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Trump Pays Large for Lying. Again.
Quote: @Zanary said:
So, on one hand, the news didn't report his thousands of times in litigation nearly as much until recently. On the other hand, the narcissistic clown does all he can to put that porcine face in front of think everyone's involved, here....
More hard-hitting facts from you.  I love how the libs tried to get Trump since before he became president, and people like you sit and cheer on the people who are TRULY trying to overthrow our govt.  It used to just be the October surprise always let loose by the media ala Dan Rather and the Texas National Guard / Drunk Driving BS as a relatively early example of these actions.  For Trump it was his ya grab em by the coochie statement. 

Since then, things have evolved at lightning pace.  We saw the FBI purposely look the other way as Hillary bleach-bitted her files and destroyed her cell phones while placing an unsecure server in her closet.  Comey commented it was a "prosecutable crime" although she was clearly guilty.  So as the 2016 election approaches, the media writes 98% negative stories about Trump and insinuates anybody supporting him is a racist and just assume the American public will look the other way on her family and the Clinton body count, which they did not.  Trump against all logic win the White House.  Well now it's time to ruin his presidency.  First, we get a totally fabricated dossier (thanks Team Hillary) and a justice system that looks the other way as FISA documents are illegally released in hopes of sabotaging the entirety of his presidency by people knowingly try to subvert him.  We get a bogus special counsel who is on par with Biden's mental acuity putting together a team of 18 Trump haters to try to find where he broke a law that after 3 years inevitably failed. 

Now it's time for the 2020 election so the Zuckerberg's of social media, the MSM and govt agencies all double down on the Russia Hoax all the while supporting the most rampant voter fraud in the history of our country.  They also "debunk" a totally true narrative on the Hunter laptop and grifting from Ukraine, Russia, and China by the Bidens showing payoffs to the "big guy".  They freely accept Joe campaigning from his basement and trumpet the debate where Joe was made to look stupid by Trump as a clear win.  As Joe sleeps in his bed overnight the most massive voter fraud in the history of our country is enacted as bushels of ballot stuffed votes come in from all over with no validation or knowledge of where they came from.  One thing they were was 99% for Biden and in just the most vital states.  As we go to bed, Trump is the heavy betting favorite to land the presidency.  By morning, Joe's got it won.  lol   Now we move into this ultra-successful presidency where Trump remains at the focus of every major agency and every single democratic judge ever elected.  Soros puts prosecutors in place open to illegal immigration and unprecedented crime levels but focused on one man and bringing him down.  All the while, Joe lets millions of illegals flow over the border (actually it really isn't Joe, we all know that) in hopes that he can create a permanent democratic majority.   Nasty issues start to pop up though as the minority vote starts to increasingly swing to Trump as they know his policies are right, that he predicted most of the issues ravaging our country and they sympathize with the fact that he is indeed being railroaded at every turn.  Now the libs are really panicking and trying every avenue to stop Trump raiding his Mara Lago home where he has files totally secured while Joe is given a free pass for documents sitting in numerous unsecured locations and given a pass because he's old, frail, and stupid. The problem is at this point the liberals have hopefully maxed out their ways of cheating via mail fraud and the polls still aren't telling the right story.  It's time to really overcharge and create crimes out of actions taken by people every day in this country.  We have judges awarding $355 million lawsuits over loans that have been fully re-paid and supposedly stemming from overvaluing properties that is much more opinion than fact.  The general public sees this and given the choice of Trump versus all of this corruption, the choice is becoming increasingly clear as to where the problems truly lie in our govt.  For sure, there are more "surprises" and subversions to come to try to take down Trump as people without a brain buy the bs that's been going on since 2015. 

Quote: @Zanary said:
@JimmyinSD said:
@BigAl99 said:
@badgervike said:
@BigAl99 said:
@JimmyinSD said:
It's funny how nobody went after him for all this lifetime of misdeeds when he was a democratic donor and supporter.  Only when he flipped teams does he become public enemy #1.  Seems to be a pretty common theme for team blue when their dogs bite the hand that feeds it.

