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Which Act Is More Repugnant?
Quote: @AGRforever said:
@KingBash said:
@Caactorvike said:
Explosive devises sent to bith Clintons, Obama, Soros and CNN New York.  Last week Trump praises a congressman for “ body slamming a reporter.” Think those things are not connected?  Remember how he championed violence while on the campaign trail, after Charlottesville he said there were “good people on both sides” ( and then, in case people missed his meaning, reiterated “on BOTH sides”) He claims Soros and the Democratic party were “involved in funding” the caravan.  totally made up—as was his assertion that amongst the people in the caravan “you will find Middle Eastern”. Note—not Middle Eastern PEOPLE just “Middle Eastern.” 

It is the atmosphere of hatred he creates, the condoning of violence he gives voice to that fosters what we woke up to this morning.  

btw Naziis not an acronism as some conservatives have stated-  its short for the German word for “nationalism.”
You'll hear silence from the "nationalists" on this board, I predict. Not a peep. Until a random illegal immigrant commits a crime. Or antifa turns over a car in the middle of nowhere and Fox runs it as a riot. Then they'll all lose their minds again.
Fuck that.  I'm a nationalist.  Whoever did this whether they be a republican, democrat, nationalist, globalist, white, black, male, female is a domestic terrorist.  I hope they find who ever is guilty...hopefully soon....and punish them to the full extent of the law.  So don't throw all us "bad apples" in with some terrorist.  Doing so makes you the asshole not me. 
Saying you're a nationalist makes you the asshole. You guys at least used to call yourself a patriot.

Nationalist... haha! You guys are so funny. 

Quote: @SFVikeFan said:
@KingBash said:
@SFVikeFan said:
@StickyBun said:
We aren't on the verge of any civil war. Don't get caught up in the hyperbole and hype. 

Take a walk. Breath the air. Hug somebody you love. Read a book. Pour yourself a glass of wine and listen to some good music. Step away from social media, the news, the internet and realize that life is good. 

Its beer thirty somewhere and I'm ready for a cheeseburger in paradise. Have a great weekend. 
Sorry sticky but this is why I am alarmed.  Trump's relentless assault on the truth, on the media, and his fueling of conspiracy theories about Soros, Hillary and others ... now look what happened.  Mail bombs sent to his favorite enemies.  

Trump's insanity has spread like wildfire, he is literally encouraging domestic terrorism against the media and Dems and this is the result.  Some angry nutjobs are going to act on it.  
As I've said from day one, he's scaring stupid people.

And make no mistake about it: Trump will blame this on the Democrats somehow. And somehow, someway, his idiots will buy into it.

The "left wing" media needs to start doing their jobs. Stop covering this stupid caravan non-story and focus 100% of their attention on what's important. It's time for the adults to act like adults and start agenda-setting. That's their job.
He doesn't need to.  If you're on Facebook, just read the horrifying comments on the articles.  Republican supporters by the thousands are already accusing the Dems of sending bombs to themselves to gain sympathy before the election.  

This mindset is also a direct result when your entire belief system is built on fake news, alternative facts, and conspiracy theories.   Trump already laid the groundwork by undermining the credibility of the media to breed this insanity, now a ridiculous amount of his cult can choose to blame the Dems with zero proof, because what's one more conspiracy theory in their world where they can't separate fact from fiction?  

This is the point I keep driving home, too many GOP supporters live in a totally different world devoid of fact & truth and have created this fantasyland where they can create their own version of reality that matches their own prejudices and allows them to blame Dems for everything.

Nazi propaganda wasn't this effective, the Germans didn't have access to outside information like we do.  Trump has festered enough distrust and resentment of the media many won't believe anything anymore if it disagrees with their political beliefs.  
Might be time to give up on a lot of these people.

I don't mean the posters on the message board, I mean the people in this country in general. No violence, nothing like that. Just time to ignore simple people. Let them have their Fox News and their guns and hysteria over brown people and their Donald. They're just not worth your time.

Over and out, Sensitive Topics.

Quote: @Bezerker88 said:
@SFVikeFan said:
@"freeBezerker88" said:
Obama spied on reporters. 

And right on cue, you turn around and try to make an argument about Obama spied on reporters.  As if that's anywhere near the realm of what Trump has done in his relentless assaults on the "fake news" media, calling the media the enemy of the people, encouraging violence against reporters.  

