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You want to talk DeSantis?
Quote: @Waterboy said:
@Skodin said:
you are a delusional if you think Ron has a chance at beating Don.  Trump has a vice grip on the party and the GOP has been leaning more and more into his hands for the last 6 years.  They cannot unwind it unless completely fracturing the party.  With this antiquated Electoral System, winning is about slim margins.  How do you win a national when your party is split?

here are the facts:

Trump’s not quitting

and if by some miracle by Ron, that gets the nom, Trump runs as an independent

Trump is not giving up this cash cow nor spotlight (means more to him than anything) and on election day his people are voting for him regardless of party affiliation by his name 

Biden gets 70 million votes
Ron gets 50 million
Don gets 20 million

truly pathetic considering how bad liberals are at elections and candidates
Liberals are great at rigging elections via colluding with the media, harvesting votes, and putting the right people in place supposedly counting the votes.  They’ve really learned how to expand and properly rig the vote for all situations within the swing districts.  Makes up for the corrupt, inept, and figurehead leaders they put forward.  
ok . . . great strategy response

while that might be true (and equal for both parties, ever heard of gerrymandering) it says nothing about the problem the GOP has coming with Trump and Ron

unless you think that the former democrat turned republican Trump is a deep state loyalist

Quote: @Skodin said:
@Waterboy said:
@Skodin said:
you are a delusional if you think Ron has a chance at beating Don.  Trump has a vice grip on the party and the GOP has been leaning more and more into his hands for the last 6 years.  They cannot unwind it unless completely fracturing the party.  With this antiquated Electoral System, winning is about slim margins.  How do you win a national when your party is split?

here are the facts:

Trump’s not quitting

and if by some miracle by Ron, that gets the nom, Trump runs as an independent

Trump is not giving up this cash cow nor spotlight (means more to him than anything) and on election day his people are voting for him regardless of party affiliation by his name 

Biden gets 70 million votes
Ron gets 50 million
Don gets 20 million

truly pathetic considering how bad liberals are at elections and candidates
Liberals are great at rigging elections via colluding with the media, harvesting votes, and putting the right people in place supposedly counting the votes.  They’ve really learned how to expand and properly rig the vote for all situations within the swing districts.  Makes up for the corrupt, inept, and figurehead leaders they put forward.  
ok . . . great strategy response

while that might be true (and equal for both parties, ever heard of gerrymandering) it says nothing about the problem the GOP has coming with Trump and Ron

unless you think that the former democrat turned republican Trump is a deep state loyalist
If you think Desantis is a flawed candidate, you're just wrong.  I don't know how this all ends with Trump.  I think he'd be a great next president.  I think Desantis would as well.  I think Desantis has a chance based on a lot of different factors that could come into play. Certainly, the scenario you bring about is a concern.  Gerrymandering has happened both ways and it is hardly an offset for the rampant voter fraud going on in the liberal swing areas.   Trump's election was stolen by the totality of the collusion and fraud, and it was even more egregiously stolen in place like AZ and NV in the Senate and Gubernatorial races in 2022.   Make no mistake, the liberals have their eyes focused on a permanent election strategy with the influx of illegals.  All of it for the worse of our country.... It's obvious, but people don't want to see it.

Quote: @Waterboy said:
@Skodin said:
@Waterboy said:
@Skodin said:
you are a delusional if you think Ron has a chance at beating Don.  Trump has a vice grip on the party and the GOP has been leaning more and more into his hands for the last 6 years.  They cannot unwind it unless completely fracturing the party.  With this antiquated Electoral System, winning is about slim margins.  How do you win a national when your party is split?

here are the facts:

Trump’s not quitting

and if by some miracle by Ron, that gets the nom, Trump runs as an independent

Trump is not giving up this cash cow nor spotlight (means more to him than anything) and on election day his people are voting for him regardless of party affiliation by his name 

