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ICE Immigration Raids to Start Sunday...
Nationwide raids to arrest thousands of members of families who are in the country illegally have been scheduled to begin Sunday, according to one former and two current homeland security officials, moving forward with a rapidly changing operation, the final details of which remain in flux. The operation, backed by President Donald Trump, had been postponed, partly because of resistance among officials at his own immigration agency.
The raids, which will be conducted by Immigration and Customs Enforcement over multiple days, will include “collateral” deportations, according to the officials, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because of the preliminary stage of the operation. In those deportations, the authorities might detain immigrants who happened to be on the scene, even though they were not targets of the raids.
When possible, family members who are arrested together will be held in family detention centers in Texas and Pennsylvania. But because of space limitations, some might end up staying in hotel rooms until their travel documents can be prepared. ICE’s goal is to deport the families as quickly as possible.
The officials said ICE agents were targeting at least 2,000 immigrants who have been ordered deported — some as a result of their failure to appear in court — but who remain in the country illegally. The operation is expected to take place in at least 10 major cities.
The families being targeted crossed the border recently: The Trump administration expedited their immigration proceedings last fall. In February, many of those immigrants were given notice to report to an ICE office and leave the United States, the homeland security officials said.
Matthew Bourke, an ICE spokesman, said in a statement Wednesday that the agency would not comment on specific details related to enforcement operations, to ensure the safety and security of agency personnel.
The threat of deportation has rattled immigrant communities across the country, prompted backlash from local politicians and police officials and stoked division inside the Department of Homeland Security — the agency that is charged with carrying out the deportations. The Trump administration’s goal is to use the operation as a show of force to deter families from approaching the southwestern border, the officials said.
Agents have expressed apprehension about arresting babies and young children, officials have said. The agents have also noted that the operation might have limited success because word has already spread among immigrant communities about how to avoid arrest — namely, by refusing to open the door when an agent approaches. ICE agents are not allowed to forcibly enter a home.
Immigration defense lawyers are likely to file motions to reopen the families’ immigration cases, which would significantly delay if not stop altogether their removal from the United States.
For weeks last month, the ICE director at the time, Mark Morgan, signaled that agents would escalate efforts to round up families. Days before the operation was to begin, Trump forecast the plan on Twitter, blindsiding ICE agents whose safety officials feared would be compromised as a result.
In early June, the Department of Homeland Security’s acting secretary, Kevin McAleenan, told Morgan to call off the operation. McAleenan did not support the raids, officials said at the time, in part out of concern that parents who are in the country illegally could be separated from any of their children who are U.S. citizens.
Morgan then directly lobbied Trump to move forward with the raids. He is now the commissioner of Customs and Border Protection, another arm of the Department of Homeland Security.
In a tense meeting with White House officials June 21, two days before the raids were scheduled to begin, McAleenan again outlined the challenges of the operation, including the separation of families and the logistics of housing them until they can be removed. If parents are found to have children who are U.S. citizens, for example, ICE agents will need to wait with the children in a hotel room until a relative in the United States can claim them.
Homeland security officials also worried that many of the families that the administration had hoped to detain might have left the addresses known to ICE after Trump tweeted the agency’s plans.
Speaker Nancy Pelosi called Trump after his tweet and urged him to halt the operation, which in a statement hours later she described as “heartless.”
Trump then tweeted that he would delay the effort at the Democrats’ request. But he also threatened to resume the deportations if Democrats refused to join with Republican lawmakers to “work out a solution to the Asylum and Loophole problems at the Southern Border.”
Days later, the Senate passed a $4.6 billion humanitarian aid package for the border.
Migrant crossings have declined since May, when 144,200 migrants were taken into custody at the southwestern border — a 13-year high.
Last Friday, Trump said the raids would begin “fairly soon.”
“I say they came in illegally, and we’re bringing them out legally,” the president told reporters.


...because announcing timelines for raids is tactically brilliant!

Wait, no...that's not it....

This is political theater. I do agree with sending illegals home though. 

