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Why would anyone doubt
Quote: @AGRforever said:
@MaroonBells said:
In other words, don't listen to our talking heads....

Well....there was this youtube video....
So its not often that you and I see absolutely eye to eye on things.  Do you think fox viewers will change their line of thinking or do you think the viewers will just pass it off as fake news?
It pisses me off to the core that we could have solved this SOB.  We destroyed peoples lives through the virus and economy.  Printed $6,000,000,000,000 for every politicians wet dream projects and instead of us all collectively taking a vaccine half the country decided to sit on their thumb and rotate......because they spent half a dozen hours at Facebook University listening to Dr. Karen tell them that their DNA was going to change from mRNA. 
You realize the irony of those statements, right?  WE didn't destroy anything.  The politicians did, then they spent OUR money on their wet dreams and corruption.

This is solved as well as any other illness.  There are treatments if done early.  But the fear spread by the media and the politicians kept many people from seeking treatment early.

It is a respiratory illness that is particularly deadly for those with 2 or more comorbidities.   Similar to the flu, except it doesn't affect the very young like the flu.  Wash your hands, eat healthy, exercise and you will be better off.  You may still catch it and get sick.  Possibly very sick.  Maybe even die on rare occasion.  Not much different than if you get an experimental vaccine that we don't know what the long term effects are.

Quote: @greediron said:
@MaroonBells said:
@AGRforever said:
@MaroonBells said:
In other words, don't listen to our talking heads....

Well....there was this youtube video....
So its not often that you and I see absolutely eye to eye on things.  Do you think fox viewers will change their line of thinking or do you think the viewers will just pass it off as fake news?
It pisses me off to the core that we could have solved this SOB.  We destroyed peoples lives through the virus and economy.  Printed $6,000,000,000,000 for every politicians wet dream projects and instead of us all collectively taking a vaccine half the country decided to sit on their thumb and rotate......because they spent half a dozen hours at Facebook University listening to Dr. Karen tell them that their DNA was going to change from mRNA. 
I think many will. The more conservative sources like Fox or even Trump advocate for the vaccine, the more likely reasonable folks will listen--folks who are just getting bad information. The Adam Thielens of the world, for example. But it won't be enough. Because nothing will change the minds of the several million people who are vehemently, angrily anti-mask, anti-vax, anti-everything having to do with government or science. We've seen too many of those nuts who, despite even being hospitalized with Covid still, bewilderingly, remain opposed to the only weapons we have to prevent it. 

Now, I do think that number is exaggerated. It probably only amounts to 10-15% of the population, but still that's enough to prevent us from returning to what we knew as "normal" any time soon. Really sucks too, because many of us were excited about going on vacation, returning to concerts, sporting events, etc. And now, with the Delta variant spreading like chicken pox among both the vaccinated and unvaccinated (but deadly only in the latter), it looks like we may be on the brink of another go round of what we saw in the Spring of '20. 

Didn't have to be this way. 
Maskers are anti-science.  Gov't is about the definition of anti-science.

And you are very wrong, gullibly wrong, the shot isn't the only weapon to prevent it.  It doesn't prevent it or the CDC wouldn't be calling for 2 weeks again, saying even the vaxxed need masks.  Being young prevents it about as well.  Being healthy prevents it about as well.  Ivermectin treats it effectively, (SCIENCE) but that is a cheap easy fix, so no money to be made there.  Also, if it were to be a treatment, they couldn't have made the vax and made billions. 
So in the South when we don't have something nice to say we say "Bless your Heart".  So Greed, Bless Your Heart

Mask(ers) work.  Surgeons have been wearing them for 100+ years.  Asians have been wearing them for 2 decades.  You know since Covid-1 was a thing. 

The shot is the best way short of living on a deserted island or catching covid that you're going to get immunity.  I have no issue with anyone who has already had verified covid not getting the shot. 

The CDC is asking for a 2 week mask implementation because HALF THE COUNTRY isn't vaccinated AND THE SAME HALF THE COUNTRY were the original anti-maskers.  Republican state governments have made it so you cannot ask to verify someone has actually had a vaccine and anti-maskers/Karens/Kevins wouldn't wear them prior to the vaccine.  So the simplest approach is to ask everyone to wear them again......Thanks by the way. 