Biden gets 70 million votes
Ron gets 50 million
Don gets 20 million

truly pathetic considering how bad liberals are at elections and candidates
Liberals are great at rigging elections via colluding with the media, harvesting votes, and putting the right people in place supposedly counting the votes.  They’ve really learned how to expand and properly rig the vote for all situations within the swing districts.  Makes up for the corrupt, inept, and figurehead leaders they put forward.  
ok . . . great strategy response

while that might be true (and equal for both parties, ever heard of gerrymandering) it says nothing about the problem the GOP has coming with Trump and Ron

unless you think that the former democrat turned republican Trump is a deep state loyalist
If you think Desantis is a flawed candidate, you're just wrong.  I don't know how this all ends with Trump.  I think he'd be a great next president.  I think Desantis would as well.  I think Desantis has a chance based on a lot of different factors that could come into play. Certainly, the scenario you bring about is a concern.  Gerrymandering has happened both ways and it is hardly an offset for the rampant voter fraud going on in the liberal swing areas.   Trump's election was stolen by the totality of the collusion and fraud, and it was even more egregiously stolen in place like AZ and NV in the Senate and Gubernatorial races in 2022.   Make no mistake, the liberals have their eyes focused on a permanent election strategy with the influx of illegals.  All of it for the worse of our country.... It's obvious, but people don't want to see it.
there are no perfect candidates.  Period.  So yes, DeSantis is flawed but how does he beat Trump?  And if he does beat Trump, what makes you think Trump will back him and bow out of the race?  

This is the scenario.  The only way you avoid this, Trump is thrown in prison or dies.  If neither happens, it's a car crash waiting to happen.

Quote: @Skodin said:
there are no perfect candidates.  Period.  So yes, DeSantis is flawed but how does he beat Trump?  And if he does beat Trump, what makes you think Trump will back him and bow out of the race?  

This is the scenario.  The only way you avoid this, Trump is thrown in prison or dies.  If neither happens, it's a car crash waiting to happen.
I think it all comes down to momentum between Trump and DeSantis.  If DeSantis wins a couple of early primaries, I would expect the endorsements and $$ to follow.  There's a lot of people in the GOP that softly support Trump but are secretly waiting for the opportunity to jump to a more electable candidate.  If DeSantis is the likely GOP candidate, I would also potentially expect leaks and possible indictment of Biden the Dems can run someone whose strategy isn't to hide from his opposition.  Biden may be able to justify not debating and directly engaging with Trump...but he can't justify not facing DeSantis.

Quote: @badgervike said:
@Skodin said:
there are no perfect candidates.  Period.  So yes, DeSantis is flawed but how does he beat Trump?  And if he does beat Trump, what makes you think Trump will back him and bow out of the race?  

This is the scenario.  The only way you avoid this, Trump is thrown in prison or dies.  If neither happens, it's a car crash waiting to happen.
I think it all comes down to momentum between Trump and DeSantis.  If DeSantis wins a couple of early primaries, I would expect the endorsements and $$ to follow.  There's a lot of people in the GOP that softly support Trump but are secretly waiting for the opportunity to jump to a more electable candidate.  If DeSantis is the likely GOP candidate, I would also potentially expect leaks and possible indictment of Biden the Dems can run someone whose strategy isn't to hide from his opposition.  Biden may be able to justify not debating and directly engaging with Trump...but he can't justify not facing DeSantis.
An indictment of Biden??? On what?  Talk about giving red meat to the extremist.  

I don't think Biden is going to be running from Trump or DeSantis, who is stating he is not going to debate them?

Quote: @Skodin said:
@badgervike said:
@Skodin said:
there are no perfect candidates.  Period.  So yes, DeSantis is flawed but how does he beat Trump?  And if he does beat Trump, what makes you think Trump will back him and bow out of the race?  

This is the scenario.  The only way you avoid this, Trump is thrown in prison or dies.  If neither happens, it's a car crash waiting to happen.
I think it all comes down to momentum between Trump and DeSantis.  If DeSantis wins a couple of early primaries, I would expect the endorsements and $$ to follow.  There's a lot of people in the GOP that softly support Trump but are secretly waiting for the opportunity to jump to a more electable candidate.  If DeSantis is the likely GOP candidate, I would also potentially expect leaks and possible indictment of Biden the Dems can run someone whose strategy isn't to hide from his opposition.  Biden may be able to justify not debating and directly engaging with Trump...but he can't justify not facing DeSantis.
An indictment of Biden??? On what?  Talk about giving red meat to the extremist.  

I don't think Biden is going to be running from Trump or DeSantis, who is stating he is not going to debate them?
Are you f..king serious?  Biden should already be indicted for Ukraine and China for treason with a fair DOJ.  There have been obvious payouts to Hunter and to the "Big Guy" at this point.  Add the weaponization of federal agencies, the numerous classified documents, and his general dementia making him a candidate for the 25th amendment, and there are any number of ways for Joe's own to get rid of him if they so choose.  He just has all the right people still happening to put their bets his way at this point because every other liberal candidate is even worse.