Quote: @purplefaithful said:
Nationwide raids to arrest thousands of members of families who are in the country illegally have been scheduled to begin Sunday, according to one former and two current homeland security officials, moving forward with a rapidly changing operation, the final details of which remain in flux. The operation, backed by President Donald Trump, had been postponed, partly because of resistance among officials at his own immigration agency.
The raids, which will be conducted by Immigration and Customs Enforcement over multiple days, will include “collateral” deportations, according to the officials, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because of the preliminary stage of the operation. In those deportations, the authorities might detain immigrants who happened to be on the scene, even though they were not targets of the raids.
When possible, family members who are arrested together will be held in family detention centers in Texas and Pennsylvania. But because of space limitations, some might end up staying in hotel rooms until their travel documents can be prepared. ICE’s goal is to deport the families as quickly as possible.
The officials said ICE agents were targeting at least 2,000 immigrants who have been ordered deported — some as a result of their failure to appear in court — but who remain in the country illegally. The operation is expected to take place in at least 10 major cities.
The families being targeted crossed the border recently: The Trump administration expedited their immigration proceedings last fall. In February, many of those immigrants were given notice to report to an ICE office and leave the United States, the homeland security officials said.
Matthew Bourke, an ICE spokesman, said in a statement Wednesday that the agency would not comment on specific details related to enforcement operations, to ensure the safety and security of agency personnel.
The threat of deportation has rattled immigrant communities across the country, prompted backlash from local politicians and police officials and stoked division inside the Department of Homeland Security — the agency that is charged with carrying out the deportations. The Trump administration’s goal is to use the operation as a show of force to deter families from approaching the southwestern border, the officials said.
Agents have expressed apprehension about arresting babies and young children, officials have said. The agents have also noted that the operation might have limited success because word has already spread among immigrant communities about how to avoid arrest — namely, by refusing to open the door when an agent approaches. ICE agents are not allowed to forcibly enter a home.
Immigration defense lawyers are likely to file motions to reopen the families’ immigration cases, which would significantly delay if not stop altogether their removal from the United States.
For weeks last month, the ICE director at the time, Mark Morgan, signaled that agents would escalate efforts to round up families. Days before the operation was to begin, Trump forecast the plan on Twitter, blindsiding ICE agents whose safety officials feared would be compromised as a result.
In early June, the Department of Homeland Security’s acting secretary, Kevin McAleenan, told Morgan to call off the operation. McAleenan did not support the raids, officials said at the time, in part out of concern that parents who are in the country illegally could be separated from any of their children who are U.S. citizens.
Morgan then directly lobbied Trump to move forward with the raids. He is now the commissioner of Customs and Border Protection, another arm of the Department of Homeland Security.
In a tense meeting with White House officials June 21, two days before the raids were scheduled to begin, McAleenan again outlined the challenges of the operation, including the separation of families and the logistics of housing them until they can be removed. If parents are found to have children who are U.S. citizens, for example, ICE agents will need to wait with the children in a hotel room until a relative in the United States can claim them.
Homeland security officials also worried that many of the families that the administration had hoped to detain might have left the addresses known to ICE after Trump tweeted the agency’s plans.
Speaker Nancy Pelosi called Trump after his tweet and urged him to halt the operation, which in a statement hours later she described as “heartless.”
Trump then tweeted that he would delay the effort at the Democrats’ request. But he also threatened to resume the deportations if Democrats refused to join with Republican lawmakers to “work out a solution to the Asylum and Loophole problems at the Southern Border.”
Days later, the Senate passed a $4.6 billion humanitarian aid package for the border.
Migrant crossings have declined since May, when 144,200 migrants were taken into custody at the southwestern border — a 13-year high.
Last Friday, Trump said the raids would begin “fairly soon.”
“I say they came in illegally, and we’re bringing them out legally,” the president told reporters.
This country (as we knew it) is FUCKED. 

Congrats, Dems, you won.  We had hoped Trump was a fire-wall....not to be.  
DJT will be your last GOP Prez, ever.  (and his election took a Herculean effort) 

You get an endless stream of illegals on our Southern Border states, with this milque-toast Trump response?  
Once Red Cali is now Blue, foreva.  New Mexico is now more solidly blue.  Texas?   Texas was on the edge of unkind demographics (to the GOP) in 2016.   
South Texas demographics, will now be forever shifted overwhelmingly to illegals/Dems.  
Texas will soon become a Blue state.

If the GOP doesn't win/carry  Texas, it's ova.  Foreva.  
Ultra-conservative Cruz  barely won vs Beto, last election.  

No wall.  No adequate out-rage amongst Americans vs Illegals =  no chance for the GOP, once south Texas has  overcome all of Texas.

Plus, all the cool kids in love with Socialism, poll after poll.   

Trump MAY win the next Prexy election.  50-50.  But with "controversial" half-measures such as this, I'm not optimistic. 
The GOP is relegated to history.  

I was promised a Wall. 


You were also promised Mexico would pay for it. And the ACA would be replaced with 100s of better plans. 

