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What is a Trump Republican?
What even is that? That is a weird thing. Very conservative republican Bill Kristol thinks it's this...

I don't think Republicans are "Republican" anymore.  There used to be conservative qualities and a real urge to shrink government but that all seems gone now.  It was trending away even during the Regan years but 9/11 really turned the Republicans into just as big of government people as the Democrats.  

I'm a fiscal conservative/libertarian and there are almost no fiscal conservatives in the party anymore.  I think Rand Paul was the only member of congress that said if we're going to do all this corona stimulus we should find other places to deduct those funds from.  That is how a household is run and I'd like to see my elected officials held to the same standard. 


Quote: @AGRforever said:
I don't think Republicans are "Republican" anymore.  There used to be conservative qualities and a real urge to shrink government but that all seems gone now.  It was trending away even during the Regan years but 9/11 really turned the Republicans into just as big of government people as the Democrats.  

I'm a fiscal conservative/libertarian and there are almost no fiscal conservatives in the party anymore.  I think Rand Paul was the only member of congress that said if we're going to do all this corona stimulus we should find other places to deduct those funds from.  That is how a household is run and I'd like to see my elected officials held to the same standard. 
To me, policy--tax policy, foreign policy, domestic policy--is irrelevant when it comes to this man. And I've been saying this since long before he was elected. It's why I never really weighed in on any of his policy issues. The investigations, the trade policy, the Iraq policy. As bad as they were, to me, it's all irrelevant when you have a human being this unstable, this incapable of leading. A man who very clearly gives the worst among us encouragement. A man who enables the kind of behavior we see in the video above. 

As I've said many times, this is not left, right politics, blue vs. red. This is something far bigger. A clear and present danger to our country.

The best republican ever, Abraham Lincoln, said..."We are not enemies, but friends. We must not be enemies. Though passion may have strained, it must not break our bonds of affection. The mystic chords of memory will swell when again touched, as surely they will be, by the better angels of our nature."

Trumpism does the opposite. We have to remove it before it destroys us all. Shame on you if you vote for this...again. 

Quote: @MaroonBells said:
@AGRforever said:
I don't think Republicans are "Republican" anymore.  There used to be conservative qualities and a real urge to shrink government but that all seems gone now.  It was trending away even during the Regan years but 9/11 really turned the Republicans into just as big of government people as the Democrats.  

I'm a fiscal conservative/libertarian and there are almost no fiscal conservatives in the party anymore.  I think Rand Paul was the only member of congress that said if we're going to do all this corona stimulus we should find other places to deduct those funds from.  That is how a household is run and I'd like to see my elected officials held to the same standard. 
To me, policy--tax policy, foreign policy, domestic policy--is irrelevant when it comes to this man. And I've been saying this since long before he was elected. It's why I never really weighed in on any of his policy issues. The investigations, the trade policy, the Iraq policy. As bad as they were, to me, it's all irrelevant when you have a human being this unstable, this incapable of leading. A man who very clearly gives the worst among us encouragement. A man who enables the kind of behavior we see in the video above. 

As I've said many times, this is not left, right politics, blue vs. red. This is something far bigger. A clear and present danger to our country.

The best republican ever, Abraham Lincoln, said..."We are not enemies, but friends. We must not be enemies. Though passion may have strained, it must not break our bonds of affection. The mystic chords of memory will swell when again touched, as surely they will be, by the better angels of our nature."

Trumpism does the opposite. We have to remove it before it destroys us all. Shame on you if you vote for this...again. 

Trump got elected by people who were sick and tired of being called every "ists" in the book.  When one side pushes to hard one way the pendulum swings just as far the other way.  Trump is in the process of doing this and I'd presume it will swing wildly back towards blue.  Then Blue will find a way to F it all up and it will swing back towards Red.
Trump is a symptom of the greater divide in America.  Neither side is blameless in there crusade to make the other look like POS's. 

Quote: @AGRforever said:
@MaroonBells said:
@AGRforever said:
I don't think Republicans are "Republican" anymore.  There used to be conservative qualities and a real urge to shrink government but that all seems gone now.  It was trending away even during the Regan years but 9/11 really turned the Republicans into just as big of government people as the Democrats.  

I'm a fiscal conservative/libertarian and there are almost no fiscal conservatives in the party anymore.  I think Rand Paul was the only member of congress that said if we're going to do all this corona stimulus we should find other places to deduct those funds from.  That is how a household is run and I'd like to see my elected officials held to the same standard. 
To me, policy--tax policy, foreign policy, domestic policy--is irrelevant when it comes to this man. And I've been saying this since long before he was elected. It's why I never really weighed in on any of his policy issues. The investigations, the trade policy, the Iraq policy. As bad as they were, to me, it's all irrelevant when you have a human being this unstable, this incapable of leading. A man who very clearly gives the worst among us encouragement. A man who enables the kind of behavior we see in the video above. 

As I've said many times, this is not left, right politics, blue vs. red. This is something far bigger. A clear and present danger to our country.

