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Skol Vikings!
I come to a viking fan board to talk Vikings.  Skol indeed.

Quote: @greediron said:
I come to a viking fan board to talk Vikings.  Skol indeed.
And if you'd only ever stuck to that all these years and didn't conveniently decide to stay quiet right now on what a traitor the guy you support is, I'd not think twice about you. You'd just be a Vikings fan and nothing else.

Thanks for the advice. But I will stick to advice from people that aren't blinded by rage.  Tired of listening to the circle jerk, oh now he has finally done it, wait, no wait until this is release, oh wait, now it is for real, wait, we need more time, but this guy is really bad.

Quote: @KingBash said:
@JimmyinSD said:
@Mike Olson said:
I mean.... He fucking admitted it.... On TV! 

What a dipshit. Spin this one from Fox News:

And his personal lawyer did too.

WTF? Either they are setting the most brilliant trap ever or they are some of the dumbest dumbfuck criminals on the planet.
As dumb as he is... and yet all the brilliance of the Dem. party couldnt prevent him from becoming president,  nor find a way to have him removed despite that being their sole objective consuming their efforts since he has taken office.

As lame as the Democrats might be, you guys are a stubborn lot. And it's impossible with Fox News feeding you horseshit daily. It doesn't matter what he does, that spin machine does all your homework for you so you can keep excusing how incredibly terrible he is.

I am not really keeping up on all the latest "criminal" activities that he is supposedly guilty of,   its just to much considering every week somebody from team blue is frothing about what atrocities he has committed lately and how he is going down for this one.   Maybe one of these days those claims will be right and I will start to give a shit,  but this constant barrage of weak claims and flat out lies has really just caused me and a lot of others to quit listening at all,  which really defeats the purpose with an election on the horizon.  If they have something concrete and criminal.... play the card,  otherwise they really need to shut up and get to work.

I'd agree. And once again we'll see the Republicans turn their backs and excuse this, which will - in turn - make it okay for the American voter to do so. And the biggest problem, you guys won't have to admit that you're wrong. That's a major part of this: your need to "own the libs." You NEED Trump to be right.

We've had him dead to rights already with Russia. He fired Comey, tried to get Sessions to shut down the investigation... at one point he even said, I'm so fucked, my presidency is over. And then when Mueller's investigation ended, William Barr made it all a moot point by hiding the important findings and releasing his own 4 page summary (and finally the heavily, heavily redacted report).

side thought and to lazy to find a different thread or start a new one. 

I hear all the yapping about how the trade war with China is hurting the American farmer and how that is all on Trump,  but no mention of the Houses inaction on USMCA which will lead to  additional  billions for the ag economy... but that one doesnt get to see the floor of the house for passage.... who decides what bills get debated in the house and what team does she play for?  Every single ex secretary of Ag,  despite what administration they worked under,  since Carter has jumped on board to support this new trade deal... why cant the politicians get back to politics and leave the legal shit to those that handle that.

If his crimes are as serious as team blue wants us to believe,  I hope the flush him,  but I also hope that precedence becomes the acceptable standard for all politicians going forward despite political affiliation.  I want the media to hound every future president the way they have hounded trump,  fuck it.... .while we are at it,  how about we just shut down the govt going forward to allow the losing teams (admittedly the repubs are no better the way they hounded Obama) years to try and prevent any success from the opposition.  

Well, we finally agree on something.

its sad that our campaigns are less and less about what a candidate has done or wants to do themselves to benefit Americans, and more about the opponents failures.   so much mud.  of course with some of the campaign plans out there.. .I wouldnt want voters to know my plans either if they were mine.

Not true. I'm not voting in 2020 to simply get rid of Trump. I'm voting because I believe in some of the policies put forth. And the one I disagree with will eventually meet somewhere in the middle so conservatives/moderates can get on board too. 

1.  I havent watched fox news in a long long time...years I cant stand spin from either side.

2.  you think because you sit and watch and eat your spin all day that some how makes you in the right on all this.... you are one arrogant and ignorant person.  if you were honest with yourself you would spend more time examining your own positions and less time trying to condemn others for theirs.  I know that I find myself daily questioning everything that I find myself in agreement on with any politician.. I always ask myself why,   and when I need an answer the path is always the same.... follow the money.  Team red vs team blue its always the same..... its about the green.

3. everybody has their drivers... things that push them to vote for one shit bag over the other.  I have no issues with you voting against trump as that is why I voted for him  IMO hillary was a bigger POS than trump and based my disgusted vote on that.  its not the first time i dont vote FOR a candidate,  but instead AGAINST a candidate.   Maybe that is a new idea for election day... instead of having to vote for one or the other we should be able to vote against a certain candidate as well thusly cancelling out a FOR vote.  and if neither candidate receives say 35% positive votes at the end of it all... nobody wins and a new election is ordered and if either candidate doesnt receive at least 20% of the vote in their favor then they are thrown out.  make it so we actually have candidates we want to support instead of voting against the shittiest ones.   and isnt it time to get rid of the party names on the ballots?  its as tool for both parties but it really doesnt serve the public's best interest.