Ivermectin is a anti-parasitic.  To date, at least to my knowledge there was one study that used results from a bunch of other studies that didn't test specifically for Ivermectin.  That research said it "might" work.  To my knowledge there has yet to be an actual study to test solely for the use of it as a Covid-2 treatment  (only studying results of other studies) or any peer reviewed data to ensure what the researchers picked up on has/had any validation.  I'd assume you already knew all that though after watching the youtubes?


Quote: @greediron said:
@AGRforever said:
@greediron said:
Didn't say you did post it.  Just that your logic of badge of honor is completely backwards.  

Science is the method where we learn stuff in an organize method.  It does change, slowly.  Back and forth flip flops, lying, hypocrisy and fan bois are not science. 

Thank you for your CDC talking points.  Fear mongering at its saddest.


Are you saying vaccines cause better 5G reception, magnetize you AND turn you into a Liberal?
When will the side effects end? 

PS.....I'm still waiting for better cell reception and my Magneto super hero powers.  Any idea when they kick in?
No, just that your words and actions show you have bought in and now regurgitate the liberal talking points.

Not sure where you get the 5G stuff, but that is from your mind, not mine.


Quote: @AGRforever said:
@greediron said:
@MaroonBells said:
@AGRforever said:
@MaroonBells said:
In other words, don't listen to our talking heads....

Well....there was this youtube video....
So its not often that you and I see absolutely eye to eye on things.  Do you think fox viewers will change their line of thinking or do you think the viewers will just pass it off as fake news?
It pisses me off to the core that we could have solved this SOB.  We destroyed peoples lives through the virus and economy.  Printed $6,000,000,000,000 for every politicians wet dream projects and instead of us all collectively taking a vaccine half the country decided to sit on their thumb and rotate......because they spent half a dozen hours at Facebook University listening to Dr. Karen tell them that their DNA was going to change from mRNA. 
I think many will. The more conservative sources like Fox or even Trump advocate for the vaccine, the more likely reasonable folks will listen--folks who are just getting bad information. The Adam Thielens of the world, for example. But it won't be enough. Because nothing will change the minds of the several million people who are vehemently, angrily anti-mask, anti-vax, anti-everything having to do with government or science. We've seen too many of those nuts who, despite even being hospitalized with Covid still, bewilderingly, remain opposed to the only weapons we have to prevent it. 

Now, I do think that number is exaggerated. It probably only amounts to 10-15% of the population, but still that's enough to prevent us from returning to what we knew as "normal" any time soon. Really sucks too, because many of us were excited about going on vacation, returning to concerts, sporting events, etc. And now, with the Delta variant spreading like chicken pox among both the vaccinated and unvaccinated (but deadly only in the latter), it looks like we may be on the brink of another go round of what we saw in the Spring of '20. 

Didn't have to be this way. 
Maskers are anti-science.  Gov't is about the definition of anti-science.

And you are very wrong, gullibly wrong, the shot isn't the only weapon to prevent it.  It doesn't prevent it or the CDC wouldn't be calling for 2 weeks again, saying even the vaxxed need masks.  Being young prevents it about as well.  Being healthy prevents it about as well.  Ivermectin treats it effectively, (SCIENCE) but that is a cheap easy fix, so no money to be made there.  Also, if it were to be a treatment, they couldn't have made the vax and made billions. 
So in the South when we don't have something nice to say we say "Bless your Heart".  So Greed, Bless Your Heart

Mask(ers) work.  Surgeons have been wearing them for 100+ years.  Asians have been wearing them for 2 decades.  You know since Covid-1 was a thing. 

The shot is the best way short of living on a deserted island or catching covid that you're going to get immunity.  I have no issue with anyone who has already had verified covid not getting the shot. 

The CDC is asking for a 2 week mask implementation because HALF THE COUNTRY isn't vaccinated AND THE SAME HALF THE COUNTRY were the original anti-maskers.  Republican state governments have made it so you cannot ask to verify someone has actually had a vaccine and anti-maskers/Karens/Kevins wouldn't wear them prior to the vaccine.  So the simplest approach is to ask everyone to wear them again......Thanks by the way. 

