dryland farming, it increased the number of acres for a homestead to 320 acres (130 ha) given to farmers who accepted more marginal lands (especially in the Great Plains), which could not be easily irrigated.[14]
A massive influx of these new farmers, combined with inappropriate cultivation techniques and misunderstanding of the ecology, led to immense land erosion and eventually the Dust Bowl of the 1930s)

My great grandfather came to the US of A around 1916 with his wife and children. Including  my grandfather who was about 10 at the time. Eastern Europeans. He was asked what did you do in your country. Great granddad was an uneducated farmer,  more like a serf really. So they gave him land in North Dakota. They cut the sod built their house from it.  Really hard to believe still in the 1900s. Cleared the fields planted. Life was good till they lost it during the depression. The family then settled in Iowa where they served as uneducated factory and meat packing plant workers. Times have changed. So half my lineage can be traced back only a couple generations to when this was the land of opportunity for uneducated outsiders. Right place at the right time I guess. Oh there was hate back then to. They were called communist. What the haters didn't understand was the family risked everything, mostly their lives because that was about all they had, to escape the oncoming revolution and war ravaged poverty. Communist they were not.
I get it. We can't turn back time. We can't afford to be as open and generous as before. Doesn't mean we have to be dicks about it either. Yes there is a reason people still try to get here. Probably not alot different then my great grandfather. They will risk everything. The risk is greater now because we are accepting fewer, per capita. So yes some will risk doing it illegally. 
Just a little ramblings about how great it is to be an American. Happy 4th of July.

 Smile  B)

I appreciate the stories and the history of our ancestors and our country,  but times have changed,  there is no more free land,  there are only over taxed, under managed social programs and unfortunately we can't afford as a nation  to just let anybody come in anymore.  The cartels are using these immigrant waves to clog the border security while they are hauling shit loads of meth and opioids across the border,  now if they are doing that do we honestly believe that those who intend to do real damage to our country aren't able to do the same thing...or are even not already working with them?

I believe that we need to have a better path for bringing foreign people to our country as workers to continue the American dream,  but an unchecked border is not part of that and it's time to fix that problem.

Safe and Happy 4th to all as well.
The unfortunate thing for this generation of hopefuls is far more need then demand. We don't demand 100s of thousands of uneducated strong backs like we did 100 years ago. Just the way it is. There's still plenty of ways scumbags can exploit these people. Inside and outside this country. Most these hopefuls I would say are innocent and just trying to survive or better themselves. Sorry we can't help you. 
exactly,  the economic climate has shifted in this country,  while we could still use temporary unskilled labor,  much of it would have to be migrant.  for the most part the lower paying jobs in this country are filled.   what strikes me as funny as the people that are always screaming about minimum wage not paying enough and are constantly screaming for it to be raised,  are often the same people that scream for the govt to back off the immigrants... the interesting part is that those immigrants are part of the reason that employers dont have to raise wages as they are willing to work more hours for less money than the entitled folks that are born American.  if there are less people willing to take those jobs... ie: keep the immigrants out.. the companies would have no choice but to increase wages and benefits or they would be out of business.

Quote: @Purplemachine said:
To those who believe we should have a completely open border I would say that first "YOU" take them into your home and give them a debit card tied to your bank account. Because that's what you're asking of the US of A.
Good luck finding one. The whole "open borders" thing was manufactured by the Trump campaign to scare people about Hillary Clinton. There are people who support open borders, but no one who matters. For example, no member of Congress, Governor, President or Presidential candidate has ever supported any kind of open-border legislation.

What I find interesting is that one of my conservative facebook friends used to spread all of this open border nonsense about Clinton during the campaign, but just last week when Trump was catching hell about his immigration policy, shared a meme from Breitbart with the tag: "Remember how FURIOUS liberals were with Hillary Clinton when she said this in 2014?"

"We have to send a clear message: Just because your child gets across the border, that doesn’t mean the child gets to stay. We don’t want to send a message that’s contrary to our laws or will encourage more children to make that dangerous journey."

The message is basically "How bad can Trump be if Hillary said the same thing?"  Then you read the part they left off: "They should be sent back as soon as it can be determined who responsible adults in their families are. There are concerns about whether all of them can be sent back, but I think all of them who can be should be reunited with their families…We have to send a clear message: Just because your child gets across the border, that doesn’t mean the child gets to stay. We don’t want to send a message that’s contrary to our laws or will encourage more children to make that dangerous journey."

