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Some more info on the “World Saving” vaccine.


lol zerohedge is your source?
Want me to post Fauci propaganda that says the vaccine was 110% effective?


Quote: @AGRforever said:
lol zerohedge is your source?
Want me to post Fauci propaganda that says the vaccine was 110% effective?

Sure, that will help your point.

Quote: @AGRforever said:
lol zerohedge is your source?
Want me to post Fauci propaganda that says the vaccine was 110% effective?

Well, you can do so, but "science" has already proven Fauci wrong on most every assertion he's made, hasn't it?  There is cluelessness, arrogance, collusion, lying, conspiracy, and something just short of or even more than murder.  I think the messiah is culpable on nearly every one.   He admits that masks do no good, then calls to enforce mask mandates.  Two weeks to flatten the curve?  Nope, more like two years. Wuhan open market versus Wuhan Lab. If you're that gullible, ahh there's just no words.  Vaccine prevents Covid?  That's what he asserted up front.  There was never a study that showed that in any way.  He LIED so that he could make his decision for you.  Gain of Research function.  Not happening, right?  It sure seems like there was a lot of money funneled to and through Fauci to China that was doing just that.  How many meetings with subordinates did Fauci conduct with people who had one view one day and a totally different view the next?  It was a vaccine.  The vaccines I've seen in the past were at least somewhat effective.  This one has taken on the form of an annual booster shot for life.  My, that's a nice outcome for Big Pharma.  Oh, btw, let' now include it on the list of required vaccines for children to enter school and let's also coordinate a booster with the annual flu shot.  Let's also downplay any side effects by colluding with the federal branch, social media and the Mainstream media.  Yeah, I think the Fauci propaganda has been overtaken by people that actually have had time to reflect and see that he's a pathological liar.  I believe the guy sometimes believes himself, which is why he can totally contradict himself on every major level and still believe he's right.   So, yeah, I think you can post that crap to your hearts content.  Unlike the battle that some of us have fought and gained significant ground and credibility with over the last two years, your side can go down with the ship if you choose.   


So you want to hear the bad news waterboy?

Quote: @AGRforever said:
So you want to hear the bad news waterboy?
Sure, but I suspect we may not agree on your take or if we do that it’s really bad news.  Smile

Quote: @AGRforever said:
So you want to hear the bad news waterboy?
Ukraine is a giant money laundering pit?


Fauci made millions at the expense of people around the world. Him, Gates, WEF leaders need to be dealt with.

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