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Trump Pays Large for Lying. Again.
Quote: @Waterboy said:
People label themselves independents many times to avoid saying what they really are.  I'm a conservative, and think it's the lesser of two evils.  Shoot me.
I'm Independent, so I don't have to support evils...which also allows me honesty that seems to be lacking throughout the duopoly.

Again Z, I'm an independent.  You're an independent when it suits you.  You started this thread.  The reality is that there is only ONE person in this Country that would be charged with this nonsense.  The bank has said they used their independent auditors to derive a valuation to support the loans.  They were paid back in full and they have stated they will/would do it again.  There was no crime that resulted in a $500M judgement.   The highest bond for an individual in US history..just to appeal..because it is the crime of the   You rail against the Treasonous parties yet seem to be all in on this judgement because you despise Trump.  The Supreme Court will throw this out (if it get that far) as it violates at least 2 Amendments to the Constitution.  You seem to celebrate Treason when it meets your need.  I can look past my feelings for the two candidates and acknowledge how very wrong this is as well as the other things I pointed out above.  Make a stand.  This is stuff they do in Third World countries.  The only people that don't realize how wrong all this stuff is are those that put party over Country.  You can either call this stuff out with your independent "honesty" or I have to assume you support treason when applied arbitrarily to people you really dislike.   You guys are making a martyr out of Trump.  

I am just curious if the righteous left in NY will be bringing charges against Jon Stewart?  No?  Thats because he is no more guilty than Trump, this whole thing is a sham and anybody holding it up as anything more should be embarrassed to have the position,  our presidential race is so pathetic and a huge black eye to the constitution and freedoms that we claim to hold dear.

Jon Stewart benefited by 829% ‘overvalue’ of his NYC home even as he labels Trump’s civil case ‘not victimless'


The damage being done to business right now, in particular development, is unparalleled in history. I worked in that field. As much as I don’t like the guy, the case against him is a sick joke. I looked at the numbers, nothing was out of the norm. It’s no different than every other developer and banks throughout the country. The things claimed by the media, lawyers, and especially the ignorant judge are absurd. There are finally some business people starting to speak up. It’s one thing going after the guy for who he is, it’s quite another bastardizing the actual law and business practices in place for over a century. 
The rabid attack against him has destroyed the rule of law in this country. It’s like some sick delusional record being played over and over again. This is why “cases” and parts of them are starting to get tossed. The Supreme Court is going to destroy more and more of these as most of it infringes on basic principles of the constitution.

People need to understand, getting Trump is not worth the damage being done. This will and is causing collateral damage on a large scale. The level of political corruption is unprecedented. From the peddling of make believe collusion (pushed by former Presidents and the current one among a multitude of others), to these kangaroo courts, to the massive influx of migrants into areas at risk of losing congressional seats - this is election meddling 101. It doesn’t get any more blatant.

All they are accomplishing is making him stronger. Their zeal blinds them to the long term damage being done. As is, Trump is going to obliterate Biden in November, yet the game plan remains unchanged. Stupid is as stupid does I guess.

Quote: @badgervike said:
Again Z, I'm an independent.  You're an independent when it suits you.  You started this thread.  The reality is that there is only ONE person in this Country that would be charged with this nonsense.  The bank has said they used their independent auditors to derive a valuation to support the loans.  They were paid back in full and they have stated they will/would do it again.  There was no crime that resulted in a $500M judgement.   The highest bond for an individual in US history..just to appeal..because it is the crime of the   You rail against the Treasonous parties yet seem to be all in on this judgement because you despise Trump.  The Supreme Court will throw this out (if it get that far) as it violates at least 2 Amendments to the Constitution.  You seem to celebrate Treason when it meets your need.  I can look past my feelings for the two candidates and acknowledge how very wrong this is as well as the other things I pointed out above.  Make a stand.  This is stuff they do in Third World countries.  The only people that don't realize how wrong all this stuff is are those that put party over Country.  You can either call this stuff out with your independent "honesty" or I have to assume you support treason when applied arbitrarily to people you really dislike.   You guys are making a martyr out of Trump.  
...that's a hell of an interpretation, so I'll offer another:

his actions and his mouth get him all the attention he's plainly addicted to, and that means scrutiny, whose relationship to attention he never can understand...which brings him face to face with accountability, which he plainly detests at levels to rival any and all Clintons. He wants all the spotlights, but don't zoom in too closely, or...what you find is all somebody else's fault, it's time to spout random names, time to fire the whole staff (again), time to blame the entire system for his avoidable stupidity.

I'm independent, because I'm not enough of a drooling dullard to see Trumplestilskin as the gop, just its current horrible choice...a choice, which, is cannibalizing the party; this is a situation myself and others warned about almost a decade ago. What seems to escape you, and others that strangely defend the citrus skidmark, is that he's had a long history of ugly lawsuits, racism allegations, disrespect for our soldiers, the handicapped, and many instances of being outed as a misogynist pig.

I wouldn't and won't vote for that, and can't fathom those that do.