Thanks for making my point yet again.  If Trump applauds violence, rather than call him out for it, well I better accuse Obama of doing something bad too, even if it's nowhere near as bad as Trump's relentless assault of a free press and our fucking Constitution.  You're a joke trying to make false equivalency after false equivalency to justify Trump's dangerous, despicable behavior.

You are a microcosm of what's wrong with America.  But but but Obama spied on a fox news reporter, but but but Hillary said to be uncivil, blah blah blah.  It's not just you, you're one of tens of millions with this same tribal, partisan mindset that prevents you from being objective.  You're so brainwashed with GOP propaganda you can't even admit what Trump is doing isn't just wrong it's fucking dangerous ... without trying to desperately find some false equivalency about the Dems to help you feel better about normalizing and accepting what Trump is doing, because in your  mind the Dems are doing things just as bad, even if they're not.  
You said something about "Obama never spewed as much lies or treated the press so bad"... so I listed some examples and then you cry about how I had to drag Obama into this "right on cue"...  Classic.   

Assault on our Constitution happened years ago and with Bush's reaction to 9/11 did the most damage with the stupid Patriot Act.  You blindly attack me for pointing out things you did not like but ignore the fact that I've said Trump's an ass.  I have never voted for Trump.  I voted for Obama the first time... he promised transparency and let me down(he promised a lot of things and didn't deliver).  In fact he had one of the worst administrations when it came to transparency.  You brought Obama into this by saying he wasn't as bad, not me. 

Labeling me "tribal" without addressing your own is laughable. 

1. You said the Dems don't support Antifa.  I showed that the number 2 Dem in the DNC does.  You say that's the first one you've heard of, yet the story is from January 2018.  How could you miss it for 10 months?  Unless your "news" source isn't covering it, only covering what they want you to know or you did not want to know.  It took me one google search to find it.

2. You say Obama never attacked the press or Fox news.  I showed that he did. 

3. You said Trump doesn't attack Putin or Kim.  I showed that he did.(actually I said he did and you didn't dispute otherwise I would have provided links for that too.) 

Yet you still cling to your version of the story by blaming me for being brainwashed and tribal.  Once again, I didn't vote for Trump, voted for Obama, still registered as a Democrat, but with the Socialist Democrats taking over the party I'm not sure how long I'll stay.  Tribal is not a word I'd think Democrat backers would want to throw around right now... what with Warren faux pas and all.  Did you watch that TedTalk? 

Bezerker try reading for content of EXACTLY what I said:

"Obama never spewed the AMOUNT OF or the LEVEL OF dangerous lies Trump has, Obama never attacked the press or Fox News the WAY TRUMP HAS WITH CNN, Obama never attacked Republicans, or our allies like Trump has." (meaning in the manner Trump has attacked our allies).

You're basing arguments for yourself by completely changing the meaning of what I said.  Did I say Obama never attacked the press or Fox News, or did I say Obama never attacked them THE WAY TRUMP HAS WITH CNN.  You try to equate Obama's treatment of Merkel with Trump's treatment of Merkel and act like they're somehow even or comparable.  

Dude, once again just like the rest of your sad arguments.  False equivalency.  You keep doing this shit over and over, I'm starting to question your sanity because you're like a broken record of a crazy person.

You find 1-2 instances of someone doing something bad, and then you equate that to the relentless non-stop assault by Trump that has the blatant intention of trying to destroy the credibility of the free press, to destroy a Constitutional freedom.  And it's not just the press, Trump routinely assaults the credibility of the FBI, the DOJ, the court system ... all of  this shit has NEVER happened in the history of the country from EITHER party, and for you to point fingers at others and claim that they did the same thing is fucking ridiculous.  


Quote: @AGRforever said:
@KingBash said:
@Caactorvike said:
Explosive devises sent to bith Clintons, Obama, Soros and CNN New York.  Last week Trump praises a congressman for “ body slamming a reporter.” Think those things are not connected?  Remember how he championed violence while on the campaign trail, after Charlottesville he said there were “good people on both sides” ( and then, in case people missed his meaning, reiterated “on BOTH sides”) He claims Soros and the Democratic party were “involved in funding” the caravan.  totally made up—as was his assertion that amongst the people in the caravan “you will find Middle Eastern”. Note—not Middle Eastern PEOPLE just “Middle Eastern.” 