Not really funny, but more the fallacy of your point.  His legal mentor Roy Cohn is probably unheard of to you, but did raise him well, loved him more than Fred did by many accounts.  Trump was named in litigation  around 3,500 times before he was anointed leader of the patriotic conservatives.

I'm guessing you know he (or his company) was the plaintiff in most of those.  Shocker..huh?  What are the odds of a long time, large New York Real Estate Developer and former Casino owner being involved in numerous lawsuits with subcontractors, repair/ maintenance, evictions, non-payment, etc.  

I guess, you think that's a good thing?  Write a book about it, and see how well it sells.

"As Zirin points out, Trump learned how to use the law from his
mentor, notorious lawyer Roy Cohn. Trump took Cohn’s scorched-earth
strategy to heart.

“Trump saw litigation as being only about winning,” Zirin writes. “He
sued at the drop of a hat. He sued for sport; he sued to achieve
control; and he sued to make a point. He sued as a means of destroying
or silencing those who crossed him. He became a plaintiff in chief.”

Zirin argues that Trump has shown a chronic scorn for the law. “All
this aberrant behavior would be problematic in a businessman,” he
writes. “But the implications of such conduct in a man who is the
president of the United States are nothing less than terrifying.”

Zirin is an accomplished litigator who has appeared in federal and
state courts around the nation. He was an assistant U.S. attorney for
the Southern District of New York under then-U.S. Attorney Robert M.
Morgenthau." "

LOL....All that to be rich when he could have just spent his life in politics and had a coke head son sell access and act as a funnel for bribes and kick backs.

It's amazing that some think their guys shit doesn't stink or his crimes are less severe because of the color of his tie.

nobody thinks or says Trump is an alter boy, but he's a fuck ton more honest than the hierarchy of the Democrats and those pulling the strings on this administration.   At least Trumps actions were helping America vs the current regime just helping themselves and to hell with the country and it's tax payers. 
WOW...I'm sorry, but when you say that the sunkist messiah, the loosest-lipped babbling buffoon in the western hemisphere, is "more honest" than anyone else...I have to ask:

are you getting the help you need?

While I'll be the first the throw the duopoly on the stand for their constant lies, manipulations, and gaslighting...the redcaps' assclown idol can't seem to tell the fuggin' truth for more than a handful of sentences, is showing to be as mentally gone as our vacuous president, and has been the be-all, end-all of spineless little biatch-bois when it comes to whining that he shouldn't be accountable and/or should have immunity for...everything.

How many lies does it fuggin' take? Seriously? His drooling fan club has already proven to be the far extreme of delusional ("BIDEN CAUSED THE VAX AND THE LOCKDOWN! wait...Trump did that? ummm...uh...EVERYTHING IS FAUCI'S FAULT!!!!), he's tripped over his own tongue trying to excuse the "fine people" among the white nationalists that hold up their nazi salutes to his picture, and has almost destroyed the gop via cannibalization.

He added $8 trillion to the deficit, so...yeah, don't go there. He pissed on our allies and practically offered rubs-and-tugs to our enemies.

I can't begin to fathom his followers. I just can't imagine it.

do you have reading comprehension issues?  I didnt say "anyone else"  I simply said than those running the Democrats.   perhaps you need the help.

its really not worth engaging with you and your juvenile shit,  reply how you see fit,  I am done trying with you.


Quote: @JimmyinSD said:
@Zanary said:
@JimmyinSD said:
@BigAl99 said:
@badgervike said:
@BigAl99 said:
@JimmyinSD said:
It's funny how nobody went after him for all this lifetime of misdeeds when he was a democratic donor and supporter.  Only when he flipped teams does he become public enemy #1.  Seems to be a pretty common theme for team blue when their dogs bite the hand that feeds it.

Not really funny, but more the fallacy of your point.  His legal mentor Roy Cohn is probably unheard of to you, but did raise him well, loved him more than Fred did by many accounts.  Trump was named in litigation  around 3,500 times before he was anointed leader of the patriotic conservatives.

