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So..... Turkey. Not good.
Quote: @Mike Olson said:
@greediron said:
@AGRforever said:
Id like us to get out of every foreign war. Not our problem. Support the troops by bringing them home. 
Yup.  Bring our troops home.
Yeah i remember y’all being super for it when Obama pulled troops home.

but but but Obamas pull out led to ISIS!!!!!


Quote: @Mike Olson said:
@greediron said:
@AGRforever said:
Id like us to get out of every foreign war. Not our problem. Support the troops by bringing them home. 
Yup.  Bring our troops home.
Yeah i remember y’all being super for it when Obama pulled troops home.

Yes, I have actually been consistent in my opinions.  Unlike so many others.  

Not that I am pointing fingers.... #eyeroll right back

Oh and except Obama never did despite all the promises


In 2015, while running for president, Trump gave an interview to Stephen Bannon, not yet his campaign manager, in which he talked about Turkey. Right away, he admitted that his business interests in the country would make it difficult for him to deal with Turkey with a clear mind.
“I have a little conflict of interest ’cause I have a major, major building in Istanbul,” Trump told Bannon during a Breitbart radio show. “It’s a tremendously successful job. It’s called Trump Towers—two towers, instead of one, not the usual one, it’s two.  According to personal financial disclosures filed by Trump, since he launched his bid for the presidency, he has earned somewhere between $3.2 million and $17 million in royalties from the deal. (The amounts are given in ranges; the precise figures are unclear.) 

I don't know why Kurds would consider us their allies in the 1st place. Fool me once shame on me...
We told them to rise up against Hussein and we'll back you. Nope...
Rise up against Assad and help defeat ISIS and will back you. Nope...
Pattern here?
How about we just stop telling people things we won't do.


Quote: @suncoastvike said:
I don't know why Kurds would consider us their allies in the 1st place. Fool me once shame on me...
We told them to rise up against Hussein and we'll back you. Nope...
Rise up against Assad and help defeat ISIS and will back you. Nope...
Pattern here?
How about we just stop telling people things we won't do.
goes back to WW1.  We should have absolutely done better, leaving them like this is a joke

Quote: @mblack said:
@pumpf said:
@mblack said:
@pumpf said:
I agree.  So do alot of Republicans.  
I know that there are a bunch of Democrats opposed to it, too... but is it because Trump did it (and they reflexively oppose everything he does) or because they genuinely care about the Kurds.

From 2015:

And this link says that it's not (technically?) the Kurds we're abandoning, but rather the YPG, which has been connected to a terrorist group:

So now I'm not sure what to think.  Time to do some more research.  Unfortunately, we can't just assume that the headlines are accurate or true anymore.
So how does this have anything to do with the decision made by Trump (even when many told him was not a good idea) that resulted in the civilians being killed?
This is not 2015 nor is Obama president. These killings are a result of a decision the US President made a few days ago - a few days ago again I repeat.
You really are not sure about what to think? 

Well, who put our troops there in the first place?  What did Obama do about this situation when he was in office?  Although Trump's decision may not have a direct link to Obama, you can bet there are all kinds of indirect links.  Of course, I'm honest enough to admit that I don't know everything about this issue.  I do know that I don't think it's a good idea... and, as I said, most Republicans seem to agree.

What still makes me wonder: is if liberals are ACTUALLY opposed to pulling troops out of a foreign war... or if they just- automatically- oppose everything that Trump does.

I see alot of virtue-signaling in this thread... but very little substance.  That tells me that people here don't understand the issue any better than I do... but Orange Man Bad, so here they are.

Meanwhile thousands of American children were aborted today.  And yesterday.  And the day before that...
I see why every discussion on this board does not go anywhere.
Trump made a bad decision a few days ago that led to the bombings. This thread is about bombings that happened a few days ago.
It is not about Obama or the abortion.
As a matter of fact why stop at Obama? While we are at it let's talk about the gulf war and world wars. Anything that will avoid talking about present day issues.
And to top it off you still can't bring yourself to admit Trump screwed up.
Its pathetic that the only defense you can come up with is comparing to what Obama did.
Trump is president. Hold him accountable for once. Every good thing that happens is his doing while every bad thing is either the Democrats or Obama. It's getting kind of childish. 
To conclude, HE trump made a statement that led to the Turkish raid. Not the democrats, not Congress and certainly not Obama.
I think you're missing (or intentionally ignoring) a couple of things.  First of all, I said that I agreed with the original post: that this was a bad idea.  Second of all, I think it is completely relevant- regardless of who the president is- to consider what their (previous) role might be in a current situation.  If we do it with regard to economic issues, I don't know why geopolitical issues would suddenly become "irrelevant".  This is not a case of "whataboutism".  I wasn't blaming Obama.  I was asking the question.  Unlike some folks who came here only to bash Trump, I'm honestly interested in talking about this issue and learning more about it.  Neither you- nor anyone else- has offered anything of substance to this discussion... other than Orange Man Bad.  I've at least been honest about my ignorance.  Most of the folks here are reacting to whatever headline they've read- and that's the extent of their knowledge.  
For example: how many people know the difference between the YPG and the PPK?
Finally, as I've said many times before: I didn't vote for Trump.  Nor was I defending his decision in any way, shape or form. 