The best republican ever, Abraham Lincoln, said..."We are not enemies, but friends. We must not be enemies. Though passion may have strained, it must not break our bonds of affection. The mystic chords of memory will swell when again touched, as surely they will be, by the better angels of our nature."

Trumpism does the opposite. We have to remove it before it destroys us all. Shame on you if you vote for this...again. 

Trump got elected by people who were sick and tired of being called every "ists" in the book.  When one side pushes to hard one way the pendulum swings just as far the other way.  Trump is in the process of doing this and I'd presume it will swing wildly back towards blue.  Then Blue will find a way to F it all up and it will swing back towards Red.
Trump is a symptom of the greater divide in America.  Neither side is blameless in there crusade to make the other look like POS's. 
Yep. Hilary fucked up calling some the 'deplorables'. Its elitist left snooty horseshit talk. It galvanized support for whatever person got the Republican nomination. She should have glided in on Obama's coattails, but she got cocky. 
Plus younger people and Hispanics poll well but they don't vote. Its just a fact.

Trump's handling of COVID is going to sink him. 

Quote: @StickyBun said:
@AGRforever said:
@MaroonBells said:
@AGRforever said:
I don't think Republicans are "Republican" anymore.  There used to be conservative qualities and a real urge to shrink government but that all seems gone now.  It was trending away even during the Regan years but 9/11 really turned the Republicans into just as big of government people as the Democrats.  

I'm a fiscal conservative/libertarian and there are almost no fiscal conservatives in the party anymore.  I think Rand Paul was the only member of congress that said if we're going to do all this corona stimulus we should find other places to deduct those funds from.  That is how a household is run and I'd like to see my elected officials held to the same standard. 
To me, policy--tax policy, foreign policy, domestic policy--is irrelevant when it comes to this man. And I've been saying this since long before he was elected. It's why I never really weighed in on any of his policy issues. The investigations, the trade policy, the Iraq policy. As bad as they were, to me, it's all irrelevant when you have a human being this unstable, this incapable of leading. A man who very clearly gives the worst among us encouragement. A man who enables the kind of behavior we see in the video above. 

As I've said many times, this is not left, right politics, blue vs. red. This is something far bigger. A clear and present danger to our country.

The best republican ever, Abraham Lincoln, said..."We are not enemies, but friends. We must not be enemies. Though passion may have strained, it must not break our bonds of affection. The mystic chords of memory will swell when again touched, as surely they will be, by the better angels of our nature."

Trumpism does the opposite. We have to remove it before it destroys us all. Shame on you if you vote for this...again. 

Trump got elected by people who were sick and tired of being called every "ists" in the book.  When one side pushes to hard one way the pendulum swings just as far the other way.  Trump is in the process of doing this and I'd presume it will swing wildly back towards blue.  Then Blue will find a way to F it all up and it will swing back towards Red.
Trump is a symptom of the greater divide in America.  Neither side is blameless in there crusade to make the other look like POS's. 

Trump's handling of COVID is going to sink him. 
Agreed wholeheartedly.  I personally think he did ok on the front end but it has been a shit show since about a month in.  In battle ground states 1 voter per 200 needs to flip from voting Trump in 16 to voting Biden in 20. 

Quote: @StickyBun said:
@AGRforever said:
@MaroonBells said:
@AGRforever said:
I don't think Republicans are "Republican" anymore.  There used to be conservative qualities and a real urge to shrink government but that all seems gone now.  It was trending away even during the Regan years but 9/11 really turned the Republicans into just as big of government people as the Democrats.  

I'm a fiscal conservative/libertarian and there are almost no fiscal conservatives in the party anymore.  I think Rand Paul was the only member of congress that said if we're going to do all this corona stimulus we should find other places to deduct those funds from.  That is how a household is run and I'd like to see my elected officials held to the same standard. 
To me, policy--tax policy, foreign policy, domestic policy--is irrelevant when it comes to this man. And I've been saying this since long before he was elected. It's why I never really weighed in on any of his policy issues. The investigations, the trade policy, the Iraq policy. As bad as they were, to me, it's all irrelevant when you have a human being this unstable, this incapable of leading. A man who very clearly gives the worst among us encouragement. A man who enables the kind of behavior we see in the video above. 

As I've said many times, this is not left, right politics, blue vs. red. This is something far bigger. A clear and present danger to our country.

The best republican ever, Abraham Lincoln, said..."We are not enemies, but friends. We must not be enemies. Though passion may have strained, it must not break our bonds of affection. The mystic chords of memory will swell when again touched, as surely they will be, by the better angels of our nature."

Trumpism does the opposite. We have to remove it before it destroys us all. Shame on you if you vote for this...again. 

Trump got elected by people who were sick and tired of being called every "ists" in the book.  When one side pushes to hard one way the pendulum swings just as far the other way.  Trump is in the process of doing this and I'd presume it will swing wildly back towards blue.  Then Blue will find a way to F it all up and it will swing back towards Red.
Trump is a symptom of the greater divide in America.  Neither side is blameless in there crusade to make the other look like POS's. 
Yep. Hilary fucked up calling some the 'deplorables'. Its elitist left snooty horseshit talk. It galvanized support for whatever person got the Republican nomination. She should have glided in on Obama's coattails, but she got cocky. 
Plus younger people and Hispanics poll well but they don't vote. Its just a fact.