Ivermectin is a anti-parasitic.  To date, at least to my knowledge there was one study that used results from a bunch of other studies that didn't test specifically for Ivermectin.  That research said it "might" work.  To my knowledge there has yet to be an actual study to test solely for the use of it as a Covid-2 treatment  (only studying results of other studies) or any peer reviewed data to ensure what the researchers picked up on has/had any validation.  I'd assume you already knew all that though after watching the youtubes?


Quote: @AGRforever said:
@greediron said:
@MaroonBells said:
@AGRforever said:
@MaroonBells said:
In other words, don't listen to our talking heads....

Well....there was this youtube video....
So its not often that you and I see absolutely eye to eye on things.  Do you think fox viewers will change their line of thinking or do you think the viewers will just pass it off as fake news?
It pisses me off to the core that we could have solved this SOB.  We destroyed peoples lives through the virus and economy.  Printed $6,000,000,000,000 for every politicians wet dream projects and instead of us all collectively taking a vaccine half the country decided to sit on their thumb and rotate......because they spent half a dozen hours at Facebook University listening to Dr. Karen tell them that their DNA was going to change from mRNA. 
I think many will. The more conservative sources like Fox or even Trump advocate for the vaccine, the more likely reasonable folks will listen--folks who are just getting bad information. The Adam Thielens of the world, for example. But it won't be enough. Because nothing will change the minds of the several million people who are vehemently, angrily anti-mask, anti-vax, anti-everything having to do with government or science. We've seen too many of those nuts who, despite even being hospitalized with Covid still, bewilderingly, remain opposed to the only weapons we have to prevent it. 

Now, I do think that number is exaggerated. It probably only amounts to 10-15% of the population, but still that's enough to prevent us from returning to what we knew as "normal" any time soon. Really sucks too, because many of us were excited about going on vacation, returning to concerts, sporting events, etc. And now, with the Delta variant spreading like chicken pox among both the vaccinated and unvaccinated (but deadly only in the latter), it looks like we may be on the brink of another go round of what we saw in the Spring of '20. 

Didn't have to be this way. 
Maskers are anti-science.  Gov't is about the definition of anti-science.

And you are very wrong, gullibly wrong, the shot isn't the only weapon to prevent it.  It doesn't prevent it or the CDC wouldn't be calling for 2 weeks again, saying even the vaxxed need masks.  Being young prevents it about as well.  Being healthy prevents it about as well.  Ivermectin treats it effectively, (SCIENCE) but that is a cheap easy fix, so no money to be made there.  Also, if it were to be a treatment, they couldn't have made the vax and made billions. 
So in the South when we don't have something nice to say we say "Bless your Heart".  So Greed, Bless Your Heart

Mask(ers) work.  Surgeons have been wearing them for 100+ years.  Asians have been wearing them for 2 decades.  You know since Covid-1 was a thing. 

The shot is the best way short of living on a deserted island or catching covid that you're going to get immunity.  I have no issue with anyone who has already had verified covid not getting the shot. 

The CDC is asking for a 2 week mask implementation because HALF THE COUNTRY isn't vaccinated AND THE SAME HALF THE COUNTRY were the original anti-maskers.  Republican state governments have made it so you cannot ask to verify someone has actually had a vaccine and anti-maskers/Karens/Kevins wouldn't wear them prior to the vaccine.  So the simplest approach is to ask everyone to wear them again......Thanks by the way. 

Ivermectin is a anti-parasitic.  To date, at least to my knowledge there was one study that used results from a bunch of other studies that didn't test specifically for Ivermectin.  That research said it "might" work.  To my knowledge there has yet to be an actual study to test solely for the use of it as a Covid-2 treatment  (only studying results of other studies) or any peer reviewed data to ensure what the researchers picked up on has/had any validation.  I'd assume you already knew all that though after watching the youtubes?

I am sure you will claim this is biased youtube doctor stuff, but

here is a gathering of a metadata on it. With links

And I will add, you have never expressed the exemption for those who have had covid.  So if we have natural immunity, why push a mandate?  It is stupid.  Especially for something that has a treatment and has a 99% recovery for healthy people?  Maybe push it for people who aren't healthy, have comorbidities?  

Quote: @AGRforever said:
@greediron said:
@AGRforever said:
@greediron said:
Didn't say you did post it.  Just that your logic of badge of honor is completely backwards.  