I'm guessing you know he (or his company) was the plaintiff in most of those.  Shocker..huh?  What are the odds of a long time, large New York Real Estate Developer and former Casino owner being involved in numerous lawsuits with subcontractors, repair/ maintenance, evictions, non-payment, etc.  

I guess, you think that's a good thing?  Write a book about it, and see how well it sells.

"As Zirin points out, Trump learned how to use the law from his
mentor, notorious lawyer Roy Cohn. Trump took Cohn’s scorched-earth
strategy to heart.

“Trump saw litigation as being only about winning,” Zirin writes. “He
sued at the drop of a hat. He sued for sport; he sued to achieve
control; and he sued to make a point. He sued as a means of destroying
or silencing those who crossed him. He became a plaintiff in chief.”

Zirin argues that Trump has shown a chronic scorn for the law. “All
this aberrant behavior would be problematic in a businessman,” he
writes. “But the implications of such conduct in a man who is the
president of the United States are nothing less than terrifying.”

Zirin is an accomplished litigator who has appeared in federal and
state courts around the nation. He was an assistant U.S. attorney for
the Southern District of New York under then-U.S. Attorney Robert M.
Morgenthau." "

LOL....All that to be rich when he could have just spent his life in politics and had a coke head son sell access and act as a funnel for bribes and kick backs.

It's amazing that some think their guys shit doesn't stink or his crimes are less severe because of the color of his tie.

nobody thinks or says Trump is an alter boy, but he's a fuck ton more honest than the hierarchy of the Democrats and those pulling the strings on this administration.   At least Trumps actions were helping America vs the current regime just helping themselves and to hell with the country and it's tax payers. 
WOW...I'm sorry, but when you say that the sunkist messiah, the loosest-lipped babbling buffoon in the western hemisphere, is "more honest" than anyone else...I have to ask:

are you getting the help you need?

While I'll be the first the throw the duopoly on the stand for their constant lies, manipulations, and gaslighting...the redcaps' assclown idol can't seem to tell the fuggin' truth for more than a handful of sentences, is showing to be as mentally gone as our vacuous president, and has been the be-all, end-all of spineless little biatch-bois when it comes to whining that he shouldn't be accountable and/or should have immunity for...everything.

How many lies does it fuggin' take? Seriously? His drooling fan club has already proven to be the far extreme of delusional ("BIDEN CAUSED THE VAX AND THE LOCKDOWN! wait...Trump did that? ummm...uh...EVERYTHING IS FAUCI'S FAULT!!!!), he's tripped over his own tongue trying to excuse the "fine people" among the white nationalists that hold up their nazi salutes to his picture, and has almost destroyed the gop via cannibalization.

He added $8 trillion to the deficit, so...yeah, don't go there. He pissed on our allies and practically offered rubs-and-tugs to our enemies.

I can't begin to fathom his followers. I just can't imagine it.

do you have reading comprehension issues?  I didnt say "anyone else"  I simply said than those running the Democrats.   perhaps you need the help.

its really not worth engaging with you and your juvenile shit,  reply how you see fit,  I am done trying with you.

Well, gosh, how will I go on?

Anyone that can defend any part of that lying assclown's babble and throws around "juvenile" or "dishonesty" accusations is already a fuggin' laugh riot...but, sadly, they may not have the wiring to understand why.

Quote: @Zanary said:
@JimmyinSD said:
@Zanary said:
@JimmyinSD said:
@BigAl99 said:
@badgervike said:
@BigAl99 said:
@JimmyinSD said:
It's funny how nobody went after him for all this lifetime of misdeeds when he was a democratic donor and supporter.  Only when he flipped teams does he become public enemy #1.  Seems to be a pretty common theme for team blue when their dogs bite the hand that feeds it.

Not really funny, but more the fallacy of your point.  His legal mentor Roy Cohn is probably unheard of to you, but did raise him well, loved him more than Fred did by many accounts.  Trump was named in litigation  around 3,500 times before he was anointed leader of the patriotic conservatives.