Trump's handling of COVID is going to sink him. 
It was a mistake politically. But obviously she wasn't wrong. 

Quote: @AGRforever said:
@MaroonBells said:
@AGRforever said:
I don't think Republicans are "Republican" anymore.  There used to be conservative qualities and a real urge to shrink government but that all seems gone now.  It was trending away even during the Regan years but 9/11 really turned the Republicans into just as big of government people as the Democrats.  

I'm a fiscal conservative/libertarian and there are almost no fiscal conservatives in the party anymore.  I think Rand Paul was the only member of congress that said if we're going to do all this corona stimulus we should find other places to deduct those funds from.  That is how a household is run and I'd like to see my elected officials held to the same standard. 
To me, policy--tax policy, foreign policy, domestic policy--is irrelevant when it comes to this man. And I've been saying this since long before he was elected. It's why I never really weighed in on any of his policy issues. The investigations, the trade policy, the Iraq policy. As bad as they were, to me, it's all irrelevant when you have a human being this unstable, this incapable of leading. A man who very clearly gives the worst among us encouragement. A man who enables the kind of behavior we see in the video above. 

As I've said many times, this is not left, right politics, blue vs. red. This is something far bigger. A clear and present danger to our country.

The best republican ever, Abraham Lincoln, said..."We are not enemies, but friends. We must not be enemies. Though passion may have strained, it must not break our bonds of affection. The mystic chords of memory will swell when again touched, as surely they will be, by the better angels of our nature."

Trumpism does the opposite. We have to remove it before it destroys us all. Shame on you if you vote for this...again. 

Trump got elected by people who were sick and tired of being called every "ists" in the book.  When one side pushes to hard one way the pendulum swings just as far the other way.  Trump is in the process of doing this and I'd presume it will swing wildly back towards blue.  Then Blue will find a way to F it all up and it will swing back towards Red.
Trump is a symptom of the greater divide in America.  Neither side is blameless in there crusade to make the other look like POS's. 
There you go again. Again, this not about red vs. blue. This is not politics as usual. This is not about abortion or tax policy or foreign policy or gun policy or any kind of policy democrats and republicans typically fight over. This is about correcting a horrible mistake, about removing a conman from the White House. A man unfit to lead in normal times, and dangerously unfit to lead in a time of crisis. 

Quote: @MaroonBells said:
@StickyBun said:
@AGRforever said:
@MaroonBells said:
@AGRforever said:
I don't think Republicans are "Republican" anymore.  There used to be conservative qualities and a real urge to shrink government but that all seems gone now.  It was trending away even during the Regan years but 9/11 really turned the Republicans into just as big of government people as the Democrats.  

I'm a fiscal conservative/libertarian and there are almost no fiscal conservatives in the party anymore.  I think Rand Paul was the only member of congress that said if we're going to do all this corona stimulus we should find other places to deduct those funds from.  That is how a household is run and I'd like to see my elected officials held to the same standard. 
To me, policy--tax policy, foreign policy, domestic policy--is irrelevant when it comes to this man. And I've been saying this since long before he was elected. It's why I never really weighed in on any of his policy issues. The investigations, the trade policy, the Iraq policy. As bad as they were, to me, it's all irrelevant when you have a human being this unstable, this incapable of leading. A man who very clearly gives the worst among us encouragement. A man who enables the kind of behavior we see in the video above. 

As I've said many times, this is not left, right politics, blue vs. red. This is something far bigger. A clear and present danger to our country.

The best republican ever, Abraham Lincoln, said..."We are not enemies, but friends. We must not be enemies. Though passion may have strained, it must not break our bonds of affection. The mystic chords of memory will swell when again touched, as surely they will be, by the better angels of our nature."

Trumpism does the opposite. We have to remove it before it destroys us all. Shame on you if you vote for this...again. 

Trump got elected by people who were sick and tired of being called every "ists" in the book.  When one side pushes to hard one way the pendulum swings just as far the other way.  Trump is in the process of doing this and I'd presume it will swing wildly back towards blue.  Then Blue will find a way to F it all up and it will swing back towards Red.
Trump is a symptom of the greater divide in America.  Neither side is blameless in there crusade to make the other look like POS's. 
Yep. Hilary fucked up calling some the 'deplorables'. Its elitist left snooty horseshit talk. It galvanized support for whatever person got the Republican nomination. She should have glided in on Obama's coattails, but she got cocky. 
Plus younger people and Hispanics poll well but they don't vote. Its just a fact.

Trump's handling of COVID is going to sink him. 
It was a mistake politically. But obviously she wasn't wrong. 
And shit like this is exactly what keeps everyone at ofds with one another and “forces” people to vote for their teams crap sandwitch because they refuse to vote for the people thinking of them as less than human because their politics differ. 

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