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Which Act Is More Repugnant?
Quote: @KingBash said:
@Bezerker88 said:
@KingBash said:
@Bezerker88 said:
@KingBash said:
@Bezerker88 said:
He's keeping his promises that
he ran on and that's what his base likes
about him most.  I know it's
hard for people to grasp that, as politicians normally don't try to keep
their promises.   
Turn off Fox News. He's not keeping his promises. Jesus, do ANY fact checking.

So no promises kept?  None?  Hmmmm  Let me check that.... 
Whoops... I see some promises kept.   14 of them even...   Broken is 8. Compromise is 7(I'd like to see this number higher).  40 are in the works and 33 stalled .  So you see, he is keeping promises, otherwise that "kept" number would be 0.  That's how counting works. 

Perhaps I should've said he's blown it way more often than not. Unfortunately, lots of the promises he did keep in your link are ones just to appease he idiot base.

Yeah, this is admittedly a liberal site, but all the points look factual. I'm citing it because the majority of it was shit I actually cared about, things a) I'm GLAD he didn't keep or b) I wanted him to actually pay attention to... but he was too busy golfing (after saying he'd be too busy to golf when he was elected... remember that? So cute.)
Isn't that what the topic was?  Promises that he ran on?  Come on man... at least READ my shit!  =)
He golfs way to much and it stops him from getting more of his shit done.  You should be glad he's golfing. 
We're lucky his divisive rhetoric didn't get people killed yesterday and that's your take. "Bummer he golfs so much or he'd be more successful?"
 Not one mention about yesterday in the posts we were discussing.  Not sure how you can make that “my take” on the matter.  Hopefully you used a step stool for that reach. 

Quote: @AGRforever said:

Fuck that.  I'm a nationalist.  
You sure about that? :-)

[Image: IMhDyjZRbmTBXKzT-SqZGMTrpvP-vyB1D0bNgolM...9a77d77179]

[nash-uh-nl-iz-uh m, nash-nuh-liz-]
ExamplesWord Origin
  1. spirit or aspirations common to the whole of a nation.
  2. devotion and loyalty to one's own country; patriotism.
  3. excessive patriotism; chauvinism.
  4. the desire for national advancement or political independence.
  5. the policy or doctrine of asserting the interests of one's own nation viewed as separate from the interestsof other nations or the common interests of all nations.
  6. an idiom or trait peculiar to a nation.
  7. a movement, as in the arts, based upon the folk idioms, history, aspirations, etc., of a nation.

And after pipe bombs were sent to CNN and Democrats ... Trump blames the media for it today.

"A very big part of the anger we see today in our society is caused by the purposely false and inaccurate reporting of the mainstream media that I refer to as fake news.  It has gotten so bad and so hateful that it is beyond description.  Mainstream media must clean up its act, FAST!"

No apologies, Trump blames the media and vilified them as if they are to blame for the anger and violence Trump has directed at them.

Sorry Trumpers, the man is an unhinged fucking nutjob and such a disgrace to this country that he can't even back down, instead he just poured more gas on the inferno that he alone created.


Quote: @SFVikeFan said:
And after pipe bombs were sent to CNN and Democrats ... Trump blames the media for it today.

"A very big part of the anger we see today in our society is caused by the purposely false and inaccurate reporting of the mainstream media that I refer to as fake news.  It has gotten so bad and so hateful that it is beyond description.  Mainstream media must clean up its act, FAST!"

No apologies, blames the media and vilified them as if they are to blame for the anger and violence directed at them.

Sorry Trumpers, the man is an unhinged fucking nutjob and such a disgrace to this country that he can't even back down, instead he just poured more gas on the inferno that he alone created.


My favorite part is how often President Bone Spurs acts like a tough guy. Not included is when he said he'd have rushed into that school in Florida to save those kids from the shooter. Hahaha! Yeah, he'd run alright. The opposite way, while making sure not to spill his Diet Coke.

Fat liar. We've elected a coward that gaslights the simple masses. 

Quote: @Bezerker88 said:
@KingBash said:
@Bezerker88 said:
@KingBash said:
@Bezerker88 said:
@KingBash said:
@Bezerker88 said:
He's keeping his promises that
he ran on and that's what his base likes
about him most.  I know it's
hard for people to grasp that, as politicians normally don't try to keep
their promises.   
Turn off Fox News. He's not keeping his promises. Jesus, do ANY fact checking.