As for your feckless and pointless accusation of "blueness", and the sheer volume of posts you must have chosen to ignore to make it...well, I guess you chose to remember what you wanted. You'd be a fine witness for either of our lying codger candidates.

Quote: @Zanary said:
@badgervike said:
Again Z, I'm an independent.  You're an independent when it suits you.  You started this thread.  The reality is that there is only ONE person in this Country that would be charged with this nonsense.  The bank has said they used their independent auditors to derive a valuation to support the loans.  They were paid back in full and they have stated they will/would do it again.  There was no crime that resulted in a $500M judgement.   The highest bond for an individual in US history..just to appeal..because it is the crime of the   You rail against the Treasonous parties yet seem to be all in on this judgement because you despise Trump.  The Supreme Court will throw this out (if it get that far) as it violates at least 2 Amendments to the Constitution.  You seem to celebrate Treason when it meets your need.  I can look past my feelings for the two candidates and acknowledge how very wrong this is as well as the other things I pointed out above.  Make a stand.  This is stuff they do in Third World countries.  The only people that don't realize how wrong all this stuff is are those that put party over Country.  You can either call this stuff out with your independent "honesty" or I have to assume you support treason when applied arbitrarily to people you really dislike.   You guys are making a martyr out of Trump.  
...that's a hell of an interpretation, so I'll offer another:

his actions and his mouth get him all the attention he's plainly addicted to, and that means scrutiny, whose relationship to attention he never can understand...which brings him face to face with accountability, which he plainly detests at levels to rival any and all Clintons. He wants all the spotlights, but don't zoom in too closely, or...what you find is all somebody else's fault, it's time to spout random names, time to fire the whole staff (again), time to blame the entire system for his avoidable stupidity.

I'm independent, because I'm not enough of a drooling dullard to see Trumplestilskin as the gop, just its current horrible choice...a choice, which, is cannibalizing the party; this is a situation myself and others warned about almost a decade ago. What seems to escape you, and others that strangely defend the citrus skidmark, is that he's had a long history of ugly lawsuits, racism allegations, disrespect for our soldiers, the handicapped, and many instances of being outed as a misogynist pig.

I wouldn't and won't vote for that, and can't fathom those that do.

As for your feckless and pointless accusation of "blueness", and the sheer volume of posts you must have chosen to ignore to make it...well, I guess you chose to remember what you wanted. You'd be a fine witness for either of our lying codger candidates.
how old are you?  the name calling is top notch,  but it just seems like something from a younger person,  I have to admit, the "citrus skidmark" made me LOL a bit.

Quote: @JimmyinSD said:
@Zanary said:
@badgervike said:
Again Z, I'm an independent.  You're an independent when it suits you.  You started this thread.  The reality is that there is only ONE person in this Country that would be charged with this nonsense.  The bank has said they used their independent auditors to derive a valuation to support the loans.  They were paid back in full and they have stated they will/would do it again.  There was no crime that resulted in a $500M judgement.   The highest bond for an individual in US history..just to appeal..because it is the crime of the   You rail against the Treasonous parties yet seem to be all in on this judgement because you despise Trump.  The Supreme Court will throw this out (if it get that far) as it violates at least 2 Amendments to the Constitution.  You seem to celebrate Treason when it meets your need.  I can look past my feelings for the two candidates and acknowledge how very wrong this is as well as the other things I pointed out above.  Make a stand.  This is stuff they do in Third World countries.  The only people that don't realize how wrong all this stuff is are those that put party over Country.  You can either call this stuff out with your independent "honesty" or I have to assume you support treason when applied arbitrarily to people you really dislike.   You guys are making a martyr out of Trump.  
...that's a hell of an interpretation, so I'll offer another:

his actions and his mouth get him all the attention he's plainly addicted to, and that means scrutiny, whose relationship to attention he never can understand...which brings him face to face with accountability, which he plainly detests at levels to rival any and all Clintons. He wants all the spotlights, but don't zoom in too closely, or...what you find is all somebody else's fault, it's time to spout random names, time to fire the whole staff (again), time to blame the entire system for his avoidable stupidity.

I'm independent, because I'm not enough of a drooling dullard to see Trumplestilskin as the gop, just its current horrible choice...a choice, which, is cannibalizing the party; this is a situation myself and others warned about almost a decade ago. What seems to escape you, and others that strangely defend the citrus skidmark, is that he's had a long history of ugly lawsuits, racism allegations, disrespect for our soldiers, the handicapped, and many instances of being outed as a misogynist pig.

I wouldn't and won't vote for that, and can't fathom those that do.

As for your feckless and pointless accusation of "blueness", and the sheer volume of posts you must have chosen to ignore to make it...well, I guess you chose to remember what you wanted. You'd be a fine witness for either of our lying codger candidates.
how old are you?  the name calling is top notch,  but it just seems like something from a younger person,  I have to admit, the "citrus skidmark" made me LOL a bit.
Too damned old, and I've had decades of family and friends with truly vicious, rapier wit at all times. Word play and skewering via parody titles is pretty much a greeting.

I won't pretend to respect "the Donald", never have. I'm old enough that I remember wondering why news shows were having that narcissist clown on their shows so often, when he was just some NYC real estate magnate whose "Tower" had the tackiest lobby I'd ever experienced.

