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The Real Steal is Coming
Quote: @AGRforever said:
@MaroonBells said:
Yes. Yes it is. I'm actually quite happy the GQP has kicked out one of its few remaining members who had any sort of ethical foundation, or sense of right and wrong. It merely expedites their demise. 

Because I agree: it's very possible that when it all blows up, the party will have to return to its roots. The country is better served with two parties that debate important issues such as healthcare, climate change, tax policy and size of government, instead of stolen elections, lizard people and Jewish space lasers.  

There you go again.  You know how many batshit crazy liberal quotes I can think of?  None.  The more crazy shit AOC and her band of brainless say, the easier it'll be for someone to beat them.

I mean I really don't get it Marroon?  You were in the dumps for 4 years over Trump and now he's out of office, yet still occupying that much head space?  You gotta find a hobby or something.  Do some gardening?  Go to the gym?  Get a list of honey do-es?  Hell I got back into Lego over Covid.  If you're into nasa/space and did lego as a kid check out Bricks in Space on facebook.  I built the entire space race in 1:110 scale and have a quite a few more projects cooking. 

Stay healthy my friend!!!
I don't know what you mean by head space. Sure, Trump was an embarrassment to American history. Like all of us, I went back and forth between anger, disbelief and LMAO. 

That it CONTINUES ON among so many who know better is really hard to believe though.  Wouldn't you agree? That Liz Cheney was ousted from leadership for simply telling the truth is a pretty remarkable thing, dontcha think? 


Quote: @MaroonBells said:
@AGRforever said:
@MaroonBells said:

Welcome to the funhouse world the Republican party is building. Up is down. Black is white. Lies are truth.
The great cause that Republicans are uniting around is “election integrity.” That’s rich. The reality is that somebody did attempt to steal the 2020 election—Donald Trump. During the days and weeks following his loss, he brayed endlessly that the outcome was fraudulent, laying the groundwork for an attempt to overturn the voters’ will.
From the White House, he made multiple calls to local election officials demanding that they find votes for him. He dialed up members of local canvassing boards, encouraging them to decertify results...
Trump phoned a Georgia elections investigator who was conducting a signature audit in Cobb County, and asked her to find the “dishonesty.” If she did, he promised, “you’ll be praised. . . You have the most important job in the country right now.”
The then-president phoned Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger 18 times. When he finally got through, he wove a tangled theory of voting irregularities that crescendoed to a naked plea to falsify Georgia’s vote: “So what are we going to do here, folks? I only need 11,000 votes. Fellas, I need 11,000 votes.”
Trump entertained ideas such as declaring martial law, seizing the nation’s voting machines, and letting the military “rerun” the election. He turned loose his Kraken-conspiracy nuts and his pillow man to spread lies about Dominion Voting Systems, Black-run cities like Philadelphia, and Chinese bamboo ballots.
The Trump campaign and its allies filed more than 60 lawsuits challenging election procedures and lost all but one. Pennsylvania was found to have erred in extending the period to fix errors on mail-in ballots. The case was a matter of three days and a small number of votes that would not have changed Pennsylvania’s outcome.
And then came the ultimate attack on election integrity—the violent attack on the Capitol and on members of Congress and the vice president as they were fulfilling their constitutional duties.
Leaving no doubt about his intentions for the riot, Trump told a crowd in February that the only thing that prevented the violent mob from successfully hijacking the official tally of the Electoral College votes was the “cowardice” of Mike Pence.
Today, we stand on the precipice of the House Republican conference ratifying this attempt to subvert American democracy. They are poised to punish Liz Cheney for saying this simple truth: “The 2020 presidential election was not stolen. Anyone who claims it was is spreading THE BIG LIE, turning their back on the rule of law, and poisoning our democratic system.” In her place, they will elevate Iago in heels, Elise Stefanik, whose claim to leadership consists entirely of her operatic Trump followership.
Let’s be clear: The substitution of Stefanik for Cheney is a tocsin, signaling that the Republican party will no longer be bound by law or custom. In 2020, many Republican office holders, including the otherwise invertebrate Pence, held the line. They did not submit false slates of electors. They did not decertify votes. They did not “find” phantom fraud. But the party has been schooled since then. It has learned that the base—which is deluded by the likes of Tucker Carlson, Laura Ingraham, and Mark Levin—believes the lies and demands that Republicans fight. As my colleague Amanda Carpenter put it, the 2024 mantra is going to be “Steal It Back.”
If Cheney must be axed because she will not lie, then what will happen if Republicans take control of Congress in 2022 and are called upon to certify the Electoral College in 2024? How many Raffenspergers will there be? How many will insist, as Pence did, that they must do what the Constitution demands? How many will preserve any semblance of the rule of law and the primacy of truth?
With this sabotage of Cheney, House Republicans are figuratively joining the January 6 mob.
Damn the amount of free rent you give conservatives is mind boggling. 

