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trump No Fan Of Free Speech
I believe you punch a self identifying Nazi in the god damned mouth and if he gets up and still calls himself a Nazi you beat the shit out of him some more. If they still identify as a Nazi you beat him to a bloody pulp. If they still go at it. You continue to fuck him up until they stop identifying as a god damned fucking Nazi. 

My grandfather fought in WWII. You don't fuck around with this shit. You put a stop to it right fucking now. 

Quote: @MaroonBells said:
There are very fine people on both sides. 
Theres some decent people who are democrats. I know theres some decent republicans. So yes, that would be both sides. 

There are roughly 10k neo nazi/kkk types in this country. They are irrelevant. The only reason they are even known is due to the incessant claims in the media and by a political party that they are everywhere. It’s a disgusting political tactic for two reasons. First, paying any attention to these jackwagons gives them press and credibility which is nothing short of wrong. Secondly, fomenting hatred and division for something that is tiny and irrelevent is morally wrong. This is done strictly for power and votes. It’s an abomination.

Based on our media and others you’d think race actually exists. It does not. It was destroyed by science decades ago and the only purpose for propogating this junk is for power and control through anger and fear. Race was created. It is make believe. It’s insane it still divides and people don’t change their mindsets. It is the only way to kill this stupidity. If we ever want to see Dr. King’s dream come true it has to start with spreading the basic fact that race isn’t real and only exists in the individuals mind. 

I’ve been an independent for decades and can say my Republican friends and Democrat friends are not that far apart on most things. You will notice this when talking with your friends if any of you out there can still have a civil conversation

Quote: @KingBash said:
@pumpf said:
@KingBash said:
It's just so telling you'd rather burn your calories on this topic than just agree that white supremacists are douchebags.

How are white supremacists worse than somebody thinking Christians are assholes? Or somebody hating Trump voters? I dunno, one group believes Jews, blacks, hispanics, etc. are subhuman and should be exterminated whereas perhaps John or Jane are disgusted with religious hypocrisy and Trump's mental illness... Yeah, one in the same!
I will say that- without unequivocatation.  They are d-bags.  But, if you were being honest, you would know (and I presume that you do) that not all White Supremacists want to exterminate other people.  There are some... but there are some who want anyone that they "hate" to be exterminated (I assume you read about the teacher from Rosemount, MN who tweeted that she was hoping that someone would "take one for the team" and assassinate Kavanaugh).  How many times have liberals referred to conservatives as "subhuman"?  You seem to think that there is only one group out there that is capable of "hatred"... or else you think that some hate is worse than others.  I would say that the hate that leads to actual (not imagined) violence is the "worse" kind of hate.  So... which group is out there attacking (or intimidating) others right now?  It ain't a "conservative" group...

I'll just leave this singular example here.

Also, it is telling that- rather than acknowledging that bigotry is wrong- you actually DEFENDED John and Jane (in the hypothetical situation).  And therein lies the problem with modern day liberalism: they do the very thing that they accuse others of doing... but defend their own actions because (for them) it's justified.  You're a pretty intelligent (and honest) guy; yet you apparently can't see what you just did: which was to defend the bigotry of some- because you happen to agree with them.  I, on the other hand, reject every form of (actual) bigotry.  (I had to add the word "actual" because- again- liberals will label anyone who disagrees with them as a "bigot".)  White Supremacists and Neo-Nazis ARE bigots.  So was Fred Phelps and his band of pharisees.  So are the people that I know who speak ignorantly about other races.  I reject them all as filled with ignorance and hate.  And- when given the chance- I speak publicly about them and denounce them.
I have yet to see anyone (not just here, on this website... ANYWHERE) denounce Antifa.
I think one of the biggest differences people see with Antifa is that it's reactionary. It's a group of people responding to oppression, threats of violence, etc. That would be my guess. And they're responding violently a lot of the time, fucking up traffic with protests, wearing silly pink hats... I get it. It's a whole lot of noise and disruption and frankly I don't have time for the majority of it. And I certainly don't condone their actions, although I do think watching the beat neo-Nazis with clubs is funny.

