10-09-2017, 10:24 PM
If you thought I meant anything good, well, think again.
I've been lurking here for the past 2 weeks watching the festivities. I will be going to Minnesota with my wife Friday. What I hope not to bring is my illness.
For the past 2 weeks I have been pretty damn sick. I don't know what it is whether viral, bacterial or what. Finally broke down and went to the doctor today. Got on antibiotics and anti-diahria medicine, which I had already had been on the later but with no success.
The reason I'm telling everyone this is just to let everyone know if you get it, please go to the Dr. ASAP.
I didn't do it and besides laying around for the past 2 weeks and not having the energy to do anything, I haven't eaten much in the past 2 weeks and became dehydrated. I lost 25 lbs. Forced myself to rehydrate with Gatorade yesterday. After rehydrating and weighing at the Dr this morning, I've lost about 15lbs.
I kept thinking it was a virus and it would go away after a few days, but it didn't and when it gave me a reprieve for a day, getting mobile again it came right back with a vengeance.
It started by feeling exhausted and extremely tired with no energy or strength followed by sweating and then a fever. It was all downhill from there. Then the other stuff came. A trip to the toilet almost every 10-15 minutes constant even in the middle of the night. Upset stomach with no appetite for anything and even if I could eat, it didn't stay down. Lack of sleep because of these symptoms and exhaustion. Didn't even feel like drinking anything.
I hope I didn't offend anyone with my description of the illness, it was not my attempt to do so. Rather just to warn everyone to not treat this lightly, it's been a rough 2 weeks. I had no choice but to go to the Dr today because I was told I'd better not bring it to Minnesota with me or i couldn't come at all. Lol
Anyway, don't take it lightly or just think it is a virus. Get to the Dr ASAP, PLEASE.
I hope I'm able to make the trip Friday.
We will break the jinx tonight!!!
I've been lurking here for the past 2 weeks watching the festivities. I will be going to Minnesota with my wife Friday. What I hope not to bring is my illness.
For the past 2 weeks I have been pretty damn sick. I don't know what it is whether viral, bacterial or what. Finally broke down and went to the doctor today. Got on antibiotics and anti-diahria medicine, which I had already had been on the later but with no success.
The reason I'm telling everyone this is just to let everyone know if you get it, please go to the Dr. ASAP.
I didn't do it and besides laying around for the past 2 weeks and not having the energy to do anything, I haven't eaten much in the past 2 weeks and became dehydrated. I lost 25 lbs. Forced myself to rehydrate with Gatorade yesterday. After rehydrating and weighing at the Dr this morning, I've lost about 15lbs.
I kept thinking it was a virus and it would go away after a few days, but it didn't and when it gave me a reprieve for a day, getting mobile again it came right back with a vengeance.
It started by feeling exhausted and extremely tired with no energy or strength followed by sweating and then a fever. It was all downhill from there. Then the other stuff came. A trip to the toilet almost every 10-15 minutes constant even in the middle of the night. Upset stomach with no appetite for anything and even if I could eat, it didn't stay down. Lack of sleep because of these symptoms and exhaustion. Didn't even feel like drinking anything.
I hope I didn't offend anyone with my description of the illness, it was not my attempt to do so. Rather just to warn everyone to not treat this lightly, it's been a rough 2 weeks. I had no choice but to go to the Dr today because I was told I'd better not bring it to Minnesota with me or i couldn't come at all. Lol
Anyway, don't take it lightly or just think it is a virus. Get to the Dr ASAP, PLEASE.
I hope I'm able to make the trip Friday.
We will break the jinx tonight!!!