If the republicans eat their own, why would you give a shit?  Isnt infighting good for your liberal causes?  

Let em re-nomminate Trump. Maybe we’ll finally blow the party up and get it back to the small government party that they left behind so many years ago. 
Yes. Yes it is. I'm actually quite happy the GQP has kicked out one of its few remaining members who had any sort of ethical foundation, or sense of right and wrong. It merely expedites their demise. 

Because I agree: it's very possible that when it all blows up, the party will have to return to its roots. The country is better served with two parties that debate important issues such as healthcare, climate change, tax policy and size of government, instead of stolen elections, lizard people and Jewish space lasers.  
MB sez Cheney has ethical foundation?  That is worth the price of admission right there.  Dick Cheney's offspring?  The most evil man in america according to the left way back when.

Talk about hypocrisy.

Quote: @greediron said:
@MaroonBells said:
@AGRforever said:
@MaroonBells said:
Damn the amount of free rent you give conservatives is mind boggling. 

If the republicans eat their own, why would you give a shit?  Isnt infighting good for your liberal causes?  

Let em re-nomminate Trump. Maybe we’ll finally blow the party up and get it back to the small government party that they left behind so many years ago. 
Yes. Yes it is. I'm actually quite happy the GQP has kicked out one of its few remaining members who had any sort of ethical foundation, or sense of right and wrong. It merely expedites their demise. 

Because I agree: it's very possible that when it all blows up, the party will have to return to its roots. The country is better served with two parties that debate important issues such as healthcare, climate change, tax policy and size of government, instead of stolen elections, lizard people and Jewish space lasers.  
MB sez Cheney has ethical foundation?  That is worth the price of admission right there.  Dick Cheney's offspring?  The most evil man in america according to the left way back when.

Talk about hypocrisy.
I had HUGE policy differences with Cheney, Bush, etc. But at least they were sane. I've said it before and I'll say it again: Mike Pence might be the man most diametrically opposed to my way of thinking. I actually agree with Trump's policies (if you can call them that) more than Pence. But at least Pence is a sane, stable, functioning adult. Who knew how low the bar could go. 

Quote: @greediron said:
@MaroonBells said:
MB sez Cheney has ethical foundation?  That is worth the price of admission right there.  Dick Cheney's offspring?  The most evil man in america according to the left way back when.

Talk about hypocrisy.

To be fair...John Bolton in more evil thne Cheney.  But both of em belong in a cell somewhere. 

Quote: @MaroonBells said:
@AGRforever said:
@MaroonBells said:
Yes. Yes it is. I'm actually quite happy the GQP has kicked out one of its few remaining members who had any sort of ethical foundation, or sense of right and wrong. It merely expedites their demise. 

Because I agree: it's very possible that when it all blows up, the party will have to return to its roots. The country is better served with two parties that debate important issues such as healthcare, climate change, tax policy and size of government, instead of stolen elections, lizard people and Jewish space lasers.  

There you go again.  You know how many batshit crazy liberal quotes I can think of?  None.  The more crazy shit AOC and her band of brainless say, the easier it'll be for someone to beat them.

I mean I really don't get it Marroon?  You were in the dumps for 4 years over Trump and now he's out of office, yet still occupying that much head space?  You gotta find a hobby or something.  Do some gardening?  Go to the gym?  Get a list of honey do-es?  Hell I got back into Lego over Covid.  If you're into nasa/space and did lego as a kid check out Bricks in Space on facebook.  I built the entire space race in 1:110 scale and have a quite a few more projects cooking. 

