What worries me is that the horrid "leadership" up here in Washington state parrots the worst of Kalifornia, and with terrifying consistency.
CARB EPA restrictions? Hey, we'll inflict those on our people, too!
Gun and magazine restrictions? Da, comrade, we'll restrict/tax firearms and ammunition until only cops and criminal have them...
...oh, and we'll marginalize our police even more than you do! Nothing says "bustling metropolis" like stepping between needles and human excrement before having to step over actual junkies just lying unconscious/dead out in the open...
...because constant complaints of open fentanyl use on public transport do little to get enforcement from the few remaining police.
They enjoy lecturing/pressuring switches to electric cars even as charging points are still inconsistent, and they seem unable to grasp that most working class folks paying on a 10-year-old vehicle don't have the funds to immediately drop $60k+ on some new rolling battery pack.
There's about 7 total brain cells in west coast political leadership, and at least 4 are asleep at any given moment.