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So...Trumplestilskin is Skipping the Debate. SHOCKER!
Quote: @JimmyinSD said:
@AGRforever said:
Did you want to hear him talk?
I am sure he would have bitched about it if he had... classic case of TDS.

on a side note,  what are peoples thoughts on Rasaswamy?
Actually, case of "what dolts ignore decades of lies and narcissim to keep enabling this full-on con man?".  I've never seen anything that explains why people give him one minute of their time, so admittedly...I love to see him stumble, and I'm darkly fascinated as his drones will do essentially anything to deflect blame from him.  It's bizarre, tragic humor.

Vivek is a line-spouter more than a statesman, and his condescending little quips show the lack of depth in his thought processes.  I wish Haley had been less loud in her confrontations with him, but she had the strongest overall least in my opinion.  Her points had layers of knowledge behind them, as opposed to the "quip of dismissal" tack that Vivek is parroting from Trumplestilskin.

The rest were largely nothingburgers.  Desantis is losing ground and relevance by the second.  Christie is competent, but his whole campaign reeks of revenge against orange boi.  Scott's the nicest, Pence has the personality of dried Elmer's glue, etc.

Quote: @Zanary said:
@JimmyinSD said:
@AGRforever said:
Did you want to hear him talk?
I am sure he would have bitched about it if he had... classic case of TDS.

on a side note,  what are peoples thoughts on Rasaswamy?
Actually, case of "what dolts ignore decades of lies and narcissim to keep enabling this full-on con man?".  I've never seen anything that explains why people give him one minute of their time, so admittedly...I love to see him stumble, and I'm darkly fascinated as his drones will do essentially anything to deflect blame from him.  It's bizarre, tragic humor.

Vivek is a line-spouter more than a statesman, and his condescending little quips show the lack of depth in his thought processes.  I wish Haley had been less loud in her confrontations with him, but she had the strongest overall least in my opinion.  Her points had layers of knowledge behind them, as opposed to the "quip of dismissal" tack that Vivek is parroting from Trumplestilskin.

The rest were largely nothingburgers.  Desantis is losing ground and relevance by the second.  Christie is competent, but his whole campaign reeks of revenge against orange boi.  Scott's the nicest, Pence has the personality of dried Elmer's glue, etc.
Sounds like you have a huge case of TDS. Perhaps you need to seek professional help. Seriously.

Quote: @greediron said:
@JimmyinSD said:
@AGRforever said:
@JimmyinSD said:
@AGRforever said:
Did you want to hear him talk?
I am sure he would have bitched about it if he had... classic case of TDS.

on a side note,  what are peoples thoughts on Rasaswamy?
He's to hawkish for my taste (I'm the largest dove on the planet).  But he is by far and away my favorite choice.  If he makes it to the TN primaries, I'll finally be voting FOR someone and not against the other terrible choices. 
I havent seen the Hawkish you describe except for the threat to use force with Mexico if they fail to take care of their shit themselves,  but that was basically going against the cartels to try and stem the flow of chinese fentanyl through mexico.  I likes most of the rest of what I have heard so far, but honestly its just a 2 hour podcast with him that I've listened to.  I think a lot of his policies align with Trump, but seems to be a much better person and seems to have a bit of diplomacy,  other than that though he seems prepared to shrink government and reign in US troops serving as the global police.
Which podcast?  I listened to him on Jordan Peterson and liked what I heard.  So I actually watched the debate to hear more.  Sadly the debate was a shitshow and there wasn't much new.

I don't see the hawkishness either.  He isn't for funding the forever war in Ukraine and elsewhere.  He isn't for funding Israel.  Seems to have a plan whereas the rest just had their tired talking points.  Desantis was the most surprising in regards to how poorly he came across.  He was constantly bouncing, trying to hard for the soundbite.  Pence actually admitted that he would rather sacrifice the Ukrainian people than our soldiers.  A definite member of the forever war party.  

I thought Haley actually made some good points and sounded reasonable until she went shrill harpey on Vivek.
I’m in favor of closing every military base not on US soil and bringing all the troops home. I’d cut military spending until we had a balanced budget. 

I’m unlikely to find a candidate that is my cup of tea. 

Quote: @AGRforever said:
@greediron said:
@JimmyinSD said:
@AGRforever said:
@JimmyinSD said:
@AGRforever said:
Did you want to hear him talk?
I am sure he would have bitched about it if he had... classic case of TDS.

on a side note,  what are peoples thoughts on Rasaswamy?
He's to hawkish for my taste (I'm the largest dove on the planet).  But he is by far and away my favorite choice.  If he makes it to the TN primaries, I'll finally be voting FOR someone and not against the other terrible choices. 
I havent seen the Hawkish you describe except for the threat to use force with Mexico if they fail to take care of their shit themselves,  but that was basically going against the cartels to try and stem the flow of chinese fentanyl through mexico.  I likes most of the rest of what I have heard so far, but honestly its just a 2 hour podcast with him that I've listened to.  I think a lot of his policies align with Trump, but seems to be a much better person and seems to have a bit of diplomacy,  other than that though he seems prepared to shrink government and reign in US troops serving as the global police.
Which podcast?  I listened to him on Jordan Peterson and liked what I heard.  So I actually watched the debate to hear more.  Sadly the debate was a shitshow and there wasn't much new.