I'm guessing you know he (or his company) was the plaintiff in most of those.  Shocker..huh?  What are the odds of a long time, large New York Real Estate Developer and former Casino owner being involved in numerous lawsuits with subcontractors, repair/ maintenance, evictions, non-payment, etc.  

I guess, you think that's a good thing?  Write a book about it, and see how well it sells.

"As Zirin points out, Trump learned how to use the law from his
mentor, notorious lawyer Roy Cohn. Trump took Cohn’s scorched-earth
strategy to heart.

“Trump saw litigation as being only about winning,” Zirin writes. “He
sued at the drop of a hat. He sued for sport; he sued to achieve
control; and he sued to make a point. He sued as a means of destroying
or silencing those who crossed him. He became a plaintiff in chief.”

Zirin argues that Trump has shown a chronic scorn for the law. “All
this aberrant behavior would be problematic in a businessman,” he
writes. “But the implications of such conduct in a man who is the
president of the United States are nothing less than terrifying.”

Zirin is an accomplished litigator who has appeared in federal and
state courts around the nation. He was an assistant U.S. attorney for
the Southern District of New York under then-U.S. Attorney Robert M.
Morgenthau." "

LOL....All that to be rich when he could have just spent his life in politics and had a coke head son sell access and act as a funnel for bribes and kick backs.

It's amazing that some think their guys shit doesn't stink or his crimes are less severe because of the color of his tie.

nobody thinks or says Trump is an alter boy, but he's a fuck ton more honest than the hierarchy of the Democrats and those pulling the strings on this administration.   At least Trumps actions were helping America vs the current regime just helping themselves and to hell with the country and it's tax payers. 
WOW...I'm sorry, but when you say that the sunkist messiah, the loosest-lipped babbling buffoon in the western hemisphere, is "more honest" than anyone else...I have to ask:

are you getting the help you need?

While I'll be the first the throw the duopoly on the stand for their constant lies, manipulations, and gaslighting...the redcaps' assclown idol can't seem to tell the fuggin' truth for more than a handful of sentences, is showing to be as mentally gone as our vacuous president, and has been the be-all, end-all of spineless little biatch-bois when it comes to whining that he shouldn't be accountable and/or should have immunity for...everything.

How many lies does it fuggin' take? Seriously? His drooling fan club has already proven to be the far extreme of delusional ("BIDEN CAUSED THE VAX AND THE LOCKDOWN! wait...Trump did that? ummm...uh...EVERYTHING IS FAUCI'S FAULT!!!!), he's tripped over his own tongue trying to excuse the "fine people" among the white nationalists that hold up their nazi salutes to his picture, and has almost destroyed the gop via cannibalization.

He added $8 trillion to the deficit, so...yeah, don't go there. He pissed on our allies and practically offered rubs-and-tugs to our enemies.

I can't begin to fathom his followers. I just can't imagine it.

do you have reading comprehension issues?  I didnt say "anyone else"  I simply said than those running the Democrats.   perhaps you need the help.

its really not worth engaging with you and your juvenile shit,  reply how you see fit,  I am done trying with you.

Well, gosh, how will I go on?

Anyone that can defend any part of that lying assclown's babble and throws around "juvenile" or "dishonesty" accusations is already a fuggin' laugh riot...but, sadly, they may not have the wiring to understand why.
Your wiring is so cross circuited you cannot see the forest for the trees. Best of luck to you in the future. You have TDS in a very bad way. Seek professional help. Please. 

Quote: @Purplemachine said:
@Zanary said:
@JimmyinSD said:
@Zanary said:
@JimmyinSD said:
@BigAl99 said:
@badgervike said:
@BigAl99 said:
@JimmyinSD said:
It's funny how nobody went after him for all this lifetime of misdeeds when he was a democratic donor and supporter.  Only when he flipped teams does he become public enemy #1.  Seems to be a pretty common theme for team blue when their dogs bite the hand that feeds it.

Not really funny, but more the fallacy of your point.  His legal mentor Roy Cohn is probably unheard of to you, but did raise him well, loved him more than Fred did by many accounts.  Trump was named in litigation  around 3,500 times before he was anointed leader of the patriotic conservatives.

