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OT Pranks
We have 36 hours to kill before preseason #3.  If you are/were a prankster what are some of your fun pranks?
Here's a clean one.  In college I had friends who had their dorm right on the stairwell.  We would look up people we knew on the highest floor.  We'd call them on the internal phone system (prior to cell phones) and tell them:

Me:  Dominoes, your pizza is hereThem:  We didn't order a pizzaMe:  That weird, we have an order for room 404Them:  Thats me, but we didn't order one.Me;  Well shoot, would you mind coming downstairs and signing for it.  You can have the pizza for free but I need something to take back to my boss that says I tried to deliver it. 
Them:  I'll be down in a minute!!
It never failed.  We'd sit there and watch these guys go down the stair and time them to figure out how long it took them.  Most lasted at least 15 minutes and since we were right on the stairwell we got to see them go back up.  One guy sat down in the lobby for 2 hours before he finally said screw it.


College again.  A marble in the shower head work remarkably well to reserve you a shower!!  Darn thing just doesn't work!! 

I'm sure everyone has seen the rubber band around the kitchen sprayer as well. 

Quote: @AGRforever said:
One guy sat down in the lobby for 2 hours before he finally said screw it.

This guy was enrolled in post-secondary education?

Quote: @KingBash said:
@AGRforever said:
One guy sat down in the lobby for 2 hours before he finally said screw it.

This guy was enrolled in post-secondary education?
Quite bright actually.  Dude had a serious case of OCD though.  Maybe that influenced his decision to sit and wait?

Quote: @AGRforever said:
@KingBash said:
@AGRforever said:
One guy sat down in the lobby for 2 hours before he finally said screw it.

This guy was enrolled in post-secondary education?
Quite bright actually.  Dude had a serious case of OCD though.  Maybe that influenced his decision to sit and wait?
or he was a typical college kid and was hungry as hell because his meal plan was all used up in the first 2 months of the semester and a chance for a free pizza is to big to walk away from.

Used to work in the ADs office at my old HS.
The AD was close to retirement, and I was still a young pup.

He was also the work experience teacher.

we had one kid who was a total flake, and his dad would call with one lame excuse after another about why his son couldn't go to work.  The previous Friday he SWORE that his son would go to work on Momday.

I went to another phone on campus (this was before caller ID) called down and mimicked the kids dads voice...very...pronounced..very...slow...and deep.

I explained that Jesse couldn't go to work today because our new German Shepherd had molested him over the weekend....yadda...yadda.  Our AD was a real professional on the phone, asked if he was alright...etc.   I answered "Yes, but Jesse may have gotten rabies and he would have to be put to sleep."

im expecting any minute our AD to catch on, but he didn't.  I came down to the office ten minutes later where he went through the whole story.  It took him a while, but I finally had to convince him it was me on the phone.

I did lots of shit like that to him.

phone calls.  lol

one of my friends was a brand new resident assistant. it was hot as F on the first night of college. no AC. i told her thst we had installed a window unit (which wasnt allowed) and that it had fallen out and hit someone ala the scene in happy gilmore. i told her it was really bad and that there was blood everywhere. asked her to help me cover it up so i didnt get kicked out of school. on and on. she was in tears and was going to call an ambulane before i stopped her. 

we also had a stupid hostest at the resturant i worked at. when i say stupid i mean...not sure how she reminded herself to continue to brethe.  but very hot so im sure life has worked out for her. 

we would call the front station from the kitchen with all kinds of strange requests. she always thought they were real even though the ringing from the phone system were different sounds. 

had her set up a table for 50 on a slow day. 
order things to go that we didnt have

medium rare chicken sandwich. 

nearly endless. and the best part was you could recycle your material because she was to dim to remember what youd gotten her for the previous day. 


During my senior year in high school a lot of us had “study period” for first class in the lunchroom.  Every morning you would walk in and the chairs would be stacked on top of the tables(bottom one set ontop of the table with the legs down and then another stacked on top of it... seat to seat with it’s legs up in the air.  Every day one of my classmates(kinda friend) would come into the room and start talking to the teacher(sucking up) and he would continue to do while he picked his seat, closest to the teacher, while the rest of us senoirs sat away. The tables ran horizontal to the teachers desk and they were in rows of about 50 feet.  Anyway I noticed that this guy never paid attention to chairs when he took them down as he was too busy sucking up to the teacher, his assistant football coach,during the season.  So during the last week of class I got there early one morning and tied some 4# fishing string to the chair he would take down first and then intertwined it thru the rest of the chairs on top of “his” table.  I then went to my seat and waited.  The room slowly filled up with the regulars, the teacher and then finally my classmate came in towards the end.  He started his normal routine of talking to the teacher and went up to his desk instead of going to his seat...  I had to run interference with another kid(Freshman, if I remember correctly) that sat in the same table as my buddy but at the opposite end.  He almost sprung my trap.  Finally my classmate walks over to his spot, still talking to the teacher/coach, and he takes down the chair without looking.... and, it began.    The noise was awesome as about 30 orange plastic with metal leg chairs came crashing down in a domino effect.  The teacher/coach yelled something about “what are you doing?”.   My friend had the best deer in headlights look I’ve seen.  Watching the chairs go down, looking back at the teacher with his mouth open... too dumbfounded for words....     The room cracked up.  

My son pranked one of his friends by posting signs in restaurants, truck stops, etc.  that say "Free Eggs Call _____".   We made little tear off strips with his friends phone number on them and posted them anywhere we could find a cork information type board. 
As the plan expanded we where able to "recruit" friends, family, co-workers, etc. who were scattered all over the country so that the area code was always changing.  It is amazing how many people you can get to join in on a good prank. 
The other thing is that we could monitor how many people were calling and that it was working by the number of strips that were torn off.
This prank can go on for ever even if the person changes their phone number.  You also find that everybody will call when something is FREE

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