I don't see the hawkishness either.  He isn't for funding the forever war in Ukraine and elsewhere.  He isn't for funding Israel.  Seems to have a plan whereas the rest just had their tired talking points.  Desantis was the most surprising in regards to how poorly he came across.  He was constantly bouncing, trying to hard for the soundbite.  Pence actually admitted that he would rather sacrifice the Ukrainian people than our soldiers.  A definite member of the forever war party.  

I thought Haley actually made some good points and sounded reasonable until she went shrill harpey on Vivek.
I’m in favor of closing every military base not on US soil and bringing all the troops home. I’d cut military spending until we had a balanced budget. 

I’m unlikely to find a candidate that is my cup of tea. 
I dont know that I would go that far,  but I dont think we need 800 military installations around the world,  cut it by 50 to 70% to still allow QRFs to he able to do their jobs effectively,  and their necessary support,  as well as still able to support naval and air dominance. but im sure we are extremely redundant with as many bases as we have.  I always found it sad that politicians play poker with domestic base closures to get others to fall in line,  but those foreign bases kept expanding.


Quote: @Purplemachine said:
@Zanary said:
@JimmyinSD said:
@AGRforever said:
Did you want to hear him talk?
I am sure he would have bitched about it if he had... classic case of TDS.

on a side note,  what are peoples thoughts on Rasaswamy?
Actually, case of "what dolts ignore decades of lies and narcissim to keep enabling this full-on con man?".  I've never seen anything that explains why people give him one minute of their time, so admittedly...I love to see him stumble, and I'm darkly fascinated as his drones will do essentially anything to deflect blame from him.  It's bizarre, tragic humor.

Vivek is a line-spouter more than a statesman, and his condescending little quips show the lack of depth in his thought processes.  I wish Haley had been less loud in her confrontations with him, but she had the strongest overall least in my opinion.  Her points had layers of knowledge behind them, as opposed to the "quip of dismissal" tack that Vivek is parroting from Trumplestilskin.

The rest were largely nothingburgers.  Desantis is losing ground and relevance by the second.  Christie is competent, but his whole campaign reeks of revenge against orange boi.  Scott's the nicest, Pence has the personality of dried Elmer's glue, etc.
Sounds like you have a huge case of TDS. Perhaps you need to seek professional help. Seriously.

Support for a liar that started his presidency with a $25 Million fraud payoff due to his "University" is a pretty loud call for help.

Continued support for the lying a$$clown when he pouts about his "stolen" election loss, even as his own appointed judges confirm that he's full of it? Cause for alarm, really.

The drones drone on, and continue to look like a case for taking the vote from the developmentally disabled.

We'd all like to pull our troops home and have less widespread military money drains...

...until the question comes up: who takes over the maritime security (we do a TON of that, worldwide), who keeps the presence that anchors NATO and our other treaties, and who takes over the ability to operate globally, quickly?

Yeah, others should do more, but the truth is: for all our flaws, who else would anyone trust to do it?

Quote: @VikingOracle said:
Give him a break, he has bone spurs.
Whilst you're throwing bon-mots.....Have you worn our country's uniform, VO?  Stood a post?
(and that goes also for your fellow chucklers, Zanary & BigAl?)

Pardon me, if you have. 

You see, I don't mind criticism from those who served....criticism, earned. 

I have.  Took the USN officer oath of my free volition, AFTER earning a doctorate, of which I owed nothing to Uncle Sam. 
My older brother drove an M-1 Abrams tank, in harms way, in Iraq. (way more, than I did).  Highly decorated. 
My father stood a post as a CPO USN, during Vietnam & Korean conflicts.  His father died during WWII.  

So...VO....whilst your casting stones....your military CV? 


Quote: @savannahskol said:
@VikingOracle said:
Give him a break, he has bone spurs.
Whilst you're throwing bon-mots.....Have you worn our country's uniform, VO?  Stood a post?
(and that goes also for your fellow chucklers, Zanary & BigAl?)

Pardon me, if you have. 

You see, I don't mind criticism from those who served....criticism, earned. 

I have.  Took the USN officer oath of my free volition, AFTER earning a doctorate, of which I owed nothing to Uncle Sam. 
My older brother drove an M-1 Abrams tank, in harms way, in Iraq. (way more, than I did).  Highly decorated. 
My father stood a post as a CPO USN, during Vietnam & Korean conflicts.  His father died during WWII.  

