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I am having issue with the virus relief bill.   I understand a lot of people are going to be out of work temporarily over this,  but I have a few issue with the size and scope of this bill.    

first off the upper limits are ridiculous,  a thousand dollars to couples making six figures + ... what the hell is that supposed to do,  if they make that much money and are in financial trouble over a few weeks of missed work... they are likely in over their heads anyway and a grand isnt going to help them.   for those on wall street that are requesting billions to forgive a few months of interest on some mortgages... fuck you guys,  we bailed your asses out 12 years ago,  take one for the team and forgo a few monthly bonus checks for your senior execs.

as far as the lower limits, specifically those that dont file taxes.... they are likely unemployed and are not drastically affected by this virus,  they are likely already living by other means and should not be getting additional monies that are tied to virus related relief.   

I like that there is an escalator for kids,  but I dont think it should extend indefinitely for every kid somebody has shot out.   I also  dont think every business needs assistance,  but I havent seen much on the corporate or SB aspect of the package.

This thing is going to be spendy enough without adding billions and trillions to the debt for feel good and campaign support and vote buying exercises.
Why isn't Chuck Foreman in the Hall of Fame?

Im as fiscal conservative as they come and even I think its time for some good ol socialism here. 

The reason we havent had a national decree for everyone to stay home is that most cant afford to pay rent/mortgages and eat without a job. 

We need a stay at home order along with covering household expenses or we’re never going to dig out of this. 

Quote: @AGRforever said:
Im as fiscal conservative as they come and even I think its time for some good ol socialism here. 

The reason we havent had a national decree for everyone to stay home is that most cant afford to pay rent/mortgages and eat without a job. 

We need a stay at home order along with covering household expenses or we’re never going to dig out of this. 
I am all for helping those affected that need it,  but the problem I have is in this country,  we tend to periodically spend like socialists,   but we never get around to the part of taxing like a socialist and we just kick that expense down the road.  I am tired of our kids having to pay for the parties of their parents... or grandparents.  Like I said,  those that didnt have income to show prior to the virus crisis and those whose incomes are well above lower median levels shouldnt need the help,  same goes with major businesses that are well established,  before we start agreeing to help everybody,  lets sets things up to make sure the help goes to those that critically need it instead of this ending up being another golden parachute for wall street.    I dont care that they are sending my money to people that are in need, I just want to make sure that its really going to those that are in need from the virus.  New social spending programs for others in need should be debated on for their own merit,  not tied on with all the other pork Washington is famous for.

I'm generally on the liberal side until it comes to goverment spending.
When I hear rhetoric like, must be done, has to be done, have no choice....well it usually tells me we are about to make a huge mistake by rushing in @ss 1st when clearer heads have yet had time to prevail.  Should something be done? Yes. Do we need to rush into a terrible bill because "we must"? No please no.
But hey. What's a couple trillion more really at this point...eyes rolling.

I dont like Twitter, but if I did I might have to follow Cuban,  I like his sentiment here.

I was listening to Louie Rossman talk about his expenses on YouTube a bit. He's a electronic repair guy based in the heart of New York, and he was talking about how the shut down effects his business.

His rent for the space to run his electronic repair business is $1500 a month. He said it was enragingly ironic his landlord sent him an invoice for April 1st's rent the day after Cuomo put out a 90 day moratorium on evictions. He joked the message was clear, "don't you dare expect a single penny off this motherfucker." He says if Cuomo sends the police to begin selectively enforcing who is essential and he loses customers and income, his land lord is going to be disappointed come May when he hands him something that isn't a check for $1500. 

He lambastes the 90 eviction moratorium, explaining the liquor store, the vape shop and all of these other clearly non-essential business are remaining open because landlords rightfully expect to be paid. When he gets a bill for April 1st, he expects to be on the hook for May 1st, June 1st... July 1st too. The moratorium doesn't address whether or not these business' can be evicted in August over 3 months of back rent due. He wonders if he's going to get a knock on the door when (if) the moratorium is lifted in August, "Louis, you owe me $4500. Pay now."

He isn't discussing the OP, but his story and discussion was part of the reason I was supporting a relief package. Nobody who is willing to comply with lawful orders in the name of protecting people's health should return to bankruptcy. Not many small business' can overcome 3+ months of overpriced rental backpay in some run down shitty New York retail space.

Rossman goes on to lambaste the "solution" championed by Cuomo proponents for the 3 months of backrent - a zero interest loan. "You tell me I can't be here. Tell me I have to close. Tell me I owe rent for the 3 months I couldn't be here. And your solution for stealing $4500 from me is... a loan? Take $4500 from me, so you can let me hold $4500, that you're going to take back."

