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Trump Pays Large for Lying. Again.
Quote: @Zanary said:
@badgervike said:
@mblack said:
I can’t help but see the irony in your post when compared to what the Republicans and their “chosen one” want to “fix”. But what do I know?
You do realize there is a big difference in legal and illegal immigration don't you????  Those jobs should and would be filled by vetted and documented workers if all the resources weren't devoted to providing concierge service to illegals at the border.  Imagine that...vetting workers and placing them in jobs which need filling rather than just a free for all at the border.  10 million+ unvetted asylum seekers have streamed in to the Country in the last 3 years..almost double the population of Minnesota.
In this, we are totally agreed.  In 3 decades down there, I got to know a lot of people that came over legally, illegally, etc...but even those that were "coyote'd" in during their childhood wanted stronger borders when they got older. Sleepy Joe and his VP Ho are worse than useless at border security, and even the laughably ironic continuation of bits of the "wall" is woefully inadequate.

Fixing immigration is a massive mess, as stated in posts and discussion above. However, when our vacuous dips**t prez and our babbling vacancy at VP both continually make the the border issues worse by literally inviting the hordes of asylum seekers (way to go, Joe) and...well, just babbling entire paragraphs of nothing (back under the desk, Kamala)...they aren't helping anything.

Would the sunkist skidmark improve anything? I doubt it, he'd likely make a ton of blather, sign off on approaches that aren't thought out and end up with more time in damage control than enforcement, and (hopefully) get interrupted as he's incarcerated for felonies #34-57 in the running, we need more options.

We know that illegal immigration was at a 20 year low under Trump so that's probably a predictor of the future under Trump.  We'd go back to stay in Mexico, eliminate catch and release and keep adding to the wall .  What I didn't see under Trump is any progress on legal immigration but frankly a lot of that was during Covid so it's tough to gauge.  The legal immigration system is broken at both ends of the spectrum.  There are many very qualified people at the top end of the spectrum that come to the US for an Education but are forced to head back to their home countries as visas expire.

In terms of illegal immigration and the border, Harris said the quiet part out loud.  She was asked about the chaos at the border and she said they had worked hard undoing all the Trump policies during the last 3 years.'s evidently by design to go from the lowest illegal immigration in 20 years to the highest ever (by a lotttttttt).

Quote: @JimmyinSD said:
@mblack said:
@JimmyinSD said:
@mblack said:

@JimmyinSD said:
@purplefaithful said:
@JimmyinSD said:
@purplefaithful said:
@JimmyinSD said:
@purplefaithful said:
I do have to wonder if the post covid economic conditions would have happened under either Biden or Trump v2.0?

I would argue that inflation and other issues plaguing the economy were ripe (and were going to happen) regardless of who was sleeping in the White House. 

OTOH, I suspect many are quite happy looking at their personal portfolio net worth and 401k's these days. Hence the hefty spending by Americans inspite of inflation. 

The economy (and Wall St) will probably take off more in about Q3 if the Feds lower rates. 
the only thing to be happy about is that my IRA is keeping pace with inflation,  the way prices are going up, the increases in most IRAs wont cover the tax increases that will be necessary to pay off the ridiculous amount of debt the country has taken on in the last few years,  let alone leaving me much to work with in my golden years. 

i dont see them lowering rates until people quit spending like morons, its insane how people are still out there spending like there is arent any consequences.   people wont slow down their spending as long as the govt keeps printing money and handing it out to buy votes.   lowering interest rates right now IMO would just sent inflation to double digits,  especially with a president that has no compunction on buying his next 4 years with executive actions that just keep that debt calculator humming.
I just read a piece on how Americans are spending like YOLO since Covid ended...

Hell, even a god bless the usa bible will set you back $60 these days! 

[Image: trump-is-now-selling-trump-bibles-you-ha...C2%2C0%2C0]

yep, its like they are still getting those govt checks.   its insane,  we are trying to find help and despite the wage scale blowing through the roof the last couple of years,  you still cant find anybody that can pass a piss test and willing to work.  really begs the question of why biden needed to forgive all those student loans,  apparently everyone is gainfully employed and flush with cash.
I wish my kid got some govt luv on her student loans.