Science is the method where we learn stuff in an organize method.  It does change, slowly.  Back and forth flip flops, lying, hypocrisy and fan bois are not science. 

Thank you for your CDC talking points.  Fear mongering at its saddest.


Are you saying vaccines cause better 5G reception, magnetize you AND turn you into a Liberal?
When will the side effects end? 

PS.....I'm still waiting for better cell reception and my Magneto super hero powers.  Any idea when they kick in?
No, just that your words and actions show you have bought in and now regurgitate the liberal talking points.

Not sure where you get the 5G stuff, but that is from your mind, not mine.

Some people are nuts.  I have heard an occasional person raise that and I either nod and walk away, or tell them there are plenty of issues to worry about without going into lala land.

As to people who are nuts, I will counter with this

Knock yourself out.  you trust this guy?

Quote: @StickyBun said:
@AGRforever said:
@greediron said:
@MaroonBells said:
@AGRforever said:
@MaroonBells said:
In other words, don't listen to our talking heads....

Well....there was this youtube video....
So its not often that you and I see absolutely eye to eye on things.  Do you think fox viewers will change their line of thinking or do you think the viewers will just pass it off as fake news?
It pisses me off to the core that we could have solved this SOB.  We destroyed peoples lives through the virus and economy.  Printed $6,000,000,000,000 for every politicians wet dream projects and instead of us all collectively taking a vaccine half the country decided to sit on their thumb and rotate......because they spent half a dozen hours at Facebook University listening to Dr. Karen tell them that their DNA was going to change from mRNA. 
I think many will. The more conservative sources like Fox or even Trump advocate for the vaccine, the more likely reasonable folks will listen--folks who are just getting bad information. The Adam Thielens of the world, for example. But it won't be enough. Because nothing will change the minds of the several million people who are vehemently, angrily anti-mask, anti-vax, anti-everything having to do with government or science. We've seen too many of those nuts who, despite even being hospitalized with Covid still, bewilderingly, remain opposed to the only weapons we have to prevent it. 

Now, I do think that number is exaggerated. It probably only amounts to 10-15% of the population, but still that's enough to prevent us from returning to what we knew as "normal" any time soon. Really sucks too, because many of us were excited about going on vacation, returning to concerts, sporting events, etc. And now, with the Delta variant spreading like chicken pox among both the vaccinated and unvaccinated (but deadly only in the latter), it looks like we may be on the brink of another go round of what we saw in the Spring of '20. 

Didn't have to be this way. 
Maskers are anti-science.  Gov't is about the definition of anti-science.

And you are very wrong, gullibly wrong, the shot isn't the only weapon to prevent it.  It doesn't prevent it or the CDC wouldn't be calling for 2 weeks again, saying even the vaxxed need masks.  Being young prevents it about as well.  Being healthy prevents it about as well.  Ivermectin treats it effectively, (SCIENCE) but that is a cheap easy fix, so no money to be made there.  Also, if it were to be a treatment, they couldn't have made the vax and made billions. 
So in the South when we don't have something nice to say we say "Bless your Heart".  So Greed, Bless Your Heart

Mask(ers) work.  Surgeons have been wearing them for 100+ years.  Asians have been wearing them for 2 decades.  You know since Covid-1 was a thing. 

The shot is the best way short of living on a deserted island or catching covid that you're going to get immunity.  I have no issue with anyone who has already had verified covid not getting the shot. 

The CDC is asking for a 2 week mask implementation because HALF THE COUNTRY isn't vaccinated AND THE SAME HALF THE COUNTRY were the original anti-maskers.  Republican state governments have made it so you cannot ask to verify someone has actually had a vaccine and anti-maskers/Karens/Kevins wouldn't wear them prior to the vaccine.  So the simplest approach is to ask everyone to wear them again......Thanks by the way. 

Ivermectin is a anti-parasitic.  To date, at least to my knowledge there was one study that used results from a bunch of other studies that didn't test specifically for Ivermectin.  That research said it "might" work.  To my knowledge there has yet to be an actual study to test solely for the use of it as a Covid-2 treatment  (only studying results of other studies) or any peer reviewed data to ensure what the researchers picked up on has/had any validation.  I'd assume you already knew all that though after watching the youtubes?

