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I'm thinking an unstable Russia isn't a good thing...
Quote: @Zanary said:
@greediron said:
@Zanary said:
@greediron said:
@Zanary said:
@JimmyinSD said:
@Skodin said:
@greediron said:
@Skodin said:
@JimmyinSD said:
@Skodin said:
So how are alleged Antifa members Federal Bureau of Investigation members again?  Becoming a FBI is a fucking serious endeavor, these incels have no hope on being feds.  

Another false flag
LOL,  so you dont think the govt uses undercover agents and third party organizations to do their bidding?  OK,  have a nice day.
Never doubted that the government has men on the inside of all potential criminal organizations.  But, what about some fucking evidence before you continue to destroy trust in critical institutions.   

This is reckless speculation that some morons take as gospel.  But go ahead, talk about how bad the American boogeyman is, do it loud and proud.  Actually tell us what you would like to do to them in return

For what.  FBI (Following Biden's Instructions) has done the destroying on their own.  Weaponized against one side, corrupt and inept.

You wouldn't believe the evidence if it arrested you at 5:00 am in front of your wife and children.
Yeah, let us get rid of the FBI and all the work they do every single day in the US.  Good idea.  
LOL,  no wonder you get riled up so easily,  you read something and apparently the voices in your head add context, or meaning that wasnt in the message you read.  Nobody has said anything about getting rid of the FBI...  and getting rid of law enforcement is not something you will find conservatives advocating for,  that typically something associated with the more liberal extreme.

the FBI needs an overhaul at the top to refocus them on what they are supposed to be doing,  and that is not playing sides politically.  
Ah, yes, the "I'm going to claim to know the emotions of an unseen stranger, along with their mentality, due to my authority based on...

...on..., my brilliance! Or something".

Don't be that tool.

Claiming you know the emotions, mind, etc of someone you can't see, hear, and likely have never sat across a table and talked to is basically the opposite of critical thinking, and it always reads as a direct combination of cowardice and stupidity.

I saw that video right after it posted, and the inevitable "IT MUST BE FEDS, CUZ...FEDZZZ!!!!!" responses that came without a single confirming source of anything.  Yeah, it looks a bit suspicious, but even a few seconds of imagination could come up with more than one scenario.  Seriously, the "blame alphabet orgaziations for everything" twits suffer from the classic problem: if all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail. far as an unstable Russia?  We're there. Vlad the wannabe impaler has a series of eggs hitting his face every day his rape/murder excursion into Ukraine has failed, and no amount of passive/aggressive apologism from his drooling fan collective over here (RFK Jr, Trumplestilskin, Tucker the Butthurt, etc) can change the facts that the "special military operation" was a horrible concept that has become a massive, tragic farce for all involved.  If/when the real counteroffensive gets momentum, not even the state-run propagandists in Moscow will be able to explain away the humiliation and a generation of Russian men that have been killed, crippled, or deserted the country.

Someone new is gonna be steering that rickety, dangerous ship soon.
I love when someone claiming to be super smart goes and defends protecting a dictator.  Especially to the tune of 100+ billion (give or take 6B for accounting errors.)

Bans political opponents
bans opposition media
bans churches
suspends elections.

Yeah, go ahead and support that guy.  Most people were intelligent enough to admit they were scammed.
Ummm...yeah, I know this would involve actual reading and understanding, but...I'm pretty sure I'm clearly posting against Vladdy-kins, not defending Zelenskyy.

Take your time, ask for help with the big words....
umm, no. Pretty sure you were the one that gaslit me saying I was disparaging the Ukraine soldiers because I dared question sending billions of dollars to a corrupt dictator.  

But carry on.  Your mind is cement.
I guess all of your points require dishonesty.  No shock.

Where do I ever claim to be super smart, again?  Links, evidence, anything?

Also, given that you're concerned about the dictator that was invaded by a much more horrific, murderous one...who runs a country that's been infamous for provocations against us and practically everyone my entire life...yeah, that's interesting.  I do find the money troubling, but I also find putin's imperialistic ambitions to be much worse.

I fully admit, I'm friends with Ukrainian-Americans and others from former Soviet-era countries that have warned me, for years, that putin was going to do something worse than Crimea.  I was hoping they were wrong.

That said, with the usual dribblers from Faux Nooz finding passive-aggressive babble for their putin apologism, I have to admit that I see that camp as both brutally stupid and terrifyingly quick to defend mass murder.
for fucks sake,  who here has defended putin or russia?   is it possible both countries leadership are cut from the same shit sack cloth and perhaps the US shouldnt be supporting either countries leaders?