So no promises kept?  None?  Hmmmm  Let me check that.... 
Whoops... I see some promises kept.   14 of them even...   Broken is 8. Compromise is 7(I'd like to see this number higher).  40 are in the works and 33 stalled .  So you see, he is keeping promises, otherwise that "kept" number would be 0.  That's how counting works. 

Perhaps I should've said he's blown it way more often than not. Unfortunately, lots of the promises he did keep in your link are ones just to appease he idiot base.

Yeah, this is admittedly a liberal site, but all the points look factual. I'm citing it because the majority of it was shit I actually cared about, things a) I'm GLAD he didn't keep or b) I wanted him to actually pay attention to... but he was too busy golfing (after saying he'd be too busy to golf when he was elected... remember that? So cute.)
Isn't that what the topic was?  Promises that he ran on?  Come on man... at least READ my shit!  =)
He golfs way to much and it stops him from getting more of his shit done.  You should be glad he's golfing. 
We're lucky his divisive rhetoric didn't get people killed yesterday and that's your take. "Bummer he golfs so much or he'd be more successful?"
 Not one mention about yesterday in the posts we were discussing.  Not sure how you can make that “my take” on the matter.  Hopefully you used a step stool for that reach. 
Read MY shit. I responded to your point.

As usual with Trumpers... talking to a brick wall. 

Quote: @medaille said:
[nash-uh-nl-iz-uh m, nash-nuh-liz-]
ExamplesWord Origin
  1. spirit or aspirations common to the whole of a nation.
  2. devotion and loyalty to one's own country; patriotism.
  3. excessive patriotism; chauvinism.
  4. the desire for national advancement or political independence.
  5. the policy or doctrine of asserting the interests of one's own nation viewed as separate from the interestsof other nations or the common interests of all nations.
  6. an idiom or trait peculiar to a nation.
  7. a movement, as in the arts, based upon the folk idioms, history, aspirations, etc., of a nation.
Have you served? You're an excessive patriot. I suggest doing more than putting on a bumper sticker, hiding on a message board and enlisting.

@medaille said:
Have you served? You're an excessive patriot. I suggest doing more than putting on a bumper sticker, hiding on a message board and enlisting.
I give you credit for being one of the rare people who troll from a liberal perspective.

Quote: @KingBash said:
@medaille said:
[nash-uh-nl-iz-uh m, nash-nuh-liz-]
ExamplesWord Origin
  1. spirit or aspirations common to the whole of a nation.
  2. devotion and loyalty to one's own country; patriotism.
  3. excessive patriotism; chauvinism.
  4. the desire for national advancement or political independence.
  5. the policy or doctrine of asserting the interests of one's own nation viewed as separate from the interestsof other nations or the common interests of all nations.
  6. an idiom or trait peculiar to a nation.
  7. a movement, as in the arts, based upon the folk idioms, history, aspirations, etc., of a nation.
Have you served? You're an excessive patriot. I suggest doing more than putting on a bumper sticker, hiding on a message board and enlisting.
 Confused  Say wha? 

And why would any American have to have 'served' order to validly opine on a chat board?   
This would be a lonely chat board, if that was a criterion to opine.  

HOWEVER, I 'served'.  Even during a 'time of war'... if'n you can count the first Gulf war such....(I don't -- any 'war' that lasts about 48 hrs, ain't your father's Buick-war)
But, since it satisfies some KB bona-fide... I'll proclaim it.  (I'll post the pix, if you need)

Medaille... they don't want your definitions of 'nationalism', because none of them infer racism.  
Which is what they want (need) to believe Trump 'nationalism' is.  

When Trump self-referred himself as a 'nationalist', it was a clear indication he was separating himself from 'globalists'.  
As such... I'm a proud 'nationalist', also.  (Along with AGRforever, above). 

"Brexit" was a nationalistic determination (by English democratic vote) as well.  The globalists can't abide that, either.  

Hazony in his FOX (horrors!) appearance above... accurately forecast the central 'division' of our political times.  

Do we want centralization, both intra-state (DC) and between inter-nationstates (Brussels)? 
Or do we want de-centralization (the concept our country was founded upon)? 

As for me, I can barely stand sent 35% of my income to DC...let alone the thought of sending any extra $$ to Brussels.  That's just me, tho. 