Quote: @Zanary said:
...that's a hell of an interpretation, so I'll offer another:

his actions and his mouth get him all the attention he's plainly addicted to, and that means scrutiny, whose relationship to attention he never can understand...which brings him face to face with accountability, which he plainly detests at levels to rival any and all Clintons. He wants all the spotlights, but don't zoom in too closely, or...what you find is all somebody else's fault, it's time to spout random names, time to fire the whole staff (again), time to blame the entire system for his avoidable stupidity.

I'm independent, because I'm not enough of a drooling dullard to see Trumplestilskin as the gop, just its current horrible choice...a choice, which, is cannibalizing the party; this is a situation myself and others warned about almost a decade ago. What seems to escape you, and others that strangely defend the citrus skidmark, is that he's had a long history of ugly lawsuits, racism allegations, disrespect for our soldiers, the handicapped, and many instances of being outed as a misogynist pig.

I wouldn't and won't vote for that, and can't fathom those that do.

As for your feckless and pointless accusation of "blueness", and the sheer volume of posts you must have chosen to ignore to make it...well, I guess you chose to remember what you wanted. You'd be a fine witness for either of our lying codger candidates.
I have a guy that has worked for me for 30 years.  He's pushing 70 years old.  He's an "Independent" as well although he's never voted for anybody but a Democrat in his lifetime even for a low level local candidate.  He likes to talk politics as we're both "independents".  It makes me smile every time.  For some reason, he feels the necessity to tell me who he voted for and I somehow don't know he voted straight Democrat.  The last election, the issue that swayed him to vote for the Democratic Governor was based on education issues.   The Democrat had been the State Education commissioner prior to becoming Governor.  Mind friend/employee and his wife never had kids and can't stand to be around children...but he had to tell me that Education was the most important issue and swayed his vote to the Democrat.  Have to admit, I broke into laughter on that one.

Z - I know you used to be Independent as we were once fairly tightly in alignment out of disdain for the major parties.  These days, your disdain is only directed at Republicans.  I know you've made some comments regarding the far left local politics in the past but I didn't see anything recently.  Based on your post above, I went back and searched the last year and didn't find anything on the Democrats except for a few comments about the "Traitorous" major parties...which is usually followed up by specifics on Republicans and/or Trump.  You have thrown out a few "Sleepy Joe" comments which just doesn't have the witty venom of the comments related to Trump and Republicans.  You certainly haven't started a thread to call him out like you have multiple times on Trump.  I may have missed some...but frankly got bored along the way digging through the archives and finding exactly what I had remembered.

I've never been sure why the guy that works for me always describes himself as an Independent when he's clearly not.  I think he believes it gives him some street cred.  I think that may be the case with you although certainly you've at least has a history of Independence.  I'm not sure why you don't acknowledge the fact that your politics have drifted left and you're more a Democrat these days.

The US was in much better shape (pre-Covid) under Trump (economy, border, crime, drugs, global standing) under Trump.  That still doesn't garner my vote.  It appears we're stuck with Trump, Biden and Kennedy..assuming he gets the Libertarian nod in May.  I've never been quite sure which Kennedy will show up.  At times, the dude makes a lot of sense...but there are times he's pretty far out there.
In a two way race, I will hold my nose and vote for Trump because results matter.  In a three way vote...we'll have to wait and see.  

Had to laugh when you talk about Trump's history of racism and disrespect for the soldiers...I think if you took an "independent" view of the'll find much more troubling instances from Biden.

They're both dirtbags with their own issues.  Their both narcissists.  Frankly, I think you have to be a narcissist to run for President.  I asked you to call out Biden specifically for some of his issues...but the independent in you only has eyes for

One last time...:would New York charge and prosecute anybody but Donald Trump for his victimless crimes?  Was it wrong to spy on candidate Trump with no justification?  You seem to imply it's his fault for not going away quietly.   

I do have to wonder if the post covid economic conditions would have happened under either Biden or Trump v2.0?

I would argue that inflation and other issues plaguing the economy were ripe (and were going to happen) regardless of who was sleeping in the White House. 

OTOH, I suspect many are quite happy looking at their personal portfolio net worth and 401k's these days. Hence the hefty spending by Americans inspite of inflation. 

The economy (and Wall St) will probably take off more in about Q3 if the Feds lower rates. 


Quote: @purplefaithful said:
I do have to wonder if the post covid economic conditions would have happened under either Biden or Trump v2.0?

I would argue that inflation and other issues plaguing the economy were ripe (and were going to happen) regardless of who was sleeping in the White House. 

OTOH, I suspect many are quite happy looking at their personal portfolio net worth and 401k's these days. Hence the hefty spending by Americans inspite of inflation. 

The economy (and Wall St) will probably take off more in about Q3 if the Feds lower rates. 
To make that argument, you'd have to make comparisons in policy.  The largest contributor to inflation by far is/was the 70% rise in Energy costs which permeates through the economy.  You think that was caused by Covid related economic conditions or by Biden's war on fossil fuels?

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