Here's another angle too....MN farmers are having a really difficult time trying to find workers. If they dont have access to seasonal, migrant workers out of Venezuela? Mexico? Colombia? They are out of biz...

construction workers too,  farmers are at least able to use a federal program to bring in workers from other countries, not as easy for other industries.  
I thought we wanted to keep foreigners out as they are taking “our” jobs.
No,  we want to keep illegals out,  never had any issue with those that go through the legal channels.  Maybe if we weren't spending so much having to protect our southern border and deal with all the illegals streaming in there would be more resources available to process legal enrltry.
Hmm. Glad to hear you say that. However that’s not the message that’s being spread. There are many legal foreigners that get harassed everyday. 
The legal channel is not that much better (not saying I agree). Many foreigners get out of status waiting for the legal process. Many lobbied for that to be improved. It’s part of the proposal that someone does not want adopted.

Who is spreading the message to harass those here legally?  

Honestly I don't think either party wants ro fix immigration,  they've both had their chances for decades yet here we still are.  

The issues aren't the problem,  the problem is those that have been pit in power and the people that control them that profit from the status quo.
 “They let — I think the real number is 15, 16 million people into our country. When they do that, we got a lot of work to do. They’re poisoning the blood of our country,” Trump told the crowd at a rally in New Hampshire. “That’s what they’ve done. They poison mental institutions and prisons all over the world, not just in South America, not just to three or four countries that we think about, but all over the world. They’re coming into our country from Africa, from Asia, all over the world.”

Or do you want me post his “shithole” comments voicing his frustrations about the US Visa lottery?

It’s common place to make blanket statements about immigrants and then hide behind the statement that they meant just the illegal ones. 


Here is another episode of Trump, Truth Social, Legal entanglements and dubious financial transactions with the Russians.

We now resume the Joe Biden, Hunter Biden, Biden crime family Impeachment Inquiry/Investigation

Quote: @mblack said:
Here is another episode of Trump, Truth Social, Legal entanglements and dubious financial transactions with the Russians.

We now resume the Joe Biden, Hunter Biden, Biden crime family Impeachment Inquiry/Investigation
...ok, but there's a caveat, here:

"The Guardian" is the BBC MSNBC/CNN, maybe with a touch of "Village Voice" thrown in. They're actually as obnoxiously left as Newsmax is obnoxiously right.

For instance, during this whole Israel/Gaza horror show, I've seen articles from them where they truly expound on the (hamas agency provided) Gaza casualty numbers for paragraph after paragraph, but either don't mention the hostages, rapes, mutilations, etc, at all...or seem to throw them in as an afterthought at absolute best.

So, as a source...even as much as I despise the sneering s**thead...they're possibly more biased against him than I am.

Quote: @mblack said:
Here is another episode of Trump, Truth Social, Legal entanglements and dubious financial transactions with the Russians.

We now resume the Joe Biden, Hunter Biden, Biden crime family Impeachment Inquiry/Investigation
Oh dear lord.  I am dumber for having read that.  So...some Russian business man who knows some people that might be under investigation...and owns a bank made an investment in Truth Social from a Trust fund in return for shares of stock which he's slated to make a tidy return on along with the other shareholders is newsworthy in this innuendo laden piece?  The article even puts a disclaimer that Trump or Trump media didn't know any of the details.  Seriously...the Russian innuendo doesn't ever get old does it?  Bet you miss the days of all the buzz about the famously germaphobe Trump peeing on Russian prostitutes.  Fun times indeed.  Btw..I'm a Libertarian and I'd say the same thing if that article was written about Biden.

So...this investor is slated to make a pretty penny.  And to equate it to the Biden investigation?  We have 10's of millions going into the Biden coffers.  Remind me what service was provided for the large amounts of cash from hostile Countries.  Remind me again what Hunter's qualifications were (outside of large amounts of drugs and prostitutes...and usually both).  What did these foreign concerns get in exchange for all this money?  How about the art hustle?  You must believe that Hunter is some kind of savant for garnering 6 figures for his artwork with no formal training.  Or Joe threatening to hold up $1B in aid to the Ukraine if they didn't fire the prosecutor investigating Burisma?  Probably just a coincidence.  The Biden's are grifters.  Plain and simple.  You're angry about the investigation?  At least the Republicans are allowing both parties to ask questions...and not that nonsense the Democrats played out...twice.