I'm guessing you know he (or his company) was the plaintiff in most of those.  Shocker..huh?  What are the odds of a long time, large New York Real Estate Developer and former Casino owner being involved in numerous lawsuits with subcontractors, repair/ maintenance, evictions, non-payment, etc.  

I guess, you think that's a good thing?  Write a book about it, and see how well it sells.

"As Zirin points out, Trump learned how to use the law from his
mentor, notorious lawyer Roy Cohn. Trump took Cohn’s scorched-earth
strategy to heart.

“Trump saw litigation as being only about winning,” Zirin writes. “He
sued at the drop of a hat. He sued for sport; he sued to achieve
control; and he sued to make a point. He sued as a means of destroying
or silencing those who crossed him. He became a plaintiff in chief.”

Zirin argues that Trump has shown a chronic scorn for the law. “All
this aberrant behavior would be problematic in a businessman,” he
writes. “But the implications of such conduct in a man who is the
president of the United States are nothing less than terrifying.”

Zirin is an accomplished litigator who has appeared in federal and
state courts around the nation. He was an assistant U.S. attorney for
the Southern District of New York under then-U.S. Attorney Robert M.
Morgenthau." "

LOL....All that to be rich when he could have just spent his life in politics and had a coke head son sell access and act as a funnel for bribes and kick backs.

It's amazing that some think their guys shit doesn't stink or his crimes are less severe because of the color of his tie.

nobody thinks or says Trump is an alter boy, but he's a fuck ton more honest than the hierarchy of the Democrats and those pulling the strings on this administration.   At least Trumps actions were helping America vs the current regime just helping themselves and to hell with the country and it's tax payers. 
WOW...I'm sorry, but when you say that the sunkist messiah, the loosest-lipped babbling buffoon in the western hemisphere, is "more honest" than anyone else...I have to ask:

are you getting the help you need?

While I'll be the first the throw the duopoly on the stand for their constant lies, manipulations, and gaslighting...the redcaps' assclown idol can't seem to tell the fuggin' truth for more than a handful of sentences, is showing to be as mentally gone as our vacuous president, and has been the be-all, end-all of spineless little biatch-bois when it comes to whining that he shouldn't be accountable and/or should have immunity for...everything.

How many lies does it fuggin' take? Seriously? His drooling fan club has already proven to be the far extreme of delusional ("BIDEN CAUSED THE VAX AND THE LOCKDOWN! wait...Trump did that? ummm...uh...EVERYTHING IS FAUCI'S FAULT!!!!), he's tripped over his own tongue trying to excuse the "fine people" among the white nationalists that hold up their nazi salutes to his picture, and has almost destroyed the gop via cannibalization.

He added $8 trillion to the deficit, so...yeah, don't go there. He pissed on our allies and practically offered rubs-and-tugs to our enemies.

I can't begin to fathom his followers. I just can't imagine it.

do you have reading comprehension issues?  I didnt say "anyone else"  I simply said than those running the Democrats.   perhaps you need the help.

its really not worth engaging with you and your juvenile shit,  reply how you see fit,  I am done trying with you.

Well, gosh, how will I go on?

Anyone that can defend any part of that lying assclown's babble and throws around "juvenile" or "dishonesty" accusations is already a fuggin' laugh riot...but, sadly, they may not have the wiring to understand why.
Your wiring is so cross circuited you cannot see the forest for the trees. Best of luck to you in the future. You have TDS in a very bad way. Seek professional help. Please. 
Huh...not on your recommendation, I really don't think you're fit to judge. On that topic, how's it going for the multi-billionaire posting his bond?  B)

If his serfs fund-raise for him, let's face it: they should all qualify for those special parking places.