I wonder if giving folks money as talked about recently and letting them use it within their "business" works out faster and smoother than having lawmakers, who can't agree or get anything done without stamping it Red/Blue, deciding who is/isn't/was/wasn't affected by this? What has been discussed certainly won't cover all of these types of expenses for the business owner - but I guess customers are in a similar boat of deciding what goods and services to pay for until their financial situation returns to normal... i dunno. "spewing out of my ass" on the end of this one... 



let this be a bridge to UBI for all Americans.  Tax tech companies who DO NOT COMPENSATE US FOR OUR DATA. VAT tax and watch the economy grow.  Imagine if everyone you knew received $1,000 a month.  if you must, put a cap on the amount you can make ($100k, $250k) to receive UBI

lower the pressure on debt strapped people, student loans, people who need car repairs, people who are working two jobs and missing vital development years with their children 

$1,000 a month is not on top of current entitlements.  it is a replacement or nothing at all.  $1,000 a month doesnt make people quit their jobs, if anything they can spend money on their ideas, their small business dreams, etc.  

fuck these massive tech companies, the cash they sit on, the tech they use to make us addicted to their product.  the tech that will replace a large amount of the work force (truck drivers, retail workers, admin workers) fuck the wealth tax (doesnt work)

UBI is bi partisan.  It is a winner for all and one of my hopes from this bullshit is the path to the Freedom Dividend

I can address one aspect of this: why do you give money to people making $150K? a few reasons...

First, $150K goes a lot further in some places than it does in others. It's too difficult to calculate, so it actually ends up being cheaper just to give it to everyone rather than trying to figure out the 25% of people who don't need it.

Second, $150K sounds like a lot, but if you have someone with a few kids, that money goes fast.

Third, and most importantly, this is an economic STIMULUS package. The point is to get people spending money again. Does someone making $150K NEED that thousand bucks? Maybe, maybe not. But what I can tell you is that most people will likely hold off on spending for: vacations, home improvement, appliances, and other large purchases over the next 6-12 months out of an abundance of caution (good for them). This package isn't just to get people to pay their bills... it is to get them buying cars and going to Disney World again. If that doesn't happen fast, that's how we get into a real recession.

Generally, I am against these sorts of things, but they do make some sense in certain situations.

Quote: @Skodin said:

let this be a bridge to UBI for all Americans.  Tax tech companies who DO NOT COMPENSATE US FOR OUR DATA. VAT tax and watch the economy grow.  Imagine if everyone you knew received $1,000 a month.  if you must, put a cap on the amount you can make ($100k, $250k) to receive UBI

You are on to something.

I used to think a lot about "content creation" in light of selling ads or monetizing. Old school website eCommerce. 
Then watched YouTube blow up to what it is.

People on Facebook are getting f u c k e d. Some folks are sitting on thousands of dollars worth of clicks through their self created content and the giant networks they've established and don't even realize they are just giving it to Facebook for nothing.

... i guess that's not quite a UBI comment, but damn you're line about being compensated for data got me thinking about that. People could probably receive paychecks from Facebook with ad money that is already accounted for being generated by their profile right now... 

Quote: @BlackMagic7 said:
@Skodin said:

let this be a bridge to UBI for all Americans.  Tax tech companies who DO NOT COMPENSATE US FOR OUR DATA. VAT tax and watch the economy grow.  Imagine if everyone you knew received $1,000 a month.  if you must, put a cap on the amount you can make ($100k, $250k) to receive UBI

You are on to something.

I used to think a lot about "content creation" in light of selling ads or monetizing. Old school website eCommerce. 
Then watched YouTube blow up to what it is.

People on Facebook are getting f u c k e d. Some folks are sitting on thousands of dollars worth of clicks through their self created content and the giant networks they've established and don't even realize they are just giving it to Facebook for nothing.

... i guess that's not quite a UBI comment, but damn you're line about being compensated for data got me thinking about that...
Think about it. if i was 

SKODIN LLC keeping my data set, my clicks, my likes, etc, i could easily sell that to google, facebook, etc.  But since im not a business and I sign the terms and agreements, i give that up for free. 

Not only is it free, they use it against me.  Understanding my thought process better than I.  Presenting things I want but do not even know it.  Instagram is notorious for this.  

That level of capital off of data is OURS.  That should fund UBI.  And yes, some of that capital will go back to those companies through purchasing stuff from Amazon, Apple, etc. 

For most Americans, man it would help out.  Want to elearn and pay for a cornell or MIT online class to further your skills for more earning power.  $1,000 can help you either pay for it, or free up your time.  Smarter employees make better companies, orgs, which benefits all of us. 

The one that bothers me the most i guess is the power that the $1,000 can give single parents, allowing them to spend more time at home with their children which is key.  Thats an investment in the future, which benefits all
of us. 

I am about intelligence, not partisan politics, not others interpretations of socialism/capitalism, etc. Today and looking forward UBI is applicable and a benefit for all

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