Most of us fall in the middle of the two parties.  These stories (on both extremes) aren't useful to actually getting important things done.


Quote: @mblack said:
@profit from the status quo.
 “They let — I think the real number is 15, 16 million people into our country. When they do that, we got a lot of work to do. They’re poisoning the blood of our country,” Trump told the crowd at a rally in New Hampshire. “That’s what they’ve done. They poison mental institutions and prisons all over the world, not just in South America, not just to three or four countries that we think about, but all over the world. They’re coming into our country from Africa, from Asia, all over the world.”

Or do you want me post his “shithole” comments voicing his frustrations about the US Visa lottery?

It’s common place to make blanket statements about immigrants and then hide behind the statement that they meant just the illegal ones. 

You really don't understand the difference in legal immigration and illegal you?  Shouldn't we want to admit people into this Country that are fully vetted and can supplement our workforce and be accounted for?  Instead, we just process asylum seekers who are an unvetted, drain on the economy who aren't legally allowed to work.  We know nothing about their criminal history, vaccination status, etc. In short, all we know about Asylum seekers is they broke US immigration law.  We asbolutely need more properly qualified legal immigrants in this Country.

Quote: @badgervike said:
@mblack said:
@profit from the status quo.
 “They let — I think the real number is 15, 16 million people into our country. When they do that, we got a lot of work to do. They’re poisoning the blood of our country,” Trump told the crowd at a rally in New Hampshire. “That’s what they’ve done. They poison mental institutions and prisons all over the world, not just in South America, not just to three or four countries that we think about, but all over the world. They’re coming into our country from Africa, from Asia, all over the world.”

Or do you want me post his “shithole” comments voicing his frustrations about the US Visa lottery?

It’s common place to make blanket statements about immigrants and then hide behind the statement that they meant just the illegal ones. 

You really don't understand the difference in legal immigration and illegal you?  Shouldn't we want to admit people into this Country that are fully vetted and can supplement our workforce and be accounted for?  Instead, we just process asylum seekers who are an unvetted, drain on the economy who aren't legally allowed to work.  We know nothing about their criminal history, vaccination status, etc. In short, all we know about Asylum seekers is they broke US immigration law.  We asbolutely need more properly qualified legal immigrants in this Country.
Haha. Spoken like a true immigration “pro”. Do you know what Asylum law is? How about the US Visa lottery?
As an FYI the winners of the lottery are selected by the US and the criteria to qualify are set by the US. Those are people the US fully vetted to supplement their work force. But somehow still  find away to blame the countries of the citizens that you hand picked for not sending good people.


Quote: @mblack said:
@badgervike said:
@mblack said:
@profit from the status quo.
 “They let — I think the real number is 15, 16 million people into our country. When they do that, we got a lot of work to do. They’re poisoning the blood of our country,” Trump told the crowd at a rally in New Hampshire. “That’s what they’ve done. They poison mental institutions and prisons all over the world, not just in South America, not just to three or four countries that we think about, but all over the world. They’re coming into our country from Africa, from Asia, all over the world.”

Or do you want me post his “shithole” comments voicing his frustrations about the US Visa lottery?

It’s common place to make blanket statements about immigrants and then hide behind the statement that they meant just the illegal ones. 

You really don't understand the difference in legal immigration and illegal you?  Shouldn't we want to admit people into this Country that are fully vetted and can supplement our workforce and be accounted for?  Instead, we just process asylum seekers who are an unvetted, drain on the economy who aren't legally allowed to work.  We know nothing about their criminal history, vaccination status, etc. In short, all we know about Asylum seekers is they broke US immigration law.  We asbolutely need more properly qualified legal immigrants in this Country.
Haha. Spoken like a true immigration “pro”. Do you know what Asylum law is? How about the US Visa lottery?
As an FYI the winners of the lottery are selected by the US and the criteria to qualify are set by the US. Those are people the US fully vetted to supplement their work force. But somehow still  find away to blame the countries of the citizens that you hand picked for not sending good people.