Quote: @Skodin said:
@Waterboy said:
@Skodin said:
@Waterboy said:
@Skodin said:
you are a delusional if you think Ron has a chance at beating Don.  Trump has a vice grip on the party and the GOP has been leaning more and more into his hands for the last 6 years.  They cannot unwind it unless completely fracturing the party.  With this antiquated Electoral System, winning is about slim margins.  How do you win a national when your party is split?

here are the facts:

Trump’s not quitting

and if by some miracle by Ron, that gets the nom, Trump runs as an independent

Trump is not giving up this cash cow nor spotlight (means more to him than anything) and on election day his people are voting for him regardless of party affiliation by his name 

Biden gets 70 million votes
Ron gets 50 million
Don gets 20 million

truly pathetic considering how bad liberals are at elections and candidates
Liberals are great at rigging elections via colluding with the media, harvesting votes, and putting the right people in place supposedly counting the votes.  They’ve really learned how to expand and properly rig the vote for all situations within the swing districts.  Makes up for the corrupt, inept, and figurehead leaders they put forward.  
ok . . . great strategy response

while that might be true (and equal for both parties, ever heard of gerrymandering) it says nothing about the problem the GOP has coming with Trump and Ron

unless you think that the former democrat turned republican Trump is a deep state loyalist
If you think Desantis is a flawed candidate, you're just wrong.  I don't know how this all ends with Trump.  I think he'd be a great next president.  I think Desantis would as well.  I think Desantis has a chance based on a lot of different factors that could come into play. Certainly, the scenario you bring about is a concern.  Gerrymandering has happened both ways and it is hardly an offset for the rampant voter fraud going on in the liberal swing areas.   Trump's election was stolen by the totality of the collusion and fraud, and it was even more egregiously stolen in place like AZ and NV in the Senate and Gubernatorial races in 2022.   Make no mistake, the liberals have their eyes focused on a permanent election strategy with the influx of illegals.  All of it for the worse of our country.... It's obvious, but people don't want to see it.
there are no perfect candidates.  Period.  So yes, DeSantis is flawed but how does he beat Trump?  And if he does beat Trump, what makes you think Trump will back him and bow out of the race?  

This is the scenario.  The only way you avoid this, Trump is thrown in prison or dies.  If neither happens, it's a car crash waiting to happen.
Unlike the general election, the primaries are not likely to be swayed by voter fraud.  Trump will be much more likely to accept that outcome.  Trump will not form a third party run as it's a known loser.  If Trump can't win the Republican primary, he sits on the sideline, I think.  You pointed out a couple of factors that could sideline Trump, also a crash of donor support and general public support would do it as well.  I don't know how to predict what that is, but history tells us the Republican front-runner in the beginning often isn't the front-runner at the end, so we shall see.


Quote: @Skodin said:
@badgervike said:
@Skodin said:
there are no perfect candidates.  Period.  So yes, DeSantis is flawed but how does he beat Trump?  And if he does beat Trump, what makes you think Trump will back him and bow out of the race?  

This is the scenario.  The only way you avoid this, Trump is thrown in prison or dies.  If neither happens, it's a car crash waiting to happen.
I think it all comes down to momentum between Trump and DeSantis.  If DeSantis wins a couple of early primaries, I would expect the endorsements and $$ to follow.  There's a lot of people in the GOP that softly support Trump but are secretly waiting for the opportunity to jump to a more electable candidate.  If DeSantis is the likely GOP candidate, I would also potentially expect leaks and possible indictment of Biden the Dems can run someone whose strategy isn't to hide from his opposition.  Biden may be able to justify not debating and directly engaging with Trump...but he can't justify not facing DeSantis.
An indictment of Biden??? On what?  Talk about giving red meat to the extremist.  

I don't think Biden is going to be running from Trump or DeSantis, who is stating he is not going to debate them?
I don't think there's any doubt the Biden family fortunes have been enhanced by selling access.  The  question is whether the press or FBI does anything about it.  If Biden is unelectable, expect the worm to turn and Biden gets taken out by friendly fire.

Biden hasn't come out and said he won't debate Trump but listen to those around him.  They're questioning why they should subject Biden to Trump's lies, etc. during a debate.  I would expect that drum beat to get stronger as we get closer to the election.  Do you honestly think Biden's team wants him to debate?