Quote: @greediron said:
Thanks for the advice. But I will stick to advice from people that aren't blinded by rage.  Tired of listening to the circle jerk, oh now he has finally done it, wait, no wait until this is release, oh wait, now it is for real, wait, we need more time, but this guy is really bad.
Sorry that the facts are on my side, pal. Educate yourself on how it's a bad road to go down for a president to collude with a foreign government to sway an election in his favor. Just do some critical thinking on how, if you look the other way on this one, a big bad Dem might do it later (and then you'll have to do even more mental gymnastics down the line). 

Educate yourself on how it's a bad road to go down to have the AG act as the president's personal lawyer and assist him in this.

Just try thinking at all for a change. Any rage I might have is because we've gotta share this country with you all who are voting for Boss Tweed 2.0. Fucking had it with you guys.

Also: apparently this isn't the full transcript we're reading! The White House thought THIS version of events was it's best bet to put out to extinguish the fires.

We want the full transcript, the audio, and the entire whistleblower report. If there's nothing to hide, I'm sure these crooked fucks won't have a problem releasing...

The president has committed crimes and obstruction of justice.... those are now facts. 

We were warned this was going on. We showed where this was going on. We now know this has been going on for a fact because it came from the presidents own mouth and he provided transcript of it. the "lame" democrats are not the only ones that knew/know this. There are republicans that knew/know this as well. 

I don't know how anyone can sit here and wave a flag while at the same time providing cover for a president that has requested foreign intervention into our elections... not just once... but multiple times. And here's the best part... looking at the polls Biden may not even be the nominee. 

They weren't asking for an investigation into Biden -because that investigation was concluded and found no wrong doing. They were asking for the creation of dirt on biden.... And still that isn't even the damning part of this. Like all controversies it is the attempt to cover up and obstruct the information. 

Now I don't really give a shit about Biden or whatever. If you want to bring up Hillary fine too. Lock them all up if you can get a credible investigation that finds wrongdoing and a conviction. I am fine with letting the legal process play out. It still doesn't change the fact that this president is guilty by his own admission of using the offie of president to try to coerce a foreign government into attacking a political rival, and then attempting to deny the documents and information and whistleblower info from congress. You cannot excuse that behavior. You can sit here and claim whataboutism all you want. Go right ahead. I learned that two wrongs do not make a right. And this is undoubtedly wrong.  

LMAO, you are rich.  Telling others to educate themselves and stop and think.  Done engaging, just had to stop in for a laugh.

So this is what yall have your latest orange man bad hard on over?  As others have stated yall have been saying you're going to impeach him at least weekly for going on 3 years right now.  After awhile we've all just kind of lost interest in listening to your orange man bad circle jerk.
So please explain how this is treasonous?  Why wouldn't it be perfectly acceptable to look into the wrong doings of Biden while VP and the monetary gain he received because of it?  You do realize you've spent +3 years investigating the president based off a report that was provided to the Hillary Clinton campaign provided by a foreign entity dont you?  Do you not see the hypocrisy? 

Any way this shakes down, this impeachment isn't going anywhere.  Trump could literally eat live babies in the White house on TV and yet you wouldn't find a 2/3s vote in the Senate.  This is nothing more then political theater trying to bolster the D's chances in 2020.   
•t:�;'HP) The· President: I would like you to do us a favor though
because our country has been through a lot and Ukraine knows a
lot about it. I would like you to find out what happened with
this whole si�uation with Ukraine, they s_ay Crowdstrike ... I guess
you have one of your weal thy people... The server, they say
Ukraine� There- are a lot. of things that went on, the·
:whole situation .. I think you 1 re _surrounding yourse·lf with some
of the same people. I .

would like to have the Attorney General
call you or your people and I would like you t� ·get to the
bottom of it�. As you sa� yest�rday, that whole nonsetise ended
with a very poor performance by a man named Robert Mue�le_r, an
incompetent performance-, _but they. say a lot of it started with
Ukraine. Whatever you can do, ·it's very important that· you. do it
if that's possible.--------------------------


Quote: @JimmyinSD said:
@KingBash said:
@JimmyinSD said:
@Mike Olson said:
I mean.... He fucking admitted it.... On TV! 

What a dipshit. Spin this one from Fox News:

And his personal lawyer did too.