For an "independent", you sure seem to direct your disdain at only one candidate Z.  They're both lying ass clowns with over the top diminished capabilities.  That's not hard to say if you're an independent like myself.  Candidate Biden running ads today about Trump calling for a bloodbath if he's defeated.  If you watch the speech he was talking about saving the US auto industry from Chinese cars being manufactured in Mexico and sold in the US and the need for tariffs which are opposed by the Biden Administration.  Does it make it less a lie or less contemptible if you really, really, really dislike the opposing candidate

I'll have to wait and see how the Election season plays out.  Normally, I would automatically vote Libertarian but not sure this year.  Curious to see if the no labels party can garner some traction.  If not, for the third time in my life (Reagan 2nd term, Clinton 2nd term), I may have to plug my nose and vote for Trump because the US was undeniably in better position under his leadership and I live in a Swing State.  And don't get me started on the laughing stock nonsense with Trump...they're both buffoons.

Quote: @badgervike said:
For an "independent", you sure seem to direct your disdain at only one candidate Z.  They're both lying ass clowns with over the top diminished capabilities.  That's not hard to say if you're an independent like myself.  Candidate Biden running ads today about Trump calling for a bloodbath if he's defeated.  If you watch the speech he was talking about saving the US auto industry from Chinese cars being manufactured in Mexico and sold in the US and the need for tariffs which are opposed by the Biden Administration.  Does it make it less a lie or less contemptible if you really, really, really dislike the opposing candidate

I'll have to wait and see how the Election season plays out.  Normally, I would automatically vote Libertarian but not sure this year.  Curious to see if the no labels party can garner some traction.  If not, for the third time in my life (Reagan 2nd term, Clinton 2nd term), I may have to plug my nose and vote for Trump because the US was undeniably in better position under his leadership and I live in a Swing State.  And don't get me started on the laughing stock nonsense with Trump...they're both buffoons.
Oh, I've despised the sneering s**tbag for decades, I've said that more than once...and I've stared in open confusion at anyone, at any time, that was ever a fan of his exploits. I actually remember, as a teenager, asking why TV news was interviewing some NY real estate assclown about global events.

So, yeah...I've seen him as a narcissistic s**thead for decades, and I'll just keep my opinions of his fan base to myself...but that's remained pretty constant, too.

As he's a proven, consistent lying sack of s**t, though, and can't be trusted to even give an accurate square footage count on his own properties or remember who was actually involved in January 6th (accusing Haley, who wasn't even there, didn't make him look all that mentally superior to Sleepy Joe), why is ANYONE listening to this drip about the auto industry? Unlike his casinos (100% bankrupted, for those of you who chose to forget...I'm here to help!), they actually employ people for generations and have to produce yeah, there will be needed tariff games ahead, but I don't see him being smarter-or more honest, I think he'd sell out our auto industry for his current court bond-than anyone actually in the business.

Quote: @Zanary said:
@badgervike said:
For an "independent", you sure seem to direct your disdain at only one candidate Z.  They're both lying ass clowns with over the top diminished capabilities.  That's not hard to say if you're an independent like myself.  Candidate Biden running ads today about Trump calling for a bloodbath if he's defeated.  If you watch the speech he was talking about saving the US auto industry from Chinese cars being manufactured in Mexico and sold in the US and the need for tariffs which are opposed by the Biden Administration.  Does it make it less a lie or less contemptible if you really, really, really dislike the opposing candidate

I'll have to wait and see how the Election season plays out.  Normally, I would automatically vote Libertarian but not sure this year.  Curious to see if the no labels party can garner some traction.  If not, for the third time in my life (Reagan 2nd term, Clinton 2nd term), I may have to plug my nose and vote for Trump because the US was undeniably in better position under his leadership and I live in a Swing State.  And don't get me started on the laughing stock nonsense with Trump...they're both buffoons.
Oh, I've despised the sneering s**tbag for decades, I've said that more than once...and I've stared in open confusion at anyone, at any time, that was ever a fan of his exploits. I actually remember, as a teenager, asking why TV news was interviewing some NY real estate assclown about global events.

So, yeah...I've seen him as a narcissistic s**thead for decades, and I'll just keep my opinions of his fan base to myself...but that's remained pretty constant, too.

