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Gun Control
Why weren't the current laws enforced?  The law was in place that he was not to have guns, it was reported that he had fired weapons, the police were there on a domestic.  What good is passing another law going to do.

According to reports, Neal was prohibited from possessing and firing weapons under his bail. Johnston said the two semi-automatic rifles used in Tuesday’s shooting were “manufactured illegally by him at his home.”

Johnston said they are still trying to determine the motive behind the shooting, but that he thinks Neal “was just on a rampage and I think he had the desire to kill as many people as he could.”
Authorities confirmed that Neal was out on bail for allegedly stabbing one of his neighbors in January and that they responded to his home the day before the deadly rampage on a domestic violence call.
“We have had history with him… he was not law enforcement friendly,” Johnston said.
According to reports, Neal was also the subject of several neighbor complaints regarding the shooting off of hundreds of rounds of ammunition.

Brian Flint told the Record Searchlight newspaper after the shooting that his neighbor was the gunman.
"The crazy thing is that the neighbor has been shooting a lot of bullets lately, hundreds of rounds, large magazines," Flint said. "We made it aware that this guy is crazy and he's been threatening us." He added Neal stole his truck.
A day before the shooting, police were sent to Neal's home on a domestic violence call, but no other details on the matter were immediately released.


Great questions all, none of which I feel I can adequately answer. I can only offer opinion.
Too many generalizations INCLUDING those with mental health issues are capable of murder. Without knowing statistics I'd say the odds are low. Self-injurious behavior? yes, argumentative? yes, depression, yes....damn near impossible to look into the eyes of someone and discern "This guys gonna murder someone" with much certainty.  The political agenda has to take a back page to individual well-being and growth.

I would think anyone with a 5150 referral would get some extra attention, discharge information indicating mental health issues...tough again to discern those predisposed for intent to harm others.  How to identify those with "nothing to lose" who would take their own life versus those who want to take others with them. 

All humans are fallible, take away those things I love....friends, family, job, home...and I can't guarantee that I would want to continue living myself.  Just prefer more liberties that less..and if that means I get killed at a concert in Las Vegas...or I'm the target of a religious be it. 


Quote: @ThunderGod said:
Why weren't the current laws enforced?  The law was in place that he was not to have guns, it was reported that he had fired weapons, the police were there on a domestic.  What good is passing another law going to do.

According to reports, Neal was prohibited from possessing and firing weapons under his bail. Johnston said the two semi-automatic rifles used in Tuesday’s shooting were “manufactured illegally by him at his home.”

Johnston said they are still trying to determine the motive behind the shooting, but that he thinks Neal “was just on a rampage and I think he had the desire to kill as many people as he could.”
Authorities confirmed that Neal was out on bail for allegedly stabbing one of his neighbors in January and that they responded to his home the day before the deadly rampage on a domestic violence call.
“We have had history with him… he was not law enforcement friendly,” Johnston said.
According to reports, Neal was also the subject of several neighbor complaints regarding the shooting off of hundreds of rounds of ammunition.

Brian Flint told the Record Searchlight newspaper after the shooting that his neighbor was the gunman.
"The crazy thing is that the neighbor has been shooting a lot of bullets lately, hundreds of rounds, large magazines," Flint said. "We made it aware that this guy is crazy and he's been threatening us." He added Neal stole his truck.
A day before the shooting, police were sent to Neal's home on a domestic violence call, but no other details on the matter were immediately released.
this is exactly my point.. this Fuck should have never had the guns to begin with ( although perhaps if he was on bail he hadnt been convicted of a felony yet,  but I would think just being on bail for a felony should come with "no guns" ... and he flaunted that he had them which should have at least made him a very highly watched dude or just had his bail revoked.   This, on the outside, screams of a law enforcement failure,  or a failure of the legal system in Cali.

The recent history of this very subject is troubling, because in nearly every case...existing laws were already ignored (see: homicide), and the proposed laws would do little/nothing to harm or even inconvenience anyone outside of legit, law-abiding gun owners.  The DNC bobbleheads never seem to find a regulation or a tax they don't like.  With the DNC mired in its own feces and the GOP in a state of near-civil-war, I'm even MORE confused that anyone can back either of those treasonous crap-stacks.

The modern American left is consistent in its hideous tendencies, and its distance from classic "liberalism"; current leftist tendencies to fight freedom of speech/expression are just people choosing to be truly horrible to other Americans.  

