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OT: Working out at the gym
Anyone doing it or getting back to doing it over 50 years old? I got back into it about 5 months ago after taking about 1+ years off....hard work to put on muscle over the age of 50 for sure. Work out 3 days a week with weights, 3 days cardio and one day off. I've also been taking something called Creatine Monohydrate (micronized). It basically puts more water on your muscle so you can work out a little longer at the gym....I think it works to a decent degree. I've been enjoying it, but I'm no youngster anymore, that much is painfully apparent!

I run with the Freshmen team I coach with, giving our O line some practice. I'll line up or bounce around the D line to give them a look / challenge. I'll hand fight with them, etc.  Never had a major injury until this season, coming around the LG, felt my arch
/ foot pop.  I'll do sleds on occasion, hit the weights, lat pull downs in weight room, but 52, I just don't have the strength / stamina from even ten years ago.  

Keep with it....a body in motion, and all that crap


Hell, I get tired just jogging my memory or running my mouth...

I'm 54. Getting back to it...he says, eating leftover Popeyes from last night. Man, I gotta do something. 

I've always been athletic and fit, weighing in around 6-2, 195, give or take a pound or two for the last 30 years. Been going to the gym regularly over that time. Meaning 3 days a week and nothing that really works up a sweat. Over the course of 40 minutes (the only time I can go is during my lunch hour),  I lift for about 30 minutes and walk fast on the treadmill for about 10. I'm so not a fan of breathing hard. No matter, it was enough to keep the muscles toned and the body fairly thin....

But something happened about six months ago. Work stress? I think? Led to drinking more and eating fast food more, and missing more and more workouts. So here I belly looks like I'm 4 months pregnant. When I jog I can feel the layer of fat on my back (on my BACK??) jiggle. Cruelly, there are mirrors beside the treadmills at the gym. When I first caught my profile from across the room, I didn't think it was me. Who's that fat old man with the barrel belly? Yep, me. I'm clearly going through my mid-50s thickening. 20 years ago I was Alec Baldwin in Red October. Now I'm Alec Baldwin now. 

So yeah, back after it. Just as soon as I finish my Popeyes... 

Weight Watchers was the tix for me...taught me to eat right/right amount.

My encore career keeps me walking, moving lots each day so that's good

Stretching, Yoga, movement key for me who's had a lifetime of lower back pain. 

Do what works for you I say and as much as it's a cliche? Prioritize and value health everyday - last weeks pain, stents and medical procedures harshly reminded me of that. 

Wishing all you old F's a healthy/happy and content new year. 

Close. I'm 49, my son is 20. Him and I lift together three times a week.  I have to mix in a few rotator cuff exercises that I didn't used to need. Last night seemed to turn to a little competition on bench, that I am paying the price for today. Amino acids after are a definite requirement at my age.

I'm in the shit spiral,  bad joints that feel like shit on a good day and swell up bad after a workout.  I'm sure the extra weight is a big part of the problem but I like to eat and don't really want to deal with the knee pain and such from getting back to regular workouts. And then there's the issue of finding time with a full time job and a little farm operation to run.

I'm at 44 and in denial.  6'2 or 6'3 depending on my posture, usually about 215 but holidays have me around 225-230.  Still thin, just have a growing buddha belly.  At this rate I will be expecting sometime in spring.


I don't do the gym nearly as often as I should, but I did start using Thrive to help just simply feel better.  Side affect was the start of dropping some weight.  Down 30 or so currently and didn't change anything.  Win win for me.  With feeling better has come the thought of actually working out again.  Something that hasn't even been a remote thought for many years.  I work physically nearly everyday on the farm, but it's not the same as gym work.  Feel like crap = no motivation.  At least in my world that's the way it works Smile

Got a sweet deal, city has a weight room and cardio.  Card system 100 visits 100 buck pool included.  Thirty dollar personal trainer sessions, university town with sports kinesiology and exercise degree kids with big debt doing the pt gigs. Sixtytwo been doing it a year, looking for a hockey team,  haven't felt this good since I had kids, and gave everything up other than watching.

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