Deep-state Bruce & Nellie Ohr's 302's out.
The FBI on Thursday released its notes — known as 302 reports — detailing a dozen interviews agents had with senior Justice Department official Bruce Ohr as they investigated potential ties between the incoming president and Russia. Ohr’s wife, Nellie, worked for the private investigation firm Fusion GPS and relayed research the former British spy, Christopher Steele, was conducting for the company.
“These new Bruce Ohr FBI 302s show an unprecedented and irregular effort by the FBI, DOJ, and State Department to dig up dirt on President Trump using the conflicted Bruce Ohr, his wife, and the Clinton/DNC spies at Fusion GPS,” said Tom Fitton of Judicial Watch, the conservative group who obtained the records through a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit. “The FISA courts weren’t informed of this corrupted process when they were asked to approve and reapprove extraordinary spy warrants targeting President Trump.”
Quote: @savannahskol said:
Deep-state Bruce & Nellie Ohr's 302's out.
The FBI on Thursday released its notes — known as 302 reports — detailing a dozen interviews agents had with senior Justice Department official Bruce Ohr as they investigated potential ties between the incoming president and Russia. Ohr’s wife, Nellie, worked for the private investigation firm Fusion GPS and relayed research the former British spy, Christopher Steele, was conducting for the company.
“These new Bruce Ohr FBI 302s show an unprecedented and irregular effort by the FBI, DOJ, and State Department to dig up dirt on President Trump using the conflicted Bruce Ohr, his wife, and the Clinton/DNC spies at Fusion GPS,” said Tom Fitton of Judicial Watch, the conservative group who obtained the records through a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit. “The FISA courts weren’t informed of this corrupted process when they were asked to approve and reapprove extraordinary spy warrants targeting President Trump.”
Holy shit! If this is true it validates what you have been saying.
But we knew the truth. ![Wink Wink](
Quote: @savannahskol said:
Deep-state Bruce & Nellie Ohr's 302's out.
The FBI on Thursday released its notes — known as 302 reports — detailing a dozen interviews agents had with senior Justice Department official Bruce Ohr as they investigated potential ties between the incoming president and Russia. Ohr’s wife, Nellie, worked for the private investigation firm Fusion GPS and relayed research the former British spy, Christopher Steele, was conducting for the company.
“These new Bruce Ohr FBI 302s show an unprecedented and irregular effort by the FBI, DOJ, and State Department to dig up dirt on President Trump using the conflicted Bruce Ohr, his wife, and the Clinton/DNC spies at Fusion GPS,” said Tom Fitton of Judicial Watch, the conservative group who obtained the records through a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit. “The FISA courts weren’t informed of this corrupted process when they were asked to approve and reapprove extraordinary spy warrants targeting President Trump.”
"According to Tom Fitton of Judicial Watch"
LMAO Judicial Watch ... the televangelists of rightwing dingbats.
Meanwhile ...
Senior Justice Department officials have concluded that former FBI director James B. Comey should not be charged in connection with his handling of memos documenting conversations with President Trump, according to people familiar with the matter.
Deciding not to charge the former FBI director, who has become an outspoken critic of President Trump since Trump fired him in May 2017, was “not a close call,” said a person who was not authorized to discuss the investigation and spoke on the condition of anonymity.
Wake me when people start getting arrested like A1 promised.
PAY ATTENTION!!! derp derp derp
Quote: @SFVikeFan said:
Wake me when people start getting arrested like A1 promised.
It’s coming soon.
Interesting that a Dem IG (Horowitz) rec’d Comey for prosecution to AG Barr...the same Barr ya’ll guarAnteed us was a unmitigated hack/Trump stooge....yet AG Barr didnt prosecute Comey. (Yet)
wouldn’t a rabid AG jumped on any chance?
Keep in mind the only American citizen prosecutions Mueller was successful with, were ‘crimes’ of the nature Comey was just referred for. Yet Trump-stooge/consigliere/rabid partisan Barr deferred.
Waiting for you Barr-phobe’s hosannahs. lol
But why pursue a jaywalking (leaking)offense, whilst you have a US attorney pursuing Comey’s abuse of power?
And trust me, that is what US Atty Durham is investigating.
Another note on the topic. Dem IG Horowitz had no subpoena/grand jury power.... US Atty Durham does. I said/predicted some posts ago, that IG Horowitz’s report will get co-opted into Durham’s.
I’d take little comfort in this particular non-prosecution, SFVF. As .... you now have to admit......Barr is not a rabid partisan and you clearly have no Russian-collusion-obstruction Trump case, any longer.
Quote: @SFVikeFan said:
Wake me when people start getting arrested like A1 promised.
Won't slap you awoke...but might be nudging you from slumber.
This is worth revisiting.
The Hill (middle of the road reportage, according to All-Sides), reports:
There are presently 4 investigating bodies continuing the Trump/Russia collusion hoax. And none are controlled (well one, nominally) by Dems/MSM.
1) IG (Democrat) Horowitz
2) AG Barr
3) US Atty Durham
4) US Senate Judiciary committee, chaired by Lindsey Graham.
^^ There have been few/far-between leaks from these investigations.
The few leaks should not be taken as to bolster "your side". Rather, it should be taken as that the PROFESSIONALS are now in charge.
And Lindsey Graham? US Senator in the midst of this mess? Virtually promising future exposure of actionable conduct by Obama IC community holdovers.