Quote: @JimmyinSD said:
@Zanary said:
@greediron said:
@Zanary said:
@greediron said:
@Zanary said:
@JimmyinSD said:
@Skodin said:
@greediron said:
@Skodin said:
@JimmyinSD said:
@Skodin said:
So how are alleged Antifa members Federal Bureau of Investigation members again?  Becoming a FBI is a fucking serious endeavor, these incels have no hope on being feds.  

Another false flag
LOL,  so you dont think the govt uses undercover agents and third party organizations to do their bidding?  OK,  have a nice day.
Never doubted that the government has men on the inside of all potential criminal organizations.  But, what about some fucking evidence before you continue to destroy trust in critical institutions.   

This is reckless speculation that some morons take as gospel.  But go ahead, talk about how bad the American boogeyman is, do it loud and proud.  Actually tell us what you would like to do to them in return

For what.  FBI (Following Biden's Instructions) has done the destroying on their own.  Weaponized against one side, corrupt and inept.

You wouldn't believe the evidence if it arrested you at 5:00 am in front of your wife and children.
Yeah, let us get rid of the FBI and all the work they do every single day in the US.  Good idea.  
LOL,  no wonder you get riled up so easily,  you read something and apparently the voices in your head add context, or meaning that wasnt in the message you read.  Nobody has said anything about getting rid of the FBI...  and getting rid of law enforcement is not something you will find conservatives advocating for,  that typically something associated with the more liberal extreme.

the FBI needs an overhaul at the top to refocus them on what they are supposed to be doing,  and that is not playing sides politically.  
Ah, yes, the "I'm going to claim to know the emotions of an unseen stranger, along with their mentality, due to my authority based on...

...on..., my brilliance! Or something".

Don't be that tool.

Claiming you know the emotions, mind, etc of someone you can't see, hear, and likely have never sat across a table and talked to is basically the opposite of critical thinking, and it always reads as a direct combination of cowardice and stupidity.

I saw that video right after it posted, and the inevitable "IT MUST BE FEDS, CUZ...FEDZZZ!!!!!" responses that came without a single confirming source of anything.  Yeah, it looks a bit suspicious, but even a few seconds of imagination could come up with more than one scenario.  Seriously, the "blame alphabet orgaziations for everything" twits suffer from the classic problem: if all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail. far as an unstable Russia?  We're there. Vlad the wannabe impaler has a series of eggs hitting his face every day his rape/murder excursion into Ukraine has failed, and no amount of passive/aggressive apologism from his drooling fan collective over here (RFK Jr, Trumplestilskin, Tucker the Butthurt, etc) can change the facts that the "special military operation" was a horrible concept that has become a massive, tragic farce for all involved.  If/when the real counteroffensive gets momentum, not even the state-run propagandists in Moscow will be able to explain away the humiliation and a generation of Russian men that have been killed, crippled, or deserted the country.

Someone new is gonna be steering that rickety, dangerous ship soon.
I love when someone claiming to be super smart goes and defends protecting a dictator.  Especially to the tune of 100+ billion (give or take 6B for accounting errors.)

Bans political opponents
bans opposition media
bans churches
suspends elections.

Yeah, go ahead and support that guy.  Most people were intelligent enough to admit they were scammed.
Ummm...yeah, I know this would involve actual reading and understanding, but...I'm pretty sure I'm clearly posting against Vladdy-kins, not defending Zelenskyy.

Take your time, ask for help with the big words....
umm, no. Pretty sure you were the one that gaslit me saying I was disparaging the Ukraine soldiers because I dared question sending billions of dollars to a corrupt dictator.  

But carry on.  Your mind is cement.
I guess all of your points require dishonesty.  No shock.

Where do I ever claim to be super smart, again?  Links, evidence, anything?

Also, given that you're concerned about the dictator that was invaded by a much more horrific, murderous one...who runs a country that's been infamous for provocations against us and practically everyone my entire life...yeah, that's interesting.  I do find the money troubling, but I also find putin's imperialistic ambitions to be much worse.

I fully admit, I'm friends with Ukrainian-Americans and others from former Soviet-era countries that have warned me, for years, that putin was going to do something worse than Crimea.  I was hoping they were wrong.