You do the exact same thing you claim is thrust upon you: you're painting all liberals under one gigantic brush. I'll admit I don't condone all forms of bigotry. I love that these hypothetical John and Janes feel the way they do. As you very well know, I think religion is poison and Trump is an incompetent fraud. How does that make me bigoted? I spent all night with a friend of mine I grew up with. She voted for Trump. We discussed it, we laughed at each other's viewpoints, it went fine. Neither of us are bigoted, but I think her viewpoints are completely and utterly retarded. And then we drank a few beers and moved on.

You really can't see the different between that and taking time out of your schedule to march for white rights? You're trying to equate the two sides (like Trump did) as equally nefarious but (like Trump again) failing miserably. 
Antifa is not reactionary. Neo-Nazis and similar movemenrs are miniscule. 10k in a nation our size is nothing. More Antifa show up to the average rally to break stuff and beat people than are Nazi types in this country. On top of that, some of these marches are beyond stupid. 40k Antifa showed up against maybe 60 people who were actually having a rally with nothing to do with supremacy. The main speaker was an immigrant from frigging India. Antifa is an insanely stupid group creating a mythical opponent. Atleast one that amounts to anything. The very closely compare to the Brown Shirts. There is zero righteousness to Antifa. Of course they believe they’re right and have like minded supporters, so did the brown shirts. Both dictated what others should say and do. Both are steeped in fascism. Calling yourself anti-fascist while acting as a fascist and espousing fascist ideals does not make you the good guy

Quote: @Havoc1649 said:
There are roughly 10k neo nazi/kkk types in this country. They are irrelevant. The only reason they are even known is due to the incessant claims in the media and by a political party that they are everywhere. It’s a disgusting political tactic for two reasons. First, paying any attention to these jackwagons gives them press and credibility which is nothing short of wrong. Secondly, fomenting hatred and division for something that is tiny and irrelevent is morally wrong. This is done strictly for power and votes. It’s an abomination.

Based on our media and others you’d think race actually exists. It does not. It was destroyed by science decades ago and the only purpose for propogating this junk is for power and control through anger and fear. Race was created. It is make believe. It’s insane it still divides and people don’t change their mindsets. It is the only way to kill this stupidity. If we ever want to see Dr. King’s dream come true it has to start with spreading the basic fact that race isn’t real and only exists in the individuals mind. 

I’ve been an independent for decades and can say my Republican friends and Democrat friends are not that far apart on most things. You will notice this when talking with your friends if any of you out there can still have a civil conversation
You couldn't be more correct on race. It's a social construct, completely existing on a gradient scale. What defines black/white/asian etc?

But: we live in a world where human beings are wired to see commonalities. That's also science. We're wired to be tribal and associate with like-minded, similar looking people. My rare conservative view - and I'm not suggesting this is something we should champion - is that inclusiveness and immigration doesn't come naturally to us.

I simply don't like, nor do I trust, Trump's stance on this. I think his "there are lots of bad people" is thinly-veiled, racially-charged bullshit that simply speaks to his base. On it's face, what he's saying is correct. Every race does have trash, and we shouldn't excuse violence from... NOT white people. But it's sows a horrible sentiment that, yeah, there white nationalists that hate Jews, blacks, etc... but "let's not forget about those Jews, blacks, etc. that also act badly!" That's how grade schoolers rationalize things. It's almost like Trump acts like... well, never mind.

Quote: @Havoc1649 said:
@KingBash said:
@pumpf said:
@KingBash said:
It's just so telling you'd rather burn your calories on this topic than just agree that white supremacists are douchebags.