It is the atmosphere of hatred he creates, the condoning of violence he gives voice to that fosters what we woke up to this morning.  

btw Naziis not an acronism as some conservatives have stated-  its short for the German word for “nationalism.”
You'll hear silence from the "nationalists" on this board, I predict. Not a peep. Until a random illegal immigrant commits a crime. Or antifa turns over a car in the middle of nowhere and Fox runs it as a riot. Then they'll all lose their minds again.
Fuck that.  I'm a nationalist.  Whoever did this whether they be a republican, democrat, nationalist, globalist, white, black, male, female is a domestic terrorist.  I hope they find who ever is guilty...hopefully soon....and punish them to the full extent of the law.  So don't throw all us "bad apples" in with some terrorist.  Doing so makes you the asshole not me. 
Find whoever did this????  He's sitting in the White House.  and every single person targeted today (and the list gets longer as we learn more) is someone the president has personally singled out for attack in the coarsest way pissible--name calling, baseless incendiart charges etc. Today he said their is no place "political acts of violence".  Did he forget what he said in Montana LAST WEEK --praising a congressmsn for "body slamming a reporter?" 

and btw i love the smokescreen of "whoever did this whether they be" and then you list people from all walks of life and all parts of the political spectrum-- as if it could be almost ANYONE  who would want ti kill or maim people the preident has singled out as an "enemy."! you are laughsble.

Quote: @KingBash said:
@AGRforever said:
@KingBash said:
@Caactorvike said:
Explosive devises sent to bith Clintons, Obama, Soros and CNN New York.  Last week Trump praises a congressman for “ body slamming a reporter.” Think those things are not connected?  Remember how he championed violence while on the campaign trail, after Charlottesville he said there were “good people on both sides” ( and then, in case people missed his meaning, reiterated “on BOTH sides”) He claims Soros and the Democratic party were “involved in funding” the caravan.  totally made up—as was his assertion that amongst the people in the caravan “you will find Middle Eastern”. Note—not Middle Eastern PEOPLE just “Middle Eastern.” 

It is the atmosphere of hatred he creates, the condoning of violence he gives voice to that fosters what we woke up to this morning.  

btw Naziis not an acronism as some conservatives have stated-  its short for the German word for “nationalism.”
You'll hear silence from the "nationalists" on this board, I predict. Not a peep. Until a random illegal immigrant commits a crime. Or antifa turns over a car in the middle of nowhere and Fox runs it as a riot. Then they'll all lose their minds again.
Fuck that.  I'm a nationalist.  Whoever did this whether they be a republican, democrat, nationalist, globalist, white, black, male, female is a domestic terrorist.  I hope they find who ever is guilty...hopefully soon....and punish them to the full extent of the law.  So don't throw all us "bad apples" in with some terrorist.  Doing so makes you the asshole not me. 
Saying you're a nationalist makes you the asshole. You guys at least used to call yourself a patriot.

Nationalist... haha! You guys are so funny. 
Stick it budy. Ive always believed we should take care of our own FIRST. Im going to break to many forum rules if I keep going.  Im done talking about this. 

Quote: @KingBash said:
Why are you being so inflammatory and divisive?

In the span of 4 minutes you’ve insulted and belittled 4
different posters directly to their face, stereotyped them and then insulted
the groups you are trying to put them into.

Do you do this in real life too?


Quote: @AGRforever said:
@SFVikeFan said:
@KingBash said:
@SFVikeFan said:
@StickyBun said:
We aren't on the verge of any civil war. Don't get caught up in the hyperbole and hype. 

Take a walk. Breath the air. Hug somebody you love. Read a book. Pour yourself a glass of wine and listen to some good music. Step away from social media, the news, the internet and realize that life is good. 

Its beer thirty somewhere and I'm ready for a cheeseburger in paradise. Have a great weekend. 
Sorry sticky but this is why I am alarmed.  Trump's relentless assault on the truth, on the media, and his fueling of conspiracy theories about Soros, Hillary and others ... now look what happened.  Mail bombs sent to his favorite enemies.  

Trump's insanity has spread like wildfire, he is literally encouraging domestic terrorism against the media and Dems and this is the result.  Some angry nutjobs are going to act on it.  
As I've said from day one, he's scaring stupid people.