Quote: @badgervike said:
@Skodin said:
@badgervike said:
@Skodin said:
there are no perfect candidates.  Period.  So yes, DeSantis is flawed but how does he beat Trump?  And if he does beat Trump, what makes you think Trump will back him and bow out of the race?  

This is the scenario.  The only way you avoid this, Trump is thrown in prison or dies.  If neither happens, it's a car crash waiting to happen.
I think it all comes down to momentum between Trump and DeSantis.  If DeSantis wins a couple of early primaries, I would expect the endorsements and $$ to follow.  There's a lot of people in the GOP that softly support Trump but are secretly waiting for the opportunity to jump to a more electable candidate.  If DeSantis is the likely GOP candidate, I would also potentially expect leaks and possible indictment of Biden the Dems can run someone whose strategy isn't to hide from his opposition.  Biden may be able to justify not debating and directly engaging with Trump...but he can't justify not facing DeSantis.
An indictment of Biden??? On what?  Talk about giving red meat to the extremist.  

I don't think Biden is going to be running from Trump or DeSantis, who is stating he is not going to debate them?
I don't think there's any doubt the Biden family fortunes have been enhanced by selling access.  The  question is whether the press or FBI does anything about it.  If Biden is unelectable, expect the worm to turn and Biden gets taken out by friendly fire.

Biden hasn't come out and said he won't debate Trump but listen to those around him.  They're questioning why they should subject Biden to Trump's lies, etc. during a debate.  I would expect that drum beat to get stronger as we get closer to the election.  Do you honestly think Biden's team wants him to debate?
biden cant deliver a prepared statement let alone an open debate where he would have to think and speak on the fly,  he IS the embarrassment that so many on the left were convinced that Trump would be.  All the talk about Trumps kids,  and you have Hunter... all the talk about Trumps shady dealings and you have Ukraine and China ( and I'm sure many many more )  its laughable that anybody would consider bashing Trump and defending Biden.   its terrifying that anybody thinks that either of them should be president of the United States in 2 years IMO.

Quote: @badgervike said:
@Skodin said:
@badgervike said:
@Skodin said:
there are no perfect candidates.  Period.  So yes, DeSantis is flawed but how does he beat Trump?  And if he does beat Trump, what makes you think Trump will back him and bow out of the race?  

This is the scenario.  The only way you avoid this, Trump is thrown in prison or dies.  If neither happens, it's a car crash waiting to happen.
I think it all comes down to momentum between Trump and DeSantis.  If DeSantis wins a couple of early primaries, I would expect the endorsements and $$ to follow.  There's a lot of people in the GOP that softly support Trump but are secretly waiting for the opportunity to jump to a more electable candidate.  If DeSantis is the likely GOP candidate, I would also potentially expect leaks and possible indictment of Biden the Dems can run someone whose strategy isn't to hide from his opposition.  Biden may be able to justify not debating and directly engaging with Trump...but he can't justify not facing DeSantis.
An indictment of Biden??? On what?  Talk about giving red meat to the extremist.  

I don't think Biden is going to be running from Trump or DeSantis, who is stating he is not going to debate them?
I don't think there's any doubt the Biden family fortunes have been enhanced by selling access.  The  question is whether the press or FBI does anything about it.  If Biden is unelectable, expect the worm to turn and Biden gets taken out by friendly fire.

Biden hasn't come out and said he won't debate Trump but listen to those around him.  They're questioning why they should subject Biden to Trump's lies, etc. during a debate.  I would expect that drum beat to get stronger as we get closer to the election.  Do you honestly think Biden's team wants him to debate?
Biden family, like the Bush family using their influence for personal gain.  That's access and influence is only exclusive to POWER not party.

Yes, he's already beat him once.  Do you think if Trump wins the nomination (after further ostracizing old school GOP nominees) he will be able to pull more than what he got in 2020 when he was the President?  Even his former handpicked teammates says he wins the nom but loses the general election.  

I do believe the Biden team is making a huge mistake by not replacing Harris.  I thought she was a terrible choice, I liked Val Demmings, former Chief of Police in Orlando (if you were going to go black woman).  By keeping Harris around, that's not quite inspiring especially if Joe wins and potentially kicks the bucket.  Andy Beshear, Amy Klobuchar, much better options than Harris as VP but I like said, Democrats are terrible at picking quality candidates & running campaigns

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