How are white supremacists worse than somebody thinking Christians are assholes? Or somebody hating Trump voters? I dunno, one group believes Jews, blacks, hispanics, etc. are subhuman and should be exterminated whereas perhaps John or Jane are disgusted with religious hypocrisy and Trump's mental illness... Yeah, one in the same!
I will say that- without unequivocatation.  They are d-bags.  But, if you were being honest, you would know (and I presume that you do) that not all White Supremacists want to exterminate other people.  There are some... but there are some who want anyone that they "hate" to be exterminated (I assume you read about the teacher from Rosemount, MN who tweeted that she was hoping that someone would "take one for the team" and assassinate Kavanaugh).  How many times have liberals referred to conservatives as "subhuman"?  You seem to think that there is only one group out there that is capable of "hatred"... or else you think that some hate is worse than others.  I would say that the hate that leads to actual (not imagined) violence is the "worse" kind of hate.  So... which group is out there attacking (or intimidating) others right now?  It ain't a "conservative" group...

I'll just leave this singular example here.

Also, it is telling that- rather than acknowledging that bigotry is wrong- you actually DEFENDED John and Jane (in the hypothetical situation).  And therein lies the problem with modern day liberalism: they do the very thing that they accuse others of doing... but defend their own actions because (for them) it's justified.  You're a pretty intelligent (and honest) guy; yet you apparently can't see what you just did: which was to defend the bigotry of some- because you happen to agree with them.  I, on the other hand, reject every form of (actual) bigotry.  (I had to add the word "actual" because- again- liberals will label anyone who disagrees with them as a "bigot".)  White Supremacists and Neo-Nazis ARE bigots.  So was Fred Phelps and his band of pharisees.  So are the people that I know who speak ignorantly about other races.  I reject them all as filled with ignorance and hate.  And- when given the chance- I speak publicly about them and denounce them.
I have yet to see anyone (not just here, on this website... ANYWHERE) denounce Antifa.
I think one of the biggest differences people see with Antifa is that it's reactionary. It's a group of people responding to oppression, threats of violence, etc. That would be my guess. And they're responding violently a lot of the time, fucking up traffic with protests, wearing silly pink hats... I get it. It's a whole lot of noise and disruption and frankly I don't have time for the majority of it. And I certainly don't condone their actions, although I do think watching the beat neo-Nazis with clubs is funny.

You do the exact same thing you claim is thrust upon you: you're painting all liberals under one gigantic brush. I'll admit I don't condone all forms of bigotry. I love that these hypothetical John and Janes feel the way they do. As you very well know, I think religion is poison and Trump is an incompetent fraud. How does that make me bigoted? I spent all night with a friend of mine I grew up with. She voted for Trump. We discussed it, we laughed at each other's viewpoints, it went fine. Neither of us are bigoted, but I think her viewpoints are completely and utterly retarded. And then we drank a few beers and moved on.

You really can't see the different between that and taking time out of your schedule to march for white rights? You're trying to equate the two sides (like Trump did) as equally nefarious but (like Trump again) failing miserably. 
Antifa is not reactionary. Neo-Nazis and similar movemenrs are miniscule. 10k in a nation our size is nothing. More Antifa show up to the average rally to break stuff and beat people than are Nazi types in this country. On top of that, some of these marches are beyond stupid. 40k Antifa showed up against maybe 60 people who were actually having a rally with nothing to do with supremacy. The main speaker was an immigrant from frigging India. Antifa is an insanely stupid group creating a mythical opponent. Atleast one that amounts to anything. The very closely compare to the Brown Shirts. There is zero righteousness to Antifa. Of course they believe they’re right and have like minded supporters, so did the brown shirts. Both dictated what others should say and do. Both are steeped in fascism. Calling yourself anti-fascist while acting as a fascist and espousing fascist ideals does not make you the good guy
I gotta admit, I don't necessarily agree with you on everything here but you make very, very good points.

