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Forgive student debt, yes or no?
Why not put the loans back on the universities that created them?  If SDSU accepted Billy,  kept Billy there for 5 years on a degree that could have been done in 3,  even though he was fucking off most the time and just racking up debt...then maybe SDSU needs to figure out how to help Billy out of his situation. 

A lot of these colleges have unlimited budgets for athletics,  recruitment,  airplanes, building funds,  land, etc.... lets puts the burden on those that create the problem,  and dont let them pass it back to the peoples of their states.  We hear about the billions that colleges are making off their sports programs....well how about that go towards student debt relief since a lot of those debts are student taxes used to subsidize athletic facilities and programs for the athletics at many schools.  The TV  money alone the big 10 is talking about right now would go a long way towards helping this problem nation wide.

Quote: @JimmyinSD said:
Why not put the loans back on the universities that created them?  If SDSU accepted Billy,  kept Billy there for 5 years on a degree that could have been done in 3,  even though he was fucking off most the time and just racking up debt...then maybe SDSU needs to figure out how to help Billy out of his situation. 

A lot of these colleges have unlimited budgets for athletics,  recruitment,  airplanes, building funds,  land, etc.... lets puts the burden on those that create the problem,  and dont let them pass it back to the peoples of their states.  We hear about the billions that colleges are making off their sports programs....well how about that go towards student debt relief since a lot of those debts are student taxes used to subsidize athletic facilities and programs for the athletics at many schools.  The TV  money alone the big 10 is talking about right now would go a long way towards helping this problem nation wide.
Preach on!!!  I specifically went to a D3 school so I wouldn’t be covering the cost of the football program. 

TN Tech here in cookeville has so much money coming in that they are outbidding the medical community for land. 

They been on a building frenzy for yeas and almost all of it goes towards fluff. New mega spots center, massive remodeling in admin offices. I do hear that an engineering building is coming but thats the first new building for actual teaching in quite some time. 


Quote: @Vanguard83 said:
Im as liberal as they come...

we saved, and did without so our kids could get a college education, without having to take out any loans.

For Those of us that planned and sacrificed and always, we are the ones that end up getting F’ked over.  Take a loan out? pay that shit back.   SIMPLE

Wanna fix the problem?  MAKE COLLEGE TUITION AFFORDABLE, so you dont need $200,000 for a bachelors degree.

but that wont happen, colleges and universities have discovered they are a “business” not an institution for learning, and they will continue to raise expectations of what a degree means as exponentially as tuition costs.
This is all about buying votes. Nothing more or less. 

Quote: @JimmyinSD said:
Why not put the loans back on the universities that created them?  If SDSU accepted Billy,  kept Billy there for 5 years on a degree that could have been done in 3,  even though he was fucking off most the time and just racking up debt...then maybe SDSU needs to figure out how to help Billy out of his situation. 

A lot of these colleges have unlimited budgets for athletics,  recruitment,  airplanes, building funds,  land, etc.... lets puts the burden on those that create the problem,  and dont let them pass it back to the peoples of their states.  We hear about the billions that colleges are making off their sports programs....well how about that go towards student debt relief since a lot of those debts are student taxes used to subsidize athletic facilities and programs for the athletics at many schools.  The TV  money alone the big 10 is talking about right now would go a long way towards helping this problem nation wide.
LOVE THIS!  These University have MULTI BILLION DOLLAR endowments.  Let them pay them

I am torn by practicality vs emotional as my kid has student loans to pay-back. 

That said, we sheltered her from the debt being crushing by scrimping/saving and prioritizing a college education for our kid when we were younger and both working full time.  We wanted her to have some skin in the game and hence some college debt.

A large part of the problem is costs and its really up to the universities and higher order institutions to reign costs in so these kids lives aren't challenged and changed for literally decades. 

Biden has a political promise to keep ; so that's what he's doing right now. Whether it helps him down the road remains to be seen. 

Quote: @purplefaithful said:
I am torn by practicality vs emotional as my kid has student loans to pay-back. 

That said, we sheltered her from the debt being crushing by scrimping/saving and prioritizing a college education for our kid when we were younger and both working full time.  We wanted her to have some skin in the game and hence some college debt.

A large part of the problem is costs and its really up to the universities and higher order institutions to reign costs in so these kids lives aren't challenged and changed for literally decades. 

Biden has a political promise to keep ; so that's what he's doing right now. Whether it helps him down the road remains to be seen. 
My daughter is an RN,  it wasnt her first career choice,  but when  we sat her down and showed her starting teacher pay vs the cost to get that degree and the costs of getting her RN and the pay scale and opportunities that come with that degree,  she decided that the math didnt work to become a math teacher.  More kids need to look at the math before committing to the debt,  its not different than home loans, car loans, or anything else.   we all likely had other dreams we would have preferred to chase,  but most of us had the foresight to face the realities of the costs of chasing those dreams and chose better paths.  We have a massive shortage in many well paying fields that dont require mountains of debt to get a degree to work in them,  IMO the direction should be to get more kids to look at these fields,  even if its just a temporary pay check to be able to afford to chase their dream degree debt free.  I empathize with those that have debt,  any debt,  regardless of the type of debt,  I have been there, but I dont feel obligate to pay their debt for them,  if they took on the debt,  they can work off the debt,  thats part of being an adult.