Stay healthy my friend!!!
I don't know what you mean by head space. Sure, Trump was an embarrassment to American history. Like all of us, I went back and forth between anger, disbelief and LMAO. 

That it CONTINUES ON among so many who know better is really hard to believe though.  Wouldn't you agree? That Liz Cheney was ousted from leadership for simply telling the truth is a pretty remarkable thing, dontcha think? 

Head space is the amount of neurons you're still using worrying about Trump.  He's done.  He's largely gone.  You hated him.  We get it.  We're already 1/2 a year into the Biden administration.   It probably doesn't require a daily thread on how awful  you thought Trump was. 

As for Liz Cheney.  I don't care. 

You shouldn't either.  Why would you care if the republican party blows itself up?  Sit back and watch the fireworks. 

Quote: @AGRforever said:
@MaroonBells said:
@AGRforever said:
@MaroonBells said:
Yes. Yes it is. I'm actually quite happy the GQP has kicked out one of its few remaining members who had any sort of ethical foundation, or sense of right and wrong. It merely expedites their demise. 

Because I agree: it's very possible that when it all blows up, the party will have to return to its roots. The country is better served with two parties that debate important issues such as healthcare, climate change, tax policy and size of government, instead of stolen elections, lizard people and Jewish space lasers.  

There you go again.  You know how many batshit crazy liberal quotes I can think of?  None.  The more crazy shit AOC and her band of brainless say, the easier it'll be for someone to beat them.

I mean I really don't get it Marroon?  You were in the dumps for 4 years over Trump and now he's out of office, yet still occupying that much head space?  You gotta find a hobby or something.  Do some gardening?  Go to the gym?  Get a list of honey do-es?  Hell I got back into Lego over Covid.  If you're into nasa/space and did lego as a kid check out Bricks in Space on facebook.  I built the entire space race in 1:110 scale and have a quite a few more projects cooking. 

Stay healthy my friend!!!
I don't know what you mean by head space. Sure, Trump was an embarrassment to American history. Like all of us, I went back and forth between anger, disbelief and LMAO. 

That it CONTINUES ON among so many who know better is really hard to believe though.  Wouldn't you agree? That Liz Cheney was ousted from leadership for simply telling the truth is a pretty remarkable thing, dontcha think? 

Head space is the amount of neurons you're still using worrying about Trump.  He's done.  He's largely gone.  You hated him.  We get it.  We're already 1/2 a year into the Biden administration.   It probably doesn't require a daily thread on how awful  you thought Trump was. 

As for Liz Cheney.  I don't care. 

You shouldn't either.  Why would you care if the republican party blows itself up?  Sit back and watch the fireworks. 
...and that's what we're doing. Nothing wrong with posting the fireworks for all to enjoy and truly appreciate just how stupid it all was for four years...and continues to be. It's really no different than watching the train wreck in slow motion happen in Green Bay. It's at once shocking, hysterical and more fun than a ferret in fondue.

But if denigrating the Q-crowd is upsetting to you, we can stop. 

Quote: @MaroonBells said:
@AGRforever said:
But if denigrating the Q-crowd is upsetting to you, we can stop. 

If it makes you feel better at the end of the day go for it.  I guess I've got better things to do to get my cheap thrills. 

Quote: @MaroonBells said:
@AGRforever said:
@MaroonBells said:
@AGRforever said:
@MaroonBells said:
Yes. Yes it is. I'm actually quite happy the GQP has kicked out one of its few remaining members who had any sort of ethical foundation, or sense of right and wrong. It merely expedites their demise. 

Because I agree: it's very possible that when it all blows up, the party will have to return to its roots. The country is better served with two parties that debate important issues such as healthcare, climate change, tax policy and size of government, instead of stolen elections, lizard people and Jewish space lasers.  

There you go again.  You know how many batshit crazy liberal quotes I can think of?  None.  The more crazy shit AOC and her band of brainless say, the easier it'll be for someone to beat them.