That said, with the usual dribblers from Faux Nooz finding passive-aggressive babble for their putin apologism, I have to admit that I see that camp as both brutally stupid and terrifyingly quick to defend mass murder.
for fucks sake,  who here has defended putin or russia?   is it possible both countries leadership are cut from the same shit sack cloth and perhaps the US shouldnt be supporting either countries leaders?
Facts aren't necessary if you use the fun sounding phrases like faux nooz.

Communist Russia has always been imperialistic and bad.  Even after the USSR fell apart, they just took a couple steps back, pretended to be enlightened and kept going in the same direction.

But pretending that sending 100s of billions of our tax dollars to be laundered in Ukraine, propping up the military industrial complex by giving away weapons that find their way back to our border, letting a brutal dictator silence opposition, shut down elections and get opposing information censored is asinine. 

Quote: @Zanary said:
I guess all of your points require dishonesty.  No shock.

Where do I ever claim to be super smart, again?  Links, evidence, anything?

Also, given that you're concerned about the dictator that was invaded by a much more horrific, murderous one...who runs a country that's been infamous for provocations against us and practically everyone my entire life...yeah, that's interesting.  I do find the money troubling, but I also find putin's imperialistic ambitions to be much worse.

I fully admit, I'm friends with Ukrainian-Americans and others from former Soviet-era countries that have warned me, for years, that putin was going to do something worse than Crimea.  I was hoping they were wrong.

That said, with the usual dribblers from Faux Nooz finding passive-aggressive babble for their putin apologism, I have to admit that I see that camp as both brutally stupid and terrifyingly quick to defend mass murder.
Hey Z.  I have friends with relatives in the Ukraine as well.  It sucks.  As Greed said, the Russians have always had Imperialist tendencies.  Historically, they feel cheated in our agreement at the end of WWII to not make any push to the East which we've clearly done with the various NATO treaties at Russia's doorstep.  The quick invasion of Georgia right at the end of Bush's Presidency was the first conflict in Europe and Putin's test of the West's resolve.  The whole thing was over in a few days and the reaction was extremely muted and limited to some sanctions.  In fact, there was certainly a faction that blamed Georgia for taunting Russia.  That really set the initial stage for Crimea which Breshnev handed back to the Ukraine in the mid-50s figuring it was all part of the USSR anyway....and than that pesky wall coming down happened.  Obama/Biden/Clinton came into power with the great reset.  Remember the whole reset button fiasco and apologist attitude which included normalizing relations.  Seeing Russia's span of influence fade, Putin made the move to retake Crimea and their warm water port which Russia desperately needed.  A few sanctions later and nothing really happened.  When you sanction Russia's oil and just ends up going to China anyway and is only a one day ocean freighter voyage.  So...once again...really no repercussions from the Obama Administration.  Nothing really happened from a US point of view during the Trump Administration except for a lot of NATO approvals for Soviet block the walls kept getting closer and closer.  Than came Biden and a bunch of the same Obama era foreign policy people that hadn't done much about Crimea.  Combine that with the disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan where we snatched defeat from the jaws of victory.  Why didn't we leave a small stabilizing force in Afghanistan again?  Now we move on the Ukraine.  After watching the retreat in Afghanistan and the weak reaction to many of the same Obama officials from Crimea, did Putin really expect us to do anything?  Really? we're in this thing for Billions.  Here's a news flash...both the Russians and Ukrainians are crooked.  I've done business in both and it's a multi-tiered grift in both Countries.  You don't think Zelensky is getting rich while his people die?  So...the best thing from my point of view is to tell Zelensky behind the scenes the support is coming to an end.  You than tell Putin that you will fast track NATO entry for Ukraine unless he agrees to a cease fire.  You probably also let him keep Crimea.  The way to stop killing innocent civilians is to end the conflict.

So...just don't seem to have an issue with how Bush/the World and subsequently Obama\Biden\Clinton handled Georgia?  You have no issue with Obama\Biden\Clinton and their apologist attitude that likely led directly to the takeover of Crimea?  You single out Trump who really wasn't a part of any of this? 

Here's what Trump said during the CNN Town Hall about the Ukrainian conflict.  From CNN:

"If I'm president, I will have that war settled in one day, 24 hours," Trump declared, saying he would meet with presidents of both countries.When Trump was asked whether he wants Ukraine or Russia to win the war, he answered, "I want everybody to stop dying. They're dying. Russians and Ukrainians. I want them to stop dying. And I'll have that done. I'll have that done in 24 hours. I'll have it done. You need the power of the presidency to do it."   Sounds pretty much like what I've said above which I didn't think was all that controversial.  