Maybe Biden should be a real leader and tackle the damn problem instead of spending billions on more band aids.

Quote: @JimmyinSD said:
@purplefaithful said:
I am torn by practicality vs emotional as my kid has student loans to pay-back. 

That said, we sheltered her from the debt being crushing by scrimping/saving and prioritizing a college education for our kid when we were younger and both working full time.  We wanted her to have some skin in the game and hence some college debt.

A large part of the problem is costs and its really up to the universities and higher order institutions to reign costs in so these kids lives aren't challenged and changed for literally decades. 

Biden has a political promise to keep ; so that's what he's doing right now. Whether it helps him down the road remains to be seen. 
My daughter is an RN,  it wasnt her first career choice,  but when  we sat her down and showed her starting teacher pay vs the cost to get that degree and the costs of getting her RN and the pay scale and opportunities that come with that degree,  she decided that the math didnt work to become a math teacher.  More kids need to look at the math before committing to the debt,  its not different than home loans, car loans, or anything else.   we all likely had other dreams we would have preferred to chase,  but most of us had the foresight to face the realities of the costs of chasing those dreams and chose better paths.  We have a massive shortage in many well paying fields that dont require mountains of debt to get a degree to work in them,  IMO the direction should be to get more kids to look at these fields,  even if its just a temporary pay check to be able to afford to chase their dream degree debt free.  I empathize with those that have debt,  any debt,  regardless of the type of debt,  I have been there, but I dont feel obligate to pay their debt for them,  if they took on the debt,  they can work off the debt,  thats part of being an adult.

Maybe Biden should be a real leader and tackle the damn problem instead of spending billions on more band aids.
Agreed.  Joe should reinstate the rules the Obama admin put regarding predatory loans from For Profit colleges.  The rules that good ole' Betsy DeVos repealed.

Wiping the slate clean for all students?  Absolutely not, but protecting the ones that were fucked by for profit colleges and pushing back on the current academic sector's bloated budget needs, 100%.

Quote: @Skodin said:
@JimmyinSD said:
@purplefaithful said:
I am torn by practicality vs emotional as my kid has student loans to pay-back. 

That said, we sheltered her from the debt being crushing by scrimping/saving and prioritizing a college education for our kid when we were younger and both working full time.  We wanted her to have some skin in the game and hence some college debt.

A large part of the problem is costs and its really up to the universities and higher order institutions to reign costs in so these kids lives aren't challenged and changed for literally decades. 

Biden has a political promise to keep ; so that's what he's doing right now. Whether it helps him down the road remains to be seen. 
My daughter is an RN,  it wasnt her first career choice,  but when  we sat her down and showed her starting teacher pay vs the cost to get that degree and the costs of getting her RN and the pay scale and opportunities that come with that degree,  she decided that the math didnt work to become a math teacher.  More kids need to look at the math before committing to the debt,  its not different than home loans, car loans, or anything else.   we all likely had other dreams we would have preferred to chase,  but most of us had the foresight to face the realities of the costs of chasing those dreams and chose better paths.  We have a massive shortage in many well paying fields that dont require mountains of debt to get a degree to work in them,  IMO the direction should be to get more kids to look at these fields,  even if its just a temporary pay check to be able to afford to chase their dream degree debt free.  I empathize with those that have debt,  any debt,  regardless of the type of debt,  I have been there, but I dont feel obligate to pay their debt for them,  if they took on the debt,  they can work off the debt,  thats part of being an adult.

Maybe Biden should be a real leader and tackle the damn problem instead of spending billions on more band aids.
Agreed.  Joe should reinstate the rules the Obama admin put regarding predatory loans from For Profit colleges.  The rules that good ole' Betsy DeVos repealed.

Wiping the slate clean for all students?  Absolutely not, but protecting the ones that were fucked by for profit colleges and pushing back on the current academic sector's bloated budget needs, 100%.
what % of the this student loan debt mountain was created by these dastardly for profit colleges, and who held the gun that forced these adults to take the loans to attend these schools?

You can't really put the costs solely on the universities, you need to look at the State Boards of Regents and the Legislators.  These are the folks raising the tuition's and cutting back budgets.  In Iowa we are so happy we are getting tax cuts so it all balances out.

I am back and forth on this one. Tuition prices are ridiculous. Student loans are a racket. Reform is needed all around. And yet some people are just drowning in debt. I get that Bobby chose to study anthropology or even worse spent 7 years in college trying to find himself. Maybe he didn't know what he wanted to do. That's where mentorship and shadowing could help. I also think maybe some people need a gap year. There is a lot of pressure to prepare for college and if you don't know what you want, maybe waiting a year could help. I also get being responsible and making good choices. Don't take out more than you need and don't be stupid with the money. But we have bailed out the auto industry, banks and numerous other agencies, I am thinking giving some of the masses a break may be a good investment in the future. I especially like that those that were defrauded by some schools are getting their loans forgiven. Government is so quick to help corporations but when it comes to the majority of regular people not so much. 

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