I mean I really don't get it Marroon?  You were in the dumps for 4 years over Trump and now he's out of office, yet still occupying that much head space?  You gotta find a hobby or something.  Do some gardening?  Go to the gym?  Get a list of honey do-es?  Hell I got back into Lego over Covid.  If you're into nasa/space and did lego as a kid check out Bricks in Space on facebook.  I built the entire space race in 1:110 scale and have a quite a few more projects cooking. 

Stay healthy my friend!!!
I don't know what you mean by head space. Sure, Trump was an embarrassment to American history. Like all of us, I went back and forth between anger, disbelief and LMAO. 

That it CONTINUES ON among so many who know better is really hard to believe though.  Wouldn't you agree? That Liz Cheney was ousted from leadership for simply telling the truth is a pretty remarkable thing, dontcha think? 

Head space is the amount of neurons you're still using worrying about Trump.  He's done.  He's largely gone.  You hated him.  We get it.  We're already 1/2 a year into the Biden administration.   It probably doesn't require a daily thread on how awful  you thought Trump was. 

As for Liz Cheney.  I don't care. 

You shouldn't either.  Why would you care if the republican party blows itself up?  Sit back and watch the fireworks. 
...and that's what we're doing. Nothing wrong with posting the fireworks for all to enjoy and truly appreciate just how stupid it all was for four years...and continues to be. It's really no different than watching the train wreck in slow motion happen in Green Bay. It's at once shocking, hysterical and more fun than a ferret in fondue.

But if denigrating the Q-crowd is upsetting to you, we can stop. 
the issue is you equate anybody you disagree with as the Q crowd, or what ever group you are able to broadly tie to anybody that disagrees with you,  and that is denigrating to everybody that disagrees with you,  regardless of their association with what ever cat you decide to kick that day.   you think anybody that supported Trump in any fashion,  or doesnt toe the liberal party line,  is a whack job and you take every chance you can to lump them in with those that are truly off the reservation.

Quote: @JimmyinSD said:
@MaroonBells said:
@AGRforever said:
@MaroonBells said:
@AGRforever said:
@MaroonBells said:
Yes. Yes it is. I'm actually quite happy the GQP has kicked out one of its few remaining members who had any sort of ethical foundation, or sense of right and wrong. It merely expedites their demise. 

Because I agree: it's very possible that when it all blows up, the party will have to return to its roots. The country is better served with two parties that debate important issues such as healthcare, climate change, tax policy and size of government, instead of stolen elections, lizard people and Jewish space lasers.  

There you go again.  You know how many batshit crazy liberal quotes I can think of?  None.  The more crazy shit AOC and her band of brainless say, the easier it'll be for someone to beat them.

I mean I really don't get it Marroon?  You were in the dumps for 4 years over Trump and now he's out of office, yet still occupying that much head space?  You gotta find a hobby or something.  Do some gardening?  Go to the gym?  Get a list of honey do-es?  Hell I got back into Lego over Covid.  If you're into nasa/space and did lego as a kid check out Bricks in Space on facebook.  I built the entire space race in 1:110 scale and have a quite a few more projects cooking. 

Stay healthy my friend!!!
I don't know what you mean by head space. Sure, Trump was an embarrassment to American history. Like all of us, I went back and forth between anger, disbelief and LMAO. 

That it CONTINUES ON among so many who know better is really hard to believe though.  Wouldn't you agree? That Liz Cheney was ousted from leadership for simply telling the truth is a pretty remarkable thing, dontcha think? 

Head space is the amount of neurons you're still using worrying about Trump.  He's done.  He's largely gone.  You hated him.  We get it.  We're already 1/2 a year into the Biden administration.   It probably doesn't require a daily thread on how awful  you thought Trump was. 

As for Liz Cheney.  I don't care. 

You shouldn't either.  Why would you care if the republican party blows itself up?  Sit back and watch the fireworks. 
...and that's what we're doing. Nothing wrong with posting the fireworks for all to enjoy and truly appreciate just how stupid it all was for four years...and continues to be. It's really no different than watching the train wreck in slow motion happen in Green Bay. It's at once shocking, hysterical and more fun than a ferret in fondue.