Quote: @SFVikeFan said:
@savannahskol said:
@SFVikeFan said:
KB glad you brought that up.  You guys don't know me but I have a degree in German and Marketing.  Studied at 2 German universities, studied Hitler's speeches and rise of Nazism extensively.  I lived and worked there for Adidas for several years in Nuernberg.  The parallels are what frightens the entire world, they know how it started in Germany. First it was the attack on the Luegepress calling them liars and being anti-German, then blaming the Democrat party, then the demonizing of Jews and immigrants who were deported before they sealed them off to prevent escape.  The speeches written by Goebbels were all ultranationalist Germany first, they blamed the Jews, Democrats and other countries for losing WW1.  In 10-15 years they changed the hearts and minds of millions of reasonable people and were voted in.  Nazi rise to power wasn't violent, it was propaganda poisoning the minds of reasonable people.  But they controlled the papers and radio, here we have a choice ... yet people here willingly buy into this cult propaganda.  That's what terrifies me the most.

Many of my German friends are warning of the anxiety that Trump is spreading throughout Europe.  We are nearing a crossroads and I fear we are too far down the wrong path to get some people back.
Interesting post.  Free of sermonizing and condescension.  

The Wa-Po ran a piece on the subject.

2 main reasons most Germans are reluctant to compare Trump to Hitler?  (Godwin's Law)
1) Geo-political history VERY different
2) Comparing anyone to Hitler is  a factual conversation ender.  

BTW, you and Kanye have much in common with Adidas  Wink

Something to build on.   Or Runaway from.  Wink

Savannah, I can tell you that I know and keep in touch with hundreds of German friends from university and work.  While not everyone would compare him to Hitler for obvious reasons - and I wasn't comparing him to Hilter himself more the parallels to the rise of Nazism - they ALL agree they see the parallels of what's going on here vs. the 1930s Germany.  The biggest is the attack on the press.  That was the first step, the Luegenpress allowed Nazis and now Trump to question everyone's reality and perception of facts and truth ... by far the most dangerous.  Then came the nationalism, then the lies.  But everything starts with the media attacks.  And to what degree they dislike Trump, hate him or just think he's a useful idiot for the Russians, every last one of them thinks he's dangerous and leading America down a very dangerous path.  They already feel that Americans are mostly un-educated, gullible, and quite frankly ... stupid.  They're not wrong in my opinion.  

And again you're missing the point about Trump and what Germans think about him.  Nobody thinks he's leading us down the path of genocide.  What Germans do agree is the attacks on the media are going to lead people astray.  That he'll change the hearts and minds of reasonable people to swallow bullshit, to believe lies, to not see through nationalistic propaganda, to convince people to support acts of cruelty and inhumane treatment of others.  "He's just telling it like it is" - how many times do we hear that?  AKA, it's okay to believe Muslims are terrorists so we need a Muslim ban, Mexicans are rapists and murderers so we need to build the wall, the left is violent and inciting riots because they dared to say "be uncivil, push back" ... so the left deserves to be assaulted and Hillary deserves to be blown up.  See where this is going?  FEAR-MONGERING.  

That's what terrifies the Germans and Europeans in general.  Reasonable American people have become gullible and have become so tribal, so deeply rooted in defending their party that they can no longer be objective or call out their own BS.  And if you don't believe me, read the FaceBook comments by GOP supporters on yesterday's mail bomb attacks.  FAR too many people are already convinced this is another "false flag" operation done by the Dems to themselves.  

Germany's solution after WW2:  Drag the mayors, the townspeople to the concentration camps.  They were forced to see the bodies, the graves.  Step 2 was united healthcare and education, everyone equal, healthcare and education for everyone not just the rich.  Education was critical.  It squashed the ability to deny the holocaust for the future generations that didn't witness it.  That's what we lack, the education.  Red state voters aren't usually college grads, well-informed or use other sources of news outside their echo chambers.  There's a growing resentment against educated, smart people.  So they only hear what they want, it gets repeated for years, and this is the result .... millions now believe conspiracy theories.  From Fox News to Breitbart to Q, I don't know how we save a large number of GOP supporters trapped in their own circles of insanity.
I'll grant you this..... 
With your post... I googled "Germans thoughts/polls on American Presidents".  
I'll admit, I was expecting the "German thought on Trump" to not be "so bad" (or nearly as bad as you suggested) on Trump (compared to previous Presidents).  

It was worse, than I expected.  You're right (about German thought).

That said... I refer back to a part of a post I made above by Gelertner.... not sure you read it. 
"I would love the esteem of France, Germany and Japan. But I don’t find myself losing sleep over it."


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