PS: You're not here to "talk about present day issues".  It's pretty clear that your ONLY objective in this thread is to attack all things Trump.  YOU are the one with the agenda in this thread, not me.    

Just remember none of these people know each other.....

[Image: EGhkldDXYAA0p4g.jpg]

Quote: @pumpf said:
@mblack said:
@pumpf said:
I agree.  So do alot of Republicans.  
I know that there are a bunch of Democrats opposed to it, too... but is it because Trump did it (and they reflexively oppose everything he does) or because they genuinely care about the Kurds.

From 2015:

And this link says that it's not (technically?) the Kurds we're abandoning, but rather the YPG, which has been connected to a terrorist group:

So now I'm not sure what to think.  Time to do some more research.  Unfortunately, we can't just assume that the headlines are accurate or true anymore.
So how does this have anything to do with the decision made by Trump (even when many told him was not a good idea) that resulted in the civilians being killed?
This is not 2015 nor is Obama president. These killings are a result of a decision the US President made a few days ago - a few days ago again I repeat.
You really are not sure about what to think? 

Well, who put our troops there in the first place?  What did Obama do about this situation when he was in office?  Although Trump's decision may not have a direct link to Obama, you can bet there are all kinds of indirect links.  Of course, I'm honest enough to admit that I don't know everything about this issue.  I do know that I don't think it's a good idea... and, as I said, most Republicans seem to agree.

What still makes me wonder: is if liberals are ACTUALLY opposed to pulling troops out of a foreign war... or if they just- automatically- oppose everything that Trump does.

I see alot of virtue-signaling in this thread... but very little substance.  That tells me that people here don't understand the issue any better than I do... but Orange Man Bad, so here they are.

Meanwhile thousands of American children were aborted today.  And yesterday.  And the day before that...
Just fucking stop already. Right now kids and civilians are being slaughtered. And you are a man of the faith. Just fucking stop. We turned our backs on our allies and they are slaughtering people. these are the people that agreed to fight them there so that we didn't have to fight them here. And we left them high and dry. It's disgusting and anyone that doesn't call it that is a yellow bellied shallow shit heel. If you served you KNOW this is completely fucked up.

This isn't team red and team blue. It makes me sick to my stomach and it should you too. 

Quote: @Mike Olson said:
@pumpf said:
@mblack said:
@pumpf said:
I agree.  So do alot of Republicans.  
I know that there are a bunch of Democrats opposed to it, too... but is it because Trump did it (and they reflexively oppose everything he does) or because they genuinely care about the Kurds.

From 2015:

And this link says that it's not (technically?) the Kurds we're abandoning, but rather the YPG, which has been connected to a terrorist group:

So now I'm not sure what to think.  Time to do some more research.  Unfortunately, we can't just assume that the headlines are accurate or true anymore.
So how does this have anything to do with the decision made by Trump (even when many told him was not a good idea) that resulted in the civilians being killed?
This is not 2015 nor is Obama president. These killings are a result of a decision the US President made a few days ago - a few days ago again I repeat.
You really are not sure about what to think? 

Well, who put our troops there in the first place?  What did Obama do about this situation when he was in office?  Although Trump's decision may not have a direct link to Obama, you can bet there are all kinds of indirect links.  Of course, I'm honest enough to admit that I don't know everything about this issue.  I do know that I don't think it's a good idea... and, as I said, most Republicans seem to agree.

What still makes me wonder: is if liberals are ACTUALLY opposed to pulling troops out of a foreign war... or if they just- automatically- oppose everything that Trump does.

I see alot of virtue-signaling in this thread... but very little substance.  That tells me that people here don't understand the issue any better than I do... but Orange Man Bad, so here they are.

Meanwhile thousands of American children were aborted today.  And yesterday.  And the day before that...
Just fucking stop already. Right now kids and civilians are being slaughtered. And you are a man of the faith. Just fucking stop. We turned our backs on our allies and they are slaughtering people. these are the people that agreed to fight them there so that we didn't have to fight them here. And we left them high and dry. It's disgusting and anyone that doesn't call it that is a yellow bellied shallow shit heel. If you served you KNOW this is completely fucked up.