I think politics is more about the illusion that they are
providing us services and doing things in exchange for our money that they
take.  They tell us how much of our money
they need.  We give it to them or they
come and take it.  Then they pretend to
do some stuff and we ignore if it was effective or not.  If things aren’t working good enough, well we
just need to get taxed more so they can pretend to do more stuff.


Same thing with business. 
Bring in new management, they change some things and by the time you
figure out they suck, there’s new management changing things again. 


This is what gun control is to me.  I think it provides the illusion that we are
doing something, gives them an excuse to tax us more, while people that are
going to harm others will find a creative way to harm others, whether it’s
building a bomb or driving a truck through a crowd.


I think it’s incredibly short sighted to only focus on the
gun control aspect of the scenario while completely ignoring the factors that
caused a person to want to harm others. 
Whether its PTSD, psych meds, false flag operations, poverty, etc.  How many studies are done on these types of
causal factors?  I don’t come across them,
but if you want to get to the root cause it’s definitely something to consider.  Also, are these events increasing in
frequency?  Are we more sensitive to the
issue due to the media?  If they are more
frequent, what’s different now than before?


I think there’s always going to be some percentage of crazy
people that are going to do stuff.  We’ll
never get it to zero nor should we try, but we need to know what a cost
effective acceptable level is.  We all
get hyper-reactive based on how we emotionally feel due to the news, but I
think we are generally getting safer as time goes on.


To me, the number one way to reduce violence is to decrease
poverty.  Poverty puts an incredible
amount of pressure on society, pressure that drives some people to take
medication that increases these risks and pressure to snap.  I think it’s a huge contributor towards
violence in general.  We absolutely need
to replace our monetary system with one that is fair and equitable.  The one we have now is designed purely for
enslaving people into debt, while centralizing money into the hands of the
bankers and their cronies.  We need more
free time.  As technology progresses, we
should be working less and less and less. 
This is not happening because of our monetary system.  We need to reduce the length of the work week
as we have less need to do work, so that it’s evenly distributed amongst all


Secondly poor nutrition leads to poor mental health.  We subsidize garbage food that has little
nutritional value.  I would switch the
subsidies around.  Subsidize healthy
food.  Tax junk food.  We all know what we’re supposed to eat, but
we reinforce bad eating habits.

There were many misses concerning Kevin Neal and the consequences were horrendous. 

In regard to Devin Kelley, the Air Force did not tell federal authorities about his domestic violence conviction. Why? That is a pretty critical piece of information. 

Mental health and domestic violence are key factors for consideration. And yet, funding has been cut for mental health issues. The gun violence research for the CDC has been shut down for 20 years. The extremes on both sides are the only ones being heard and as long as that happens, no common ground will be found. 


Quote: @pumpf said:
To answer your question: because the goal (for liberals) is not to save lives.  It is to control them.
Dammit, Pumpf, I knew we wouldn't be able to keep that a secret for long. 

Out on bail and has firearms.  Neighbors complain about gunfire and there are domestic abuse reports...  and nothing is done.  Then deaths happen and people are outraged. 

Tinfoil hat time....  Nothing is done so these tragedies can happen so the public will demand that our rights be taken away.  Don't enforce the current laws,,,, keep the deaths coming and guns will be outlawed.  Now, I don't believe this, but it is a theory and many things that were "out there" have come to be proven true, so I don't totally discount it either. 

Passing more Federal laws will not fix this as states ignore or pass their own laws when they disagree with Washington anyway. 

Quote: @pumpf said:
To answer your question: because the goal (for liberals) is not to save lives.  It is to control them.

Quote: @Vikeshrink said:
@pumpf said:
To answer your question: because the goal (for liberals) is not to save lives.  It is to control them.
Really?  Do tell.

It is OBVIOUS that stricter gun control doesn't work.  But that's all the Left has.  YOU tell me why they don't have OTHER solutions- ones that might actually work in the real world (where criminals are not deterred by a "no guns allowed" signs).

Look at what so much of the Left supports: BLM... which has led to MORE people being killed as they drive the police away; abortion... nothing more needs to be said; communism / socialism... see your un-revised history books of the 20th century; gov't health care... which has, indeed, led to "death panels" (the gov't decides who "deserves" to get treatment and who doesn't; and, in other, more liberal countries, forced euthanasia).  So... liberals really want to preserve and protect life, eh?  I'd love to hear some examples of how they've actually accomplished it (not just what their "intentions" are).

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