TONITE...a US Senator is agreeing with A1J, that the 'hammer' may soon fall.
Now.... of course you'll dismiss as FauxNews. And if that's the stock you want to place your neck in, that's cool.
Go ahead and continue to make light of A1J. If you'd go back in these archives and re-read threads, you'd realize how historically wrong you've been.
But you keep being you.
Quote: @savannahskol said:
@ SFVikeFan said:
Wake me when people start getting arrested like A1 promised.
Won't slap you awoke...but might be nudging you from slumber.
This is worth revisiting.
The Hill ( middle of the road reportage, according to All-Sides), reports:
There are presently 4 investigating bodies continuing the Trump/Russia collusion hoax. And none are controlled (well one, nominally) by Dems/MSM.
1) IG (Democrat) Horowitz
2) AG Barr
3) US Atty Durham
4) US Senate Judiciary committee, chaired by Lindsey Graham.
^^ There have been few/far-between leaks from these investigations.
The few leaks should not be taken as to bolster "your side". Rather, it should be taken as that the PROFESSIONALS are now in charge.
And Lindsey Graham? US Senator in the midst of this mess? Virtually promising future exposure of actionable conduct by Obama IC community holdovers.
TONITE...a US Senator is agreeing with A1J, that the 'hammer' may soon fall.
Now.... of course you'll dismiss as FauxNews. And if that's the stock you want to place your neck in, that's cool.
Go ahead and continue to make light of A1J. If you'd go back in these archives and re-read threads, you'd realize how historically wrong you've been.
But you keep being you.
Go ahead and post what exactly I've been wrong about.
You might discover that I've stated for several months that Trump's bigger issues arent the Russian collusion investigation, it's the SDNY. And that's still ongoing.
Glad you think it's okay for Trump's campaign to accept offers of help, lie about it and deny it, just because they couldn't find enough evidence to bring criminal charges for it.
Quote: @SFVikeFan said:
Go ahead and post what exactly I've been wrong about.
When I have a bit more time.
You might discover that I've stated for several months that Trump's bigger issues arent the Russian collusion investigation, it's the SDNY. And that's still ongoing.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but the SDNY was looking at 3 different things:
"Cohen/hush money" case closed
"Emoluments" case closed, with prejudice
"Inauguration/campaign finance" (the jaywalking equivalents of crimes --there may be fines!)
-- did you know Obama campaign was found guilty?
btw, the Wa-Po not too confident on this issue don't get your hopes up
so what am I missing re: the SDNY?
Glad you think it's okay for Trump's campaign to accept offers of help, lie about it and deny it, just because they couldn't find enough evidence to bring criminal charges for it.
Quote: @SFVikeFan said:
Wake me when people start getting arrested like A1 promised.
McCabe indictment imminent.....
for those of you behind a pay-wall
"In two meetings last week, Mr. McCabe’s lawyers met with the deputy attorney general, Jeffrey A. Rosen, who is expected to be involved in the decision about whether to prosecute, and for more than an hour with the United States attorney for the District of Columbia, Jessie K. Liu, according to a person familiar with the meetings. The person would not detail the discussions, but defense lawyers typically meet with top law enforcement officials to try to persuade them not to indict their client if they failed to get line prosecutors to drop the case"
Fox's take:
(no paywall, as they actually have advertisers)
This news is from independent IG Horowitz's soon to be released report.
(Which means, there may be enough from Horowitz's non-subpoenaed report, to indict McCabe).
But, there is likelihood that DOJ prosecutors will refer/defer to the grand-jury-subpoenable US ATTY Durham...and not prosecute at the 'lower-level', as they did Comey's criminal referral.
(That's right, Comey has already been criminally referred)
That said...if the US ATTY in DC (Liu) decides to prosecute from Horowitz's report... it will mean a slam-dunk of a prosecution.
And we'll see our first deep-state frog-march from an Obama-weaponized IC, which illegally spied on the Trump campaign/presidency.
(which is SOOOOO greater a crime than Watergate...its amazing. And the MSM was AWOL)
Around Labor Day (prolly after) for the pronouncement, according to my sources.
Derp state is more like it.
IG report is out. Total nothing burger. What a letdown for you boys.
"While the Horowitz report found he had mishandled classified information, it did not find evidence that Comey or his associates shared memos with the media that contained classified information - a key conclusion Comey seized on."
"The Justice Department declined to pursue charges against Comey over his handling of the memos after the inspector general passed his findings to Barr."
No charges, no indictments for Comey. And you Republicans gleefully ignore THE CONTENT of his memos vs his choice to notify the public what a lying, crooked President he works for and a DOJ that's being weaponized to pursue Trump's enemies in retaliation for investigating him.
"According to my sources ...."
LMAO oh are you a DC insider now, or is this 4 chan?
A1's mental instability must be catchy, you're starting to sound just as unhinged as he is.
Wake me when all the arrests start you promised.
Don’t fool yourself. He lied to congress and the IG, mishandled records and leaked. IG referred him for prosecution.
But they declined. Because - wait for it - this is bigger than those crimes.
Keep watching. FISA abuse is around the corner. A is sedition.
I am not unstable. You people are either woefully ignorant, or have been seriously mislead.
Cuomo, Stelter, Tapper. All Epstein Island visitors.