Quote: @MaroonBells said:
@Purplemachine said:
To those who believe we should have a completely open border I would say that first "YOU" take them into your home and give them a debit card tied to your bank account. Because that's what you're asking of the US of A.
Good luck finding one. The whole "open borders" thing was manufactured by the Trump campaign to scare people about Hillary Clinton. There are people who support open borders, but no one who matters. For example, no member of Congress, Governor, President or Presidential candidate has ever supported any kind of open-border legislation.

What I find interesting is that one of my conservative facebook friends used to spread all of this open border nonsense about Clinton during the campaign, but just last week when Trump was catching hell about his immigration policy, shared a meme from Breitbart with the tag: "Remember how FURIOUS liberals were with Hillary Clinton when she said this in 2014?"

"We have to send a clear message: Just because your child gets across the border, that doesn’t mean the child gets to stay. We don’t want to send a message that’s contrary to our laws or will encourage more children to make that dangerous journey."

The message is basically "How bad can Trump be if Hillary said the same thing?"  Then you read the part they left off: "They should be sent back as soon as it can be determined who responsible adults in their families are. There are concerns about whether all of them can be sent back, but I think all of them who can be should be reunited with their families…We have to send a clear message: Just because your child gets across the border, that doesn’t mean the child gets to stay. We don’t want to send a message that’s contrary to our laws or will encourage more children to make that dangerous journey."
who are the responsible adults that let their children take off with God only know who for a country they really know very little about.  so many of these young kids are getting pulled into the cartel gangs... is that really a better life...or just a better cemetery. 

honestly,  i hope this immigration thing gets fixed soon and the border gets shut down sooner.  we need to secure the border, but we also need to make it easier for employers to get the workers that they need without them having to illegally come into the country.  I still think that if we made it severe enough of a penalty to employ illegals that the problem would fix itself,  crack down on the people that are profiting from illegal labor and the illegals will stop coming if there are no jobs or money for them to send back home.  Sadly though in that process,  it will be the small guys that have one or two illegals working for them that get made and example of,  not the corporations employing hundreds/thousands of them.

Quote: @JimmyinSD said:
@MaroonBells said:
@Purplemachine said:
To those who believe we should have a completely open border I would say that first "YOU" take them into your home and give them a debit card tied to your bank account. Because that's what you're asking of the US of A.
Good luck finding one. The whole "open borders" thing was manufactured by the Trump campaign to scare people about Hillary Clinton. There are people who support open borders, but no one who matters. For example, no member of Congress, Governor, President or Presidential candidate has ever supported any kind of open-border legislation.

What I find interesting is that one of my conservative facebook friends used to spread all of this open border nonsense about Clinton during the campaign, but just last week when Trump was catching hell about his immigration policy, shared a meme from Breitbart with the tag: "Remember how FURIOUS liberals were with Hillary Clinton when she said this in 2014?"

"We have to send a clear message: Just because your child gets across the border, that doesn’t mean the child gets to stay. We don’t want to send a message that’s contrary to our laws or will encourage more children to make that dangerous journey."

The message is basically "How bad can Trump be if Hillary said the same thing?"  Then you read the part they left off: "They should be sent back as soon as it can be determined who responsible adults in their families are. There are concerns about whether all of them can be sent back, but I think all of them who can be should be reunited with their families…We have to send a clear message: Just because your child gets across the border, that doesn’t mean the child gets to stay. We don’t want to send a message that’s contrary to our laws or will encourage more children to make that dangerous journey."
who are the responsible adults that let their children take off with God only know who for a country they really know very little about.  so many of these young kids are getting pulled into the cartel gangs... is that really a better life...or just a better cemetery. 

honestly,  i hope this immigration thing gets fixed soon and the border gets shut down sooner.  we need to secure the border, but we also need to make it easier for employers to get the workers that they need without them having to illegally come into the country.  I still think that if we made it severe enough of a penalty to employ illegals that the problem would fix itself,  crack down on the people that are profiting from illegal labor and the illegals will stop coming if there are no jobs or money for them to send back home.  Sadly though in that process,  it will be the small guys that have one or two illegals working for them that get made and example of,  not the corporations employing hundreds/thousands of them.
Yeah, I guess so. Honestly, if I were to list the top 20 issues I care most about, I doubt immigration would even make the list. 

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