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MMQB: What Zimmer Wants From F.M. Cousins
Quote: @Havoc1649 said:
Our government, with the extensive help of nearly every media apparatus in the country, spent 2 years knowingly lying to the American people for the sole purpose of getting rid of a President. By fabricating the entirety of the Russia collusion narrative, incredible damage has been done to this Republic on a foundational level. 
By taking these actions, the trust the people have in our government and our media is absolutely obliterated. Barring a complete and total action to hold those involved responsible, I see it as highly unlikely 50% of the country will ever fully believe the media or our government ever again. I expect that 50% number to be low considering I know people of all political backgrounds who feel this way for one reason or another. 
So consider me shocked that a chunk of the population doesn’t believe anything. They are not being irrational and one would need to detach from reality to believe they are. People are simply responding to their present day experience with their government and the media and we’re all getting to witness the result. 
Until we have actual leadership that will ensure accountability and restore the people’s faith in our institutions, nothing will change. DC simply cannot continue to operate in the manner it has been the past 20 years. 
Our leaders are fucking high to have the mouthpiece of this thing be a guy linked to the lab potentially involved in its release. Fauci should have never been the guy and certainly should have been removed as soon as people started to learn of his involvement with that lab. He has no credibility.

In summation, nothing will change anytime soon. People simply don’t believe.

On a personal note, I’ve been vaccinated since February and have had zero side affects. For those on the fence, the statistical probability you will have long term issues from these is not high. I personally know several people dead from COVID. The most recent was a 36 year old single mother of two. She suffered for 43 days before losing her life. She died begging everyone she knew to get vaccinated. Like many have done, she wanted to wait and see how it went. 
At the end of the day, this is not a difficult decision if you remove emotion from the equation. Covid poses an exponentially greater risk to your life than the vaccine. It’s not close. If you do survive it, the long term ramifications at this point are looking grim. I know two early 40’s year old men with young kids, dead from heart conditions developed from their Covid exposure. It’s taking more people than we realize and it will be a long time before we can truly get an understanding of just how bad it is. Good luck to all of you. I pray none of you get a serious case of it. The results are horrifying and it is often a truly brutal death. 
You need to look much deeper than "the media" for an explanation. Vaccine hesitancy existed long before anyone imagined that the former guy could be elected to an office that he and many followers still insist was stolen when he ran for re-election (LIE).  Just nuts. There are a variety of people who are anti-vax. And yes, some actually are irrational.

Quote: @MaroonBells said:
@"BarrNone55" said:
@purplefaithful said:
@"BarrNone55" said:
Team will never be first with this guy. I'm done. There's about 5 QBs next year that will be worthy of a first. Cousins can move to Branson to perform in musicals. Fuck him.
I'm disappointed with him as leader of this team and frustrated too. Add Thielen and Smith to the list.  

Cousins is just one of millions I'm sick and tired of. People keeping this country mired in F'ing COVID. 

[Image: sack8_1_21color.jpg]
Amen, brother. I'm just completely fed up with this bull shit. Maybe a PSA running hourly of someone being intubated will drive the message home for some. 
Agree. Businesses spend billions on clever marketing campaigns to get Americans to purchase thousands of products they don't need. It shouldn't be necessary for a FREE, life-saving vaccine, but the government should enlist an ad agency to help get more people vaccinated. Right now, the anti-vax crowd is getting its information from dubious sources: either the media they don't trust, or politicians, whom they trust even less. Put together a campaign--a series of compelling ads with facts and consequences. Put Trump in it if you have to. Put Bush in it, an evangelical, Tom Hanks--hell, put a puppy, monkey and a baby in it for all I care, but what we're doing now is not working. 


Quote: @greediron said:
@Nichelle said:
@greediron said:
So Mond, who is vaccinated tested positive, but it is Kirk's fault.  Because the NFL came up with some bullshit rules to punish those who would dare to not follow the rules of the machine.
Let's be real. It's a business. The NFL wants revenue. The NFL wants butts in seats. Yes, there is pressure to reduce the spread, period. When a business goes as far to say that games could be fully forfeited, they are certainly using everything in their power to put their thumb on the scale and get results.

And I'm here for it.
Yes, but why does a vaxxed person testing positive and putting the whole room in time out reflect on someone else.  Everyone is claiming Kirk's choice is affecting others, well it wasn't his choice for Mond to test positive.  Can't anyone see the double standard?  


So word is everyone was jumping to incorrect conclusions.  Mond wasn't vaxxed?  Good for him.  Hope Browning starts a whole bunch of games this year while the rest of the QB room collects bills and chills in "covid restrictions".  Hopefully the room stands strong, would be funny to watch Zim and the NFL squirm.


Person, woman, man, camera, TV. Damn I miss that much needed leadership!  Wink Confused  

All of us chuckling at GB’s dysfunction all offseason and now everything is hunky dory over there, and the Vikings are a mess.

Why wasnt I born a Pats fan  Confused

Quote: @pattersaur said:
All of us chuckling at GB’s dysfunction all offseason and now everything is hunky dory over there, and the Vikings are a mess.

Why wasnt I born a Pats fan  Confused
I thought about that for a milli-second today. Then concluded that we would still be a mess whether Green Bay was dysfunctional or not. Even if it was bound to happen, I still enjoyed some Packer angst in the off season.

Gotta take it where I can get it  =)

Quote: @Vikergirl said:
@Knucklehead said:
@purplefaithful said:
There may be some where a PSA might change some thinking, but I don't think that's a high % among those that haven't yet.

Pay em a $100?? I dont think that will do much either.

Only thing that'll work? Mandates and/or a variant with an extremely high fatality rate. In other words, they need to be scared to death of it or die from it. 

That sounds ridiculously callous, but I believe it to be gospel truth. 
It's going to be the health insurance companies that will turn the tide on this issue. If your vaccinated & get Covid, we'll pay your costs. But, if your unvaccinated & get Covid, your not covered.
I really feel for healthcare workers right now. My sister is a doctor. She is burnt out and went down to part time recently. She was working 6-7 days a week. She was on a cot at the hospital. They were short staffed. She was working 16-18 hour days, sometimes more. Her husband is a doctor. He is burnt out too. She lost 3 friends and fellow healthcare workers this year. 2 to suicide and 1 to cancer. They need a break somehow. 
That has to be so frustrating and disheartening. It's one thing to give everything during the pandemic when there were no vaccines available. Watching people die and families suffer daily had to be incredibly hard. But, now to watch people be hospitalized and die when they chose not to take steps to save themselves (and others) would seem particularly frustrating.

It just seems simple to me. One should be compassionate and selfless enough to be vaccinated not necessarily  for themselves, but for others - their children, parents, grandparents, co-workers, friends.... Each should ask themselves - is their headstrong stance worth the health, or lives, of their loved ones?

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