But if denigrating the Q-crowd is upsetting to you, we can stop. 
the issue is you equate anybody you disagree with as the Q crowd, or what ever group you are able to broadly tie to anybody that disagrees with you,  and that is denigrating to everybody that disagrees with you,  regardless of their association with what ever cat you decide to kick that day.   you think anybody that supported Trump in any fashion,  or doesnt toe the liberal party line,  is a whack job and you take every chance you can to lump them in with those that are truly off the reservation.
No, I'm not and I've explained this to you before. I'm talking about the Q-crowd. I'm talking about people who think the election was stolen, who believe in bamboo ballots from southeast Asia. I'm talking about people who think that Donald Trump is waging a secret war against a global Satanic ring of pedophiles, was the true winner of the 2020 election, and will be placed in his rightful throne on March 4th....or March 20th....or at some point in the future. 

As you know, there are many folks who voted for Trump who don't believe this nonsense. I'm talking about those who do. I'm talking about people who supported the ouster of a woman who dared to call them out on this nonsense. I'm not talking about you.

Or am I? 

Quote: @MaroonBells said:
@JimmyinSD said:
@MaroonBells said:
@AGRforever said:
@MaroonBells said:
@AGRforever said:
@MaroonBells said:
Yes. Yes it is. I'm actually quite happy the GQP has kicked out one of its few remaining members who had any sort of ethical foundation, or sense of right and wrong. It merely expedites their demise. 

Because I agree: it's very possible that when it all blows up, the party will have to return to its roots. The country is better served with two parties that debate important issues such as healthcare, climate change, tax policy and size of government, instead of stolen elections, lizard people and Jewish space lasers.  

There you go again.  You know how many batshit crazy liberal quotes I can think of?  None.  The more crazy shit AOC and her band of brainless say, the easier it'll be for someone to beat them.

I mean I really don't get it Marroon?  You were in the dumps for 4 years over Trump and now he's out of office, yet still occupying that much head space?  You gotta find a hobby or something.  Do some gardening?  Go to the gym?  Get a list of honey do-es?  Hell I got back into Lego over Covid.  If you're into nasa/space and did lego as a kid check out Bricks in Space on facebook.  I built the entire space race in 1:110 scale and have a quite a few more projects cooking. 

Stay healthy my friend!!!
I don't know what you mean by head space. Sure, Trump was an embarrassment to American history. Like all of us, I went back and forth between anger, disbelief and LMAO. 

That it CONTINUES ON among so many who know better is really hard to believe though.  Wouldn't you agree? That Liz Cheney was ousted from leadership for simply telling the truth is a pretty remarkable thing, dontcha think? 

Head space is the amount of neurons you're still using worrying about Trump.  He's done.  He's largely gone.  You hated him.  We get it.  We're already 1/2 a year into the Biden administration.   It probably doesn't require a daily thread on how awful  you thought Trump was. 

As for Liz Cheney.  I don't care. 

You shouldn't either.  Why would you care if the republican party blows itself up?  Sit back and watch the fireworks. 
...and that's what we're doing. Nothing wrong with posting the fireworks for all to enjoy and truly appreciate just how stupid it all was for four years...and continues to be. It's really no different than watching the train wreck in slow motion happen in Green Bay. It's at once shocking, hysterical and more fun than a ferret in fondue.

But if denigrating the Q-crowd is upsetting to you, we can stop. 
the issue is you equate anybody you disagree with as the Q crowd, or what ever group you are able to broadly tie to anybody that disagrees with you,  and that is denigrating to everybody that disagrees with you,  regardless of their association with what ever cat you decide to kick that day.   you think anybody that supported Trump in any fashion,  or doesnt toe the liberal party line,  is a whack job and you take every chance you can to lump them in with those that are truly off the reservation.
No, I'm not and I've explained this to you before. I'm talking about the Q-crowd. I'm talking about people who think the election was stolen, who believe in bamboo ballots from southeast Asia. I'm talking about people who think that Donald Trump is waging a secret war against a global Satanic ring of pedophiles, was the true winner of the 2020 election, and will be placed in his rightful throne on March 4th....or March 20th....or at some point in the future. 

As you know, there are many folks who voted for Trump who don't believe this nonsense. I'm talking about those who do. I'm talking about people who supported the ouster of a woman who dared to call them out on this nonsense. I'm not talking about you.

Or am I? 
You believe every word you just wrote there dont’cha bud?

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