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People of Earth; We need to protect our planet better
Quote: @MaroonBells said:
@Skodin said:
so the millions of acres of forests being burned in brazil . . . 1/5th of the planets source of oxygen . . . do not call out the reasoning for it?  You do not see how human impact can exacerbate a problem?  if we had a basic tool, a choice to prevent it, should we take it?

reduction of oxygen, increased carbon, no effect on us?
Don't waste your time. Do you like talking economic policy with 4 year olds? Do you like talking astrophysics with flat earthers? Then save your sanity and don't talk climate change with climate deniers. 
Insults aside...

I've got 60 on the horizon (knocks wood) and I cannot remember a time where I have been at such polar opposite on such fundamental issues such as this...

God help the US with such division these days...I really do fear for our planet and place in this world tomorrow vs The Chinese etc...

My hope is now with the Millennials and future generations. 


Quote: @KingBash said:
@MaroonBells said:

Don't waste your time. Do you like talking economic policy with 4 year olds? Do you like talking astrophysics with flat earthers? Then save your sanity and don't talk climate change with climate deniers. 
People like pumpf are hopeless individuals. Yes, a fundamentalist Christian from the Midwest knows more than the entire scientific community.

What a bunch of condescending BS.  

"4 year olds" MB?    "Entire scientific community" KB?    



Quote: @SFVikeFan said:
Don't worry, in another 20 years the next generation isn't putting up with your shit
You don't have 20 years, numbnuts. 

By your own leftist brainiac calculations, you/we only have 12. lmao.

Your threat is 8 years hollow, by your fellow liberal calculations.  

Buy a calendar, dufus.  



Quote: @purplefaithful said:
@MaroonBells said:
@Skodin said:
so the millions of acres of forests being burned in brazil . . . 1/5th of the planets source of oxygen . . . do not call out the reasoning for it?  You do not see how human impact can exacerbate a problem?  if we had a basic tool, a choice to prevent it, should we take it?

reduction of oxygen, increased carbon, no effect on us?
Don't waste your time. Do you like talking economic policy with 4 year olds? Do you like talking astrophysics with flat earthers? Then save your sanity and don't talk climate change with climate deniers. 
Insults aside...

I've got 60 on the horizon (knocks wood) and I cannot remember a time where I have been at such polar opposite on such fundamental issues such as this...

God help the US with such division these days...I really do fear for our planet and place in this world tomorrow vs The Chinese etc...

My hope is now with the Millennials and future generations. 

"Insults  aside...."   Really?  

So you're a  middle-of-the-road guy?   
And you read this bullshit.... and feel comfortable, in the middle?  

One side's posters claiming the "other" side is on a 4 yo mentality?  And another claiming he speaks for the "entire scientific community"?  
(and that's ^^ a "valid" side?) 

Ya'll's MMGW hoax  deserve to be steam-rolled by reality, as St Barak & St's Michelle just did on yer asses. 