Exactly.  It has become a new religion to some.  Money grubbing preachers everywhere.

Quote: @greediron said:
@StickyBun said:
@AGRforever said:
@greediron said:
@MaroonBells said:
@AGRforever said:
@MaroonBells said:
In other words, don't listen to our talking heads....

Well....there was this youtube video....
So its not often that you and I see absolutely eye to eye on things.  Do you think fox viewers will change their line of thinking or do you think the viewers will just pass it off as fake news?
It pisses me off to the core that we could have solved this SOB.  We destroyed peoples lives through the virus and economy.  Printed $6,000,000,000,000 for every politicians wet dream projects and instead of us all collectively taking a vaccine half the country decided to sit on their thumb and rotate......because they spent half a dozen hours at Facebook University listening to Dr. Karen tell them that their DNA was going to change from mRNA. 
I think many will. The more conservative sources like Fox or even Trump advocate for the vaccine, the more likely reasonable folks will listen--folks who are just getting bad information. The Adam Thielens of the world, for example. But it won't be enough. Because nothing will change the minds of the several million people who are vehemently, angrily anti-mask, anti-vax, anti-everything having to do with government or science. We've seen too many of those nuts who, despite even being hospitalized with Covid still, bewilderingly, remain opposed to the only weapons we have to prevent it. 

Now, I do think that number is exaggerated. It probably only amounts to 10-15% of the population, but still that's enough to prevent us from returning to what we knew as "normal" any time soon. Really sucks too, because many of us were excited about going on vacation, returning to concerts, sporting events, etc. And now, with the Delta variant spreading like chicken pox among both the vaccinated and unvaccinated (but deadly only in the latter), it looks like we may be on the brink of another go round of what we saw in the Spring of '20. 

Didn't have to be this way. 
Maskers are anti-science.  Gov't is about the definition of anti-science.

And you are very wrong, gullibly wrong, the shot isn't the only weapon to prevent it.  It doesn't prevent it or the CDC wouldn't be calling for 2 weeks again, saying even the vaxxed need masks.  Being young prevents it about as well.  Being healthy prevents it about as well.  Ivermectin treats it effectively, (SCIENCE) but that is a cheap easy fix, so no money to be made there.  Also, if it were to be a treatment, they couldn't have made the vax and made billions. 
So in the South when we don't have something nice to say we say "Bless your Heart".  So Greed, Bless Your Heart

Mask(ers) work.  Surgeons have been wearing them for 100+ years.  Asians have been wearing them for 2 decades.  You know since Covid-1 was a thing. 

The shot is the best way short of living on a deserted island or catching covid that you're going to get immunity.  I have no issue with anyone who has already had verified covid not getting the shot. 

The CDC is asking for a 2 week mask implementation because HALF THE COUNTRY isn't vaccinated AND THE SAME HALF THE COUNTRY were the original anti-maskers.  Republican state governments have made it so you cannot ask to verify someone has actually had a vaccine and anti-maskers/Karens/Kevins wouldn't wear them prior to the vaccine.  So the simplest approach is to ask everyone to wear them again......Thanks by the way. 

Ivermectin is a anti-parasitic.  To date, at least to my knowledge there was one study that used results from a bunch of other studies that didn't test specifically for Ivermectin.  That research said it "might" work.  To my knowledge there has yet to be an actual study to test solely for the use of it as a Covid-2 treatment  (only studying results of other studies) or any peer reviewed data to ensure what the researchers picked up on has/had any validation.  I'd assume you already knew all that though after watching the youtubes?

Exactly.  It has become a new religion to some.  Money grubbing preachers everywhere.
I can see both sides of the story. I get labeled many things because I tell everyone what a douchebag Trump is so I get the "Joe Biden Lover" tattoo from people. Not true.

There's middle ground to some extent, even with this pandemic.


Quote: @StickyBun said:
@greediron said:
Exactly.  It has become a new religion to some.  Money grubbing preachers everywhere.
I can see both sides of the story. I get labeled many things because I tell everyone what a douchebag Trump is so I get the "Joe Biden Lover" tattoo from people. Not true.

There's middle ground to some extent, even with this pandemic.

Never was a huge fan of him, liked many of his policies.