And make no mistake about it: Trump will blame this on the Democrats somehow. And somehow, someway, his idiots will buy into it.

The "left wing" media needs to start doing their jobs. Stop covering this stupid caravan non-story and focus 100% of their attention on what's important. It's time for the adults to act like adults and start agenda-setting. That's their job.
He doesn't need to.  If you're on Facebook, just read the horrifying comments on the articles.  Republican supporters by the thousands are already accusing the Dems of sending bombs to themselves to gain sympathy before the election.  

This mindset is also a direct result when your entire belief system is built on fake news, alternative facts, and conspiracy theories.   Trump already laid the groundwork by undermining the credibility of the media to breed this insanity, now a ridiculous amount of his cult can choose to blame the Dems with zero proof, because what's one more conspiracy theory in their world where they can't separate fact from fiction?  

This is the point I keep driving home, too many GOP supporters live in a totally different world devoid of fact & truth and have created this fantasyland where they can create their own version of reality that matches their own prejudices and allows them to blame Dems for everything.

Nazi propaganda wasn't this effective, the Germans didn't have access to outside information like we do.  Trump has festered enough distrust and resentment of the media many won't believe anything anymore if it disagrees with their political beliefs.  
Dude, you could literally flip every identifying word in your post to the other side and it would read just the same.  It isn't just republicans who have bought what their side is selling hook line and sinker. 

Maybe we should stop blaming each other for everything and try to figure this out. 
No, no you can not.  Democrats did not coin the catchphrases "fake news" and "alternative facts", hell not even the Republicans did - that was 100% Trump.  As for the conspiracy theories, sure there's the far-left liberals who thought 9/11 was inside job, but those nutjobs make up a pretty small segment. 

On the other hand you take a poll of how many GOP'ers think Russian meddling was a hoax, Hillary sold the Russians uranium, George Soros pays people to protest, Seth RIchards was murdered like a bunch of other people by Hillary's hitmen, the caravan is funded by Soros and ISIS has infiltrated it, on and on and on ... the Alex Jones conspiracy theory crowd has melded right into mainstream GOP thinking.  And that's why there's an army of rightwing nutjobs out there right now who are convinced that the Dems sent explosive devices to themselves just to gain sympathy.

When the Dems start peddling the sheer volume, and the size of the whoppers of conspiracy theories that compare to the shit being peddled by the White House and mainstream GOP on a daily basis, then we can talk.  

Quote: @medaille said:
@KingBash said:
Why are you being so inflammatory and divisive?

In the span of 4 minutes you’ve insulted and belittled 4
different posters directly to their face, stereotyped them and then insulted
the groups you are trying to put them into.

Do you do this in real life too?

Well, literally the opposite of directly to their faces. Wrong.

We're just pointing out that Clintons, Obamas, CNN, George Soros, and now Eric Holder have received bombs in the mail. Those are facts, yet you question who could be behind it and who's responsible. Hint: Trump's rhetoric is to blame for inciting and scaring the stupid of this country. Yet... when Trump says caravans of migrants are coming over and they have Middle Eastern terrorists in them, the right loses their minds even after Trump admits there's no proof of anything he said.

I haven't broken any board rules either. Just pointing out this is right-wing terrorism.

Stop supporting Trump. Very simple here: Donald Trump is inciting right wing terrorism. If you support him, you in-part support what's happened today. 

Enjoy your nationalist labels. You guys should make some cool uniforms to go along with it! 


Quote: @pumpf said:
@"BarrNone55" said:
Pumpf, I'm truly sorry if you don't see what trump is doing regarding basic freedoms. 
I'm sorry that you would bitch so much about it without being able to actually articulate any specific instances of your freedom being limited (or even threatened).  
It not directly happening to me yet. It is happening currently to other as I have documented in other threads. See, I have the ability to empathize with other people who my be suffering, downtrodden, disenfranchised even if it hasn't happened to me directly. It's called compassion.

I guess you would be more comfortable if I sat by mutely as others were abused? Is that what Christ would have you do? Is this what you tell your congregation? 