Now we're sending in cluster bombs which are often labeled as criminal by the UN due to their ability to do large scale damage often to innocent bystanders.  Are you comfortable with that?  I'm not.  Are you comfortable supporting the Ukraine until they retake the Crimean peninsula and for the long term to help secure the territory.  Russia's not going to give up that port easily.  I'm not comfortable with any of that.  Let's use our power to end the conflict and bring peace to the area.

I luv the sentiment Badger, but dont know what a solve looks like.

If I'm Ukranian it is Russias withdrawal to claimed regions. 

The whole thing smacks of Sudentland 1938. 


Quote: @purplefaithful said:
I luv the sentiment Badger, but dont know what a solve looks like.

If I'm Ukranian it is Russias withdrawal to claimed regions. 

The whole thing smacks of Sudentland 1938. 
The Ukrainians are the ones you can control.  Tell them you're cutting off military and financial aid behind the scenes unless they agree to a cease fire in xx days.  If they want to hold out for Crimea...they're on their own.  

Quote: @badgervike said:
@purplefaithful said:
I luv the sentiment Badger, but dont know what a solve looks like.

If I'm Ukranian it is Russias withdrawal to claimed regions. 

The whole thing smacks of Sudentland 1938. 
The Ukrainians are the ones you can control.  Tell them you're cutting off military and financial aid behind the scenes unless they agree to a cease fire in xx days.  If they want to hold out for Crimea...they're on their own.  
I dont understand that line of thinking...

It would be like Britain/France asking Poland to agree to a cease fire with the Nazi's when they invaded in 39. 

So Russia invades a country and we should ask said country being invaded to agree to a cease fire???


The issue will be the Crimean peninsula.  With the West's money lining their pockets and weaponry putting the Ukraine at an advantage particularly over conscription level troops, the Ukraine is emboldened to retake the Crimean peninsula which was annexed by Putin in 2014.  That's the important item to Putin to retain because it's a desperately needed warm water port.  The two languages spoke in Crimea are their local Tatar language and Russian.  They've been a puppet of Russia for quite some time.  The Ukrainians have enough support to retake the recently seized territories (exclusive of Crimea)...mainly the territory around Kherson, Donetsk and Mariupol  The counteroffensive has been slowed by the extensive use of mines by Russia.  The question is whether the price in lives and $$ is worth fighting a proxy war for Crimea which was already written off a decade ago.  That could get ugly.

Quote: @badgervike said:
The issue will be the Crimean peninsula.  With the West's money lining their pockets and weaponry putting the Ukraine at an advantage particularly over conscription level troops, the Ukraine is emboldened to retak the Crimean peninsula which annexed by Putin in 2014.  That's the important item to Putin to retain because it's a desperately needed warm water port.  The two languages spoke in Crimea are their local Tatar language and Russian.  They've been a puppet of Russia for quite some time.  The Ukrainians have enough support to retake the recently seized territories (exclusive of Crimea)...mainly the territory around Kherson, Donetsk and Mariupol  The counteroffensive has been slowed by the extensive use of mines by Russia.  The question is whether the price in lives and $$ is worth fighting a proxy war for Crimea which was already written off a decade ago.  That could get ugly.
yep,  pretty disingenuous to try and make  a claim for Crimea when that was not an issue until recently,  however I did say back then that Crimea was just Russia probing the fence for future action,  and if they were ever going to try and prevent future action that would have been the time to push back against Russia... but we had sanctions in place so it would all work itself out.

Quote: @badgervike said:
@Zanary said:
I guess all of your points require dishonesty.  No shock.

Where do I ever claim to be super smart, again?  Links, evidence, anything?

Also, given that you're concerned about the dictator that was invaded by a much more horrific, murderous one...who runs a country that's been infamous for provocations against us and practically everyone my entire life...yeah, that's interesting.  I do find the money troubling, but I also find putin's imperialistic ambitions to be much worse.

I fully admit, I'm friends with Ukrainian-Americans and others from former Soviet-era countries that have warned me, for years, that putin was going to do something worse than Crimea.  I was hoping they were wrong.

