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Gee, don't you think that if Kap could help a team win, SOMEONE would've picked him up?  But Souhan (among others) think the Vikings are the idiots.  Right.  31 other teams don't want the guy... but, somehow, we're idiots for not picking him up.  THAT'S where the politics is coming in.  Why didn't we get RG III?  Heck, how about Tebow?  He's a winner, right?  Oh- those guys never get mentioned?  I WONDER why that is.  Kap might be unwanted due to political reason... but he's WANTED even more (by Souhan, PFT... and their ilk) PRECISELY because of political reasons.  Souhan, et al... should just fess up: they want someone who holds the same political ideologies as they do to get rewarded for doing what they won't do (show their true colors).

Quote: @Bullazin said:
@JimmyinSD said:
Oh bull fucking shit,   kapernick wanted nothing to do with a back up job or back up money,  anybody writing stories about such bull shit should wake the fuck up,  take their carers seriously, and actually follow the sport they are trying to write stories about.

As far as kapernick,  fuck him and his bull shit,  he had a job and quit when he wasn't getting treated like the snowflake that people want him to be treated like.  Iirc his high and mighty bull shit didn't start until he lost his starting job and he was trying to force his way out of San fran.

This is so fucking stupid to even be taking time with.
sounds like you are taking him a little personally. i get emotional sbout stuff too.  there is some interesting info on what he has been doing with his life if you are willing to investigate it.  it is certainly not a comfortable read for white folks like us, but insightful
no,  i am not taking him personally,  i am personally sick of hearing about him as though the only reason he is unemployed is his stance on racial issues.

he may be doing some good things,  but he is a fucking idiot plain and simple and the circus that is surrounding him is so much bigger than it should be considering he is marginal talent at best.

this notion that its all about the evil white nfl owners collaborating to keep this guy out of the game is complete bull shit.   think about it,  why this guy?  they've had players say and do much worse in terms of making the league look bad and they are still playing.  nobody is willing to talk about the ways this idiot (and his hangers on) keep shooting themselves in the foot.  nobody wants to talk about the fact that he refused back up type offers or that he is unemployed by his own will. ( IIRC he opted out of his deal with san fran right?)   

why does this fucking moron get so much attention when he really has done so little.   once the league took away the protections for a read option QB his game started to decline.  he is what he is,  a guy with a big arm but not much else going for him when it comes to playing in most offenses in the league.  he is a  better version of Joe Webb who would likely be unemployed if he wasnt under contract with Carolina backing up another mobile QB.

and then after a bad game we have local hacks talking shit about signing this guy  as if he would have come here in the first place for the money that we would have been offering to a stop gap back up QB.

Quote: @jargomcfargo said:
Putting the politics aside, it still would have been a loss at Pittsburgh. And bringing in any QB at the last minute would likely be a waste of money.
A number of people here seem to think Keenum is a good back up. I just don't see it. No need to compound a mistake by making another!
Keenum is what he is. A backup. Thats it. Had our team not shit the bed with so many penalties who knows how that game turns out. True that had we put more pressure on the steelers they may have responded in kind but Keenum wasn't nearly the reason we lost. And with that said Bradford likely would have given the defense some longer rests. 

It will continue to be in the news as ling as he isn't on a team. NFL could have taken his message and ran with it and spun it into gold. They didn't and they will continue to deal with it. Thing is this issue is very much at heart with younger folks. NFL is having a serious attendance problem. And funny the NFL just hired someone to help reach younger people. A smart PR person or firm could have married his message with an overall one that talked about respect for one and other. They didn't and this issue will continue to haunt them. 

I respect Kaepernicks decision to exercise his rights. Personally I wouldn't go about it the same way but I am right there with him on the issue. However, I also don't believe that LEO's get paid anywhere near enough, do not get nearly enough training, or time away from the job. These people deserve quality time away from the job so that they can be the best they can be while on the job. They deserve to have pay scales that atteact the best they can. And they deserve to have the best training available. 

The NFL seriously missed an opportunity here and they now have accusations being thrown because they havent addressed it at all. Some may say it isnt their job to take on the issue. And that is true but when they don't then they get the fallout that they get. A while back the NBA took on the issue of violence and intimidation agains the lgbtq alphabet and it was a risk for them to do it, being that there is strong rejection within much of the black community (Yes I know I am both whitesplaining and hetero-mansplaining but at the time I read a lot about the campaign). That campaign we incredibly good for their sport at the time.