Obamas Strike Blow for Economic Justice, Donate Millions in Exchange for Massive Beachfront Estate Former president conquers 'wealth anxiety'Andrew Stiles - AUGUST 22, 2019 4:05 PM
Celebrity authors Barack and Michelle Obama are striking a blow for social, economic, and climate justice, vowing to donate an undisclosed eight-figure sum to Boston Celtics owner Wyc Grousbeck in exchange for his massive beachfront estate on Martha's Vineyard, the luxury island vacation spot popular with Northeastern elites, boat-shoed bon vivants, and other rich freaks who use "summer" as a verb and donate to Pete Buttigieg.
The 29-acre property, which includes a 7,000-square-foot main house with seven bedrooms, nine bathrooms, and two guest wings, is listed at $14.85 million—well within the Obamas' price range after signing a "high eight-figure" production deal with Netflix, in addition to a joint book deal reportedly worth $65 million. There's also an outdoor pool and fireplace, balcony jacuzzi, chef's kitchen, and a private boathouse.
[Image: divGvI-j_bigger.jpg]
Obamas are buying a Martha's Vineyard estate from Boston Celtics owner  #Massachusetts #Boston
[Image: EClnByXXYAAuTsF?format=jpg&name=small][Image: EClnB8AXsAMpeb1?format=jpg&name=small][Image: EClnBzlXUAAG9GX?format=jpg&name=small]
The former president, who once scolded Wall Street executives by saying, "I do think at a certain point you've made enough money," is potentially suffering from wealth anxiety, which could explain why he has decided to give so much money to such a worthy cause.
The purchase has not yet been finalized, but barring any unforeseen setbacks, the Obamas will soon become the proud owners of their third mansion, in addition to properties in Chicago and Washington, D.C. "There's only so big a house you can have," Barack Obama said in 2018.
Obama once claimed his election marked "the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow." The decision to buy a property so close to the water is perhaps a subtle vote of confidence in President Donald Trump's efforts to combat climate change.
[Image: Andrew-Stiles_avatar_1558036812-96x96.png]Andrew Stiles is senior writer at the Washington Free Beacon.



Quote: @Skodin said:
it just blows my mind, why would anyone want to try deny that things are getting severe?  what real stake do you have in the matter unless you are in the climate change denial business (heavy fossil fuels) the severity should be enough NO MATTER the cause (man influenced or not) for us to be having a serious effort in fixing it. Its an issue and for many people here it will become a massive issue for mid west farmers (droughts/rainy seasons/flooding)

the only financial savior they have, the world gets on board, puts in a carbon sequestration incentive on smart farming. That would be the CASH FLOW for farmers of america, using their lands, getting paid when they cant grow anymore, while fighting climate change. talk about mind fuck for climate change deniers
Nolte: Martha’s Vineyard Home Proves Obama Knows Global Warming’s a Hoax
Barack and Michelle Obama are proving with the purchase of a $15 million home on Martha’s Vineyard that they know Global Warming is a hoax.Do you want to know the very last thing a true believer in Global Warming would ever do…?
Move to an island and invest $15 million in a home with a — no joke — ocean view. But…
According to various news reports, Barry and Michelle are doing exactly that, and I do mean exactly that…
Here’s a photo of the estate, all 7,000 square feet of the mansion and the surrounding property… You see all that blue stuff off to the right…? That’s the Atlantic Ocean, y’all…
Now, some might see an awful lot of hypocrisy in a Global Warming believer like Obama purchasing a massive estate that will create an equally massive carbon footprint.
Fair enough.
But that only proves Barry’s a hypocrite, not that he’s a Global Warming Denier.
Investing some $15 million to live on an island home that sits right on the Atlantic Ocean…? You want to know what this is… That is not just the actions of a hypocrite; what we have here is a full-blown Global Warming Denier, a Climate Denier, someone who is so sure the sea levels will never rise, he’s backing up that certainty with $15 million.
Hey, who said this…?
Quote:No nation, however large or small, wealthy or poor, can escape the impact of climate change. Rising sea levels threaten every coastline. More powerful storms and floods threaten every continent.
Barry said that about ten years before he spent $15 million for a home on … the coastline.
Hey, who said this…?
Quote:The science is beyond dispute and the facts are clear. Sea levels are rising. Coastlines are shrinking.
Barry said that about ten years before he spent $15 million for a home on … the coastline.
Hey, who said this…?
Quote:[W]e’ll continue to see rising oceans, longer, hotter heat waves, dangerous droughts and floods.
Barry said that about seven years before he spent $15 million for a home on  … the ocean.
The Obamas are literally investing $15 million in the fact that Global Warming is a hoax.
What’s more, he is only 58 years old. He’s got at least another 25 to 30 years.
Regardless of his age, if Global Warming were real, this would be a terrible investment under any circumstance. As this dumb 12-year deadline counts down, it should be property along the coastlines that lose the most value, while inland property rates skyrocket due to overcrowding by leftists fleeing to safety… right?
But leftists are not leaving the coast, and the value of coastline property continues to rise.
If you want to know what people truly believe, don’t listen to what they say they believe… No, you have to watch what they actually do… And the very same people who are bullying us to give up our cars and beef and grills — because if we don’t, the oceans will rise and destroy the coasts!! —  are the very same people living on … the coast.
Maybe they would rather drown, rather lose everything than live among us deplorables, but there are plenty of blue cities in flyover country… Why don’t these bigots move there?
Because they know it’s all bullshit. And Obama knows it’s bullshit. And the media surely know it’s bullshit because the media are doing the exact same thing Obama’s doing…
While far-left CNN dehumanizes anyone who doesn’t believe in Global Warming, the fake news network is moving its primary base of operations from inland Atlanta to right on — again, no joke — the water in Manhattan, the very same Manhattan the media said would be underwater already.
If Barry and Michelle Obama don’t believe in Global Warming, why should I?
Why should anyone?