As he's a proven, consistent lying sack of s**t, though, and can't be trusted to even give an accurate square footage count on his own properties or remember who was actually involved in January 6th (accusing Haley, who wasn't even there, didn't make him look all that mentally superior to Sleepy Joe), why is ANYONE listening to this drip about the auto industry? Unlike his casinos (100% bankrupted, for those of you who chose to forget...I'm here to help!), they actually employ people for generations and have to produce yeah, there will be needed tariff games ahead, but I don't see him being smarter-or more honest, I think he'd sell out our auto industry for his current court bond-than anyone actually in the business.
Pretty much proved my point Z.  You claim to be a third party guy these days...but I think you may have slid over to Team Blue.  Your disdain seems to be directed at only one of the traitorous parties.  About the meanest thing you say about Biden is "Sleepy Joe" there's nothing wrong that a good power nap or 5 hour energy drink won't cure.  Did you watch the hearings last week...getting obvious the Biden's were/are grifters. 

Regardless of your feelings about Trump (and mine for that matter), he deserves to be treated fairly and that isn't happening here.  We're in banana republic territory.  I'm old enough to remember when spying on the opposing political party/presidential candidate was a crime in this it's celebrated with multi-million dollar guest analyst jobs and book deals.  The Deep State knew all along that the Clinton campaign was the source of the Russian dossier yet refused to acknowledge the source and used the dossier as a predicate to spy on Trump and his associates.  Is that any different than breaking into the Watergate hotel?   Comey, Clapper et al not only weren't prosecuted...but instead rewarded by the far Left.  Next..we have the Impeachment hearings.  Breaking previous policy, Trump and the Republicans don't have the right to name their own people to the hearing and certainly Trump's counsel isn't allowed to defend him.  It was a sham.  And not we have the politically motivated trials and attempts to keep Trump off the ballot.  Tell me this verdict and trial wasn't politically motivated?  A prosecutor hellbent on finding anything to charge Trump with and a leftist judge who had already rendered a decision prior to the court proceedings.  No need for a pesky jury.  No need for an actual victim or actual crime.  No need to protect Trump's rights.  I can't stand the guy...but this kind of thing isn't supposed to happen in this Country.  How about the retention of classified materials?  We know Trump did it...we know Biden did it...we know Obama did it...and we know Clinton did it.   Who are we prosecuting?  If you want to beat the it by the rules...apply the law fairly and equitably...otherwise you're no better than he is...and likely much worse.  

People label themselves independents many times to avoid saying what they really are.  I'm a conservative, and think it's the lesser of two evils.  Shoot me.

Quote: @badgervike said:
@Zanary said:
@badgervike said:
For an "independent", you sure seem to direct your disdain at only one candidate Z.  They're both lying ass clowns with over the top diminished capabilities.  That's not hard to say if you're an independent like myself.  Candidate Biden running ads today about Trump calling for a bloodbath if he's defeated.  If you watch the speech he was talking about saving the US auto industry from Chinese cars being manufactured in Mexico and sold in the US and the need for tariffs which are opposed by the Biden Administration.  Does it make it less a lie or less contemptible if you really, really, really dislike the opposing candidate

I'll have to wait and see how the Election season plays out.  Normally, I would automatically vote Libertarian but not sure this year.  Curious to see if the no labels party can garner some traction.  If not, for the third time in my life (Reagan 2nd term, Clinton 2nd term), I may have to plug my nose and vote for Trump because the US was undeniably in better position under his leadership and I live in a Swing State.  And don't get me started on the laughing stock nonsense with Trump...they're both buffoons.
Oh, I've despised the sneering s**tbag for decades, I've said that more than once...and I've stared in open confusion at anyone, at any time, that was ever a fan of his exploits. I actually remember, as a teenager, asking why TV news was interviewing some NY real estate assclown about global events.

So, yeah...I've seen him as a narcissistic s**thead for decades, and I'll just keep my opinions of his fan base to myself...but that's remained pretty constant, too.

