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What if .....
Quote: @A1Janitor said:
@StickyBun said:
@MaroonBells said:
What if you didn't believe every batshit conspiracy theory floated in front of you? Had any Comet Ping Pong lately? 
This. The conspiracy theorists are always 'right'. Its useless to debate them. They 'know' better and usually claim to have some unique 'insight'.


Insight?  It is being reported!

Like I keep saying - watch the news. It is all coming out.  

When the evidence comes out ... they will
say it is fake?!?  

Again - these aren’t theories.  The evidence is breaking. 
Here's what I'll say on this and just leave it at that as my personal opinion:

Do I think the media is ridiculous many times in blaming Trump for every single thing and being up his ass daily and acting like children with their juvenile insults? Yes. Zero doubt about it. But at the same time I feel he's a despicable piece of shit and I thought that about him before he became President. How he conducts himself in office is atrocious and unprecedented....he's an easy target because he's so thin-skinned, sophomoric and an idiot overall. 

But some of his policies I can get behind. Some of what he's done or in the process of doing is overdue. Contrary to the media, not everything he does is a shit show. But he's a demagogue. A pandering huckster. An embarrassment on the world stage. So that's just my opinion and I'll wrap up my involvement in this thread with that.

Quote: @A1Janitor said:
@mblack said:
So let me get this straight....
  1. The fact that Trump asked Ukraine to look into Biden (and he even said he asked them to do so and provided the transcript of a call he had to back that up) is a conspiracy theory
  2. The fact Trump asked China on national TV to look into Biden (again a crime) is a conspiracy theory
  3. The fact that most if not all of what the whistle blower said has been validated by Trump himself and the transcripts is a conspiracy theory
Remember that any one of those three is a crime but again I assume that is a conspiracy theory. 
What if...
1.  Ukraine brought Biden up.  Not the other way around. Ukraine decided to start looking into Biden 6 months earlier.  Trump did ask Ukraine to help Barr and Durham to look into the 2016 hoax.  Read it - not Schiff’s version.

2.  Biden, among others, got money from china too. We must end corruption ... Trump ran on that promise.  Trump knows what happened ... that is why they are running scared and throwing fake whistleblowers in.  

What if Biden and others did sell their offices to make money off  China and Ukraine?

Notice the difference between calling for an investigation of an actual crime ... and working with a foreign country to influence an election (what happened by dems in 2016).

What if there is evidence Russia was a hoax and they know who intentionally
lied about it?

3.  This just is not true.  Read the full transcript.  They are taking sentences out of context.  Read the whole thing.  There was no discussion of holding back aid. 

Biden DID talk about holding back a billion until the prosecutor investigating his son was fired. The lawyers representing Biden apologized to the fired prosecutor for tarnishing his reputation but saying he was corrupt. He wasn’t. 

You are missing the point.  The what ifs I stated are backed up by evidence.  Not fake whistleblowers. 
  1. I am sure Ukraine brought it up as that was definitely in Ukraine's best interest. And I am sure Giuliani and co where there to help Ukraine
  2. Does that include investigating Ivanka too? Here is an example (or the sources are wrong and it is fake news)

    Ivanka Trump gets initial approval from China for 16 new trademarks—including for ‘voting machines

    • President Donald Trump’s daughter and senior advisor, Ivanka Trump, last month won initial approval from the Chinese government for 16 new trademarks, covering a wide range of products that include “voting machines.”
    • The approval for Ivanka Trump’s trademarks comes three months after she said her personal clothing brand was shutting down.
    • It occurred “while her father continues to wage a trade war with China,” according to the the public interest group Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, which first reported the approval.

    • China grants 18 trademarks in 2 months to Trump, daughter

  3. Of course I am.

Again - I don’t want your analysis.  It is true that Ukraine ordered the case reopened 6 months ago.  It is true Ukraine president brought up Biden. 

So the point of this exercise was ... what if what I said was true?  Not assume it wasn’t. 

IF it is true what I allege ... what now?



Quote: @StickyBun said:
@A1Janitor said:
@StickyBun said:
@MaroonBells said:
What if you didn't believe every batshit conspiracy theory floated in front of you? Had any Comet Ping Pong lately? 
This. The conspiracy theorists are always 'right'. Its useless to debate them. They 'know' better and usually claim to have some unique 'insight'.


Insight?  It is being reported!

Like I keep saying - watch the news. It is all coming out.  

When the evidence comes out ... they will
say it is fake?!?  

