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Question For Those Thinking On Voting For Harris
When you look at all the people that were once squarely behind the left, that are coming out in support of Trump due to what they see happening inside the Democrat party,  what do you think that keeps you on that ship and backing Harris?  Do long time Democrats jumping ship make you wonder what it is you are missing about the direction of the party?  I know people leave political parties all the time,  but over the last couple years to see strong names like Gabbard, and now Kennedy as well as some pretty big celebrities and persons of industry align with Trump,  what is your perspective?

I am not looking for more orange man bad,  just curious if those on the left see the same things as those that are leaving,  and if they do, what do they think will change with Harris, or dont they care.

Watching both disasters from the bleacher seats...

...Harris is having massive success fundraising for two reasons:

1. She's not the lying, whining, felonious and sexual-predator filth-boi Trumplestilskin. All the people that love him being "polarizing" should look up that word.

2. She's not the ancient, staggering, hypocritical, vacant, and embarrassingly senile clown show currently staining the Oval Office.

Just NOT being either of those s**tshows carries some positives, after they've exhausted the American public with their predictable rhetoric, security violations, and countless other gaffes.

Will her complete lack of ethics early in her career, her inability to attract a single delegate without inheriting them, her disastrous record with our Southern border, her own massive hypocrisies, and/or her list of absolutely cringe-worthy quotes of nothingness that have defined her uselessness as VP, pump the brakes on her current momentum?

If Sunkist savior-boi keeps ducking debates, he'll be stuck with those personal attacks he's so determined to run with as his main weapon...and that's not a great look.

After the last 8- 10 years, I am burned out on politics.

Regarding Kamla, I'm still formulating my final thoughts tbh...

She has a lot to overcome in a an incredibly short period of time.

(08-30-2024, 10:24 AM)purplefaithful Wrote: After the last 8- 10 years, I am burned out on politics.

Regarding Kamla, I'm still formulating my final thoughts tbh...

She has a lot to overcome in a an incredibly short period of time.

I was really hoping Viveks campaign would have gained more momentum, or once he dropped out that he would have been the VP selection, I liked a lot of what he was saying policy wise and think he would have been good for the country. I think we have some good younger politicians on the horizon, we need to get rid of the oligarchy that is hand picking our choices currently, I honestly dont think Trump would have ran again if things globally werent looking so screwed up. I am seeing attacks on free speech in England, France, and that scares the shit out of me as those are 2 of our oldest and closest allies, if their govts are succumbing to the globalist pressures to silence dissenting thoughts through imprisonment, and apparently with the approval of the US govt, how much longer will a message board like this be allowed to operate? Or the election in Brazil... voting machines arranged by the US say 1 thing, exit polling said 35% to the opposite, and now they are demanding Twitter to censor those that are questioning the election or other dissenting words about the govt ( just like facebook has admitted to doing with our last election) This sure sounds more like communism than freedom to me.

I find myself anymore listening less and less to the candidates and looking for more information as to how we got to this point, and maybe how to get back to where we werent so fucked. I dont know if Trump could do it, but I am quite certain Harris wont, I think when everything from the media says one thing... thats a huge red flag for me anymore, everything is a brainwashing campaign just like COVID was.( not saying it wasnt a real virus, but its hard to argue anymore that we werent all fed a bunch of misleading bullshit, and it was largely not to save lives as much as it was to control the populous and enrich a few elites even more)

I know the media is still on a kill RFKjr campaign, and I know many dont want to listen to Tucker Carlson, ( his laugh is like finger nails on a chalk board ) but I do find his pod cast interviews to be pretty informative, his interviewees are often very well informed and for the most part do a good job of laying things out. I would recommend listening to his interview with RFKjr, I thought it was pretty eye opening to as to WTF is really taking place, as well as a few others, there is one on food with a couple of siblings that was pretty eye opening as well. in the pod casts Tucker stays pretty back seat and lets the others do most of the talking, once in a while he gets on a soap box, but my truck has a 30 second FF button on the steering wheel for those occasions. There was a really good one with Ben Carson a while back ( I think it might have been with Megan Kelly )

I always love listening to Tulsi Gabbard, IMO if she had been the D for Pres 4 years ago, I would have likely voted for her, I dont agree on everything, but she seems like somebody that would eliminate the bullshit and could actually close/heal the divide in this country.