As he's a proven, consistent lying sack of s**t, though, and can't be trusted to even give an accurate square footage count on his own properties or remember who was actually involved in January 6th (accusing Haley, who wasn't even there, didn't make him look all that mentally superior to Sleepy Joe), why is ANYONE listening to this drip about the auto industry? Unlike his casinos (100% bankrupted, for those of you who chose to forget...I'm here to help!), they actually employ people for generations and have to produce yeah, there will be needed tariff games ahead, but I don't see him being smarter-or more honest, I think he'd sell out our auto industry for his current court bond-than anyone actually in the business.
Pretty much proved my point Z.  You claim to be a third party guy these days...but I think you may have slid over to Team Blue.  Your disdain seems to be directed at only one of the traitorous parties.  About the meanest thing you say about Biden is "Sleepy Joe" there's nothing wrong that a good power nap or 5 hour energy drink won't cure.  Did you watch the hearings last week...getting obvious the Biden's were/are grifters. 

Regardless of your feelings about Trump (and mine for that matter), he deserves to be treated fairly and that isn't happening here.  We're in banana republic territory.  I'm old enough to remember when spying on the opposing political party/presidential candidate was a crime in this it's celebrated with multi-million dollar guest analyst jobs and book deals.  The Deep State knew all along that the Clinton campaign was the source of the Russian dossier yet refused to acknowledge the source and used the dossier as a predicate to spy on Trump and his associates.  Is that any different than breaking into the Watergate hotel?   Comey, Clapper et al not only weren't prosecuted...but instead rewarded by the far Left.  Next..we have the Impeachment hearings.  Breaking previous policy, Trump and the Republicans don't have the right to name their own people to the hearing and certainly Trump's counsel isn't allowed to defend him.  It was a sham.  And not we have the politically motivated trials and attempts to keep Trump off the ballot.  Tell me this verdict and trial wasn't politically motivated?  A prosecutor hellbent on finding anything to charge Trump with and a leftist judge who had already rendered a decision prior to the court proceedings.  No need for a pesky jury.  No need for an actual victim or actual crime.  No need to protect Trump's rights.  I can't stand the guy...but this kind of thing isn't supposed to happen in this Country.  How about the retention of classified materials?  We know Trump did it...we know Biden did it...we know Obama did it...and we know Clinton did it.   Who are we prosecuting?  If you want to beat the it by the rules...apply the law fairly and equitably...otherwise you're no better than he is...and likely much worse.  
Never claim to "think" in your posts, as you'll discredit everything that follows.

"Team Blue"? My response to that rhymes with "row duck pure elf, two boron". Ask for help if you need it.

I comment on s**tbag orange boi a great deal, because he's a pathetic attention whore who is constantly in my news feed, and who's been a petulant, spineless, waste of organic tissue for most of a century. If he's going to be in every other news story in my feeds, I get to comment on the assclown.

No, I didn't comment on every news item in history, and neither do you, except when you're trying to drag out some lame-assed and utterly incorrect point about me. If I had my way, they'd ALL BE PROSECUTED AND WE'D DESTROY THE F**KING DUOPOLY...WHICH I HAVE SAID OFTEN.

Maybe the words were too big...every time?

I've posted many, many times on here about the s**t that the dnc has done to ruin Seattle (my nearest city), their estrangement of police, the vacuous clown we have in the Oval Office (whose s**t in NDAA bills I've pointed out long before), and his babbling political whore VP who seems to repeat her pathetic point 8 times per sentence like a desperate student trying to fill the word requirement on an essay. I've seen the Clintons as the low bar in horrible D.C. liars, I've called every governor on the West Coast traitors for both encouraging riots (here and elsewhere), again with the mistreatment of police, and the attacks on our Constitutional rights...but I guess you were reading something else all of those times.

So, no, I'll never go "Team Blue". "Team Red" (which always sounds like communism, that's awkward) was how I was raised, but when the old guard took over in the 90's, I wasn't stupid, homophobic, or hateful enough to stay in the party. Most of those reasons keep me out to this day, as any party that wants a career lying sack of s**t back, keeps MTG and her "Jewish Space Lasers" around, allowed Santos in at all, has Boebert as another news magnet...yeah, I'm staying Independent.

Is that clear enough?

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