This isn't team red and team blue. It makes me sick to my stomach and it should you too. 

And the AlGore Internet Drama Queen for his performance about the Kurds, Mike Olson.

Trump is pulling us out of war.  Our kids aren’t going to be killed for the benefit of the Biden’s, the Kerry’s, the Clintons, the Obamas, Soros, Haliburton, the Romneys, the Bushes etc.

It is over.   Trump promised us he would do this when he ran.  How the fuck can you morons flip it to misstate the truth.  

We need peace.  I support Paul Rand’s position on foreign wars.  


Quote: @A1Janitor said:
@Mike Olson said:
@pumpf said:
@mblack said:
@pumpf said:
I agree.  So do alot of Republicans.  
I know that there are a bunch of Democrats opposed to it, too... but is it because Trump did it (and they reflexively oppose everything he does) or because they genuinely care about the Kurds.

From 2015:

And this link says that it's not (technically?) the Kurds we're abandoning, but rather the YPG, which has been connected to a terrorist group:

So now I'm not sure what to think.  Time to do some more research.  Unfortunately, we can't just assume that the headlines are accurate or true anymore.
So how does this have anything to do with the decision made by Trump (even when many told him was not a good idea) that resulted in the civilians being killed?
This is not 2015 nor is Obama president. These killings are a result of a decision the US President made a few days ago - a few days ago again I repeat.
You really are not sure about what to think? 

Well, who put our troops there in the first place?  What did Obama do about this situation when he was in office?  Although Trump's decision may not have a direct link to Obama, you can bet there are all kinds of indirect links.  Of course, I'm honest enough to admit that I don't know everything about this issue.  I do know that I don't think it's a good idea... and, as I said, most Republicans seem to agree.

What still makes me wonder: is if liberals are ACTUALLY opposed to pulling troops out of a foreign war... or if they just- automatically- oppose everything that Trump does.

I see alot of virtue-signaling in this thread... but very little substance.  That tells me that people here don't understand the issue any better than I do... but Orange Man Bad, so here they are.

Meanwhile thousands of American children were aborted today.  And yesterday.  And the day before that...
Just fucking stop already. Right now kids and civilians are being slaughtered. And you are a man of the faith. Just fucking stop. We turned our backs on our allies and they are slaughtering people. these are the people that agreed to fight them there so that we didn't have to fight them here. And we left them high and dry. It's disgusting and anyone that doesn't call it that is a yellow bellied shallow shit heel. If you served you KNOW this is completely fucked up.

This isn't team red and team blue. It makes me sick to my stomach and it should you too. 

And the AlGore Internet Drama Queen for his performance about the Kurds, Mike Olson.

Trump is pulling us out of war.  Our kids aren’t going to be killed for the benefit of the Biden’s, the Kerry’s, the Clintons, the Obamas, Soros, Haliburton, the Romneys, the Bushes etc.

It is over.   Trump promised us he would do this when he ran.  How the fuck can you morons flip it to misstate the truth.  

We need peace.  I support Paul Rand’s position on foreign wars.  

Abandoning our allies isn't saving anyone.  All those ISIS POW's held by the Kurds?  Where are they headed?  Oh suddenly Republicans don't give a shit about ISIS anymore??

Just stop it.  You're the drama queen here, how hilariously ironic you pitch hissy fits and scream about pay to play schemes involving Hillary and how Rudy's working on exposing it?

Only to find out the fucking Republicans AND Rudy himself has been caught setting up a pay to play scheme and 2 of his RUSSIAN asshole partners with dirty Russian money being donated right to Trump's Super PAC.  

There's your proof of corruption and pay to play A1.  Right in front of your fucking nose, PROOF with 2 actual arrests.

Aren't you outraged?  6 months of babbling about corrupt pay to play schemes, only to find it's your team doing it and getting arrested?!?!?

Hell the Russians just bought off a GOP Senator in Texas and convinced him to tell Trump to get the Ambassador to the Ukraine fired, which really happened.  Treasonous traitorous pieces of shit!

We pause now for a VICTORY LAP ...


Republicans are now exposed, proven they have filled their campaign coffers with Russian money and doing favors for the Russians.  So fuck your Russian hoax story bullshit, it's now proven fact that Russians own the GOP and Trump.

You're a fucking joke, own the fact it's your party that sold out to our enemies, which is why every move the WH makes from foreign policy decisions to refusing to safeguard our elections favors the Russians every fucking time, and why Trump's generals have quit and the military is turning on him.



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