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People of Earth; We need to protect our planet better
Scientists confirm July set new global heat record
Associated PressAugust 15, 2019 — 11:40am
BERLIN — July was the hottest month measured on Earth since records began in 1880, the latest in a long line of peaks that scientists say backs up predictions for man-made climate change.
The U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration said Thursday that July was 0.95 degrees Celsius (1.71 degrees Fahrenheit) warmer than the 20th century average for the month.
Because July is generally the warmest month on the calendar, meteorologists say this means it also set a new all-time monthly record for the past 140 years.
Last month's temperatures narrowly topped the previous July record, set in 2016, by 0.03 C (0.05 F).
The results had been expected after several European countries including France, Belgium and Germany reported that July smashed previous national temperature records. The Swedish hamlet of Markusvinsa recorded a sizzling 34.8 C (94.6 F), the highest temperature measured north of the Arctic Circle.
According to NOAA's records, 9 of the 10 hottest Julys on record have occurred since 2005 and last month was the 43rd consecutive July above the 20th century average.
Record temperatures have gone hand-in-hand with other climate extremes. Warming oceans have led to an early melt of sea ice in the Bering Strait between Russia and Alaska, said Rick Thoman, a climate specialist at the University of Alaska Fairbanks.
June of this year had already set a sizzling record for that month over the past 140 years.
The year to date is also 0.95 C (1.71 F) above the long-term average, but still slightly behind 2016, NOAA said.

Reforestation and other common-sense measures should be pursued...and encouraged...but stop short of screaming "the world ends next week unless we change everything by this afternoon!!!!" types, they don't help their "side" much.

Good luck with this sentiment. We live in a crackpot society that takes their lead from social media and politically driven disinformation and propaganda. Idiocracy. Find supportive links on the internet, like that somehow justifies their ignorant takes.These same people in the winter time when the windchill gets to be below zero scream, 'How about that global warming, y'all!!'. SMH.


Count me as one of those "ignorant" folks, I guess.  I've done enough research to know that the way that temperatures are measured has changed over the years (which as- by itself- "raised" the temperatures), as well as the fact that there is more "concrete" now than there was in 1880... to know that these findings aren't (necessarily) an apples-to-apples comparison.  HOWEVER, even if all the recordings were accurate and unbiased, what does that mean?  Does it mean- like the doomsday prophets say- that this is a linear, static, ongoing increase?  Or, has HISTORY has shown us, is it more likely that this is a cycle, with this being the "high" point... soon (relatively speaking) to be followed by lower temperatures?

The problem with the doomsday prophets (who blame mankind and demand radical, MANDATORY changes to people's lives) is that they can't explain the "global warming" that is taking place on other planets (that have- to the best of our knowledge- no human beings there).  Solar activity seems like a likely "culprit" for those planets... but, for some reason, not our own.

So here's a messed up opinion on the matter.  I'm more concerned about getting my kids to and from school and doing my work.  I'll gladly drive a small car (which I do) I'll gladly install solar (which we will when we have the $$).  But at the end of the day there isn't a whole lot I can do.
I like AC, I like to drive, I like to have Amazon ship me stuff.  I doubt there are many "climate alarmists" that want to give up any or much of life's comforts.  They just bitch about "big corporations" that they exist because they are consumers in the first place. 

Many of the hottest days records were set back in the late 1800s and early 1900s when the planet had about 25% of the population, zero cars, planes and so on. So by adding all that now, people think we are all going to drown when all the ice melts?  Hahahaa  we have hot days in the summer and cold days in the winter. We set records for both quite often.   
Newsflash. The planet has been warming since the last Ice Age. It's cyclical 

Quote: @AGRforever said:
So here's a messed up opinion on the matter.  I'm more concerned about getting my kids to and from school and doing my work.  I'll gladly drive a small car (which I do) I'll gladly install solar (which we will when we have the $$).  But at the end of the day there isn't a whole lot I can do.
I like AC, I like to drive, I like to have Amazon ship me stuff.  I doubt there are many "climate alarmists" that want to give up any or much of life's comforts.  They just bitch about "big corporations" that they exist because they are consumers in the first place. 
everybody wants somebody else to suffer so the planet can be saved... the ones telling everybody else what they are doing wrong are to busy counting their cash (speaking fees and grants) to reflect on their own issues that may or may not be leading to what they preach.

Like I said......

Quote: @JimmyinSD said:
@AGRforever said:
So here's a messed up opinion on the matter.  I'm more concerned about getting my kids to and from school and doing my work.  I'll gladly drive a small car (which I do) I'll gladly install solar (which we will when we have the $$).  But at the end of the day there isn't a whole lot I can do.
I like AC, I like to drive, I like to have Amazon ship me stuff.  I doubt there are many "climate alarmists" that want to give up any or much of life's comforts.  They just bitch about "big corporations" that they exist because they are consumers in the first place. 
everybody wants somebody else to suffer so the planet can be saved... the ones telling everybody else what they are doing wrong are to busy counting their cash (speaking fees and grants) to reflect on their own issues that may or may not be leading to what they preach.
My recent fav's are lets plant 1 trillion trees!!!!  You know because that land isn't currently in use to someone.  Pretty easy to tell someone else what they need to do to save the world.  If it isn't trees, its bunker fuel used in shipping or its UPS delivering Amazon or its millionaires flying private jets to global warming conventions.  The population will change if we make environmentally friendly ideas affordable.  Solar will be the power of the future.  Electric cars will come down in price and take over.  Want to save the world.  Make it a no brainer costwise. 

For you folks that believe this hoax of MMGW.....will you kindly remove yourselves from the internet?

"The internet releases around 300m tonnes of CO2 a year – as much as all the coal, oil and gas burned in Turkey or Poland, or more than half of the fossil fuels burned in the UK"
-- The Guardian


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