That said, with the usual dribblers from Faux Nooz finding passive-aggressive babble for their putin apologism, I have to admit that I see that camp as both brutally stupid and terrifyingly quick to defend mass murder.
Hey Z.  I have friends with relatives in the Ukraine as well.  It sucks.  As Greed said, the Russians have always had Imperialist tendencies.  Historically, they feel cheated in our agreement at the end of WWII to not make any push to the East which we've clearly done with the various NATO treaties at Russia's doorstep.  The quick invasion of Georgia right at the end of Bush's Presidency was the first conflict in Europe and Putin's test of the West's resolve.  The whole thing was over in a few days and the reaction was extremely muted and limited to some sanctions.  In fact, there was certainly a faction that blamed Georgia for taunting Russia.  That really set the initial stage for Crimea which Breshnev handed back to the Ukraine in the mid-50s figuring it was all part of the USSR anyway....and than that pesky wall coming down happened.  Obama/Biden/Clinton came into power with the great reset.  Remember the whole reset button fiasco and apologist attitude which included normalizing relations.  Seeing Russia's span of influence fade, Putin made the move to retake Crimea and their warm water port which Russia desperately needed.  A few sanctions later and nothing really happened.  When you sanction Russia's oil and just ends up going to China anyway and is only a one day ocean freighter voyage.  So...once again...really no repercussions from the Obama Administration.  Nothing really happened from a US point of view during the Trump Administration except for a lot of NATO approvals for Soviet block the walls kept getting closer and closer.  Than came Biden and a bunch of the same Obama era foreign policy people that hadn't done much about Crimea.  Combine that with the disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan where we snatched defeat from the jaws of victory.  Why didn't we leave a small stabilizing force in Afghanistan again?  Now we move on the Ukraine.  After watching the retreat in Afghanistan and the weak reaction to many of the same Obama officials from Crimea, did Putin really expect us to do anything?  Really? we're in this thing for Billions.  Here's a news flash...both the Russians and Ukrainians are crooked.  I've done business in both and it's a multi-tiered grift in both Countries.  You don't think Zelensky is getting rich while his people die?  So...the best thing from my point of view is to tell Zelensky behind the scenes the support is coming to an end.  You than tell Putin that you will fast track NATO entry for Ukraine unless he agrees to a cease fire.  You probably also let him keep Crimea.  The way to stop killing innocent civilians is to end the conflict.

So...just don't seem to have an issue with how Bush/the World and subsequently Obama\Biden\Clinton handled Georgia?  You have no issue with Obama\Biden\Clinton and their apologist attitude that likely led directly to the takeover of Crimea?  You single out Trump who really wasn't a part of any of this? 

Here's what Trump said during the CNN Town Hall about the Ukrainian conflict.  From CNN:

"If I'm president, I will have that war settled in one day, 24 hours," Trump declared, saying he would meet with presidents of both countries.When Trump was asked whether he wants Ukraine or Russia to win the war, he answered, "I want everybody to stop dying. They're dying. Russians and Ukrainians. I want them to stop dying. And I'll have that done. I'll have that done in 24 hours. I'll have it done. You need the power of the presidency to do it."   Sounds pretty much like what I've said above which I didn't think was all that controversial.  

Now we're sending in cluster bombs which are often labeled as criminal by the UN due to their ability to do large scale damage often to innocent bystanders.  Are you comfortable with that?  I'm not.  Are you comfortable supporting the Ukraine until they retake the Crimean peninsula and for the long term to help secure the territory.  Russia's not going to give up that port easily.  I'm not comfortable with any of that.  Let's use our power to end the conflict and bring peace to the area.
Well stated Badger.  The US really shouldn't be involved.  Because when they are, they make a mess of it.  Possibly intentionally as war is business, and business is good.  Russia isn't going to give up their port easily and the US leaders are fine with other citizens dying for their profit.

Sending in the cluster bomb reeks of the military contractors getting to offload inventory that had become outdated by them being banned by most conventions.