I know what the Visa lottery is (Technically it's called the Diversity Visa Lottery) and yes I know they are vetted and receive green cards.  Fully vetted btw is an overstatement in many cases where the lottery applicants are from war torn countries, countries hostile to the US, or lack in any form of formal record keeping  so that it's difficult to fully vet.  But yes..they are vetted to the best of our abilities.  That's a relatively small number (approx 50,000 if I remember right..about the same as come across illegally in a few days at the Southern border).  Trump's 12M was referring to the illegal immigrants that have been admitted under Biden through asylum requests or catch/release...or in many cases..never caught.  And yes...I'm aware that Trump was referring to the Diversity lottery when he was talking about shithole countries.  I'm also aware of the circumstances in that he was instead asking to increase the legal immigration at that time.  We've talked about it a lot here...both of these major party candidates are highly flawed and prone to say stupid, hateful stuff.  Both of them.

Quote: @badgervike said:
@mblack said:
@badgervike said:
@mblack said:
@profit from the status quo.
 “They let — I think the real number is 15, 16 million people into our country. When they do that, we got a lot of work to do. They’re poisoning the blood of our country,” Trump told the crowd at a rally in New Hampshire. “That’s what they’ve done. They poison mental institutions and prisons all over the world, not just in South America, not just to three or four countries that we think about, but all over the world. They’re coming into our country from Africa, from Asia, all over the world.”

Or do you want me post his “shithole” comments voicing his frustrations about the US Visa lottery?

It’s common place to make blanket statements about immigrants and then hide behind the statement that they meant just the illegal ones. 

You really don't understand the difference in legal immigration and illegal you?  Shouldn't we want to admit people into this Country that are fully vetted and can supplement our workforce and be accounted for?  Instead, we just process asylum seekers who are an unvetted, drain on the economy who aren't legally allowed to work.  We know nothing about their criminal history, vaccination status, etc. In short, all we know about Asylum seekers is they broke US immigration law.  We asbolutely need more properly qualified legal immigrants in this Country.
Haha. Spoken like a true immigration “pro”. Do you know what Asylum law is? How about the US Visa lottery?
As an FYI the winners of the lottery are selected by the US and the criteria to qualify are set by the US. Those are people the US fully vetted to supplement their work force. But somehow still  find away to blame the countries of the citizens that you hand picked for not sending good people.

I know what the Visa lottery is (Technically it's called the Diversity Visa Lottery) and yes I know they are vetted and receive green cards.  Fully vetted btw is an overstatement in many cases where the lottery applicants are from war torn countries, countries hostile to the US, or lack in any form of formal record keeping  so that it's difficult to fully vet.  But yes..they are vetted to the best of our abilities.  That's a relatively small number (approx 50,000 if I remember right..about the same as come across illegally in a few days at the Southern border).  Trump's 12M was referring to the illegal immigrants that have been admitted under Biden through asylum requests or catch/release...or in many cases..never caught.  And yes...I'm aware that Trump was referring to the Diversity lottery when he was talking about shithole countries.  I'm also aware of the circumstances in that he was instead asking to increase the legal immigration at that time.  We've talked about it a lot here...both of these major party candidates are highly flawed and prone to say stupid, hateful stuff.  Both of them.
The bold is not only inaccurate but the exact same nonsense being spread around. This is how the Visa lottery works (high level)
  1. The lottery is announced with qualification criteria set by the USA
  2. A quota is set aside for various countries determined by the US
  3. Applications are randomly selected from those that applied (potential winners) by the US
  4. The winners compile documents and send to the US for verification by US officials
  5. If the documents check out the potential winnner is sent a letter to go interview at the respective embassies by US officials. One of the criteria is to show you have someone in the US to house you and be responsible for you as you settle in
So everything about the lottery is controlled by the US.
But somehow it’s the fault of the winner. If You say they are “vetted to the best of our abilities” whose fault is that? Definitely not the recipient. But again it’s the recipients a fault.
Now about Asylum that’s a different case.
its clearly a case by case basis and there are many people who are contributing to the US economy that came here via asylum and many of them are not the “bad” ones Trump keeps talking about.