WTF? Either they are setting the most brilliant trap ever or they are some of the dumbest dumbfuck criminals on the planet.
As dumb as he is... and yet all the brilliance of the Dem. party couldnt prevent him from becoming president,  nor find a way to have him removed despite that being their sole objective consuming their efforts since he has taken office.

As lame as the Democrats might be, you guys are a stubborn lot. And it's impossible with Fox News feeding you horseshit daily. It doesn't matter what he does, that spin machine does all your homework for you so you can keep excusing how incredibly terrible he is.

I am not really keeping up on all the latest "criminal" activities that he is supposedly guilty of,   its just to much considering every week somebody from team blue is frothing about what atrocities he has committed lately and how he is going down for this one.   Maybe one of these days those claims will be right and I will start to give a shit,  but this constant barrage of weak claims and flat out lies has really just caused me and a lot of others to quit listening at all,  which really defeats the purpose with an election on the horizon.  If they have something concrete and criminal.... play the card,  otherwise they really need to shut up and get to work.

I'd agree. And once again we'll see the Republicans turn their backs and excuse this, which will - in turn - make it okay for the American voter to do so. And the biggest problem, you guys won't have to admit that you're wrong. That's a major part of this: your need to "own the libs." You NEED Trump to be right.

We've had him dead to rights already with Russia. He fired Comey, tried to get Sessions to shut down the investigation... at one point he even said, I'm so fucked, my presidency is over. And then when Mueller's investigation ended, William Barr made it all a moot point by hiding the important findings and releasing his own 4 page summary (and finally the heavily, heavily redacted report).

side thought and to lazy to find a different thread or start a new one. 

I hear all the yapping about how the trade war with China is hurting the American farmer and how that is all on Trump,  but no mention of the Houses inaction on USMCA which will lead to  additional  billions for the ag economy... but that one doesnt get to see the floor of the house for passage.... who decides what bills get debated in the house and what team does she play for?  Every single ex secretary of Ag,  despite what administration they worked under,  since Carter has jumped on board to support this new trade deal... why cant the politicians get back to politics and leave the legal shit to those that handle that.

If his crimes are as serious as team blue wants us to believe,  I hope the flush him,  but I also hope that precedence becomes the acceptable standard for all politicians going forward despite political affiliation.  I want the media to hound every future president the way they have hounded trump,  fuck it.... .while we are at it,  how about we just shut down the govt going forward to allow the losing teams (admittedly the repubs are no better the way they hounded Obama) years to try and prevent any success from the opposition.  

Well, we finally agree on something.

its sad that our campaigns are less and less about what a candidate has done or wants to do themselves to benefit Americans, and more about the opponents failures.   so much mud.  of course with some of the campaign plans out there.. .I wouldnt want voters to know my plans either if they were mine.

Not true. I'm not voting in 2020 to simply get rid of Trump. I'm voting because I believe in some of the policies put forth. And the one I disagree with will eventually meet somewhere in the middle so conservatives/moderates can get on board too. 

1.  I havent watched fox news in a long long time...years I cant stand spin from either side.

2.  you think because you sit and watch and eat your spin all day that some how makes you in the right on all this.... you are one arrogant and ignorant person.  if you were honest with yourself you would spend more time examining your own positions and less time trying to condemn others for theirs.  I know that I find myself daily questioning everything that I find myself in agreement on with any politician.. I always ask myself why,   and when I need an answer the path is always the same.... follow the money.  Team red vs team blue its always the same..... its about the green.

3. everybody has their drivers... things that push them to vote for one shit bag over the other.  I have no issues with you voting against trump as that is why I voted for him  IMO hillary was a bigger POS than trump and based my disgusted vote on that.  its not the first time i dont vote FOR a candidate,  but instead AGAINST a candidate.   Maybe that is a new idea for election day... instead of having to vote for one or the other we should be able to vote against a certain candidate as well thusly cancelling out a FOR vote.  and if neither candidate receives say 35% positive votes at the end of it all... nobody wins and a new election is ordered and if either candidate doesnt receive at least 20% of the vote in their favor then they are thrown out.  make it so we actually have candidates we want to support instead of voting against the shittiest ones.   and isnt it time to get rid of the party names on the ballots?  its as tool for both parties but it really doesnt serve the public's best interest.
This is the best part about what's transpired. You can type away all you want, we can laugh at him using a Sharpie on a weather map all we want, we can attack him for going after a 16 year old girl on Twitter... but at the end of the day, the facts are that he's committed a crime by involving a foreign government in our elections for his own political gain.

What say you to that? It's a documented fact now.

Quote: @greediron said:
LMAO, you are rich.  Telling others to educate themselves and stop and think.  Done engaging, just had to stop in for a laugh.
me too! So thank you! Love watching you guys spin this one. Didn't think you'd actually show up to try, but here you are! What loyal Trump cult members you are.

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