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MMQB: What Zimmer Wants From F.M. Cousins
Quote: @Waterboy said:
@JR44 said:
@Waterboy said:
@1VikesFan said:
I work in the Health Care field...GET VACCINATED 
My fiancée works in the health care field and sees adverse reactions to the vaccine every day.  My best buddy has a doctorate in clinical research for the drug and the RNA methodology is experimental in nature at best .  My fiancée's close friend's relative  is on the team responsible for creation of the vaccines and said for healthy individuals under the age of 50, the benefits are a coin flip at best.   New generation drugs are much safer and will be much more effective, and likely to be available as soon as next year.  Safer on a magnitude of 100:1.  Adverse effects of these drugs that are currently known would have stopped the tests and put them back into trials at this point.  The govt. is NOT fully distributing information detrimental to their cause. The govt is fact checking facebook.  Normal people with brains might start to question what the hell is going on here.  I love when people who are totally ignorant start to believe their one size fits all point of views should be adopted by society.  All that has happened is that one side of a shiny coin has been shown to a scared public, and those that live in fear so want it to be true that they now know it all.  Congrats on that.  
So your fiancé didn't tell you that over 99% of the people who are dying from Covid are unvaccinated?   Let's see a sore shoulder and some aches for a day or severe Covid implications.  LOL
And it's their choice...  Also, please tell any and all of us about the long-term side effects from the vaccine that have not been determined as of yet, but are of definite concern to the developers of the vaccine.   If everybody who is vaccinated is so safe, why are they worried if I'm not?  And I'm sure that 99% is fact checked by the same media and govt that has been lying to us over and over again to promote their agenda of choice.   Also 99+% of Americans were fine prior to having any vaccine.   But, that number's not fair, because it doesn't fit the narrative.

BTW, I had a very close relative die of Covid-19 who was not exactly in a traditional high-risk group.  The disease is real and it sucks.  It just isn't up to the government to be telling us how to handle our own care.  Next thing they'll require is a chip monitoring the number of miles we fly to make sure we're not killing everybody due to our lack of climate change awareness.  
Hmm. OK. Keep talking please.
If the disease is real can you tell us what has been right about the efforts to curb its spread? I ask because it seems everything that has been and is being done is wrong to some here. What do you propose or what has your fiancée suggested?
- First the disease was a hoax then well it was kind of true but more like the flu. Now it is real
- Then masks don't work, then they were an abuse of the constitution, now they kind of work but should be optional
- Lastly there was bleach and all the other crazy 'cures', then the vaccine which was fast tracked by Trump. When he was out of office the vaccine was now going to kill us all and implant chips in people, now the side effects re grave and it is a big pharma scams.


Skol Cole
· 3h
Paul Allen just said he knows for sure that there are three players who will quit before getting vaxxed.

If one of these players is Kirk, would he still get his guaranteed money? That'd have to void right?

Quote: @greediron said:
@Nichelle said:
@greediron said:
So Mond, who is vaccinated tested positive, but it is Kirk's fault.  Because the NFL came up with some bullshit rules to punish those who would dare to not follow the rules of the machine.
Let's be real. It's a business. The NFL wants revenue. The NFL wants butts in seats. Yes, there is pressure to reduce the spread, period. When a business goes as far to say that games could be fully forfeited, they are certainly using everything in their power to put their thumb on the scale and get results.

And I'm here for it.
Yes, but why does a vaxxed person testing positive and putting the whole room in time out reflect on someone else.  Everyone is claiming Kirk's choice is affecting others, well it wasn't his choice for Mond to test positive.  Can't anyone see the double standard?  
The whole room didn't get put in timeout, the one guy who was vaccinated, Browning, was able to play and practice this week, which is the main point, Cousins knows the protocol rules and the way they could effect the team.  Had he been vaccinated he would have played Saturday and would be practicing this week, that is why Zimmer is so upset.  Regardless if you agree with the rules, if you are the leader of the team and you know the protocols and you are not vaccinated then it says all about you as a team player.  
[Image: E4Bk2l2VgAE74B1?format=png&name=large]