Quote: @savannahskol said:
This country (as we knew it) is FUCKED. 

Congrats, Dems, you won.  We had hoped Trump was a fire-wall....not to be.  
DJT will be your last GOP Prez, ever.  (and his election took a Herculean effort) 

You get an endless stream of illegals on our Southern Border states, with this milque-toast Trump response?  
Once Red Cali is now Blue, foreva.  New Mexico is now more solidly blue.  Texas?   Texas was on the edge of unkind demographics (to the GOP) in 2016.   
South Texas demographics, will now be forever shifted overwhelmingly to illegals/Dems.  
Texas will soon become a Blue state.

If the GOP doesn't win/carry  Texas, it's ova.  Foreva.  
Ultra-conservative Cruz  barely won vs Beto, last election.  

No wall.  No adequate out-rage amongst Americans vs Illegals =  no chance for the GOP, once south Texas has  overcome all of Texas.

Plus, all the cool kids in love with Socialism, poll after poll.   

Trump MAY win the next Prexy election.  50-50.  But with "controversial" half-measures such as this, I'm not optimistic. 
The GOP is relegated to history.  

I was promised a Wall. 

So, it's all done and over?  No potential for any hope going forward?

Geez, people are quitters, nowadays.

The GOP has been trash for a long time, now.  The party that was born from ending slavery and Constitutional priorities has relegated itself to a lying, babbling moron of a prez and a party that's been NOTHING like its smaller-government and personal-liberty loving origins.

The wall (which was a dumbass idea, but now is a dumbass lie)?  Cutting the deficit?  Limiting government overreach?

Barely on their agenda.

The DNC is currently cannibalizing itself, which is hilarious fun to watch...but it means that the "big 2" (who are both hideous, treasonous shitpiles...but apparently some whiners get butthurt when reminded of that) are both basically adrift.

The wild fears about "dem im'grints" coming in from the South are kinda founded...until one remembers that many of them are actually deeply religious, tradition-loving people that don't necessarily land in the DNC's lap IF YOU GIVE THEM A PARTY WORTH SUPPORTING.

Seriously...if the dumbasses in the GOP continue to bend over for their furthest-right, aging, grumpy old members...they deserve to be marginalized.  The party could walk away from all the divisive rhetoric, create a platform for healing the country (the DNC basically lives to be accusatory finger-pointing shitbirds, they'll never do it), and prove that they actually care most about the USA, are done with moronic misogyny, holocaust deniers, and racist fools...while actually reclaiming their early roots/priorities.

Keeping the mantle of the "grumpy old racists next door" as their marketing slogan is suicide.  As much as I truly want to watch both main parties burn to the ground, I was born into a GOP family...and it does pain me to see my former party just accept their place as a marketing firm for panic mongering.

GOP? I havent heard about that group since a conspiracy video i watched in the mid 2000s...

Quote: @AGRforever said:
This is political theater. I do agree with sending illegals home though. 

I am torn...Hate seeing families torn apart, doesnt fit with my view of this countries role in the world, reeks like gestapo to me. Maybe I'm just too sensitive of an individual?

But at the same time, I'll acknowledge there are dangerous people here illegally that shouldn't be here.

I do believe there is a distinction between illegally here and dangerous criminals. How you act upon one vs the other is complicated and problematic. I don't thinks its easily do-able. 


the  keyword is illegal  if a  person does something illegal there can be consquences.

Quote: @Viking1987 said:
the  keyword is illegal  if a  person does something illegal there can be consquences.
You'd think.  
There's a 50% electorate, the MSM media, and GOP  never-Trumpers that promise no consequences.  

Poll after poll after poll shows the vast majority of Americans are against illegal immigration/benefits.  Seemingly, doesn't matter.  

Trump beat two modern political dynasties (Bush & Clinton) with the issue, last Prexy election.   

For all her legion naysayers... Ann Coulter seems to have the "pulse" of the electorate.  
Her thoughts before last Prexy election:

And who can forget her getting "Laughed off" Maher's stage, for predicting a Trump win?  
Similarly, she's absolutely right, that if Trump doesn't follow through and  S>T>O>P illegal immigration (Wall,etc), 
it's ova.  Demographically.

I wholeheartedly, agree. 

We're now two days post the "Great ICE roundup"... and nothing happened of any significance, despite all the angst.  

Post-Trump, what GOP'er will approach the semblance of anti-illegal immigration, Trump has?  LOL.  none.  

Odd (to me) that the great country illegals flock to,  will be gone soon after they get here.  
Ironic, dontcha think? 


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