Quote: @SFVikeFan said:
Bezerker try reading for content of EXACTLY what I said:

"Obama never spewed the AMOUNT OF or the LEVEL OF dangerous lies Trump has, Obama never attacked the press or Fox News the WAY TRUMP HAS WITH CNN, Obama never attacked Republicans, or our allies like Trump has." (meaning in the manner Trump has attacked our allies).

You're basing arguments for yourself by completely changing the meaning of what I said.  Did I say Obama never attacked the press or Fox News, or did I say Obama never attacked them THE WAY TRUMP HAS WITH CNN.  You try to equate Obama's treatment of Merkel with Trump's treatment of Merkel and act like they're somehow even or comparable.  

Dude, once again just like the rest of your sad arguments.  False equivalency.  You keep doing this shit over and over, I'm starting to question your sanity because you're like a broken record of a crazy person.

You find 1-2 instances of someone doing something bad, and then you equate that to the relentless non-stop assault by Trump that has the blatant intention of trying to destroy the credibility of the free press, to destroy a Constitutional freedom.  And it's not just the press, Trump routinely assaults the credibility of the FBI, the DOJ, the court system ... all of  this shit has NEVER happened in the history of the country from EITHER party, and for you to point fingers at others and claim that they did the same thing is fucking ridiculous.  

If you're looking for exactly the same thing happening good luck
finding that.  I provided a link that stated what Obama did to the
freedom of press was worse than what Trump is doing.  Published Oct 24,
2018. Obviously you didn't read it.

From the article -

When it comes to being anti-media, Trump only talks a big game. And,
boy, does he talk. Obama, on the other hand, is a man of action. As
president, he did much more than complain about Fox News. His
administration spent eight long years curbing the press freedoms of
journalists of every stripe. Obama was a pro at this.

In 2014, the Obama administration set the record for denying the most
Freedom of Information Act requests of any administration. It topped
this feat in 2015.

There are only two actions that the Trump administration has taken
that can be compared to the Obama-era war on the press. First, the
Trump White House barred a CNN reporter in July from a Rose Garden
event. Second, the Trump Justice Department seized electronic
correspondences between New York Times reporter
Ali Watkins and her ex-lover, former Senate Intelligence Committee aide James Wolfe.
Other than the fact that Obama has an extraordinarily ugly
legacy of anti-press behavior, he made some great points Friday. He
never actually called the news media the “enemy of the people.” He and
his lieutenants simply prosecuted and spied on reporters, all while
claiming Fox is "an opponent" and not “
really a news station.”

I guess prosecuting and spying on reporters is treating them better
than calling out actual fake news reports,,, good to know.  Are you
saying "CNN, Fake News" is not equal to "FOX, not really a news
station"?  They sound extremely similar to me.  But please try to find a
"the" or "of" or "a" you can argue about that isn't the same. 

Have you read up on the Attkisson story or listened to her Tedtalk? 

far as allies,  Merkel knows where she stands with Trump as does anyone
he deals with, I think.  Obama was nice to her face and then spied on
her behind her back.  I like knowing where I stand, I do not like
"smiley gladhands".   Are we just suppose to pay for all nations in the
UN?  Are we suppose to get shafted with every trade deal?  Are we not
suppose to have boarders?  

Question away... it's how people
learn...   We are on a Viking Fans forum,,, I question everyone's sanity
who is a fan of this team after 50+ years of the same old same old. 

to the "never happened in the history..."  The FBI and the DOJ are not
above criticism are they?  I wonder, in the history of our country, if
FBI agent ever texted his lover that they would "stop a candidate from
becoming President" to another government employee... on a government
phone.  I wonder if a candidate worked with the Russians to "purchase"
some "facts" about her opponent.  But whatever,,,  I'm not going down
that rabbit hole.  In fact,,, I've already engaged more than I said I
would...  so this can go back to an echo chamber, I tire of showing you
evidence just so you can admit it's true and then ignore it because it
doesn't exactly fit your parameters. 

Trumps an Ass and over
states things to get a reaction.  He should stop it.  He's not going to,
but he should stop some it, at least.  He's keeping his promises that
he ran on and that's what his base likes about him most.  I know it's
hard for people to grasp that, as politicians normally don't try to keep
their promises.  

...Not sure what
happened but I couldn't post, nothing happened... so I copied and then
pasted after I reloaded the page... hopefully everything is here and in
order..  hope it doesn't post multiple times.

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