So...VO....whilst your casting stones....your military CV? 

Not sure why I offended you by referencing Trump avoiding the draft repeatedly because of bone spears but yet claiming to be the healthiest president ever.

Nope, I did not serve.  My father (son of Polish immigrant who snuck into this country through Canada which would now be considered illegal -- who, BTW, went to work for a mining company in upstate NY where his pay was less than the mandated company housing) enlisted in WW2 along with all his brothers and I largely paid for college from my VA and SS benefits from my father being a disabled veteran.  So, unlike you, Uncle Sam paid for my education (along with college loans) based on my father's service.  

Good for you for your service; I respect it.  You know what rubs me the wrong way, and I knew one personally -- may he rest in peace -- the Swift Boaters who criticized John Kerry but whole heartedly supported Bone Spur Trump to lead our men in uniform.  And doesn't it bother you how Trump treated John McCain?  Here I am upsetting you because I had a laugh at Trump avoiding the draft because of his bone spurs while I am sure you support Trump despite his draft dodging, his statements and actions towards john McCain and calling World War I dead at an American military cemetery in France “losers” and “suckers.”  The Atlantic article, portions of which have been corroborated by the Associated Press, the Washington Post, and Fox News, also reported that when Trump aborted a visit to another World War I cemetery, blaming the weather, he remarked, “Why should I go to that cemetery? It’s filled with losers.” In addition, Trump reportedly said that the presence of maimed U.S. veterans would upset spectators at a military parade, commenting, “Nobody wants to see that.”

And why you think of ways to dismiss the above, keep this in mind when it is time to consider your voting options:

Quote:From the date of the birth of Donald Trump’s grandfather in 1869 to the birth of Tristan Miles Trump in 2011, we see zero military service. This also includes: Frederick Trump (1869-1918); Henry Trump (1899-1900); Fred Christ Trump Sr. (1905-1999); John George Trump (1907-1985); Fred Christ Trump Jr. (1938-1981); Donald J. Trump (1946 to present); Robert Trump (1948-present); John Gordon Trump (1938-2012); Fred Trump III (1962-present); Donald John Trump Jr. (1977-present); Eric Frederick Trump (1984-present); Barron William Trump (2006-present); Christopher Trump (1995-present); William Trump (1999-present); Donald John Trump III (2009-present); Tristan Milos Trump (2011-present); Spencer Frederick Trump (2012-present); John Frederick (Trump) Kushner (2013 to present); and Theodore James (Trump) Kushner (2016 to present).

And then there is Beau.

Quote: @savannahskol said:
@VikingOracle said:
Give him a break, he has bone spurs.
Whilst you're throwing bon-mots.....Have you worn our country's uniform, VO?  Stood a post?
(and that goes also for your fellow chucklers, Zanary & BigAl?)

Pardon me, if you have. 

You see, I don't mind criticism from those who served....criticism, earned. 

I have.  Took the USN officer oath of my free volition, AFTER earning a doctorate, of which I owed nothing to Uncle Sam. 
My older brother drove an M-1 Abrams tank, in harms way, in Iraq. (way more, than I did).  Highly decorated. 
My father stood a post as a CPO USN, during Vietnam & Korean conflicts.  His father died during WWII.  

So...VO....whilst your casting stones....your military CV? 

Actually, I don't think it was the bone spurs that prevented him from debating -- I am guessing he was in the steam room losing those last stubborn pounds so he could move from 240 pounds to his 215 pound mug shot weight.  

Quote: @VikingOracle said:
@savannahskol said:
@VikingOracle said:
Give him a break, he has bone spurs.
Whilst you're throwing bon-mots.....Have you worn our country's uniform, VO?  Stood a post?
(and that goes also for your fellow chucklers, Zanary & BigAl?)

Pardon me, if you have. 

You see, I don't mind criticism from those who served....criticism, earned. 

I have.  Took the USN officer oath of my free volition, AFTER earning a doctorate, of which I owed nothing to Uncle Sam. 
My older brother drove an M-1 Abrams tank, in harms way, in Iraq. (way more, than I did).  Highly decorated. 
My father stood a post as a CPO USN, during Vietnam & Korean conflicts.  His father died during WWII.  

So...VO....whilst your casting stones....your military CV? 

Not sure why I offended you by referencing Trump avoiding the draft repeatedly because of bone spears but yet claiming to be the healthiest president ever.

Nope, I did not serve.  
Why didn't you serve?  Judge Advocate General's is a PROUD unit. 

& what gives YOU any compunction to opine on others who didn't?  
I don't understand the hubris in castigating  others of which you share the same inaction.  Just me, tho. 
(thanks for your honest answer, and I'd rather hear your father's thoughts, much respect to his sacrifice/duty) 


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