[Image: quote-rfk-jr-inversion-republicans-party...=520&ssl=1]

What I find interesting about this statement is it applies to both parties.  Biden/Harris and much of the other big names for the left have become what the Democrats of my youth railed against, the same thing that the older Republican hierarchy families still cling to due to their long standing financial ties.   the old school republican names that Harris's campaign is bragging about getting endorsements from are the same people that the Democrats of just a few years ago were banging drums against for their support for everything that the Dems of old held contempt for.  Both ends of the spectrum have been shown to be in the same pockets,  but as this revelation has fractured both parties to some extent,  the republican voter base seems to be the ones coming off their long held party affiliation more than the democrat voters.

Trump is far from a perfect candidate,  but isnt it a red flag to democrats that the very same people that they spent decades voting against,  and the people that are running their party,  which I think we all can agree are not good for our country,  are some how a better option than Trump?  I dont think we would see radical moves, we certainly didnt see anything crazy from his first term, despite all the hang wringing over it,  the control will still reside in the house and senate until the voters can get rid of the corruption at those levels.  I thnk the best thing that has come from Trumps rise is that it has been a wake up call to many on the conservative side of the aisle as he has certainly brought the true colors to the surface for the Republican hierarchy,  as of yet that person hasnt come forward for the left,   I think there have been a few that have tried and failed,   Tulsi, RFKj,  are the two most recent to come to mind,  and both were railroaded out of town.

A vote for Harris may as well be a vote for a Cheney or Bush again,  more of everything that RFKj is calling out from his own party,  and what most the Dems I know have voted against for the last 40 years or so.  At what point do those voters on the left grab onto a different direction and create a much needed fracture in the their own party?

(09-18-2024, 09:33 AM)JimmyinSD Wrote: [Image: quote-rfk-jr-inversion-republicans-party...=520&ssl=1]

What I find interesting about this statement is it applies to both parties.  Biden/Harris and much of the other big names for the left have become what the Democrats of my youth railed against, the same thing that the older Republican hierarchy families still cling to due to their long standing financial ties.   the old school republican names that Harris's campaign is bragging about getting endorsements from are the same people that the Democrats of just a few years ago were banging drums against for their support for everything that the Dems of old held contempt for.  Both ends of the spectrum have been shown to be in the same pockets,  but as this revelation has fractured both parties to some extent,  the republican voter base seems to be the ones coming off their long held party affiliation more than the democrat voters.

Trump is far from a perfect candidate,  but isnt it a red flag to democrats that the very same people that they spent decades voting against,  and the people that are running their party,  which I think we all can agree are not good for our country,  are some how a better option than Trump?  I dont think we would see radical moves, we certainly didnt see anything crazy from his first term, despite all the hang wringing over it,  the control will still reside in the house and senate until the voters can get rid of the corruption at those levels.  I thnk the best thing that has come from Trumps rise is that it has been a wake up call to many on the conservative side of the aisle as he has certainly brought the true colors to the surface for the Republican hierarchy,  as of yet that person hasnt come forward for the left,   I think there have been a few that have tried and failed,   Tulsi, RFKj,  are the two most recent to come to mind,  and both were railroaded out of town.

A vote for Harris may as well be a vote for a Cheney or Bush again,  more of everything that RFKj is calling out from his own party,  and what most the Dems I know have voted against for the last 40 years or so.  At what point do those voters on the left grab onto a different direction and create a much needed fracture in the their own party?

