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Joined: Sep 2014
What say you purple brethren and sisteren?
It certainly seems like there is credible information suggesting that Russia is about to invade the Ukraine. There's been all kinds of articles so I wont post one in particular.
I am really really really anit-war and anti-violence. As I get older, I just don't seem to get humans lol. Can't we all just get along?
One of the Marine Corps most decorated Generals, Smedly Butler wrote “War is a Racket”
It SHOULD BE required reading in High School.
Illuminates the REAL motivation for war, and it only costs our fathers, sons & daughters, students, neighbors and friends.
I always look at the timing and what other stories are getting buried as a result. War is rarely about aggression IMO and more about slight of hand.
Quote: @Vanguard83 said:
One of the Marine Corps most decorated Generals, Smedly Butler wrote “War is a Racket”
It SHOULD BE required reading in High School.
Illuminates the REAL motivation for war, and it only costs our fathers, sons & daughters, students, neighbors and friends.
Quote: @Vanguard83 said:
One of the Marine Corps most decorated Generals, Smedly Butler wrote “War is a Racket”
It SHOULD BE required reading in High School.
Illuminates the REAL motivation for war, and it only costs our fathers, sons & daughters, students, neighbors and friends.
I think there should be a direct war tax. We should pay weekly or similar out of our paychecks for our military. This would force everyone who “supports our troops” to actually put their money where their mouth is.
It would also ensure we dont rush into foreign conflict.
Quote: @AGRforever said:
@ Vanguard83 said:
One of the Marine Corps most decorated Generals, Smedly Butler wrote “War is a Racket”
It SHOULD BE required reading in High School.
Illuminates the REAL motivation for war, and it only costs our fathers, sons & daughters, students, neighbors and friends.
I think there should be a direct war tax. We should pay weekly or similar out of our paychecks for our military. This would force everyone who “supports our troops” to actually put their money where their mouth is.
It would also ensure we dont rush into foreign conflict.
I think any companies doing business in America or having interest in areas where our troops are based or deployed should be paying a defense tax. How many interests are defended globally by US troops that are not primarily in the best interest of the majority of the US tax payers? If we can't make foreign nations pony up for our defense, and its difficult to target specific companies, then make a sweeping tax to put more of the defense tab on private and foreign interests that more heavily rely on our forces.
For thirty years my brother (USMC Colonel / Bronze Star) was sent into “harms way”
We were blessed that he returned. Although struggling with PTSD, we are so grateful he survived all of his deployments, MANY Marines under his command were not so fortunate. May they rest in peace.
Not ONE DROP of American blood is worth fighting against ANY countries geopolitics, that does not DIRECTLY affect the US.
Korea, three years and 55,0000 American lives / Countless Koreans / unknown number of Chinese.......What did we gain? The “police action” ended (loosely interpreted) where it began.
War in Southeast Asia - Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos....How did that civil war end for all our involvement?
So we help Afghanistan against the Soviets....How did that work out for us?
So we help Iraq against Iran...Yeah that worked out, didnt it?
What do I care if Sunni’s are killing Shia’s, or Kurd’s....let them kill each other.
What do I care if Russians want to kill Ukranians, Serbs.....let them kill each other.
Have we really not learned to stay the F out of countries civil wars???
Our incompetent leaders stick our loved ones into these situations, that taxpayers have to pay for, and what do we get for our trouble? Ongoing involvement for decades....
and tri- folded flags.
Quote: @Vanguard83 said:
For thirty years my brother (USMC Colonel / Bronze Star) was sent into “harms way”
We were blessed that he returned. Although struggling with PTSD, we are so grateful he survived all of his deployments, MANY Marines under his command were not so fortunate. May they rest in peace.
Not ONE DROP of American blood is worth fighting against ANY countries geopolitics, that does not DIRECTLY affect the US.
Korea, three years and 55,0000 American lives / Countless Koreans / unknown number of Chinese.......What did we gain? The “police action” ended (loosely interpreted) where it began.
War in Southeast Asia - Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos....How did that civil war end for all our involvement?