Quote: @Mike Olson said:
@jargomcfargo said:
Putting the politics aside, it still would have been a loss at Pittsburgh. And bringing in any QB at the last minute would likely be a waste of money.
A number of people here seem to think Keenum is a good back up. I just don't see it. No need to compound a mistake by making another!
Keenum is what he is. A backup. Thats it. Had our team not shit the bed with so many penalties who knows how that game turns out. True that had we put more pressure on the steelers they may have responded in kind but Keenum wasn't nearly the reason we lost. And with that said Bradford likely would have given the defense some longer rests. 
Well yes, I agree. He's a backup. Most backups won't win games, on the road, in Pittsburgh's home opener, I suspect. I'm not going to try to look up statistics. The sample size is likely small.
While I agree penalties, and time the defense had to be on the field, on a hot day, were likely primary contributors to the loss, I believe Keenum, and perhaps even Bradford, would have a hard time coming from behind to win that game, despite all the penalties the Steelers had.
Keenum was frequently under tremendous pressure. But he was also very slow in his decision making and inaccurate in his throws down the field.
Team sport. Team loss. 
I think they still are a good team; they just need to keep Bradford healthy.

Quote: @JimmyinSD said:
why does this fucking moron get so much attention when he really has done so little.   

Why does the media latch onto any of these guys?  Because you're emotionally invested in it and can't look away, which means better ratings.

Quote: @medaille said:
@JimmyinSD said:
why does this fucking moron get so much attention when he really has done so little.   

Why does the media latch onto any of these guys?  Because you're emotionally invested in it and can't look away, which means better ratings.
Can't look away,  the only way to not see it or hear it would be to shut out sportsome all together.  I am not Invested in it...I just can't get away from it.  Here we are on a Vikings site and get stuck on it once again.   I don't care if he signs with somebody or not,  I am just fucking get tired of hearing how the poor tortured black kid can't get a job in the NFL.

Quote: @JimmyinSD said:
@medaille said:
@JimmyinSD said:
why does this fucking moron get so much attention when he really has done so little.   

Why does the media latch onto any of these guys?  Because you're emotionally invested in it and can't look away, which means better ratings.
Can't look away,  the only way to not see it or hear it would be to shut out sportsome all together.  I am not Invested in it...I just can't get away from it.  Here we are on a Vikings site and get stuck on it once again.   I don't care if he signs with somebody or not,  I am just fucking get tired of hearing how the poor tortured black kid can't get a job in the NFL.

That's too bad. I see no issue with the original question. The request was regarding "football reasons" and some have tried to stick to that with fact based responses. That's appreciated.

I have some rather strong feelings on the subject as well but reserve those for a political/social discussion instead.  

Quote: @Nichelle said:
@JimmyinSD said:
@medaille said:
@JimmyinSD said:
why does this fucking moron get so much attention when he really has done so little.   

Why does the media latch onto any of these guys?  Because you're emotionally invested in it and can't look away, which means better ratings.
Can't look away,  the only way to not see it or hear it would be to shut out sportsome all together.  I am not Invested in it...I just can't get away from it.  Here we are on a Vikings site and get stuck on it once again.   I don't care if he signs with somebody or not,  I am just fucking get tired of hearing how the poor tortured black kid can't get a job in the NFL.

That's too bad. I see no issue with the original question. The request was regarding "football reasons" and some have tried to stick to that with fact based responses. That's appreciated.

I have some rather strong feelings on the subject as well but reserve those for a political/social discussion instead.  
Show me where I am being un factual and I will gladly retract those statements.

I didn't buy the hype around his game when he was winning early in his career and I have stood by my assertion that he is a mediocre QB in a system that suited his play.  Couple that with the side show and that is why he cant get a job.  

I have little sympathy for him because he had a job and quit,  he was demand high dollars for other potential offers  and now because I think he isn't highly deserving of any openings I am labeled racist....when his skin color has nothing to do with my position.

Guess what...I didn't think Tebow should have been a pro QB,  I hope to never hear Johnny manziels name again,  etc etc. Much ado about nothing.

If kapernick wants to be remembered for his social causes so be it,  I don't really care,  but don't call me racist (not you specifically) just because I don't think he's a great fit for most teams.  Especially with the side show that he has created for himself.

Why not Shaun Hill?  Didn't he win a game or two last year when called on? 

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