Quote: @Havoc1649 said:

There are roughly 10k neo nazi/kkk types in this country. They are irrelevant. The only reason they are even known is due to the incessant claims in the media and by a political party that they are everywhere. It’s a disgusting political tactic for two reasons. First, paying any attention to these jackwagons gives them press and credibility which is nothing short of wrong. Secondly, fomenting hatred and division for something that is tiny and irrelevent is morally wrong. This is done strictly for power and votes. It’s an abomination.

Based on our media and others you’d think race actually exists. It does not. It was destroyed by science decades ago and the only purpose for propogating this junk is for power and control through anger and fear. Race was created. It is make believe. It’s insane it still divides and people don’t change their mindsets. It is the only way to kill this stupidity. If we ever want to see Dr. King’s dream come true it has to start with spreading the basic fact that race isn’t real and only exists in the individuals mind. 

I’ve been an independent for decades and can say my Republican friends and Democrat friends are not that far apart on most things. You will notice this when talking with your friends if any of you out there can still have a civil conversation
Quote: @Havoc1649 said:

Antifa is not reactionary. Neo-Nazis and similar movemenrs are miniscule. 10k in a nation our size is nothing. More Antifa show up to the average rally to break stuff and beat people than are Nazi types in this country. On top of that, some of these marches are beyond stupid. 40k Antifa showed up against maybe 60 people who were actually having a rally with nothing to do with supremacy. The main speaker was an immigrant from frigging India. Antifa is an insanely stupid group creating a mythical opponent. Atleast one that amounts to anything. The very closely compare to the Brown Shirts. There is zero righteousness to Antifa. Of course they believe they’re right and have like minded supporters, so did the brown shirts. Both dictated what others should say and do. Both are steeped in fascism. Calling yourself anti-fascist while acting as a fascist and espousing fascist ideals does not make you the good guy

Thanks for sharing.  You’ve
said a lot that I was thinking.  I just
don’t think any of these fringe extremist groups are big enough to really be worrying
about on a consistent basis, whether it’s anything that’s labeled right or
Antifa or whatever on the Left, especially within the context of them “corrupting”
the masses.  I think there’s this big
fear that gets hyped up that “the other side of aisle” is transforming into
this vast evil empire that is corrupting America, the planet, humanity.  I just don’t see it.  I think we’re the least racist, least sexist,
least violent, most environmentally friendly, and generally the most conscious of
doing the right thing that we’ve been in a long time.  This is across the board.  Humanity has been getting better regardless
of who has been in office and we’ll continue to improve regardless of who’s
been elected or gets elected.  I think we’ve
clearly blown past the threshold, where “evil”, the swamp, however you define
it, can continue to control our governments or our world.  Any evil thing is broadcast for all to hear,
and we’re hyper reactive if anything.

I just don’t know how people can be so pessimistic right
now.  I’m super bullish on our future.

"Punch a Nazi" comes home to Minnesota politics...
Minnesota state representative Sarah Anderson was punched in the arm
after spotting a man destroying Republican yard signs. She said the
attack left her scared, and her attacker only desisted when she fled to
her car and threw it in reverse.
"It was just insane. He was charging at me, saying, ‘Why don't you go kill yourself?'" Anderson told the Washington Free Beacon. "To have someone physically coming after you and attacking you is just disheartening."

The Plymouth Police Department investigation into Rep. Anderson's
alleged assault remains ongoing. A spokeswoman confirmed the department
had identified a suspect, but declined further comment.

In another incident from the same linked article...

First-time state representative candidate Shane Mekeland suffered a
concussion after getting sucker punched while speaking with constituents
at a restaurant in Benton County. Mekeland told the Free Beacon he
has suffered memory loss—forgetting Rep. Anderson's name at one point
in the interview—and doctors tell him he will have a four-to-six week
recovery time ahead of him. He said he was cold cocked while sitting at a
high top table at a local eatery and hit his head on the floor.

"I was so overtaken by surprise and shock and if this is the new norm, this is not what I signed up for," he said.

Here are other sources...


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