So we help Afghanistan against the Soviets....How did that work out for us?
So we help Iraq against Iran...Yeah that worked out, didnt it?
What do I care if Sunni’s are killing Shia’s, or Kurd’s....let them kill each other.
What do I care if Russians want to kill Ukranians, Serbs.....let them kill each other.
Have we really not learned to stay the F out of countries civil wars???
Our incompetent leaders stick our loved ones into these situations, that taxpayers have to pay for, and what do we get for our trouble? Ongoing involvement for decades....
and tri- folded flags.
We need to find a soapbox so you can shout this to the masses. A-FRICKING-MEN.
Quote: @Vanguard83 said:
For thirty years my brother (USMC Colonel / Bronze Star) was sent into “harms way”
We were blessed that he returned. Although struggling with PTSD, we are so grateful he survived all of his deployments, MANY Marines under his command were not so fortunate. May they rest in peace.
Not ONE DROP of American blood is worth fighting against ANY countries geopolitics, that does not DIRECTLY affect the US.
Korea, three years and 55,0000 American lives / Countless Koreans / unknown number of Chinese.......What did we gain? The “police action” ended (loosely interpreted) where it began.
War in Southeast Asia - Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos....How did that civil war end for all our involvement?
So we help Afghanistan against the Soviets....How did that work out for us?
So we help Iraq against Iran...Yeah that worked out, didnt it?
What do I care if Sunni’s are killing Shia’s, or Kurd’s....let them kill each other.
What do I care if Russians want to kill Ukranians, Serbs.....let them kill each other.
Have we really not learned to stay the F out of countries civil wars???
Our incompetent leaders stick our loved ones into these situations, that taxpayers have to pay for, and what do we get for our trouble? Ongoing involvement for decades....
and tri- folded flags.
I think we can be involved without having to put so many lives at risk, but are you suggesting the US should have ignored the Germans were killing everybody in Europe? At some point you have to flex on the aggressors to keep a balance to things. You think Russia will stop at Ukraine if nobody stops them? I think there are still people in power in Russia that want to see the former USSR restored. And some in power in the US that wouldn't have a problem with that as long as they can profit.
And therein lies the truth...”Profit”
Where we get burned is intervening in regional, sectarian, or “civil” wars. The United States “National Defense” shouldnt be “International Police”. Again, just my opinion.
With WWII, our Allies were fighting since 1939, much of Europe is under control of the Third Reich, and although The Atlantic charter, and Lend-Lease effectively tip our neutrality, we remained out of the war until Dec. ‘41. Before Pearl Harbor much of the country didnt want anything to do with the war in Europe. We had been there / done that in 1917, (again, late comers to war) Pearl Harbor I would argue was (arguably) the single most unifying event in American History to that point.
It was only after the war ended did we TRULY see American potential..Rebuilding war torn Europe with the Marshall Plan.
But we didnt enter a “civil war” ....this was a war against an aggressor / dictator who could not be appeased in Europe. Yes, a stand needed to be taken, but in both WWI and WWII we had three years of back study before our involvement.
We begin with the post WWII idea of the “domino theory” regarding communism spreading across the globe and our policy of “containment”. Foreign policy would follow this line of thinking for four decades before communism begins to deteriorate from within & reforms made in the former Soviet Union, a united Germany, etc.
Sadly, the United States has become the “global police force” often dictated by the motivations of the fourth estate (The Press)....
SARS / Bird flu / Pandemic.....what is the government going to do?
Famine & Somali war lords.......what is the government going to do?
Iran - Iraq War.....What is the government doing?
Vietnam.....What is the government doing ?
What is the government doing ?
How about staying the Hell out of regional, sectarian, “civil” wars
We send our generations through the meat grinder, and they return only to find themselves without a job or even a home.
We launch a 1.5 billion dollar Navy ship this week, while our veterans sleep under freeway overpasses, and are forced to bivouac on the slopes across the country with no home.
Disgusting how we treat our veterans, our government should be ashamed.