The quote has relevance, but it's also misleading: big biz will back whomever offers tax cuts, shortcuts on employee benefits (follow the trends on this, it's dark but true), and similar "bottom line" offerings. This was proven last time orange boi was elected, as Carrier delayed moving some operations out of the US long enough to get Trumplestilskin some good PR and get a tax reward, then turned on him and the country anyway. They're going to be sympathetic toward the typical GOP stances of lowered taxes, lowered regulations, and so forth. While this is understandable, and sometimes even laudable, "old school" companies used to be judged by how proud their employees were to work there, and how well they were treated. That's almost absent in corporate culture (outside huge management pay) nowadays. Ethically...big biz will lie and distort for profit as eagerly as "the Donald" will for profit and attention. This side is also seen as intellectually stunted as long as MTG and similarly vacuous bobbleheads allowed at their podiums.

The left...well, is junk. Hollyweird has mostly voted in that direction for generations, and their success is entirely based on their (well-oiled, to be fair) ability to project their fairy tales in ways that are more palatable (if not necessarily more honest/accurate) than those of their cross-aisle adversaries, something made easier by appearing more accepting and thus less oppressive than old-guard conservatives still snarling homophobic/transphobic/misogynistic babble like their grand-daddies did. Harris has furthered "Brandon" in basically keeping the Middle East boiling by trying to walk the PR fence regarding Israel (they can defend themselves, but PR-negative weapons will be delayed), and similarly with Ukraine (though, letting Europe lead the charge with extended range missiles might be a fine idea, actually).  The "Squad" has lost members and teeth, but is still part of the problem, because the last couple of generations have bought into the rhetoric despite the lack of sense driving it.

Both are evil, and supporting evil just to say "I'm voting for this pile of fly-encrusted s**t because theirs smells worse" is something we need to get past.

so who is blowing the most smoke?

how could a group that was formed only 3 years ago... and only became a non profit this year.... "normally back trump"?

I was starting to wonder if her numbers were legit, actually beginning to get concerned, but then you see gaslighting fake ass shit like this and it appears more now than ever that a steal is once again in the works. Again I ask what sane person thinks she is a better option for our country, despite how they may feel about Trump.

(09-26-2024, 10:14 AM)JimmyinSD Wrote: so who is blowing the most smoke?

how could a group that was formed only 3 years ago... and only became a non profit this year.... "normally back trump"?

I was starting to wonder if her numbers were legit, actually beginning to get concerned,  but then you see gaslighting fake ass shit like this and it appears more now than ever that a steal is once again in the works.  Again I ask what sane person thinks she is a better option for our country, despite how they may feel about Trump.

I've been more than clear on my feelings of both, and for limiting the count to 2 treasonous s**t clubs.

As for the "steal"...well, the truly "fake news" agencies that pushed that pile of fairy-tale bulls**t are, or have been, sued and been fined or settled for tons as their "proof" turned out to be vapors over and over again...and even Trumplestilskin's own judges called it BS, huge chunks of his party that don't have orange dust all around their mouths have called it off, and Giuliani just got disbarred in DC after sounding whacky enough to require in-home supervision.

I've said it over and over: "polarizing" doesn't work when the angry old, felonious, sexually-assaulting liar chases away more than he attracts.

Sunkist-b***h-boi lost. The fact that he's not man enough to deal with that (or to admit mistakes, like any functional adult) is a fatal character flaw best left to him. The current (and historically lowest-ever rated) VP is going to continue to gain momentum as long as the gop's ticket is anger, resentment, and a manhole-sized hemorrhoid called 2020 denial.

If he can't deal with a constantly investigated and confirmed loss with grace by now...he defines loser in any case. By passively-aggressively playing with the passions of zealots determined to behave as badly, he's arguably a traitor gathering insurgents.

Here's one blowing less smoke: more 'steal' piggy from the trough, left to get slaughtered, because even to save herself from almost a decade in prison...

...neither she, nor the gop, had this "evidence" that has still been missing for almost 4 years, now.

Orange boi's pillar of his platform is Play-Doh on a hot day, and if he's gonna keep repeating that BS, it's topical to keep pointing out every time it fails.
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