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You're all welcome- we won because I left the bar
In what ultimately might be the worst decision I've ever made in my life in hindsight, my superstitious side tells me I'm partially responsible for this.

When the Saints converted on 4th down yesterday with less than a minute left in field goal range, I left ALL my friends (who aren't even Vikings fans but were there to hang with me) at the bar and walked home. I shut off my phone so my Saints friends wouldn't bother me. On the way, I picked up a nice bottle of scotch and was ready to settle in at home. I put on a movie (3:10 To Yuma), kicked back, and figured I'd just forget about another unforgettable season. 

After an hour or so, I realized I was starving and wanted delivery so I needed to turn my phone on. I swear I never in a million years thought to check in on the world because I thought we might've pulled out the greatest Vikings miracle ever, but when I turned my phone on... 6 voicemails, 38 text messages. Just at a quick glance I realized some crazy shit must've just happened. 

Sucks I missed that play LIVE but I don't think the universe would've allowed it to happen any other way. Yeah, I'm crazy like that.

All said and done, fair enough. My friends showed up with champagne and lottery tickets (why? I dunno either) shortly after and we celebrated all night.

Sorry for rambling, but just like all of you, I'm on cloud 9. As a man who has no interest in ever having children or settling down, a Vikings playoff win like that is literally the highlight of my entire life. 

EDIT: I realize this is kind of a douchey, self-absorbed post but that wasn't my intention. I'm honestly just ecstatic right now. 

Hey man, it's all good!!!  This is definitely one of those "Where were you when..." type moments.

I'll admit, I had to force myself to watch...  Lots of face rubbing, running my hands through my hair, fidgeting...

...  and then IT HAPPENED.  And it WAS GLORIOUS.


Umm....thank you? LOL. Seriously, it's fun to read how this game, and this great moment in Viking history, was experienced so differently by everyone. 

I did the same Bash....kept myself busy during the game...didn't watch AT ALL.....

Right around the end of the game I asked my wife to check her phone...NO kicked go ahead field much time left?....meh....yeah.....then she said:

WAIT....WHAT?   Score alert Vikings.......I scrambled for the remote....where is the damn thing?  found it turned it on in time to watch all the pandemonium and replays.


Thank you! Thank you for leaving the bar...  Wink

I was thinking that we'd lost because I have my good luck charm at Michaels getting framed...

Then... It happened! I was sitting on the floor in my traditional spot... I ensured that nobody crossed my path (this is extremely difficult with 4 children who don't quite understand the height of my superstition...)... And it happened.

Never in my life have I ever seen something like that, nor experienced a sports feeling like that. I'm a Sox fan, and coming back from 3 games down against the dreaded Yankees was as close as I can think, and it wasn't even close.

This was amazing, and we still have to win 2 more games... I'm going to have a heart attack by the time this is over!

I was at a bar and couldn't watch the end.  I went outside where I could still see people through the window and waited for any signs of something good happening.  Time went so slowly and I was freezing my ass off... and then there was an eruption inside so I ran in to see Diggs standing in the endzone!!

I was watching the game down stairs in the "man cave" as my wife almost refuses to watch the Vikings after the heart break NFC Championship game.  She did ask me when I came up at half time what the score was and I told her that we were leading 17-0.
At the two minute warning break, I went back up and told her that we were up by a point but that the Saints were driving for a score.  She flipped on the upstairs TV and so I watched the game with her.  Pretty soon she told me that her heart was racing and she was getting too excited.  I suggested she turn the TV of and I would go back down stairs and watch the rest of the game.  By now she was hooked and didn't want to hear it.
She swears that right before the play she was going to say that " to heck with a field goal, we need a touch down" and then BANG, it happened.
My reaction was the same as Zimmers, I said "get out of bounds".  Then it dawned on me Diggs was loose and going to score.  I then looked at the clock and realized that there was no time on the clock.
I agree with Wetlander.  You will remember where you were when this happened.  I still remember where I was when the U.S. beat the Russians in hockey.
The sunshine is sure shining bright in Minnesota today.  Not so much in New Orleans.

Oh ye of little faith

I sat there, surrounded by nay Sayers and was ready to take it like a man...& then ....OH MAN !

You know what I didn't expect? I feel bad for my Saints friends. NOT Sean Payton. I'm glad he's unhappy. But knowing that feeling... wow, that sucks.

I won't post links because I'm lazy but if you're interested, look up the sideline view on YouTube, somebody made a clip where they laid over the Titanic theme on the final play... there's lots of good stuff to eat up today.


That finish was probably the greatest ending to a NFL playoff game in the entire history of pro football.

How many historical Viking failures have you watched over the years, but the one time they make NFL history doing something great, you missed it... .

That's such a sad, honest testimony of being a Viking fan, KB.  I'd bet many TV sets owned by Viking fans got powered off after that late FG.  You're not alone, I'm sure.  B)

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