Lastly if a country was sending people to the US they will not qualify for asylum. That is not how it works.
Again, like I said, it’s easy to make statements about immigration without knowing how it works and then blame “illegal” immigrants. Thats the catch all bucket


Quote: @mblack said:
@JimmyinSD said:
@mblack said:
@JimmyinSD said:
@mblack said:

@JimmyinSD said:
@purplefaithful said:
@JimmyinSD said:
@purplefaithful said:
@JimmyinSD said:
@purplefaithful said:
I do have to wonder if the post covid economic conditions would have happened under either Biden or Trump v2.0?

I would argue that inflation and other issues plaguing the economy were ripe (and were going to happen) regardless of who was sleeping in the White House. 

OTOH, I suspect many are quite happy looking at their personal portfolio net worth and 401k's these days. Hence the hefty spending by Americans inspite of inflation. 

The economy (and Wall St) will probably take off more in about Q3 if the Feds lower rates. 
the only thing to be happy about is that my IRA is keeping pace with inflation,  the way prices are going up, the increases in most IRAs wont cover the tax increases that will be necessary to pay off the ridiculous amount of debt the country has taken on in the last few years,  let alone leaving me much to work with in my golden years. 

i dont see them lowering rates until people quit spending like morons, its insane how people are still out there spending like there is arent any consequences.   people wont slow down their spending as long as the govt keeps printing money and handing it out to buy votes.   lowering interest rates right now IMO would just sent inflation to double digits,  especially with a president that has no compunction on buying his next 4 years with executive actions that just keep that debt calculator humming.
I just read a piece on how Americans are spending like YOLO since Covid ended...

Hell, even a god bless the usa bible will set you back $60 these days! 

[Image: trump-is-now-selling-trump-bibles-you-ha...C2%2C0%2C0]

yep, its like they are still getting those govt checks.   its insane,  we are trying to find help and despite the wage scale blowing through the roof the last couple of years,  you still cant find anybody that can pass a piss test and willing to work.  really begs the question of why biden needed to forgive all those student loans,  apparently everyone is gainfully employed and flush with cash.
I wish my kid got some govt luv on her student loans.

Here's another angle too....MN farmers are having a really difficult time trying to find workers. If they dont have access to seasonal, migrant workers out of Venezuela? Mexico? Colombia? They are out of biz...

construction workers too,  farmers are at least able to use a federal program to bring in workers from other countries, not as easy for other industries.  
I thought we wanted to keep foreigners out as they are taking “our” jobs.
No,  we want to keep illegals out,  never had any issue with those that go through the legal channels.  Maybe if we weren't spending so much having to protect our southern border and deal with all the illegals streaming in there would be more resources available to process legal enrltry.
Hmm. Glad to hear you say that. However that’s not the message that’s being spread. There are many legal foreigners that get harassed everyday. 
The legal channel is not that much better (not saying I agree). Many foreigners get out of status waiting for the legal process. Many lobbied for that to be improved. It’s part of the proposal that someone does not want adopted.

Who is spreading the message to harass those here legally?  

Honestly I don't think either party wants ro fix immigration,  they've both had their chances for decades yet here we still are.  

The issues aren't the problem,  the problem is those that have been pit in power and the people that control them that profit from the status quo.
 “They let — I think the real number is 15, 16 million people into our country. When they do that, we got a lot of work to do. They’re poisoning the blood of our country,” Trump told the crowd at a rally in New Hampshire. “That’s what they’ve done. They poison mental institutions and prisons all over the world, not just in South America, not just to three or four countries that we think about, but all over the world. They’re coming into our country from Africa, from Asia, all over the world.”

Or do you want me post his “shithole” comments voicing his frustrations about the US Visa lottery?

It’s common place to make blanket statements about immigrants and then hide behind the statement that they meant just the illegal ones. 

so you thing open border is a good plan for immigration for our country ( assuming you are a legal citizen of the US ) in this day and age?  just let them all walk in unfiltered because there are no bad actors that wish to do this country harm? 

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