Quote: @savannahskol said:
For you folks that believe this hoax of MMGW.....will you kindly remove yourselves from the internet?

"The internet releases around 300m tonnes of CO2 a year – as much as all the coal, oil and gas burned in Turkey or Poland, or more than half of the fossil fuels burned in the UK"
-- The Guardian
Great point, savannahskol! 

Not only have none of these hypocrites quit posting on the internet... we've revived a long-lost poster (KB) and  added another poster (Skodin) 
adding to the internet's carbon footprint.  

Someone delete this thread before the Amazon is forever lost.  

If the science was there, these folks would cite it- and use it to refute the issues raised that dispute it.  But instead they resort to name-calling.  The science is biased and past predictions have failed to materialize.  Oh, and as has been pointed out: the cult leaders don't even believe what their pushing.  But, everyone needs a religion I guess.  Some might call it a cult, but I wouldn't want to minimize someone else's deeply held beliefs... so I'll just give them the benefit of the doubt and call it a "religion".  

Charles Taze Russel would either be proud... or jealous.

Quote: @savannahskol said:
@KingBash said:
@MaroonBells said:

Don't waste your time. Do you like talking economic policy with 4 year olds? Do you like talking astrophysics with flat earthers? Then save your sanity and don't talk climate change with climate deniers. 
People like pumpf are hopeless individuals. Yes, a fundamentalist Christian from the Midwest knows more than the entire scientific community.

What a bunch of condescending BS.  

"4 year olds" MB?    "Entire scientific community" KB?    

You're right. That's not fair. I hereby apologize to all 4 year olds. 

Quote: @MaroonBells said:
@savannahskol said:
@KingBash said:
@MaroonBells said:

Don't waste your time. Do you like talking economic policy with 4 year olds? Do you like talking astrophysics with flat earthers? Then save your sanity and don't talk climate change with climate deniers. 
People like pumpf are hopeless individuals. Yes, a fundamentalist Christian from the Midwest knows more than the entire scientific community.

What a bunch of condescending BS.  

"4 year olds" MB?    "Entire scientific community" KB?    

You're right. That's not fair. I hereby apologize to all 4 year olds. 
You're the chosen one, I'll listen to you.

Quote: @pumpf said:
If the science was there, these folks would cite it- and use it to refute the issues raised that dispute it.  But instead they resort to name-calling.  The science is biased and past predictions have failed to materialize.  Oh, and as has been pointed out: the cult leaders don't even believe what their pushing.  But, everyone needs a religion I guess.  Some might call it a cult, but I wouldn't want to minimize someone else's deeply held beliefs... so I'll just give them the benefit of the doubt and call it a "religion".  

Charles Taze Russel would either be proud... or jealous.
We've cited it repeatedly. You believe the earth is 6,000 years old.

You're a child.

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