Hey Z.  I have friends with relatives in the Ukraine as well.  It sucks.  As Greed said, the Russians have always had Imperialist tendencies.  Historically, they feel cheated in our agreement at the end of WWII to not make any push to the East which we've clearly done with the various NATO treaties at Russia's doorstep.  The quick invasion of Georgia right at the end of Bush's Presidency was the first conflict in Europe and Putin's test of the West's resolve.  The whole thing was over in a few days and the reaction was extremely muted and limited to some sanctions.  In fact, there was certainly a faction that blamed Georgia for taunting Russia.  That really set the initial stage for Crimea which Breshnev handed back to the Ukraine in the mid-50s figuring it was all part of the USSR anyway....and than that pesky wall coming down happened.  Obama/Biden/Clinton came into power with the great reset.  Remember the whole reset button fiasco and apologist attitude which included normalizing relations.  Seeing Russia's span of influence fade, Putin made the move to retake Crimea and their warm water port which Russia desperately needed.  A few sanctions later and nothing really happened.  When you sanction Russia's oil and just ends up going to China anyway and is only a one day ocean freighter voyage.  So...once again...really no repercussions from the Obama Administration.  Nothing really happened from a US point of view during the Trump Administration except for a lot of NATO approvals for Soviet block the walls kept getting closer and closer.  Than came Biden and a bunch of the same Obama era foreign policy people that hadn't done much about Crimea.  Combine that with the disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan where we snatched defeat from the jaws of victory.  Why didn't we leave a small stabilizing force in Afghanistan again?  Now we move on the Ukraine.  After watching the retreat in Afghanistan and the weak reaction to many of the same Obama officials from Crimea, did Putin really expect us to do anything?  Really? we're in this thing for Billions.  Here's a news flash...both the Russians and Ukrainians are crooked.  I've done business in both and it's a multi-tiered grift in both Countries.  You don't think Zelensky is getting rich while his people die?  So...the best thing from my point of view is to tell Zelensky behind the scenes the support is coming to an end.  You than tell Putin that you will fast track NATO entry for Ukraine unless he agrees to a cease fire.  You probably also let him keep Crimea.  The way to stop killing innocent civilians is to end the conflict.

So...just don't seem to have an issue with how Bush/the World and subsequently Obama\Biden\Clinton handled Georgia?  You have no issue with Obama\Biden\Clinton and their apologist attitude that likely led directly to the takeover of Crimea?  You single out Trump who really wasn't a part of any of this? 

Here's what Trump said during the CNN Town Hall about the Ukrainian conflict.  From CNN:

"If I'm president, I will have that war settled in one day, 24 hours," Trump declared, saying he would meet with presidents of both countries.
When Trump was asked whether he wants Ukraine or Russia to win the war, he answered, "I want everybody to stop dying. They're dying. Russians and Ukrainians. I want them to stop dying. And I'll have that done. I'll have that done in 24 hours. I'll have it done. You need the power of the presidency to do it."   Sounds pretty much like what I've said above which I didn't think was all that controversial.  

Now we're sending in cluster bombs which are often labeled as criminal by the UN due to their ability to do large scale damage often to innocent bystanders.  Are you comfortable with that?  I'm not.  Are you comfortable supporting the Ukraine until they retake the Crimean peninsula and for the long term to help secure the territory.  Russia's not going to give up that port easily.  I'm not comfortable with any of that.  Let's use our power to end the conflict and bring peace to the area.
Well stated Badger.  The US really shouldn't be involved.  Because when they are, they make a mess of it.  Possibly intentionally as war is business, and business is good.  Russia isn't going to give up their port easily and the US leaders are fine with other citizens dying for their profit.

Sending in the cluster bomb reeks of the military contractors getting to offload inventory that had become outdated by them being banned by most conventions.
Don't be a telegraphing s**t. We've never discussed that topic, so assigning my position is spinelessness.

I don't like how Georgia was handled, I haven't liked much of how any president in my lifetime has handled much of anything...hence, my very consistent position to end the two treasonous "main" parties.

That said, there is no equity in this situation.  Russia very happily enabled/empowered its separatists and planted the seeds for this attempted takeover for many years, and their bent noses over NATO expansion has always been with the blind spot that their former states largely ran to NATO after experiencing WARSAW existence.

Again, the whole " don't think...?" babble being shoveled onto my points is such strawman gutlessness that I barely can think of that post as from a functional person.  I'm painfully aware that every war has profiteers, that every defense industry for eons finds ways to cash in from mankind's most horrible trade, and I'm also aware that any media-fixated figure is likely an instant one-percenter just from the people that will pay for proximity to headlines.

I also, through decades of paying basic attention, am aware that Trumplestilskin is a con man with fraud as a constant hobby (just ask the payout over his "university"), has lied and distorted so many times that the people keeping track are able to list times/places in the thousands, and spent more time talking about the "brilliance" of the worst people on Earth than basic consideration for allies.  He's always been a filthy narcissist, and his fan club are the most vacant drones I've ever witnessed in over half a century on this rock...

...though the west coast lefties insisting that rioters trying to cement Seattle police in their station while also setting it on fire were "mostly peaceful" do come in a close second.

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