Quote: @mblack said:
@Waterboy said:
@JR44 said:
@Waterboy said:
@1VikesFan said:
I work in the Health Care field...GET VACCINATED 
My fiancée works in the health care field and sees adverse reactions to the vaccine every day.  My best buddy has a doctorate in clinical research for the drug and the RNA methodology is experimental in nature at best .  My fiancée's close friend's relative  is on the team responsible for creation of the vaccines and said for healthy individuals under the age of 50, the benefits are a coin flip at best.   New generation drugs are much safer and will be much more effective, and likely to be available as soon as next year.  Safer on a magnitude of 100:1.  Adverse effects of these drugs that are currently known would have stopped the tests and put them back into trials at this point.  The govt. is NOT fully distributing information detrimental to their cause. The govt is fact checking facebook.  Normal people with brains might start to question what the hell is going on here.  I love when people who are totally ignorant start to believe their one size fits all point of views should be adopted by society.  All that has happened is that one side of a shiny coin has been shown to a scared public, and those that live in fear so want it to be true that they now know it all.  Congrats on that.  
So your fiancé didn't tell you that over 99% of the people who are dying from Covid are unvaccinated?   Let's see a sore shoulder and some aches for a day or severe Covid implications.  LOL
And it's their choice...  Also, please tell any and all of us about the long-term side effects from the vaccine that have not been determined as of yet, but are of definite concern to the developers of the vaccine.   If everybody who is vaccinated is so safe, why are they worried if I'm not?  And I'm sure that 99% is fact checked by the same media and govt that has been lying to us over and over again to promote their agenda of choice.   Also 99+% of Americans were fine prior to having any vaccine.   But, that number's not fair, because it doesn't fit the narrative.

BTW, I had a very close relative die of Covid-19 who was not exactly in a traditional high-risk group.  The disease is real and it sucks.  It just isn't up to the government to be telling us how to handle our own care.  Next thing they'll require is a chip monitoring the number of miles we fly to make sure we're not killing everybody due to our lack of climate change awareness.  
Hmm. OK. Keep talking please.
If the disease is real can you tell us what has been right about the efforts to curb its spread? I ask because it seems everything that has been and is being done is wrong to some here. What do you propose or what has your fiancée suggested?
- First the disease was a hoax then well it was kind of true but more like the flu. Now it is real
- Then masks don't work, then they were an abuse of the constitution, now they kind of work but should be optional
- Lastly there was bleach and all the other crazy 'cures', then the vaccine which was fast tracked by Trump. When he was out of office the vaccine was now going to kill us all and implant chips in people, now to side effects and big pharma scams.

So, so, so difficult to answer....

1.  Live your life.
2.  Load up on Vitamin D, Vitamin C, and Iron.  Also, a bit of melatonin helps.  Ivermectin is being lauded by many researchers that know far more than me, but also know far more than our leaders.
3.  If you feel sick or run down, don't go out.
4.  When you are out, do not sit right next to strangers spitting or coughing in their face.
5.  Masks (particularly cloth masks) are close to useless.  Medical grade masks may help somewhat, but many counterfeits are out there.  If you don't mind wearing a mask, by all means wear it.  If you do mind wearing a mask, pay attention closely to what is listed above.
6.  The vaccine has some positive effects, and for those that choose to be vaccinated, I encourage them to do just that.  Were I in a higher risk category, I may well have gotten it by now.  It is also a person's choice, and should not be anyone else's business.   The virus is more likely to take on more dangerous forms as a result of the vaccines, not those who don't take it.
7.  The virus is real and significant, but it is not worth shutting down our entire society for.  It is generally equal or less dangerous for kids as the common flu.  Kids cognitive abilities are more negatively impacted by the virus than their safety and that of the teachers is increased via masking.  All of the numbers bear this out, even the govt cannot deny that those in good health are generally going to be okay.

The disease was NEVER a hoax, it WAS likely spread by the Wuhan Lab that was funded by the same guy that is advising us.  It is dangerous, but many of the ways being utilized have already proven to be ineffective.  Therefore, if you want to show that you know a lot about the virus, the first step is to understand there is nothing black and white about the virus, the vaccine, or the handling of it.  Know-It-Alls know nothing.  

Quote: @pattersaur said:
@greediron said:
So Mond, who is vaccinated tested positive, but it is Kirk's fault.  Because the NFL came up with some bullshit rules to punish those who would dare to not follow the rules of the machine.
The rules are the rules whether or not we like them. They aren’t gonna change this season. 
I think there's a very real chance that the rules get reverted to something that looks more and more like last years rules.  As we continue down the path of, and more news stories come out of vaccinated people spreading the disease, it just exposes how the NFLs current model doesn't make sense, and they'll likely have to course correct or look hypocritical.  


