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Heaven's got a wall, but Hell open borders huh?
Quote: @medaille said:
@suncoastvike said:
I understood what Maroon was getting at. 
Could have used a better reference is all I took from it. One can choose to except data, study's and conclusions or question their source, bias and validity. That is not the same as faith which offers none. That can be measured at least. Choice it the only thing that is comparable.
I’m a big believer in science and that science and the
scientific method will be right in the long term.  I’m also a big believer that there is a lot
of stuff that masquerades as science, but is either bad science, was setup to
prove whatever point the person who paid for the study wanted, hasn’t been
sufficiently peer reviewed, is taken out of context by the media or social
media, etc.

With regards to your point that people can choose to look
deeper into the science, that is true sort of. 
The possibility that you can look deeper exists.  That doesn’t mean that anyone has, or that
the right critical mind has, or that you are believing the right critical mind.  If you aren’t
intimately familiar with the variety of research that has been done on an
issue, you are by definition operating on faith (Faith that whatever science
was done, was done correctly, was adequately peer reviewed, wasn’t taken out of
context, etc.)  You have faith in the
scientific community and experts.  You
can probably have more confident faith in something like Global Warming which
has garnered so much attention.  You
should have less confidence, probably to the point of skepticism, in a study
produced by a company that has a large profit motive to get a specific result.

I see a lot of people who aren’t aware that they are
operating on faith in science, and aren’t aware of how much confidence they
should have in any particular conclusion that claims to be backed by science.  They just see a conclusion that meshes with
their pre-existing beliefs, see the word science, and assume it’s a fact, they
assume that it’s good science.  Because
it’s now a fact in their mind, anyone that doesn’t agree with them doesn’t
agree with facts is stupid, too stupid to listen to, not smart enough to not
talk down to.

As someone who doesn’t really fit in with many traditional political
viewpoints, I’ve found the left seems a lot more arrogant and condescending in
their viewpoints the last several years. 
I think the right for the most part has been called out for their ignorance,
can see the flaws that they had, and have worked through it, and are more aware
of their blind spots.  I don’t think the
left sees their own ignorance yet, although I think things like Covington are
starting to wake people up to how quick to anger and how easily they can be
manipulated by sources they once trusted.
Of coarse you are right. Not as many scientist as lay people. Some things are at least to me quite measurable. Receding glaciers from satellite imaging and stuff. What melts ice? I have argued this point before that the man made climate change has not been proven. It is a theory based on data. Believe or don't really doesn't change my view as good stewards of the Earth. My thing is we already have over 8 billion people on this planet dumping their crap. What is so wrong with continuing to research ways to live cleaner. Large cities around the world with already barely breathable air. You don't need a weather man to know which way the wind blows. Is this going to get better when we hit 10 billion?  It is just as ignorant to take a stance, its all lies and made up when some thing are as clear as the smog in these cities. We need to clean up our act regardless. That's my take.

Quote: @medaille said:
@Skodin said:
i dont care what you believe or how you express it, just keep it out of our legislation. This ad is stupid and furthers the idea that christians and the political right go hand in hand. Which should piss off most conservatives and chrisitians who do not buy into this monolithic ideology
Just to clarify.  One person said something, and that leads you to believe that this is reflective of the group as a whole, and that this group should focus on the things that divide them rather than the things that bind them together.

I see this thought process as similar to statements like:
  • A black person committed a crime, this furthers the idea that black people are criminals.  Black people should take care of their own problems.
  • 2 leaders of the womens march expressed anti-semitic views, this furthers the idea that feminists are anti-semitic.  Women and feminists in particular need to be more proactive in countering this opppressive ideology.
You can find a person of every group that says something you think is stupid.  Furthermore, you probably can't find a single person on this Earth that doesn't believe at least one thing you think is stupid.  That doesn't mean that everyone in that group is stupid, nor does it mean everyone has to be reactive to that one persons belief, or harbor anger.  If you're getting pissed off over what one random person in another state says, I think that just suggests that you are easy to anger.
it is beyond frustrating because yes while I agree with your statements about blanket assumptions about people being a dumb rule to live by (which the left is guilty of as well) this rhetoric predominantly comes from one side of the political spectrum and religious ideological scale.  as a former conservative i hated being lumped into the batch of right wing idelogues who would rather cling to their bibles and guns that rationality.   In addition the cherry picking of their favorite excerpts from their fables seemed and continues to be disengenious.  Love thy neighbor, unless that neighbor is of a different skin tone or nationality than you.  

And again, you are more than free to feel that way and express it, but it surely can’t be a representation of the right much like Trump is not a representatuon of the right.  you can have these toys, play with them all you want, but don’t make me play with them nor force anyone else to.

this ad is just a microcosm of stupidity in america today.

Quote: @suncoastvike said:

Of coarse you are right. Not as many scientist as lay people. Some things are at least to me quite measurable. Receding glaciers from satellite imaging and stuff. What melts ice? I have argued this point before that the man made climate change has not been proven. It is a theory based on data. Believe or don't really doesn't change my view as good stewards of the Earth. My thing is we already have over 8 billion people on this planet dumping their crap. What is so wrong with continuing to research ways to live cleaner. Large cities around the world with already barely breathable air. You don't need a weather man to know which way the wind blows. Is this going to get better when we hit 10 billion?  It is just as ignorant to take a stance, its all lies and made up when some thing are as clear as the smog in these cities. We need to clean up our act regardless. That's my take.
100% agree that we need to clean up our own
acts.  But global climate change isn't just about cleaning up our own acts. 
No one is saying you can't clean up your own act.  Global climate change
is also about forcing other people to clean up their act.  It's about
leveraging the power of the government to force people to spend their money in
a certain way.  Either you get taxed more or you spend more for your
goods, and then you end up buying your goods from a country that doesn't care
about the Earth anyway because they're cheaper at the Walmart.  It’s also about labelling others who don’t
agree with you in a negative way and ridiculing them, and being so insulting
that you end up with half the country not wanting to talk about their beliefs
because some on the left are so derogatory, which is what this thread is
about.  They’ve weaponized their beliefs,
stifled conversations, and then got surprised when half the country voted for
the wrong person.

I think the biggest sales problem climate
change has is that it appears to be mostly guilt based.  It’s all about how horrible we are and how
much we’re screwing things up, not just for us but for the whole planet.  That and what are the solutions?  It’s a whole lot of the citizens just pay
more taxes, while the government creates more regulations for power companies
and automobile companies.  Is that going
to inspire action?  I think the beautiful
thing about Tesla, is that they are creating cars that are win-wins.  You buy a car that is a pleasure to drive and
it also is better for the environment. 
If people focused on how to create more win-win type scenarios, they’d
have to spend less energy trying to bully each other into doing the right thing.  What would the impact be to the environment
if you could buy an products that weren’t designed to break right after their
warranty expired?  What would be the
effect of reducing the work week to 4 days instead of 5?


I live in Arkansas, and I find the ad typical of the "Christians" (in name only) that I'm surrounded by.  They love some Trump, don't care he's cheated on all his wives and lies about paying off porn stars but boy were they offended when Clinton had an affair with an intern.

But to compare Christianity to our current immigration policy is pretty absurd.  I'm pretty sure St. Peter isn't standing in front of the pearly gates, locking up kids in cages who don't qualify for the kingdom.  

Our zero-tolerance policy from Stephen Miller is anything but Christ-like.  

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