But yes, middle ground.  If Ivermectin is safe, been around for decades, why does it need to be censored, stricken from media, demonized?  The studies I linked show that it does indeed help, especially if given early on.  If this pandemic is so dangerous, why aren't we using ALL the tools to stop it?  

I question this vaccine not because I doubt vaccines, but because of the people pushing it and the intensity with which the push.  It is so extreme.  Gov't working with social media to censor free speech.  That should be so wrong to any american.  Free speech is our bedrock principal.

Quote: @StickyBun said:
@greediron said:
@StickyBun said:
@AGRforever said:
@greediron said:
@MaroonBells said:
@AGRforever said:
@MaroonBells said:
In other words, don't listen to our talking heads....

Well....there was this youtube video....
So its not often that you and I see absolutely eye to eye on things.  Do you think fox viewers will change their line of thinking or do you think the viewers will just pass it off as fake news?
It pisses me off to the core that we could have solved this SOB.  We destroyed peoples lives through the virus and economy.  Printed $6,000,000,000,000 for every politicians wet dream projects and instead of us all collectively taking a vaccine half the country decided to sit on their thumb and rotate......because they spent half a dozen hours at Facebook University listening to Dr. Karen tell them that their DNA was going to change from mRNA. 
I think many will. The more conservative sources like Fox or even Trump advocate for the vaccine, the more likely reasonable folks will listen--folks who are just getting bad information. The Adam Thielens of the world, for example. But it won't be enough. Because nothing will change the minds of the several million people who are vehemently, angrily anti-mask, anti-vax, anti-everything having to do with government or science. We've seen too many of those nuts who, despite even being hospitalized with Covid still, bewilderingly, remain opposed to the only weapons we have to prevent it. 

Now, I do think that number is exaggerated. It probably only amounts to 10-15% of the population, but still that's enough to prevent us from returning to what we knew as "normal" any time soon. Really sucks too, because many of us were excited about going on vacation, returning to concerts, sporting events, etc. And now, with the Delta variant spreading like chicken pox among both the vaccinated and unvaccinated (but deadly only in the latter), it looks like we may be on the brink of another go round of what we saw in the Spring of '20. 

Didn't have to be this way. 
Maskers are anti-science.  Gov't is about the definition of anti-science.

And you are very wrong, gullibly wrong, the shot isn't the only weapon to prevent it.  It doesn't prevent it or the CDC wouldn't be calling for 2 weeks again, saying even the vaxxed need masks.  Being young prevents it about as well.  Being healthy prevents it about as well.  Ivermectin treats it effectively, (SCIENCE) but that is a cheap easy fix, so no money to be made there.  Also, if it were to be a treatment, they couldn't have made the vax and made billions. 
So in the South when we don't have something nice to say we say "Bless your Heart".  So Greed, Bless Your Heart

Mask(ers) work.  Surgeons have been wearing them for 100+ years.  Asians have been wearing them for 2 decades.  You know since Covid-1 was a thing. 

The shot is the best way short of living on a deserted island or catching covid that you're going to get immunity.  I have no issue with anyone who has already had verified covid not getting the shot. 

The CDC is asking for a 2 week mask implementation because HALF THE COUNTRY isn't vaccinated AND THE SAME HALF THE COUNTRY were the original anti-maskers.  Republican state governments have made it so you cannot ask to verify someone has actually had a vaccine and anti-maskers/Karens/Kevins wouldn't wear them prior to the vaccine.  So the simplest approach is to ask everyone to wear them again......Thanks by the way. 

Ivermectin is a anti-parasitic.  To date, at least to my knowledge there was one study that used results from a bunch of other studies that didn't test specifically for Ivermectin.  That research said it "might" work.  To my knowledge there has yet to be an actual study to test solely for the use of it as a Covid-2 treatment  (only studying results of other studies) or any peer reviewed data to ensure what the researchers picked up on has/had any validation.  I'd assume you already knew all that though after watching the youtubes?

Exactly.  It has become a new religion to some.  Money grubbing preachers everywhere.
I can see both sides of the story. I get labeled many things because I tell everyone what a douchebag Trump is so I get the "Joe Biden Lover" tattoo from people. Not true.

There's middle ground to some extent, even with this pandemic.

when you find it... please send me a post card,  it sounds lovely.

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