Again - these aren’t theories.  The evidence is breaking. 
Here's what I'll say on this and just leave it at that as my personal opinion:

Do I think the media is ridiculous many times in blaming Trump for every single thing and being up his ass daily and acting like children with their juvenile insults? Yes. Zero doubt about it. But at the same time I feel he's a despicable piece of shit and I thought that about him before he became President. How he conducts himself in office is atrocious and unprecedented....he's an easy target because he's so thin-skinned, sophomoric and an idiot overall. 

But some of his policies I can get behind. Some of what he's done or in the process of doing is overdue. Contrary to the media, not everything he does is a shit show. But he's a demagogue. A pandering huckster. An embarrassment on the world stage. So that's just my opinion and I'll wrap up my involvement in this thread with that.
That is absolutely an acceptable position for you.

Not for the media though.  

And regardless of what we think of him - if Russia was a setup hoax ... and if others are guilty of corruption by making hundreds of millions of dollars - We need to end that shit.

We also need to end the wars.

Quote: @A1Janitor said:
What if Mueller applied for Comey’s job and didn’t get it.  And he lied to Congress and said he never applied for it?  And evidence comes out that Rod Rosenstein and Mueller had a plan that Rod would appoint him as special counsel if he didn’t get the job. 
Whst exactly would be so nefarious in that scenario?  

So Mueller didnt get the FBI Director position?  Whoopty doo!  And Rod,  also a fellow Republican, told him he would appoint him Special Counsel - again, so fucking what?

Mueller, a REPUBLICAN, with a sterling career from military to FBI to law, applauded and recommended by other Republicans for his professionalism with glowing recommendations by other Republicans for being fair, sticking to facts and applying the law after being appointed Special Counsel by other Republicans ... is part of some grand scheme to bring down Trump?


When the same Mueller is the guy who Trump claims exonerated him, because Mueller didn't charge him with anything??  I mean if he's part of the conspiracy to get Trump, why didn't he recommend charges .... you know, to actually get Trump???   


The mental hoops you have to jump through to conjure up this "everyone is out to get poor innocent Donald Trump" is the funniest, batshit craziest shit I've ever seen.

Yes, 2 weeks.  We will be watching, waiting for that big nothing that you promised would happen several months ago.


Funny thing about crazy people is they don't know they're crazy

well better hope one of these crazy tin foil hat conspiracy stories comes true quickly because..... A fox news poll just came out stating that 51% of their respondents favor impeachment and removal.

Quote: @Mike Olson said:
well better hope one of these crazy tin foil hat conspiracy stories comes true quickly because..... A fox news poll just came out stating that 51% of their respondents favor impeachment and removal.
Mike Olson... Fox News watcher/acolyte.  

Quote: @savannahskol said:
@Mike Olson said:
well better hope one of these crazy tin foil hat conspiracy stories comes true quickly because..... A fox news poll just came out stating that 51% of their respondents favor impeachment and removal.
Mike Olson... Fox News watcher/acolyte.  
I bet the dirty dems are shitting their pants watching fox news right now. 

Rudy is spilling the beans.  It is bad.  Biden is trapped.  

Quote: @A1Janitor said:
@savannahskol said:
@Mike Olson said:
well better hope one of these crazy tin foil hat conspiracy stories comes true quickly because..... A fox news poll just came out stating that 51% of their respondents favor impeachment and removal.
Mike Olson... Fox News watcher/acolyte.  
I bet the dirty dems are shitting their pants watching fox news right now. 

Rudy is spilling the beans.  It is bad.  Biden is trapped.  
Rudy is a dementia riddled trainwreck vomiting all kinds of debunked conspiracy theories, screaming at people who repeat his own direct quotes back at him.  Completely unhinged mental nutjob.

That's your great white hope??  Rudy???


Trump psychosis is catchy ... you wackos all seem to feed off each other's insanity. 

Quote: @A1Janitor said:
What if Ukraine uncovered evidence of crimes committed by Hunter Biden in an investigation of other people and wrote a 15 page letter to open the investigation of the Bidens in FEBRUARY of 2019?

And what if Trump knew early on that the Russian crap was a hoax and knew it was tied to the DNC and Ukraine - and many democrat families including Clintons, Bidens ... were making money from Ukraine corruption?
Dude Hunter Biden was over qualified for that job. His resume included:

1.  flunked out of the military from a coke habit. 
2.  never worked in oil and gas
3.  doesnt speak the language 
4.  Didnt know any of the Ukrainian people. 
5.  had no US political connections...well....except his dad. 

These are all qualities that I search for from a highly compensated consultants.


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