[Image: zbDs2d1A_bigger.jpg]
Will #Vikings isolate a QB? Zimmer: "We're talking about it... As we get into the season maybe we’ll do something like that. Really, it’ll depend on -- if Jake is on the team, then we always got him for the most part, you know? It just depends on how many guys are vaccinated."
[Image: zbDs2d1A_bigger.jpg]
Zimmer was asked if he talks to players individually about getting vaccinated: "I talked to the team, and like I said before there are quite a few guys that are just against it. I’m not going to be able to change their mind, so, it’s like half the country, I guess.”

Quote: @medaille said:
@pattersaur said:
@greediron said:
So Mond, who is vaccinated tested positive, but it is Kirk's fault.  Because the NFL came up with some bullshit rules to punish those who would dare to not follow the rules of the machine.
The rules are the rules whether or not we like them. They aren’t gonna change this season. 
I think there's a very real chance that the rules get reverted to something that looks more and more like last years rules.  As we continue down the path of, and more news stories come out of vaccinated people spreading the disease, it just exposes how the NFLs current model doesn't make sense, and they'll likely have to course correct or look hypocritical.  

Or empty Stadiums, no Cap increase and the Packers are really screwed in 22!  Being a hypocrite is not what it used to be, seems to have taken on a new meaning.


Quote: @JR44 said:
@greediron said:
@Nichelle said:
@greediron said:
So Mond, who is vaccinated tested positive, but it is Kirk's fault.  Because the NFL came up with some bullshit rules to punish those who would dare to not follow the rules of the machine.
Let's be real. It's a business. The NFL wants revenue. The NFL wants butts in seats. Yes, there is pressure to reduce the spread, period. When a business goes as far to say that games could be fully forfeited, they are certainly using everything in their power to put their thumb on the scale and get results.

And I'm here for it.
Yes, but why does a vaxxed person testing positive and putting the whole room in time out reflect on someone else.  Everyone is claiming Kirk's choice is affecting others, well it wasn't his choice for Mond to test positive.  Can't anyone see the double standard?  
The whole room didn't get put in timeout, the one guy who was vaccinated, Browning, was able to play and practice this week, which is the main point, Cousins knows the protocol rules and the way they could effect the team.  Had he been vaccinated he would have played Saturday and would be practicing this week, that is why Zimmer is so upset.  Regardless if you agree with the rules, if you are the leader of the team and you know the protocols and you are not vaccinated then it says all about you as a team player.  
[Image: E4Bk2l2VgAE74B1?format=png&name=large]
So if the rules work and Kirk was following the rules, and a vaccinated guy popped posi, we blame Kirk.  Good to know.

Our government, with the extensive help of nearly every media apparatus in the country, spent 2 years knowingly lying to the American people for the sole purpose of getting rid of a President. By fabricating the entirety of the Russia collusion narrative, incredible damage has been done to this Republic on a foundational level. 
By taking these actions, the trust the people have in our government and our media is absolutely obliterated. Barring a complete and total action to hold those involved responsible, I see it as highly unlikely 50% of the country will ever fully believe the media or our government ever again. I expect that 50% number to be low considering I know people of all political backgrounds who feel this way for one reason or another. 
So consider me shocked that a chunk of the population doesn’t believe anything. They are not being irrational and one would need to detach from reality to believe they are. People are simply responding to their present day experience with their government and the media and we’re all getting to witness the result. 
Until we have actual leadership that will ensure accountability and restore the people’s faith in our institutions, nothing will change. DC simply cannot continue to operate in the manner it has been the past 20 years. 
Our leaders are fucking high to have the mouthpiece of this thing be a guy linked to the lab potentially involved in its release. Fauci should have never been the guy and certainly should have been removed as soon as people started to learn of his involvement with that lab. He has no credibility.

In summation, nothing will change anytime soon. People simply don’t believe.

On a personal note, I’ve been vaccinated since February and have had zero side affects. For those on the fence, the statistical probability you will have long term issues from these is not high. I personally know several people dead from COVID. The most recent was a 36 year old single mother of two. She suffered for 43 days before losing her life. She died begging everyone she knew to get vaccinated. Like many have done, she wanted to wait and see how it went. 
At the end of the day, this is not a difficult decision if you remove emotion from the equation. Covid poses an exponentially greater risk to your life than the vaccine. It’s not close. If you do survive it, the long term ramifications at this point are looking grim. I know two early 40’s year old men with young kids, dead from heart conditions developed from their Covid exposure. It’s taking more people than we realize and it will be a long time before we can truly get an understanding of just how bad it is. Good luck to all of you. I pray none of you get a serious case of it. The results are horrifying and it is often a truly brutal death. 

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